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Questions tagged [amazon-eks]

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and provides a fully managed Kubernetes platform, with the ability to have your containers deployed across a EC2 backed solution or as a serverless solution with AWS Fargate. Use this tag for programming-related questions specific to the EKS environment.

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How to create aws-ebs-csi-driver with eks_blueprints_addons by Terraform?

I created AWS EBS CSI Driver addon with eks_blueprints_addons by Terraform: module "eks_cluster" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws" version = "~> ...
Alpin Cleopatra's user avatar
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Elasticsearch’s S3 Snapshot Repository: The Mystery of the Inaccessible S3 Bucket ==> Access Denied

Elasticsearch Version 7.17.12 Installed Plugins repository-s3 Java Version JAVA_RUNTIME_VERSION="20.0.2+9-78 OS Version Linux elasticsearch-data-0 5.10.214-202.855.amzn2.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Apr 9 ...
Y.hadj.younes's user avatar
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argocd-image-updater failing to connect aws ECR: Could not set registry endpoint credentials: invalid script output, must be single line with syntax

I am trying to setup a pull based deployment pipeline where argocd image updater reads updates to images in amazon elastic container registry. What have I done so far? Installed image updater in the ...
Gabe's user avatar
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Attach SSL Certificate to ALB for Kong Ingress Controller in EKS

I'm trying to deploy a Kong Ingress Controller on EKS using CDK (Python). I already have a public domain in Route53 and an SSL certificate in ACM via DNS validation. My current code creates the ...
anXler's user avatar
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Reached your quota for maximum Fleet Requests for this account

I created an AWS EKS cluster and would like to add a node group (on-demand, t2.micro), but I kept getting this error message: Issue type: AsgInstanceLaunchFailures Description: You've reached your ...
Corey's user avatar
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what is the kube-prometheus-stack (helm-chart) compatible version for eks 1.29?

I am looking to upgrade my eks from 1.27 to 1.29. So I would like to know the compatible version of kube-prometheus-stack helm chart. Please provide me the link or help me in suggesting the version.
Siva Malla's user avatar
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Airflow ERROR - Received SIGTERM. Terminating subprocesses

I am running a DAG which invokes an API multiple times and API gets data from a DB. After few invocations, the DAG returns the below error. I am running the DAG in Kubernetes environment. Could ...
deepak's user avatar
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gRPC server running on EKS cluster accepts traffic when TLS is disabled, but refuses connection when using certificates created by awspca/cert-manager

I wrote this sample grpc server : (some values removed for sensitivity) where I've tried to set up a tls server that will do client authentication using ...
Cdhippen's user avatar
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Postgres redeployment on EKS pulls old Postgres deployment seemingly saved on EC2 nodes storage

I'm trying to deploy an ephemeral postgres database for our development team to bring up and down without persisting any data. Currently during testing I'm using kubectl apply -f postgres deployment ...
Steve Nadraus's user avatar
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How can I detect which hyperscaler is running my Kubernetes cluster?

I have to configure an application running on Kubernetes, and I do not have access to any hyperscaler-specific management infrastructure. How can I figure out whether my cluster runs on one of the big ...
chris_f's user avatar
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AWS alb with ingress-nginx fails healthchecks

I want a single load balancer (alb) that direct traffic to internal nginx-ingress that load balances traffic to internal services in the cluster. I have followed many examples (ex_1) and I have ...
itaied's user avatar
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kubectl unable to use raw api on node

I am trying to use kubectl's raw api on a node: $ kubectl get --raw "/api/v1/nodes/" Error from server (NotFound): nodes "ip-10-55-216-130....
paleozogt's user avatar
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How to manage temporary AWS credentials for on-premises Kubernetes clusters? [closed]

We have several on-premises Kubernetes clusters that need to utilize AWS services. Currently, we use traditional IAM Users with static credentials, but we recognize this is a bad practice. We want to ...
Catriel Goodman's user avatar
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How to create kubernetes client with go sdk for AWS EKS with automatic token refresh

I am using the function newClientset below to create a clientset to send requests to api-server of an AWS EKS cluster. Arguments clusterCAData and clusterEndpoint are retrieved dynamically by the ...
Everton's user avatar
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Use a tf variable in a user_data.tpl file

I'm deploying an eks cluster with terraform, to start the nodes for the eks managed node group, I defined a user_data.tpl file. eks_managed_node_groups = { "${var.cluster_name}...
Bianca Torres's user avatar
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EKS kube-state-metrics errors after upgrading the cluster

