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Questions tagged [android-workmanager]

Android Jetpack WorkManager is used for scheduling and managing one time and periodic background tasks.

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94 votes
10 answers

More than one file was found with OS independent path 'META-INF/proguard/'

i am trying android WorkManager, The code is throwing error "More than one file was found with OS independent path 'META-INF/proguard/" when running, I tried the following ...
Basha K's user avatar
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93 votes
7 answers

Android WorkManager vs JobScheduler

Why do we need the new Android WorkManager if we already have a JobScheduler along with a few nifty backports (AndroidJob and FirebaseJobDispatcher) with the same functionality? Does it have any ...
Nikolay Kulachenko's user avatar
88 votes
3 answers

Android. Is WorkManager running when app is closed?

I want to schedule nightly database updates. So I use new Android WorkManager. My understanding is that once scheduled it will always run in the background independently from the app's lifecycle. Is ...
Tuesday Four AM's user avatar
83 votes
9 answers

Schedule a work on a specific time with WorkManager

WorkManager is a library used to enqueue work that is guaranteed to execute after its constraints are met. Hence, After going though the Constraints class I haven't found any function to add time ...
S Haque's user avatar
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69 votes
2 answers

How to create a Worker with parameters for in WorkManager for Android?

Android architecture has a new components WorkManager. From the example, class CompressWorker(context : Context, params : WorkerParameters) : Worker(context, params) { override fun doWork():...
Joshua's user avatar
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65 votes
1 answer

Android Work Manager vs Services?

In my Android app i have multiple intent services which run one after another and the very first intent service is trigerred by a broadcast. I came across Work Manager a few days ago and really liked ...
Dishonered's user avatar
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63 votes
4 answers

How to solve 'Program type already present:'?

I am trying to use WorkManager 1.0.0-alpha09. and getting this error: Program type already present: Message{kind=ERROR, text=Program type already ...
Simran Marok's user avatar
61 votes
7 answers

Check if WorkManager is scheduled already

How can I check if WorkManager is scheduled already. Here is my code that schedule WorkManager. public static void scheduleWork() { PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder photoCheckBuilder = ...
Khemraj Open To Work's user avatar
57 votes
9 answers

Asynchronous Worker in Android WorkManager

Google recently announced new WorkManager architecture component. It makes it easy to schedule synchronous work by implementing doWork() in Worker class, but what if I want to do some asynchronous ...
Anton Tananaev's user avatar
57 votes
8 answers

Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent, On AlarmPingSender

Problem Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent. I got it after updating target SDK to 31. the error always ...
Joseph Sanjaya's user avatar
48 votes
1 answer

WorkManager vs AlarmManager, what to use depending on the case

I have to perform this use case (not code , just the right usage) The use case : I need to fetch some data from the network everyday at 00:30 . These data provide me some specific times , and one of ...
coroutineDispatcher's user avatar
45 votes
5 answers

Android 12: Using SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM permission to get/show data at specific time are safe in Google Play Policy?

I have an Android app on Play store for 8 years. Recently Google release Android S or 12 introduce some limit with Foreground service launch restrictions
DzungPV's user avatar
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44 votes
2 answers

How does setExpedited work and is it as good&reliable as a foreground service?

Background In the past, I used a foreground IntentService to handle various events that come one after another. Then it was deprecated when Android 11 came (Android R, API 30) and it was said to ...
android developer's user avatar
40 votes
15 answers

Android Work Manager: "Could not instantiate Worker"

I've followed the Android Developer's tutorial on using the Worker Manager structure to run my code in background but anytime I try to enqueue my worker it doesn't run and I get the following error: ...
Ícaro's user avatar
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39 votes
4 answers

Execute task every second using Work Manager API

Work Manager is a new API and I try to execute task every second, but it doesn't work. This is my worker class class TestingWorker : Worker(){ override fun doWork(): Result { Log.i("...
Chivorn's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

WorkManager - Should we remove the default initializer, when we use both Default initialization and Custom initialization?

