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Questions tagged [android-intent]

Questions regarding practical and advanced use of Intents, Intent Extras and Pending Intents to start an Activity, Service or to respond to a system or application event/notification via a BroadcastReceiver. (refer to info for basic familiarity)

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intent:// URI not invoking component

I was trying to craft a correct "intent://" URI for following purpose: Component: com.myapp/.ui.SignIn Extra String: link scheme: myapp:// To simply put, I want to translate following ...
r3vsh's user avatar
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Implicit Internal Intent vulnerability showing up when Android app is pre-Launch to the Playstore

Recently i creat new app from playstore console and also upload new bundle but playstore mention security and trust issues like Implicit Internal Intent vulnerability. this issues shows following ...
Krishna Dhas's user avatar
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Android Settings panel not opening from my app

I'm trying to open the settings panel from my app but it is not doing anything, the device has Android 14 it's a Samsung A24. I have another device which is the same model, where the code works. But I'...
htafoya's user avatar
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(mgks/Android-SmartWebView) Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity context requires the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag

I am a total newbie and I have cloned a repo (WebView app) from to test my website but when i try to run, it gives an error "Calling ...
Akang Toshi's user avatar
-1 votes
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multi Sms App, send from spreadsheet containing phone number and custom values ,customization of message succeed but message not sent

i'm trying to send multiple sms automaticaly .Messages should be customized based on values from a spreadsheet. i have a function that does the work. but when sending intent to call the native message ...
tobethebest Founou's user avatar
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Jetpack navigation and action Intents

I work with Health Connect. And this API require include to AndroidManifet I also use Jetpack Navigation and write deeplinks for application. The ...
Stanislav Kireev's user avatar
1 vote
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Intent.createChooser doesn't show image or file name

I'm using the code below to allow a user to share an image with another app: val intent: Intent = Intent().apply { type = "image/jpeg" if (uris.size == 1) { action = Intent....
Adam Zarn's user avatar
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How to Play Video in External Player (like MXPlayer) in React Native?

I'm new to React Native and I'm looking to play a video in an external player (such as MXPlayer) on both Android. I've searched online but haven't found a clear solution. In Android, this can ...
Oussama otadev's user avatar
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1 answer

Embedding image attachments in HTML emails from android

I'm trying to send an email from Android with HTML content and image attachments. I also want to embed the images inside the HTML body. The following works correctly: ArrayList<Uri> ...
winter's user avatar
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Sharing intent with data starts Activity twice

I'm implementing receiving data from other apps with the following approach (code simplified): @AndroidEntryPoint abstract class SharingActivity( protected val sharingDeepLink: Uri ): ...
Calamity's user avatar
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1 answer

How to manage an Android service with multiple operations?

I had recently joined a new company and have taken over a project that has been on-going for years. The unfortunate problem with this picture is that some of the code has been badly maintained and the ...
shermannatrix's user avatar
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Open developer options programmatically on Samsung Android 14

In my Android app, I have a button that appears only when the developer menu is enabled by the user. This button uses intent to open the developer menu (Settings....
Beer_belly 665's user avatar
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How to pass data Fragments Recyclerview to another Activity Recyclerview , parcelable, json , kotlin

How to display data from one Fragment's recyclerView to another activity's recyclerView using parcelable from local Json File. I want to pass data HomeFragment recyclerview to Activity RecyclerView ...
Anoop Moji's user avatar
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Sending extras with image picking intent from adapter to fragment (Android Kotlin) [duplicate]

I am trying to send position of item from adapter to fragment, with the image picker intent, and trying to receive the value in fragment activity. But the value is not receiving in the fragment. The ...
Sahar Batool's user avatar
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"Only once" vs "Always ask" on opening coordinates with Android app

Is there an API for opening coordinates in Android which would show the default? Something like: Open with this app: "only once" vs "always" dialog which would show you all the ...
Adam Varhegyi's user avatar
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Receive sharing intent not receiving media in Flutter

I need my flutter app to receive media(image/pdf etc) from external applications. I tried using receive_sharing_intent. From my manifest: <!--For receiving media from external ...
Arnob's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to open apps like whatsapp from react web app?