I upgraded EKS cluster from 1.21 to 1.29, goes through upgrading both of cluster and compute nodes steps, re applied my helm files, modified HPA for some services to use the new format, everything ...
XP_2600's user avatar
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argocd 2.11.x with argocd-vault-pluging with aws secert manager configuration error

We upgrading argocd from 2.4 to 2.11 - from version 2.7 argocd-cm not longer supported. added the following configmap and pathced the deployment but getting an error Failed to load target state: ...
Dan Zaltsman's user avatar
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Airflow on Kubernetes with Service Account

I'm having a rough time migrating Airflow to EKS. I have an airflow instance that is deployed to eks/kubernetes. I created a service account 'airflow-pod-mgr' and bound it and all that. apiVersion: ...
Robert Riley's user avatar
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adot trace collector - version mismatch after updating go.mod dependencies

Had the adot collector for traces and metrics working pretty well for a while.. so I stopped thinking about it.. then someone did a big version update on some shared go.mod files and now Im seeing ...
ethrbunny's user avatar
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How to Install Logstash onto EKS Cluster with Terraform

I have an existing EKS cluster that I deploy using terraform. I am looking at how to install Logstash onto this cluster by also using terraform. Is this possible? I am looking for guidance on how to ...
user23627827's user avatar
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How to Configure AWS ACM SSL Certificates with URL Validation for EKS Cluster Using AWS CDK Python

I'm currently setting up an Amazon EKS cluster using AWS CDK in Python and require assistance with configuring SSL certificates through AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). My goal is to secure my services ...
anXler's user avatar
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How to mount specific fields in secretmanager using secretstore csi driver

Trying to mount only specific keys from the aws secretmanager as file to the pods using below. Value of aws secret mytestsecret: {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2&...
user9163519's user avatar
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Fluentbit adds a "time stdout f" to logs, breaking the json format after update

I am using Fluentbit to collect logs from my EKS cluster and push them to Cloudwatch via cloudwatch-agent. Recently I have updated the cluster, after that the JSON formatting of my logs started to ...
uylmz's user avatar
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AWS SDK Https calls from EKS pod slower than ECS

I have a Spring Boot reactive application running on both ECS and EKS, with similar hardware configuration (cpu:6 and memory 16G). This applications has a REST API endpoint that updates multiple ...
Shankar's user avatar
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Multiple Istio Mesh in single EKS cluster

We are running an Istio mesh in one single EKS cluster. The setup looks like this: One Istio Control Plane One Mesh Two Applications Namespaces (K8s) Due to different business workload, I am ...
Suvendu Mandal's user avatar
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1 minute delay query to GraphQL / Neo4j on EKS

I am running an app on AWS EKS. I have 3 separate pods for each API (graphql), app(react) and neo4j, a total of 9. Normally queries take 1-2 secs to respond but sometimes there is a 1-minute delay, so ...
Dragos Micu's user avatar
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Istio Ingress Gateway not become ready

I am installing istio to my cluster and have a weird behavior. EKS version I am using is 1.28 and I have tested with istio version of 1.18.3, 1.19.10 and 1.22.1. The yaml configurations file for the ...
yesiambao's user avatar
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getting error while deploying the metric server v0.7.0

I am trying to update metric server from v0.6.4 to 0.7.0. We are using base and overlay kustomization file to deploy metric server. My base file Kustomization file is taking resource from below. ...
user25742007's user avatar
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WebSocket closing connection after 60 seconds

I have a websocket connection for my python service running on EKS, for which I have an LB infront of. When running the service locally, any request succeeds through the websocket. However, as soon as ...
iAmAwfulAtProgramming's user avatar
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k8s pods on different EKS nodes not getting traffic

I have eks cluster with two nodes, I have four k8s services deployed in the cluster, two of them are in node-1 and the other two in node-2. I have have a Kong api gateway in front of these k8s ...
user1807948's user avatar
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Fluent Bit Logs Not Appearing for New Windows Core Nodes in EKS

We are using Fluent Bit in our EKS cluster with custom Windows Core nodes. When a new Windows node is created, the logs from the pods running on it and the node itself do not appear in our CloudWatch ...
Lucifer K's user avatar
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Issue accessing app from gateway api controller in eks

I have configured EKS cluster and integrate gateway api controller. I have defined gateway class, gateway and service as well. when i am trying to access my service using dns name of vpc service i am ...
Hardik Patel's user avatar
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Terraform EKS node groups not passing user data to launch template and eks nodes

