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Questions tagged [angular9]

Questions about Angular version 9, the web framework from Google. Use this tag for Angular questions which are specific to only version 9. Use tag Angular for any Angular questions which are not specific to an individual version

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770 votes
36 answers

Unable to resolve dependency tree error when installing npm packages

When trying to install the npm packages using npm i command, I am getting the following exception: I have tried reinstalling the Node.js package and setting the proxy to off using: set HTTP_PROXY= ...
Pearl's user avatar
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152 votes
12 answers

Job name "..getProjectMetadata" does not exist

I updated my angular to v9 and when I try to go back in v8, I receive this error. I have already tried the following: uninstall -global angular/cli uninstall angular/cli go back to my last package....
Guillaume Gaujac's user avatar
113 votes
4 answers

This class is visible to consumers via SomeModule -> SomeComponent, but is not exported from the top-level library entrypoint

I upgraded all my angular library to angular 9.0.0 using ng update and when I try to build them I got below error. Error: Unsupported private class SomeComponent. This class is visible to ...
Aniruddha Das's user avatar
89 votes
18 answers

Angular 9 introduced a global '$localize()' function that needs to be loaded

I'm getting the following error in my new angular project setup. Installed Packages and its versions ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: It looks like your application or one of its ...
Balaganesan Ravichandran's user avatar
68 votes
11 answers

Angular - No pipe found with name

I've created a pipe using "ng g pipe" command. I'm getting a console error when I'm using it in my code. The screenshots of the code are attached below. Error: error NG8004: No pipe found with name '...
Riyasree's user avatar
  • 736
67 votes
4 answers

ERROR in ngcc is already running at process with id xxxx [closed]

When I try to run ng serve command in my project it produce the below error. ERROR in ngcc is already running at process with id xxxx
Shyam Narayan's user avatar
56 votes
10 answers

Angular 9 - The target entry-point has missing dependencies

I have upgraded an Angular library to Angular 9. However when I attempt to use that library in another Angular 9 project I get an error like this: The target entry-point "mycomponents/entity-...
Scott Walter's user avatar
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50 votes
3 answers

What do I need to cache in my CI job to avoid ngcc recompiling each time?

With angular 9 and it's new compilation engine IVY, my CI build times have increased substantially. This is of course is because ngcc is ran on many modules. e.g. Compiling @angular/core : es2015 as ...
Maxime Dupré's user avatar
46 votes
3 answers

"ERROR in getInternalNameOfClass() called on a non-ES5 class: expected AngularFireModule to have an inner class declaration"

Terminal - "WARNING in Invalid constructor parameter decorator in D:/New folder/SilverLife/node_modules/@angular/fire/fesm2015/angular-fire.js: () => [ { type: Object, ...
D_B's user avatar
  • 483
45 votes
22 answers

TimeoutException: The Angular CLI process did not start listening for requests within the timeout period of 0 seconds

I'm getting this error after upgrading to angular 9. I'm using visual studio 2019, ASP .NET core with angular. Even if I create new project and update angular to 9 version, It stops working. Complete ...
Khizar Murad's user avatar
42 votes
4 answers

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert object to primitive value(zone-evergreen.js:171)

In Angular 9 (using Bootstrap 4 and Jquery 3.5.1). when clicking on bootstrap collapse button, I am getting an error on my browser console instead of a dropdown menu. I really don't know where ...
Rohit Kumar's user avatar
42 votes
3 answers

Cannot declare module in an NgModule as it's not a part of the current compilation Angular

Im not sure what is happening here but i am receiving this error 'Cannot declare 'FormsModule' in an NgModule as it's not a part of the current compilation' when importing 'formsModule' and '...
ashley g's user avatar
  • 875
35 votes
31 answers

Angular 9 ng new myapp gives error The Schematic workflow failed

I have angular 9 installed Angular CLI: 9.0.1 Node: 13.8.0 OS: win32 x64 Angular: ... Ivy Workspace: Package Version @angular-devkit/architect 0.900.1 @...
Lijo Daniel's user avatar
34 votes
7 answers

error: Could not find a declaration file for module '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic' angular 9

I want to use ckeditor in angular 9, I followed instructions in but it shows an error where I import '@...
Jalaleddin Hosseini's user avatar
29 votes
5 answers