I have a share button on my react app,when someone clicks it, i want the share pop up to come up on the web app and share the link on any mobile app i wanted to implement it using intent links, but ...
Lipin Kariappa's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Start Intent from ViewModel

I would like to start a Foreground Service and call a LauncherForActivityResult. As far as I know, i neither can start a Service from a ViewModel, nor call a LauncherForActivityResult. I am working on ...
Csanád Tarjányi's user avatar
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BroadcastReceiver onReceive not triggering with AlarmManager setExact

My application is meant to send a notification after a certain interval, but the onReceive is not being triggered in my BroadcastReceiver when I use AlarmManager. I have stripped the code back to find ...
Oskar Donaldson-Holte's user avatar
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Android Intent extras stripped from the intent when sent through google messages

I’m fairly new to Android, been looking at sharing data between apps using the Android intent resolver. What I want to do is share an image from my App to the google messages app to be sent as a ...
Andrew Kiger's user avatar
-1 votes
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open react native app on receive push notification without click on notification

I want to open react native app when the device gets a push notification. I have used this code to open the app It works fine only on Android version less then 10. but it does not work on Android ...
sanjay solanki's user avatar
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How to start a camera intent and save picture taken to a specific location for each item in a listView

I'm new to programming and I don't know how to start camera intent from the adapter and to save image to a specific location for each item in the listview. I would like when I press the button ...
Claudiu Nicusor's user avatar
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How to write a ByteArray to an Excel file and saving it in external storage?

I want to write ByteArray data which is coming from Retrofit API (ResponseBody as return type from API) into Excel file and store into external memory of android SD Card. try { var path = mContext?...
Ajay gadadasu's user avatar
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Unable to insert new contact from instant app in Android 14

How to save/insert a new contact from instant app? Tried inserting a new contact using intent by following developer docs like so: val intent = Intent(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.ACTION).apply { ...
ajandroid's user avatar
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Unable to get if intent filter is handled by an installed mobile application from javascript

I have been given the task to update our website to check if our mobile application is installed. If it is installed, ask if the user wants to open our mobile application. If it is not installed, ...
bunggo's user avatar
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3 answers

Android: When app was opened with click on notification, clicking on further notifications only opens the app, not changing activity

According to this thread on StackOverflow, "Android remembers the intent that was used to launch it". The problem described there is exactly what I'm going through: When the app is launched ...
Hillcow's user avatar
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Android pending intent not doing anything

tl;dr: I want to keep the back stack to be able to navigate back, but when I don't use the flags that clear the back stack, opening a notification that has a pending intent does nothing except opening ...
Hillcow's user avatar
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Android 15 confusing new 'Safer Intents' security policy

Android 15 is introducing new policy on Intents safety: I have a problem understanding what really changes and how to ...
sweak's user avatar
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Android Unresolved reference @MainActivity from another activity

(I'm an Android newbie.) Goal: When a message is received from the HTML page's JavaScript, switch to a different activity. Error: Unresolved reference @MainActivity The file MainActivity.kt exists in ...
Larry K's user avatar
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how to watch the package received from emergency alert and information from another phone and sent back the same package to sender phone?

how to watch the package received from emergency alert or emergency information from another phone and sent back the same package to sender phone? how to use intent to watch what another app doing ...
Maiva's user avatar
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Android. How to disable multiple selection of files via intent?

I'm trying to select file with intent Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT. Here is my code: ActivityResultLauncher<String[]> launcher = registerForActivityResult(new ActivityResultContracts.OpenDocument(...
testivanivan's user avatar
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Open a Sharepoint online Excel file in the Excel app for Android using a link or intent

I would like to launch the Excel for Android app with an online file (from Sharepoint) opened for editing, exactly like the app does when creating a widget with a link (file > overflow menu > ...
virtualdj's user avatar
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ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Intent received for SD Card but not for USB Drive

In my Android Application, I have to detect when an external storage device is attached or removed (SD Card or USB Drive) so that I can perform some action when this happens I implemented a broadcast ...
Anirudh Kachroo's user avatar
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How to display result depending on the radio button choice?

