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Questions tagged [ajax]

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique for creating interactive website user interfaces without the traditional web page refresh or reload. It uses asynchronous data exchange between client and server to update displayed information and respond to user interactions seamlessly. Include additional tags for programming languages, libraries, frameworks, web browsers, protocols and other environmental information.

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Ajax Pagination 404 not found in Wordpress

I create a theme and want to make ajax pagination for my blog page. Actually, from page 1 to 5 its working normally. But why from page 6 to the end of pagination, have 404 not found? If you think, &...
Hendra's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Empty cache and weird first page loads on symfony 7.1

In my symfony 7.1 (php 8.3) application, on the registration page, the first attempt to submit the form always results in a console error message "turbo.index-810f44ef1a202a441e4866b7a4c72d11.js:...
RoZx93's user avatar
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WooCommerce wc_fragment_refresh fragment

I’m trying to figure out how to access the html fragment returned by the min-cart template when retrieved by the WooCommerce wc_fragment_refresh event. The filter function in this solution isn't ...
Rip's user avatar
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accessing html fragment returned by WooCommerce wc_fragment_refresh [duplicate]

I’m trying to figure out how to access the html fragment returned by the min-cart template when retrieved by the WooCommerce wc_fragment_refresh event. I’d like to update several custom attributes in ...
Rip's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to dynamically generate and execute JavaScript functions via AJAX in PHP? [closed]

I'm trying to dynamically generate JavaScript functions in PHP and execute them via AJAX on my web page. Here's a simplified version of what I'm attempting: In fetch_data.php: <?php $i = 1; $ajax = ...
Mantykora 7's user avatar
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Return view from nested classes in ASP.NET MVC for complex json String

My Model is : (Problematic section is Variant[] Variants, that is not passing to controller) public class SingleProduct { public Product1 product { get; set; } } public class Product1 { [...
Samie Ullah's user avatar
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0 answers

Menu and submenu with 2 modal in laravel

I have a problem with menu and submenu calling with 2 different modal. I would like when choose in the first menu see the elements of the submenu in another modal. The problem is that I loss the ...
Grazy's user avatar
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ASP.NET controller not receiving input

I have some mock web interface. It is supposed to take a user comment and save it to a json file. Then print the contents of the json in the html. However for some reason my controller is unable to ...
Love Happy's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Update Dom With Result from Ajax with Action Event Not Working

I'm Developing a Comment Replay System As any Social Media website But Using YII2 Framework I Created Wedget To Show a list of Comments On Some Items ( like products ) Each Comment is With button &...
عماد الصلاحي's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How can I populate Textfield using php ajax in each row of a table upon change of another textfield within the row

I have a javascript where upon click of a button a row with two cells is added to the table. One cell has a livesearch textfield and the another cell has a quantity textfield, whose value suppose to ...
GoodNews Carrier's user avatar
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Multiple requests being made from a single click

There is a duplicate request issue that affects staff members at our company. I am unable to replicate it in our development environment (or in production for that matter, but I work from home so ...
Antonio Agiste's user avatar
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resolve ajax failure in codeigniter 3 view page?

in codeigniter 3 view page i have following to edit comments : function toggleEdit(commentId) { console.log("Toggling edit for comment ID:", commentId); var commentText = ...
Solmaz's user avatar
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-4 votes
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How notification or pop message on one web form to another web form [closed]

how to send a notification message from one web form to another web form that notification should be visible on one day if the user should view that notification after notification should not show ...
Veerapathran's user avatar
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2 answers

Post raw HTML data via AJAX to server with ModSecurity

I have a website that uses jQuery ajax $.post to save html data to a PHP script. The data for $.post is serialized textarea form data (where the user edits css, javascript & html). All works well ...
Jsp's user avatar
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javascript and php handling when form submits [duplicate]

Im new to web development, im trying to create a to do list. How to include this javascript function when form submits. I tried doing onClick(addTask(event)) it ignores javascript,page reloads and ...
Les Jetskii's user avatar
-1 votes
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Send a form using ajax on ASP.NET Core 8 MVC

I want to implement a form in which there are various types of inputs, such as several text and file type inputs for sending photo, and the information must be sent through ajax and with a model, and ...
Ashkan Amjad's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Image is not inserting into database with AJAX [closed]