How to import all Angular Material modules in Angular 9

I want to import all angular material modules and use into overall angular project templates.
Sajan Chhipa's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Package '@angular/core' is not a dependency. while updating angular 8 to angular 9

While updating angular 8 project to angular 9 , getting error ✔ Package successfully installed. Using package manager: 'npm' Collecting installed dependencies... Found 0 dependencies. Package '@...
Ashutosh Jha's user avatar
  • 16.1k
29 votes
3 answers

Angular 9 Ivy - Generic type 'ɵɵFactoryDef' requires 2 type argument(s)

Looks like Angular Ivy not ready yet. I'm trying to build my project using ivy which is the main idea for Angular 9. Many of libraries are not compatible with this feature, one of these library is @...
Yazan Mehrez's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

Angular 9: i18n in TypeScript

I studied the new i18n feature in Angular 9. How to translate text in TypeScript, e.g. SnackBar messages?
NoobieNoob's user avatar
24 votes
8 answers

Angular9: ERROR in The target entry-point "@angular/fire/auth" has missing dependencies

When I run npm run start I get the below error regarding firebase. Tech: Angular version 9, Firebase, Firestore, Geofirestore Angular CLI. Error: ERROR in The target entry-point "@angular/fire/auth"...
AngularM's user avatar
  • 16.5k
23 votes
6 answers

ngmodule is not a subtype ngmoduletype

I use angular 9 and I want to do lazy load and I do app-routing { path: '', loadChildren: () => import("./components/login/login.module")//.then(m => // m.LoginModule) } and after ...
poopp's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

test - No provider for TranslateService

I'm running some tests using the ng test command and I get the following error message: NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(DynamicTestModule)[TranslateService -> TranslateService]: ...
Stephane's user avatar
  • 12.5k
20 votes
5 answers

ERROR in The Angular Compiler requires TypeScript >=3.6.4 and <3.8.0 but 3.8.2 was found instead

I ran ng version and got the following output: Angular CLI: 9.0.3 Node: 12.16.1 OS: win32 x64 Angular: 9.0.2 ... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms ... language-service, ...
Angel Cloudwalker's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

ng-multiselect-dropdown - TypeError: Cannot read property 'idField' of undefined

Followed steps as per for angular 9 received below error in browser console TypeError: Cannot read property 'idField' of undefined
Shyam's user avatar
  • 412
19 votes
7 answers

Angular Material Menu module: Export of name 'matMenu' not found

I have a little issue with Angular Material Menu module. I have this code in my app.module.ts: import { SharedModule } from './shared/shared.module'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ // ... ], ...
Ferenc Bablena's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

TypeError: Cannot read property 'tapPromise' of undefined

I am using Angular Build Optimization in Angular 9 project and using below code for generating bundles but getting below error. I Google with the error but didn't find any concrete answer. As the ...
Atif's user avatar
  • 262
19 votes
4 answers

Tried to overwrite @angular/cdk/stepper/step-header.d.ts.__ivy_ngcc_bak with an ngcc back up file, which is disallowed

After upgrading @angular/core and @angular/material using ng update command, the ngcc command fails with below error command used: ngcc --properties es2015 browser module main --first-only --create-...
Aniruddha Das's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Private identifiers are only available when targeting ECMAScript 2015 and higher (Angular 9)

I'm upgrading from Angular 8.2 to 9.1 and I'm trying to change private fields to be #fieldName: any as allowed by TS 3.8 instead of private fieldName: any. And I get the compiler error saying Private ...
matchifang's user avatar
  • 5,380
18 votes
9 answers

Runtime error with Angular 9 and Ivy: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined ; Zone

We have an Angular 8 project with tests. We are attempting to upgrade to Angular 9 and went through all the steps in This all went smoothly, no issues. The app ...
Shane's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Check if output is present on component

Consider the following component: @Component({ selector: 'app-test' template: 'Hello!' }} export class TestComponent { @Output() readonly selectionChange = new EventEmitter<SomeTypeHere>()...
dev_054's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Cannot add property X, object is not extensible after ngrx 9 update

I am having an issue like Cannot add property X, object is not extensible after updating my angular project to angular 9 with Ngrx update as well. When I rollback Ngrxversion to 8 it's working ...
PushpikaWan's user avatar
  • 2,495
16 votes
4 answers

How do you render an Angular 9 mat-table without a header row?

