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Questions tagged [adb]

ADB (Android Debug Bridge) is a tool that comes with the Android SDK that allows you to control and interface with your Android device.

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1312 votes
42 answers

Run/install/debug Android applications over Wi-Fi?

I thought there was a way to test your applications in development over Wi-Fi. Is this possible? I'd love to be able to untether my phone and develop wirelessly.
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
  • 90.3k
882 votes
33 answers

Set up adb on Mac OS X

I spent quite sometime figuring how to set up adb on Mac, so I figure writing how to set it up might be useful to some people. adb is the command line tool to install and run android apps on your ...
changey's user avatar
  • 19.4k
878 votes
37 answers

How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? [closed]

I am attempting to debug an application on a Motorola Droid, but I am having some difficulty connecting to the device via USB. My development server is a Windows 7 64-bit VM running in Hyper-V, and so ...
JDM's user avatar
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797 votes
17 answers

How to use ADB Shell when Multiple Devices are connected? Fails with "error: more than one device and emulator"

$ adb --help -s SERIAL use device with given serial (overrides $ANDROID_SERIAL) $ adb devices List of devices attached emulator-5554 device 7f1c864e device $ adb shell -s 7f1c864e error: ...
Jackie's user avatar
  • 23.1k
705 votes
26 answers

How do I get an apk file from an Android device?

How do I get the apk file from an android device? Or how do I transfer the apk file from device to system?
Finder's user avatar
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649 votes
5 answers

Installing ADB on macOS [duplicate]

I had issues finding a good solid tutorial on how to setup ADB for Mac. How can I add ADB to macOS in such a way that it can be used in the terminal? UPDATE For those reading this post. Yes, as ...
wesley franks's user avatar
612 votes
18 answers

How to start an application using Android ADB tools

How do I send an intent using Android's ADB tools?
Sean's user avatar
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577 votes
44 answers

ADB Android Device Unauthorized

Since I reinstalled Eclipse (simply deleted and downloaded it again) I can't debug my applications on Samsung Galaxy i9001 (with CyanogenMod - Android 4.4.2). It worked fine before reinstallation. ...
Quak's user avatar
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568 votes
28 answers


I tried to install my app into Android L Preview Intel Atom Virtual Device, it failed with error: INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS What does it mean?
Peter Zhao's user avatar
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433 votes
30 answers

'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I am trying to run google map v2 on emulator, I am following this tutorial. When I was trying to install required apk file on emulator, I am getting below error. I tried to solve this using this ...
Nibha Jain's user avatar
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404 votes
18 answers

How to access data/data folder in Android device?

I am developing an app and I know my database *.db will appear in data/data/com.****.*** I can access this file from AVD in Eclipse with help of sqlite manager But I can't access this file in my ...
Naveen Prince P's user avatar
396 votes
69 answers

Android ADB device offline, can't issue commands

I can't connect to my device anymore using ADB through the command line or in Eclipse. Running the command adb devices returns the device name, but it says it's offline. Things I've tried. ...
394 votes
29 answers

INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED : android studio using redmi 4 device

Got this freaky error Installation failed with message Failed to finalize session : INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED: Install canceled by user. It is possible that this issue is resolved by uninstalling ...
brainLoop's user avatar
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372 votes
22 answers

Not able to access adb in OS X through Terminal, "command not found"

I have installed Android SDK and Eclipse on my Mac system. I am able to program using Eclipse and have created few sample applications. But I am still not able to access adb through the terminal ...
pankaj's user avatar
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307 votes
31 answers

adb command not found

I need to run an adb forward command before I could use the ezkeyboard application which allows user to type on the phone using browser. When I run adb forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080 command I get the ...
coure2011's user avatar
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300 votes
31 answers

set up device for development (???????????? no permissions)

I am using a Samsung galaxy nexus phone (Android 4.0 platform) . I am developing Android app on Ubuntu linux OS. I would like to run my application directly on the Samsung handset device, so I ...
Leem.fin's user avatar
  • 42k
291 votes
39 answers

Error "The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occurred."