I'm getting the following new error, when I upgrade WorkManager from "2.2.0" to "2.3.0-rc01" The error occurs when I'm exporting APK. C:\app: Error: Remove ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
31 votes
6 answers

IllegalStateException: WorkManager is already initialized

Having these dependencies: dependencies { implementation "" androidTestImplementation "" } When running this code for the ...
Martin Zeitler's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

How does WorkManager schedule GET requests to REST API?

I've had a look at the codelab for WorkManager plus some examples on here, but everything in code I have seen is either related to doing work locally on the device or work uploading to the server, not ...
Arno Schoonbee's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

What are the retry strategy/ mechanism for WorkManager's OneTimeWorkRequest

I have the following one-time worker. // Create a Constraints that defines when the task should run Constraints constraints = new Constraints.Builder() .setRequiredNetworkType(NetworkType....
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

WorkManager.getInstance().cancelAllWorkByTag() not stopping the periodic job

for periodic task I am using work manager as: PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder wifiWorkBuilder = new PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(FileUpload.class, 15, ...
PPD's user avatar
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27 votes
1 answer

When to use JobIntentService vs WorkManager?

Google recently deprecated IntentService as of: The docs for IntentService now say: * @...
satur9nine's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

Dagger2: Unable to inject dependencies in WorkManager

So from what I read, Dagger doesn't have support for inject in Worker yet. But there are some workarounds as people suggest. I have tried to do it a number of ways following examples online but none ...
varunkr's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

How to pass own class into Worker in android?

How can we pass Serializable object in work manager by setData method of work manager? Is there any way to process with Work manager by passing object? WorkManager is a library used to enqueue work ...
Vishal Patoliya ツ's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Android 12 - Foreground service launch restrictions

I'm developing an SDK that needs to startForeground service from the background. Because it uses background location and Bluetooth-related works. If the application is killed, the monitoring is ...
jerald jacob's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

WorkManager not repeating the PeriodicWorkRequest

I am creating an android application to run my code in background. I'm well aware of the restriction introduced by the Android Oreo for background services and that's why I'm using WorkManager API to ...
Madhusudan Sharma's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

Why backup related process might cause Application's onCreate is not executed?

It is common to have Application class as follow public class WeNoteApplication extends MultiDexApplication { public static WeNoteApplication instance() { return me; } @Override ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

Set initial delay to a Periodic Work Manager in Android

I have a Worker instance that needs to run every 24 hours which is pretty simple considering the PeriodicWorkRequest API. But here's the catch. If the user initiates the work at say 8 PM, I need the ...
Sriram R's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Android WorkManager: Cannot get output data from PeriodicWorkRequest

For some reasons I cannot get output data from PeriodicWorkRequest of Android WorkManager. The worker runs periodically as expected, it just doesn't return any data. My MainActivity: @Override ...
Target's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

Android WorkManager api for running daily task in Background

I need to call one API daily in the background even if the app is closed. I have seen about WorkManager API. For my scenario, I tried PeriodicWorkRequest but unfortunately, it's not working as my ...
lavanya velu's user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

Synchronous or Asynchronous Rxjava inside the Worker (from WorkManager component) what's the right choice?

I'm new to the new architecture component WorkManager, I do my API calls via Retrofit and RxJava. My use case here is to get new posts from the Backend, then show notification, and update a widget. ...
Mohamed Ibrahim's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

Work Manager not working when app is killed by the user. Why?

I want to execute a task, even after the application is killed using work manager. But, the task is not executed after the app is killed. workManager = WorkManager.getInstance(); Constraints ...
minato's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

How to schedule notifications using WorkManager?

I want to schedule a notification everytime the user add a note in the database for a specific time. While there are multiple ways to do it using AlarmManager, BroadcastReceiver etc. How can it be ...
Ankur Gupta's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Is WorkerManager a realiable way to implement alarm/reminder feature in the app?