I'm working on an Android Studio activity in which I have to calculate area and perimeter. I used intent to pass and access variables that will be used in another activity where the computations will ...
EJ Lin's user avatar
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Sharing Content to WhatsApp Fails When AppLock is Enabled

I'm working on an Android app that includes a feature to share content to WhatsApp. The sharing functionality works perfectly under normal conditions. However, when the AppLock for WhatsApp is enabled,...
Divy's user avatar
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How to pass a double value of an editText to another activity in android?

I'm working on an activity in android studio in which I need to compute area and perimeter. I used intent and view Binding to access and pass the value of the user input in the edit Text to another ...
EJ Lin's user avatar
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Is there a way to avoid android(13) pairing window and do it by device address automatically?

The following program section (java) is working fine, the file can be received, I just want to get rid of choosing device manually. I wonder if there is a simple way using intent.putExtra with device ...
e s's user avatar
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how to open Call setting screen from android app programmatically

I am trying to navigate from my app to device's Call setting screen and voicemail setting screen. I am looking for Action to create intent that can navigate to setting screen. or other way to open ...
Arc Envoy's user avatar
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Intent to record a video using CaptureVideo Contract, get this video in return and show it on a videoview

I'm trying to achieve the goal using following goal. ActivityResultLauncher<Uri> launcher = registerForActivityResult(new ActivityResultContracts.CaptureVideo(), new ActivityResultCallback<...
Muhammad Salman's user avatar
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android startIntentSenderForResult deprecated

I have this code: public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == BackupActivity....
Darksymphony's user avatar
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Can anyone tell me the package name of Amazon Android App of USA ? Because package name of Amazon app is different for different countries

I need to fire an intent using the package name of Amazon app. But the feature I am building requires to target the amazon app of US region only. I tried VPN and shared the app link from Google Play ...
Shubham Singh's user avatar
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Whenever i start a transparent activity from background, it opens on top of the already existing app

Whenever i start a transparent activity from broadcast reciever, if the app already has an activity in that is in the recent apps, instead of being transparent, over the current app, its transparent ...
Ryfter's user avatar
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How to create directories and files inside a directory obtained by Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE?

I am using following code to request user to pick a directory for storing app data. void doStuff() { File f = new File(Prefs.externalURI.getPath(), "cache"); if (!f....
Techno Verse's user avatar
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It is not possible to capture specific web links. Unexpected behavior in my Android browser app

I have created a minimal version to check this error. The app declares in its manifest.xml an activity-alias that points to the only activity of the app, Manifest.xml: <?xml version="1.0" ...
Thatta Systems's user avatar
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Unable to launch system update screen in settings using "android.settings.SYSTEM_UPDATE_SETTINGS" intent action

I want to launch the system update screen of settings in my android devices from my app. I saw that android.settings.SYSTEM_UPDATE_SETTINGS intent action is responsible for doing that but my app ...
Shubhanshi Agrawal's user avatar
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How do I open another application after reading its push notification in my Android app?

I have an app where I'm displaying notifications from chat apps after reading the with a Notification listener service and storing them in a room database. Now I want to open the specific chat the ...
Olorunfemi Oyewole's user avatar
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How to open mobile data settings in Google Pixel devices

I'm trying to open mobile data settings on Android API 33 and for that to happen, from an activity I run the following code:** Intent roamingIntent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_DATA_ROAMING_SETTINGS); ...
Optimizer's user avatar
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OnActivityResult after application restart

I am developing a .NET Maui application. It is sideloaded and doesn't use the Google Play Store. I want to update the app by downloading the new Apk and starting an ACTION_VIEW activity on the Apk. ...
Marc Miller's user avatar
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What's the best way to send data from activity to fragments

So my question is simple. I have two activities (splash and main) 3 fragments will be placed on the main activity. i want to fetch data from api on the splash screen and display the fetched data on ...
eliftekin's user avatar
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Imageview does not keep the selected image after changing activity

I have a MainActivity and a EditActivity, Main shows default info, then it can be changed on EditActivity which sends new info to MainActivity. Edit has a ImageView "@+id/edit_profile_picture&...
user24737139's user avatar

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