I've spent days trying to launch any Android program. Even "Hello World" gives me the same error: "The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occurred". I'm running Eclipse v3.5 (...
287 votes
9 answers

ADB Shell Input Events

What is the basic difference between adb shell input keyevent and adb shell sendevent? Which one should I use for inputting a character? Are the keycodes the same that we pass to both the commands?
KVR's user avatar
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284 votes
28 answers


I am having issues installing an apk to my device. adb install <.apk> Using the above command returns the following: 5413 KB/s (99747 bytes in 0.017s) pkg: /data/local/tmp/AppClient....
evve's user avatar
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283 votes
15 answers

Where is adb.exe in windows 10 located?

I installed android studio 1.5 on windows 10. When I type in command line: adb I get command not found. Where can I get it from or where is it installed?
yarek's user avatar
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274 votes
14 answers

Stopping an Android app from console

Is it possible to stop an Android app from the console? Something like: adb stop It would speed up our testing process so much. Right now we uninstall/install the app each time to ...
hpique's user avatar
  • 120k
271 votes
43 answers

ADB No Devices Found

I am attempting to install an Android app on my brand new Nexus 10. I have a .apk file. I have downloaded the Android SDK, installed "Android SDK Tools", "Android SDK Platform-tools", and Google USB ...
halexh's user avatar
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258 votes
37 answers

My Android device does not appear in the list of adb devices

I have a HP Slate 21 that is connected to my Windows box using a USB cable. USB debugging is enabled on the device. After adding the proper %SingleAdbInterface% and %CompositeAdbInterface% entries to ...
Peter's user avatar
  • 11.6k
218 votes
16 answers

ADB access denied to data folder?

I connected to my live device using the adb and the following commands: C:\>adb -s HT829GZ52000 shell $ ls ls sqlite_stmt_journals cache sdcard etc system sys sbin proc logo.rle init.trout.rc init....
gregm's user avatar
  • 12.1k
216 votes
38 answers

adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X)

Doing Android development on a Mac and this very new phone I have doesn't show up in the devices list in adb. Lots of other phones and devices work fine for me so I know my setup is good. I have ...
dustmachine's user avatar
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196 votes
20 answers

Android Debug Bridge (adb) device - no permissions [duplicate]

I have a problem connecting HTC Wildfire A3333 in debugging mode with my Fedora Linux 17. Adb says: ./adb devices List of devices attached ???????????? no permissions my udev rules (first rule ...
XorOrNor's user avatar
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182 votes
17 answers

Nexus 7 not visible over USB via "adb devices" from Windows 7 x64

I have done the obvious -- the USB driver was installed from the latest Android SDK, and USB debugging was turned on in the tablet. When the Nexus 7 is connected, the device shows up in the ...
Mike Hanafey's user avatar
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181 votes
9 answers

Huawei, logcat not showing the log for my app?

OK, logcat is showing system logs but it is not showing application log on my Huawei Ascend. If I switch to another device such as my Galaxy Nexus or Nexus 7 then for the same app (same APK even) log ...
William's user avatar
  • 20.3k
177 votes
2 answers

adb devices => no permissions (user in plugdev group; are your udev rules wrong?) [duplicate]

I am getting following error log if I connect my android phone with Android Oreo OS to Linux PC $ adb devices List of devices attached xxxxxxxx no permissions (user in plugdev group; are your udev ...
Abhishek Dwivedi's user avatar
172 votes
4 answers

How to empty (clear) the logcat buffer in Android [duplicate]

How can I empty (clear) the logcat buffer in Android? I use adb logcat from command line and pipe the output to a file, since the DDMS has a very limited buffer. At the moment, when I restart my app (...
kaskelotti's user avatar
  • 4,803
171 votes
18 answers

How to use adb command to push a file on device without sd card

How to push a file from computer to an Android device having no SD Card in it. I tried: C:\anand>adb push anand.jpg /data/local 3399 KB/s (111387 bytes in 0.032s) C:\anand>adb push anand.jpg /...
Nikhil Kumar's user avatar
  • 2,826
168 votes
18 answers

Android adb "Unable to open sync connection!"