I'm attempting to upload an image into a database using AJAX, and while the process is executing without errors, the image isn't being saved to the database. let team_s_form = document....
Mujtaba Ahmed's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get a value from a PHP input field and send the value of that variable from a JavaScript page to another PHP page with Ajax? [closed]

I want to get a value from the user using the following input field: <div class="search"> <span class="text">یک کاربر برای شروع چت انتخاب کنید</span&...
Ahmad Banaeyan's user avatar
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CodeIgniter and Ajax: Dynamic Dependent Dropdown not working

I'm trying to create a Dynamic Dependent Dropdown via Ajax and CodeIgniter 4. However, I could not make it work. Can you help me figure out what's wrong? I'm trying to follow this tutorial online: ...
cjvdg's user avatar
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WordPress ajax request with authentication user, pass in custom theme

Title: How to Securely Handle AJAX Authentication in a Custom WordPress Template? Question: Hi everyone, I'm designing a custom template in WordPress that includes a form. When a user submits the form,...
Sanikookalam's user avatar
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Problema with bootstrapDualListbox and ajax

I have the following: html: <div id="modal-form" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true" style="z-index: 0;"> <div class="...
Javier Mejías's user avatar
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Properly reload and reformat a Bootstrap Popover after Loading Data with ajax

Let me state first of all that there are a lot of articles out there asking about simply loading an Ajax call's data into a Bootstrap 4.0 popover; this question regards a slightly different topic. The ...
Freerey's user avatar
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2 answers

Problem in sending data to the controller through Ajax in ASP.NET MVC

I use this foreach: foreach (var item2 in RItem.GetChildItems(item.ID_Ca)) { <div id="@idc" class="accordion-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="headingTwo2" ...
Hamed Javadi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Ajax Jquery append dropdown only populating once [duplicate]

When choosing a state, the user can also filter by city. However, the cities only populate once on their dropdown. All of the data for the new state selection(the cities) is being sent and logged. But ...
Sovereign Vapor's user avatar
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jQuery Chat - Scroll to the bottom

I have a script that scrolls to the bottom of the messages div when it loads the chat or when a new message is sent. I was checking if the user was already at the bottom of the div because if it is ...
Cezar Duarte's user avatar
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Wordpress / Elementor How to pass data from one site to another

I have a problem. I have one page that has a slider and a button. On the second page, I would like to read what value the user sent. I tried to do it using cookies and session, but the problem occurs ...
Ownedds's user avatar
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3 answers

How to prevent page to scroll on top when user add a comment on post?

i am trying to make website using Laravel 10 and i have added comment option for users so they can leave comment on any post but the problem is when use add comment on post the page scroll to top even ...
my apps's user avatar
-2 votes
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how to upload directory of file in Laravel 10 [duplicate]

I would like to know if it is possible to upload a directory containing files in the application laravel. This simply means that I choose the upload file option then I have the possibility of ...
Simon Thiombiano's user avatar
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Blocked mixed content, HTTP request

please help me - I need to send requests to an API that runs on an insecure HTTP protocol. Unfortunately, I can't use PHP, but I have to use AJAX (the API server runs on localhost), so only a device ...
Kevin Colbert's user avatar
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Saving Wordpress post without reloading page (admin side)

I know how to save a custom field value to the database using ajax. However have a particular post type with a lot of fields inside nested groups, repeaters etc. While I could adapt the JS function to ...
Kev's user avatar
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ngrok redirects to localhost instead of ngrok-url in ajax callback (ASP.NET project)

I have an ASP.NET project. I'm using NGROK to access and test the project remotely, mainly because I'm testing a webhook so my project needs to be callable from an external source. Every normal HTML-...
proost daan's user avatar
-4 votes
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How can I 'get' or 'fetch' the response JSON value as shown in browser console? [duplicate]

The response is generated by an AJAX post process on change of a select option. I need to get the attributes and image objects. This is handled by WooCommerce. I tried various fetch and jQuery get ...
Nadal's user avatar
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how should i print data to pdf fetched from phpmyadmin in codeigniter 3 view page?

