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Remote exec error while executing a remote exec in Terraform

I'm encountering an SSH handshake error while executing a remote exec in Terraform. The strange thing is that I can SSH manually using the same key file. Can anyone assist me with this issue? ...
thomas chacko's user avatar
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"no pg_hba.conf entry" error when connecting to AWS RDS database

I'm attempting to set up a basic free tier AWS RDS postgres database. I have done this before, today. For some reason, I am suddenly unable to connect to any new databases I set up. I get this error ...
J Seabolt's user avatar
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Lambda not working trigger message from SQS FIFO, but it does from SQS Standard

i just created lambda function that have trigger from SQS FIFO, but somehow not working. Already add the AWSLambdaSQSQueueExecutionRole and AmazonSQSFullAccess to the lambda, but seems not working. ...
Agani Satria's user avatar
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How to create aws-ebs-csi-driver with eks_blueprints_addons by Terraform?

I created AWS EBS CSI Driver addon with eks_blueprints_addons by Terraform: module "eks_cluster" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws" version = "~> ...
Alpin Cleopatra's user avatar
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AWS SQL - How to check if a Json object has values in it?

I am using SQL on AWS and trying to detect quickly when a Json object has key-value in it. Anyone knows it? Thanks For example: A. {"context":{"abc":"123"} --> Yes B. {...
LucyP's user avatar
  • 31
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How to use AWS SDK for Dynamodb in an android application, not using Amplify

I've run into a bit of a brick wall when trying to figure out the AWS SDK with Dynamodb. I have an android app that I want to use to access a DynamoDB table. what I'm trying to set up is: an IAM role ...
schnondle's user avatar
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AWS Auto Scaled Instance is completely empty of all the files and folders I copied over during initial instance provisioning

I'm new to Terraform and AWS auto scaling. I'm basically just trying to get a hang of things using terraform and AWS. In my Terraform file, I've set up a launch template and an auto scaling ...
ololo's user avatar
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How do i get my Python .env credentials file into Ubuntu EC2?

I have a .env file which my file references, containing my AWS credentials. How do i get this into my AWS Ubuntu EC2 machine? I can't even upload it to GitHub. If there's any security issues ...
chai86's user avatar
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Syncing guthub repo to aws s3location using webhook

does someone know how to use aws lambda function to copy files from Github repository to S3 location.I have webhook setup that is listened through lambda function. I am able to extract the file names ...
Random unix's user avatar
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2 answers

DynamoDB BatchGetCommand 400 "key does not match schema"

I'm having an issue using BatchGetCommand to get a list of records from a DynamoDB table. I am using an AWS Lambda that uses NodeJS 18.x. I have been able to get ScanCommand, GetCommand and ...
Chris Allinson's user avatar
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How can I find my sagemaker endpoint in? (don't know region)

I was following this tutorial: And created a ...
hubatish's user avatar
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Instance is in the EC2 Availability Zone for which the load balancer is not configured to route traffic to

Earlier I created two instances of my microserice running on EC2 in us-east-1c AZ & created a classic load balancer in the same AZ - that worked smoothly. But when I changed the AZ for the classic ...
Agrudge Amicus's user avatar
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How To Update Stock/Display Photos in Android Studio App Dynamically Via Cloud/AWS/Firebase

I am building a mobile app on Android Studio and Flutter. I am using AWS Amplify for S3 storage and authentication. Right now all my photos in my app are native/embedded in the code/layout. I want my ...
Louis Lewis's user avatar
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Spring boot AWS Jasper Reports imageExpression absolute path

I have deployed a Spring boot app(Fat jar) on AWS that generated PDF reports using Jasperreports jrxml file fetched from S3 as stream. The jrxml contains an image element with imageExpression which ...
itsraja's user avatar
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AWS Access KMS from target account

I've trying to deploy the SAM application into the production account ( target account) and after a few hours of debugging I managed to complete the entire pipeline but unfortunately I found out that ...
Ale__ssio's user avatar
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From AWS Cloudshell , Getting error while push zip file to S3 Bucket

I am using AWS Cloudshell to create .zip file and push it to AWS S3 Buckets. Few Weeks ago, from cloudhshell to S3 Bucket it was working fine. Today I got the error for running same aws s3 command in ...
Divyank's user avatar
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Extracting text from cloudwatch

