The problem has to do with the intermediate files, but there is another solution which consist in cleaning up those intermediate files before builnding the views.
This solution has been included in some version of VS, but I can only say that I had the problem in VS 2013 Update 5. (See the "Beware" below, it could be fixed in this version, but not working only in my particular non-standard case).
I borrowed the soltuion from Error: allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level on Visual Studio Connect.
The solution consist in including these lines to the web application project (.csproj
file) which handle the deletion of the offedning intermediate files:
<!--Deal with,
we will need to clean up our temp folder before MVC project starts the pre-compile-->
<_EnableCleanOnBuildForMvcViews Condition=" '$(_EnableCleanOnBuildForMvcViews)'=='' ">true</_EnableCleanOnBuildForMvcViews>
<Target Name="CleanupForBuildMvcViews" Condition=" '$(_EnableCleanOnBuildForMvcViews)'=='true' and '$(MVCBuildViews)'=='true' " BeforeTargets="MvcBuildViews">
<_PublishTempFolderNamesToCleanup Include="Database;TransformWebConfig;CSAutoParameterize;InsertAdditionalCS;ProfileTransformWebConfig;Package;AspnetCompileMerge" />
<!--Force msbuild to expand all the wildcard characters so to get real file paths-->
<CreateItem Include="@(_PublishTempFolderNamesToCleanup->'$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)**\%(identity)\**\*')">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="_EvaluatedPublishTempFolderNamesToCleanup" />
<Delete Files="@(_EvaluatedPublishTempFolderNamesToCleanup)" />
Beware: for some reason, probably because I included it myself in the project, my build target for building the views was named "BuildViews"
, instead of "MvcBuildViews"
, so I had to modify the BeforeTargets
attribute accordingly. I also simplified the target, by removing the PropertyGroup
and simplifying the condition, like this:
<Target Name="CleanupForBuildMvcViews" Condition="'$(MVCBuildViews)'=='true' " BeforeTargets="BuildViews">
<_PublishTempFolderNamesToCleanup Include="Database;TransformWebConfig;CSAutoParameterize;InsertAdditionalCS;ProfileTransformWebConfig;Package;AspnetCompileMerge" />
<!--Force msbuild to expand all the wildcard characters so to get real file paths-->
<CreateItem Include="@(_PublishTempFolderNamesToCleanup->'$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)**\%(identity)\**\*')">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="_EvaluatedPublishTempFolderNamesToCleanup" />
<Delete Files="@(_EvaluatedPublishTempFolderNamesToCleanup)" />