We notice that AlarmManagerCompat alone, isn't a reliable way to implement alarm/ reminder feature in our app, due to different AlarmManager behaviour in different version of OS. (For instance, Doze ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot invoke observeForever on a background thread

Can someone help me find where I am going wrong here. I need to continously observer network data and update the UI whenever there is a data change from the Worker. Please note that this was working ...
FreddCha's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

Proper way to tackle and resolve "Excessive network usage (background)"

Problem Background Currently, we have facing "Excessive network usage (background)" from Android Vital report. Last 30 days is 0.04%, but we're only Better than 9% Last 30 days - 0.04% Benchmark - ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

How to implement Dagger for worker classes? [duplicate]

Since the Worker class is created by the framework (WorkerManager), how can we use @Inject fields into the Worker?
Mehdi Jahed Manesh's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Injecting CoroutineWorker with Hilt : Could not instantiate woker

Same questions have been asked but they didn't work for me , In the start I was using the latest version of work manager which is 2.7 alpha 3 but I downgraded since its only compatible to android 12 ...
Waqas Tahir's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Periodic daily work requests using WorkManager

How to properly use the new WorkManager from Android Jetpack to schedule a one per day periodic work that should do some action on a daily basis and exactly one time? The idea was to check if the ...
Gaket's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Compile errors after updating to WorkManager 1.0.0-alpha09

I'm trying to use WorkManager from architecture components. I've upgraded the compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion from 27 to 28. gradle sync is successfully done. But build-time error keeps popping ...
Orcun Sevsay's user avatar
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19 votes
8 answers

How to reduce time of PeriodicWorkManager in WorkManager

In PeriodicTimeRequest minimum periodic time is 15 minute. I want to reduce it from 15 min to less than 15 minute.How can i do that?
Shubhanshu Singh's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

foregroundServiceType 0x00000001 is not a subset of foregroundServiceType attribute 0x00000000 in service element of manifest file

I have implemented Foreground Service using WorkManager, it works fine upto API Level 33. Since it is mandatory in API Level 34 to specify foregroundServiceType, I specified it in Worker and in the ...
Saif's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Check if WorkRequest has been previously enquequed by WorkManager Android

I am using PeriodicWorkRequest to perform a task for me every 15 minutes. I would like to check, if this periodic work request has been previously scheduled. If not, schedule it. if (!...
Bhavita Lalwani's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

WorkManager - SystemForegroundService: Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground()

For fetching the location from foreeground service, we have recently migrated our WorkManager to use ForegroundService. We have followed the below document to achieve this:
Chandra Sekhar's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Avoiding duplicating PeriodicWorkRequest from WorkManager

On Application start I want to start service that will work forever, but when user opens app again it duplicates. PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder sendDataBuilder = new PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(...
Igor Kostenko's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Unique OneTimeWorkRequest in Workmanager

We are using OneTimeWorkRequest to start background task in our project. At application start, we are starting the OneTimeWorkRequest (say req A) Depends on user's action we start the same work ...
Aram's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

WorkManager's PeriodicWorkRequest is executing once and not repeating

I am trying to make use of WorkManager however I seem to be running into an issue where PeriodicSync is only repeated on startup once and that's it. I've looked at this post Is WorkManager's ...
GevDev's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

WorkManager - how to execute jobs sequentially

I have a service listening for incoming FCM notifications. When such a notification is received, I run a job with WorkManager. When multiple notifications are received at the same time, how can I ...
user2923322's user avatar
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16 votes
7 answers

PeriodicWorkRequest not working after device reboot in android oreo

I have requirement of pushing in app notification to user based on following logic. Type A notification will be shown after every 24 hours. Type B notification will be shown after every 7 days. Type ...
Tanmay Talekar's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

Android Studio class file for not found

I cannot build my project due to it failing because it cannot find a class. Is there something wrong with my sdk or dependancies? I have tried invalidating cache and restarting. I am using api 29. The ...
rial's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How can I execute cleanup code in my CoroutineWorker when onStopped is final?

I upgraded to WorkManager 2.1.0 and tried to use some of the Kotlin extensions including CoroutineWorker. My worker was extending previously and it was executing cleanup code by ...
B W's user avatar
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