I have a cloudwatch message format as follow: POST /api/v1/order 200 123 bytes 456 bytes 458.000 ms Apache-HttpClient/4.5.14 (Java/17.0.12) { "orderId": "A123" } {"...
vincentsty's user avatar
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Set the SMS priority in code (between transactional and promotional)

I use AWS SNS to send One-Time Passcodes to users with this code: var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); AWS.config.update({region: 'eu-west-1'}); const sns = new AWS.SNS({apiVersion: '2010-03-31', ...
emonigma's user avatar
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Terraform and Databricks API does not recognize that it just created a new workspace, and requires setting a host property

I am getting this warning that never stops repeating (it goes on for 15 minutes+ before I am forced to cancel my CI/CD github actions pipeline): 024-07-13T14:05:37.152Z [INFO] Starting apply for ...
FreyGeospatial's user avatar
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How to encrypt my key when persisting it to my AWS management secrets?

I stored in my AWS Management Secrets my secret key to my JWT Token that i'm using for the Log in of my app. Also , i'm connecting to an IAM account where i can retrieve my secret key for the JWT ...
Misu Stefan's user avatar
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aws iam list-users getting output as Unable to parse response [closed]

I run the aws iam list-users command in gitbash getting error unable to parse response invalid xml received(no element found: line 1, column 0), invalid XML received. Further retries may succeed:, b'' ...
Faiyaz Baig MOHAMMED's user avatar
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How to receive an email for failed SMS deliveries on AWS SNS

I use AWS SNS to send one-time passwords. Last week I reached quota, the server stopped sending messages and users have been unable to log in. I set up CloudWatch to receive a notification on failed ...
emonigma's user avatar
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How to host a react app and microservice backend with java under same domain [closed]

If there is a requirement to host a react app on aws, and a backend for the same react app which is developed using java microservice architecture and aws api gateway under the same domain name how ...
abhishek's user avatar
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Why is my destination prefix given [Object Object] as its output in AWS-SDK?

I am writing this code where im using aws sdk to copy files from one place to another dir, here destinationprefix is supposed to handle to destination directory, there the variable has to be put, idk ...
Divyansh Pathak's user avatar
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Which storage type should I use for my RDS instance?

I am currently using General Purpose SSD GP2, my average total IOPS are hardly 700-800, usually 300-400. And storage size Im using is 250GB. Instance is db.m5.4xlarge. Will changing it to General ...
Ishaan Kanwar's user avatar
-1 votes
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local computer MAC join ray cluster on AWS as a ray worker

I am thinking some personal project. I have a ray cluster on aws. it is possible for my local computer (mac) join the ray cluster as a worker? Is there any document about this? UPDATE i have a ray ...
Chengcheng Pei's user avatar
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PuTTY connection times out while connecting to ec2 instance [closed]

I've trying to connect to my ec2 instance using putty and connection times out everytime. I've tried everything I could find to troubleshoot my ssh connection, adding inbound rule to ec2 instance ...
Tamoghna Chakraborty's user avatar
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How can invoke a Lambda function with AWS Signature auth without using Postman?

I have a simple Lambda function in Python that converts a text string into speech and saves it to an S3 bucket. I want to then get that mp3 file (or URL) as a response. I will invoke the Lambda ...
Talib Kareem's user avatar
-1 votes
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Dynamo DB SDK Serialization and De-serialization

We are using the DynamoDB Enhanced Client from the latest Java AWS SDK to interact with our DynamoDB @Builder(toBuilder = true) @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @DynamoDbBean @ToString @...
Vegan Vegeta's user avatar
-1 votes
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Accessing RDS instance from EC2 instance in a different VPC [2024]

I have an RDS instance & an EC2 instance in 2 different VPCs. I want to access data in the RDS instance from my EC2 instance. I'm getting timeout errors when I try to connect to the database in ...
Amiteshwar 's user avatar
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AWS RDS PostgresSQL rejects client certs but requires them and does not provide a way to sign

I'm trying to connect my Java application to my AWS RDS PostgresQL instance. No matter what I try I get a different SSL error. I use this postgres url: vertx-reactive:postgresql://${REGISTRY_DB_HOST}:$...
Calicoder's user avatar
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Getting 'Could not load credentials from any providers' error while using AWS-SDK in node.js

I am writing a code to copy a file from one to another and here is the code Here i am using the code to first find if a file exists and if doesnt it makes one by copying files from one to the other ...
Divyansh Pathak's user avatar
2 votes
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"list index out of range" and "'NoneType' object is not subscriptable" errors while updating tags for an AWS account in a separate app