Will appreciate any solutions or recommendations for this issue. Dependencies K8s: 1.29 ami: amazon-eks-node-1.29-v20240615 Terraform: v1.8.4 Cloud: AWS Service: EKS Context I am currently using ...
Ajay Renganathan's user avatar
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EKS unable to access Internal API within pod

I have created 2 load balancers from a Deployment file. Internal Ingress (for internal load balamcer) External Ingress (for external load balancer). Now after deploying i am able to access internal ...
rahuls_'s user avatar
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AWS SDK calls have higher latency in Kubernetes (EKS) compared to Elastic Container Service

I am working on migrating a Docker Spring Boot Reactive application from AWS ECS to AWS EKS. In ECS, the task is allocated "cpu": "6144" & "memory": "16384"....
Shankar's user avatar
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How to delete storage volumes along with EKS cluster?

I have this terraform script which spins up my EKS cluster. My problem is that when I run a terraform destroy to take down the cluster, the storage volumes are not automatically deleted, I have to go ...
user23627827's user avatar
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How to Configure Fluent Bit for Multiline Java Application Logs in Kubernetes

Actually my application produces the logs this like 2024-06-20 18:31:55 INFO o.s.w.s.DispatcherServlet:532 - - Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet' 2024-06-20 18:31:55 INFO o.s.w.s....
Nasil Regobs's user avatar
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Bottlerocket Nodegroup do not start container from snapshot

I create a bottlerocket Nodegroup in my EKS cluster. All accoring to the tutorial on
IFThenElse's user avatar
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Authenticate EKS node pulls against cross-account ECR

I have an account (A) with several ECR private repositories, and another account (B) with an EKS cluster where images from those repositories will be used. I've tested that I can pull images using a ...
solocommand's user avatar
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How to scale kubernetes for websockets

I'm having issues with scaling my kubernetes cluster properly with huge number of websocket connections. So before i moved to kubernetes i was using a t2.medium aws ec2 instance for my server,held up ...
Precious112's user avatar
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AWS MWAA times out trying to connect to EKS API Server

I am trying to test out the EKSPodOperator to launch a pod from MWAA into EKS. I am getting an https timeout when the tasks tries to connect to the EKS API Server. I can connect to the EKS API server ...
Andrew's user avatar
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kafka deployment with helm chart over EKS cluster not able to produce or consume data getting timeout issue in kafka producer side

Deploying the kafka service in AWS EKS cluster using helm chart. kafka is deployed properly able to create topics also but when I am creating producer and providing some messages kafka consumer is not ...
Manish Kushwaha's user avatar
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Configure IRSA to access mongodb cluster from EKS pod

I'm trying to setup a IRSA(Iam Role for Service Account) in order to acces mongodb cluster from EKS cluster. The IRSA will then be attached to my EKS pod.(The goal is to setup passwordless ...
blaiso's user avatar
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How to prevent daemonsets scheduling to Fargate nodes?

In an hybrid EKS cluster (using both EC2 nodes and Fargate "serverless" hosting), how to prevent Daemonsets from attempting to schedule pods on Fargate virtual nodes? For context, I'm using ...
benjimin's user avatar
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How to add more than one controller node in EKS cluster

I am very new to this concept, so I was curious to know if we can create more than one controller node in EKS cluster or not. if yes how can we do so? Also, if not, how HA/fault tolerance is achieved ...
SwatiKa's user avatar
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Gunicorn FastAPI server on EKS receiving requests after termination has begun

We host a FastAPI service on EKS behind an ELB. We do rolling restarts. What is supposed to happen is the restart begins, the pod is removed from the service endpoint, the pod has a preStop hook to ...
Kieran's user avatar
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AZ failures and the on-demand EC2 acquire scramble

I'm trying to understand what others who services runs across 3AZ's, have experienced in the past, in terms of acquiring on demand EC2's when a AZ fails? I can only imagine, all the tenants in the ...
toaler's user avatar
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What are difference between eks_managed_node_group_defaults and eks_managed_node_groups?

I am using AWS EKS Terraform module to create Amazon EKS cluster. Here is the example code from the document: module "eks" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws" version = ...
Hongbo Miao's user avatar
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Cannot access LoadBalancer service of Django deployment on EKS cluster

I have a containerized Django application that was successfully deployed (imperatively) to an EKS cluster. I've used the following commands: kubectl create deployment announcements --port=127 --image=...
UCFChandra's user avatar
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Does Spark 3.X on kubernetes supports dynamic allocation

We are using EKS master as spark master and as of now we are using fixed number of executors. Now we want to enable dynamic allocation, does it supports in case of EKS. I've seen some blogs saying to ...
Rajashekhar Meesala's user avatar

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