in codeigniter 3 view page i use following ajax to fetch some data from phpmyadmin which consisted of some html data: $(document).ready(function() { $('#fetchDataButton').click(function() { ...
Solmaz's user avatar
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Cannot retrieve serialized checkbox array data in PHP from ajax send

I am having difficulty retrieving my checkbox array data in my called PHP from an ajax send of a serialized form. I can call up all of the other form fields, but not the checkbox array. Can anyone ...
Barry Beach's user avatar
-1 votes
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Want to auto-reload http request data and update the data on the html without reloading the whole web page

I'm writing a Flask application that takes user input (supposed 'name') using the html form. On the other hand, I have a function that makes http requests to a webpage and return the results (supposed ...
VIncent's user avatar
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Pop-up is not showing on click of table cell element

I have a c# application which has javascript in it and i want to show popup on click on overall status in a table. But its not showing up. when i comment updateStatusCounts(); it shows up but when i ...
Pam's user avatar
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Why is my AJAX request not working in Node.js and Express project?

I'm trying to make a request using ajax to my backend, but it always returns a 404 error, but my route exists. Project structure: public -scripts --script.js routes -chats.js views -chats.ejs index.js ...
Gomaink's user avatar
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Import an Excel file using AJAX and Laravel

I'm trying to import an Excel file using AJAX and Laravel in my application. the form of excel import is an inner form (form inside another form) The error handling seems to be working partially, but ...
khaled amoudi's user avatar
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TypeError: option timepicker is not recognized! it is shown

<script type="module"> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){ var calendarEl = document.getElementById('calendar'); var calendar = new ...
Adarsh Kumar Singh's user avatar
2 votes
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response handling in Js/AJAX

I created a function to update data using AJAX. On xhr.onload, this.responseText is not displaying any value in the console log, and only the else part of the condition is executing, even though the ...
Mujtaba Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
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Custom WooCommerce Admin notice with a dynamic message

I cannot display an admin message by sending an argument to the function. It was suggested I use a closure function but this does not appear to work. Here is the code function ...
mrslope's user avatar
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How to execute php script with a button (either with the shell command or with ajax)?

I'm a dev on the website We have a weekly mail that is sent by the php function cli.php. The shell command to run it manually is php7.4 cli.php -g parentheses -api
aphfug's user avatar
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How to show image which is uploaded by gallery in through ajax by web method

I want to show image which I uploaded from gallery. Here is my code, <asp:Image Height="420px" Width="580px" runat="server" ID="img_Product" CssClass="...
s.k.Soni's user avatar
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How do I create an uploda form that reads data from file and outputs that data to the page via AJAX?

I am looking to integrate a feature onto my website that reads the data from a JSON file and then outputs that data, all via AJAX. A bit of background is that I am creating a specific online tool ...
RichRBX's user avatar
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The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property in C# [duplicate]

I want to show image through ajax by web method. <asp:Image Height="200px" Width="200px" runat="server" ID="img_Product" CssClass="col-md-2 control-...
s.k.Soni's user avatar
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How to get all data that you've uploaded from database through ajax?

I have a database with a table name "Outing". Except id as a primary value, I have 3 columns. These are title, place, and date. Now, I have a html file on how to upload or add info on that ...
Be Always Mine's user avatar
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How to segregate from 1 php file to index.html and index.php?

SUMMARIZE PROBLEM The code below is named as index.php. This file is perfectly work.. <?php $servername = "testing"; $username = "testing"; $password = "test"; $...
Be Always Mine's user avatar
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I wish to first submit a post request and move to different page in flask

Requirement: There is form in my html page where we can upload files and post them. After posting the files I wish to save it in the backend and then proceed to the next page of my application in a ...
R.S4697's user avatar
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Correct way to send AntiForgeryToken through AJAX request

I've been trying to send the AntiForgeryToken through AJAX request in an ASP.NET Core MVC (area based) Razor view; however, I am definitely missing something to send in the POST request. I read ...
KingPin SV's user avatar
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Ajax Response Html with html download links not working and other issue

I'm absolutely not expert on js and html, following the answers and samples of stackoverflow I found a way to publish on my website a external html source. In the external source there are present ...
Val's user avatar
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