I am writing a script that will take the tags from our AWS account repository and then add the same tags for the account to another app thats called When I run the script, its working for ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Issue with OpenVPN Connection: Access to EC2 Instance but No Browser Connectivity [closed]

client dev tun proto udp remote 1194 resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun remote-cert-tls server auth SHA512 ignore-unknown-option block-outside-dns verb 3 <ca> ----...
Carbonic Vito's user avatar
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ECS Container Health Checks Failing

I'm having trouble with the container healthchecks in my ECS deployment. I have a NextJS application with a /health route that returns an HTTP 200 response with some JSON. It works as expected locally ...
Andy's user avatar
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AWS unable to create EBS snapshot. Lifecyle Manager error --> fail to fetch

I cannot create snapshots of my EBS volume. In the the volumes' menu I have a window that says: Fault Tolerance for all volumes in this region -->Data Lifecycle Manager default policy for EBS ...
infinity's user avatar
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AWS RDS: does promoting a Read replica break replication to its own replica?

I have setup a primary DB (say, instance A1) and a read-replica (A2) in region A. Now I'm making the same setup in region B (so a primary DB B1 and a read-replica B2 that replicates it). The second ...
hydradon's user avatar
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need help getting an SSL cert for AWS GameLift

I'm new to AWS and currently working on integrating Amazon GameLift with my game, which uses Unity and Mirror for WebGL. I have a few questions regarding SSL certificates: Do I need to obtain an SSL ...
Sema Nur Selçuk's user avatar
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I keep getting an access denied error on my lambda function

I'm a beginner and I keep getting this error message when testing a Lambda function. I'm trying to do a simple write file to an S3 directory bucket. Here is the PHP code: import json import boto3 ...
Talib Kareem's user avatar
-1 votes
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Use secret manager with security group AWS

I'm deploying an API with AI model on AWS. To do so I created an ECS Fargate with a security group. My API needs to store secrets so I'm also using the Secrets Manager. The problem is that I want to ...
tycyly's user avatar
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Pagination in aws dynamodb

const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const moment = require('moment'); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let currentDate = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'); let code = "19"; let ...
user0999's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to check if a file uploaded to AWS S3 has the same content as a local file

We believe that the S3 checksum is useless for huge files larger than 1GB, as it is a further hashed value of chunks separated by an arbitrary number of bytes. There is a 1 GB file uploaded to AWS S3. ...
Fushihara's user avatar
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Decrease the number of brokers in Kafka AWS MSK

I am trying to decrease the number of brokers in AWS MSK When i go to Edit number of brokers, and try to decrease it by one, i get the following error: In the table below, AZs with an error status ...
XP_2600's user avatar
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Debounced s3 notifications to execute a lambda

I want to run a task once whenever a specific folder is modified in a bucket, no matter how many files are in the modification, it has to run once in that period of time. The issue with the classic s3 ...
Fx.'s user avatar
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Add links between traces via AWS XRay API (or SDK)

Context We have an application composed of many Lambda functions connected via EventBridge and X-Ray has worked great so far. Recently, we added an ECS Fargate container running on NodeJS which is ...
Jesus Diaz Rivero's user avatar
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Attach SSL Certificate to ALB for Kong Ingress Controller in EKS

I'm trying to deploy a Kong Ingress Controller on EKS using CDK (Python). I already have a public domain in Route53 and an SSL certificate in ACM via DNS validation. My current code creates the ...
anXler's user avatar
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AWS Gunicorn configuration Amazon Linux Work not properly

enter image description here This image is show problem. When i run gunicorn service with this configuration. GNU nano 5.8 pair....
Momin Ali's user avatar
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Why MS Access works with SQL server ODBC via internet so slow?

I have an SQL server and MS Access database in the same local network - 1 Gbit/sec. And a lot of tables in that SQL server are linked into MS Access database via ODBC. And a query in the MS Acesss ...
user3565412's user avatar
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AWS Lambda Restrict Only Accessible By Bitbucket Webhooks

I want to restrict the access of my AWS Lambda Functions to be accessible only from Bitbucket Webhooks call. I have tried creating a Function URL but I can't seem to find how to add this restriction. ...
James Arnold's user avatar
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AWS EC2: Can't access dockerized Flask server or SSH with specific IP in security group

I'm running a dockerized Flask web server on an AWS EC2 instance and encountering issues with security group configurations. My goal is to restrict access to only my device/network, but I'm facing ...
chandu135's user avatar

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