I can run and debug my Android app on my phone just fine, most of the time. Then, seemingly randomly, when I try to run or debug my app from Eclipse, the Console in Eclipse says: [2010-10-12 09:36:48 ...
Thomas's user avatar
  • 180k
167 votes
41 answers

adb server version doesn't match this client

Whenever I try to run adb devices: $ adb devices * daemon not running. starting it now * * daemon started successfully * List of devices attached ...
Arunabh Das's user avatar
  • 14.1k
167 votes
6 answers

Using ADB to capture the screen [duplicate]

I'm trying to get a screenshot of the phone screen as fast as possible. Currently, I am doing: adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screencap.png && adb pull /sdcard/screencap.png However it is too ...
user2513924's user avatar
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166 votes
26 answers

ADB not recognising Nexus 4 under Windows 7

I'm running on Windows 7, and I've updated all the drivers as it says on the Android developer website regarding using hardware devices. However, Eclipse is still not recognising my Nexus 4 when I try ...
Rhiokai's user avatar
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158 votes
23 answers

Eclipse error "ADB server didn't ACK, failed to start daemon"

After updating the SDK, Eclipse shows this error: ADB server didn't ACK, failed to start daemon. When I run an Android application, it gives me the following: Please ensure that adb is ...
pengwang's user avatar
  • 19.8k
155 votes
13 answers

Is there any way to ignore INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE on application install with the Android Debug Bridge?

It seems like the most recent Android 4.2 has introduced this error condition on installation when one attempts to install an APK with a lower version. In prior versions of Android, one would be able ...
AaronMT's user avatar
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155 votes
8 answers

Clear android application user data

Using adb shell we can clear application data. adb shell pm clear But when executing that command from the application String deleteCmd = "pm clear"; ...
UdayaLakmal's user avatar
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154 votes
17 answers

USB Debugging option greyed out

I have an LG-E405 phone running Android 2.3.6. I connected my phone with a USB cable and selected the mode as Charge Only. Now when I try to turn on USB Debugging, I find that that the option is ...
Hashken's user avatar
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154 votes
4 answers

What's the Android ADB shell "dumpsys" tool and what are its benefits?

I'm looking for the full list of ADB shell dumpsys commands with a full explanation of all of the commands. Where can I find this information?
Vishwanath.M's user avatar
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153 votes
26 answers

Can't connect Nexus 4 to adb: unauthorized

I have a Nexus 4 with Android 4.3 and I am trying to connect the device to a computer with Windows 7 64bit. I installed the latest drivers and the latest adb version. I think I tried almost ...
orS's user avatar
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152 votes
24 answers

Android ADB devices unauthorized

Configuration: Windows 8.1 ADB version: 1.0.32 Smartphone: Oneplus One Problem I installed the Samsung drivers as it is said to do. When I run the ADB devices command, it said unauthorized. ...
julio's user avatar
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150 votes
6 answers

Android: adb pull file on desktop

Trying to copy file from device to desktop, here is a command: adb pull sdcard/log.txt Users/admin/Desktop But this command creates a folder Users/admin/Desktop inside platform-tools folder where ...
Jim's user avatar
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148 votes
13 answers

"unable to locate adb" using Android Studio [duplicate]

I have been trying to test my app on real device. I keep receiving error message that "unable to locate adb". I have the USB driver for my phone installed. Thank you for the help. The snap shot is ...
Joe's user avatar
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146 votes
31 answers

Error:Unable to locate adb within SDK in Android Studio

Does anyone know what this means? When I click the "run" button on my simulator I get this message. Throwable: Unable to locate adb within SDK I am running the latest version, 0.8.14.
SleepsOnNewspapers's user avatar
141 votes
6 answers

Get application version name using adb

Is there an easy way to get the version name of an application on an Android device using adb shell? I found the application version number (not the version name) in /data/system/packages.xml. It ...
frognosis's user avatar
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138 votes
19 answers

How do I view the SQLite database on an Android device? [duplicate]

I have a set of data in an SQLite database. I need to view the database on a device. How do I do that? I have checked in ddms mode. The data in file explorer is empty.
user's user avatar
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137 votes
17 answers

Solving "adb server version doesn't match this client" error [duplicate]

I'm running my Appium script with Python instead of py.test because py.test does not play nicely with variables I want to get from a text file. When I run my script with Python everything works except ...
DevBrandonJ's user avatar
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135 votes
15 answers

I am trying to test android deep link urls through adb to launch my app

When I type the command in adb: ./adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "example:gizmos" com.myapp I get this error: Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=example://...
user3773337's user avatar
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135 votes
7 answers

adb shell command to make Android package uninstall dialog appear

I have adb running and device is connected to my system in debugging mode, I want to uninstall app using intent launch using adb shell am start <INTENT> I don't want to uninstall using adb ...
RPB's user avatar
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