I'm using Angular 9. How do I construct a mat-table without a header row (th) for the table? Sounds silly but if I do this <table mat-table *ngIf="isMobile" #mobile_table [dataSource]=&...
satish's user avatar
  • 863
15 votes
6 answers

How to resolve ERROR NetworkError at XMLHttpRequest.send (...dist\fxcore\server\main.js:200768:19)

I am new to Angular. I just finished developing my angular web application. When I use ng serve to serve my application during production, everything works fine. I added angular universal. Now when I ...
Benito's user avatar
  • 181
14 votes
6 answers

Angular 9 BaseComponent with @Injectable()

In Angular 8 I was able to create base components (classes the actual component inhert from) with an "@Injectable" attribute. The Angular 9 compiler tells me: The component YourComponent inherits ...
tris's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Warning: Unable to fully load /node_modules/ag-grid-angular/main.js for source-map flattening

I am getting the following warning when I am building the application with Angular Cli version 9.1.7 with enableIvy. I am using ag-grid-community version 22.1.0. Warning: Unable to fully load /...
Sanj's user avatar
  • 141
14 votes
1 answer

App won't recognize swipes using Hammer.JS and HammerGestureConfig in Angular 9

I can't recognize swipes in my Angular app using Hammer.JS. It's setup like this: "@angular/core": "~9.0.0-next.6", "hammerjs": "^2.0.8", "zone.js": "~0.10.2" app.module.ts is looking like this: ...
lampshade's user avatar
  • 2,686
14 votes
5 answers

After upgrade to Angular 9 cannot find variable in typings file

I have a reference to an external logging component (referenced in a js file), which I have defined in a typings file typings.d.ts declare var LogglyTracker; I have upgraded my angular application ...
jazza1000's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Why Angular 9 has to pre-compile itself code?

I've just upgraded my project to Angular 9 and the first thing that I noticed is that the build time increased significantly in my CI (From 2 minutes to 4 minutes). Analysing the logs, every time the ...
André Roggeri Campos's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Angular 9 Project is not working in production environment

I have migrated our Angular hybrid project from 8 to 9. The migration went smooth and ng build / ng serve works well like it did before. The real problem, where I don't know how to start working on ...
Boutsakis Vagelis's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How to access components unique encapsulation ID in Angular 9

I'm trying to encapsulate my element ids by adding the instance id like this: <label for="id-{{ unique }}-name"></label> <input id="id-{{ unique }}-name" type="text" formControlName="...
zZeepo's user avatar
  • 366
13 votes
2 answers

Angular 9 mat-progress-buttons error: ERROR in Failed to compile entry-point mat-progress-buttons (es2015 as esm2015) due to compilation errors

Getting an error with mat-progress-button given below after updating from Angular 8 to Angular 9. It was working fine with Angular 8. Is MatProgressButton incompatible with Angular 9? node_modules/...
user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Angular 9 observable unsubscribe using @ngneat/until-destroy npm package

I am using @ngneat/until-destroy this npm package to auto unsubscribe observables. I have used checkProperties: true to auto unsubscribe observables. But, I am not getting how to test it. Whether ...
pratik jaiswal's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

SSR (Express) Angular 9 - Uncaught ReferenceError: $localize is not defined

After having upgrading to Angular 9 i am facing the error : Uncaught ReferenceError: $localize is not defined Error: It looks like your application or one of its dependencies is using i18n. Angular 9 ...
Satyam Dorville's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Angular $localize using dynamic translation ID

With new Angular 9 @angular/localize is now possible to translate code directly from typescript. As its usage is not officially well documented, I found some tips on this post. $localize`:@@my-trans-...
Gothem's user avatar
  • 381
11 votes
2 answers

Angular 9 TestBed.inject & Provider Overrides

When using provider overrides what is the alternative of the following now that TestBed.get has been deprecated in Angular 9 TestBed.configureTestingModule({ providers: [{ provide: MyClass, ...
C. Rodwell's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Error: Tried to overwrite <package_path>.__ivy_ngcc_bak with an ngcc back up file, which is disallowed

I have upgraded from Angular 8 to 9 and have enabled Ivy following all the steps here. When I run npm install a handful of my packages throw the error: Tried to overwrite <package_path>....
Kyle Abens's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

HMR fails with Angular 9 + IVY: Type AppComponent is part of the declarations of 2 modules: AppModule and AppModule

Affected Package HMR + IVY Is this a regression? pre-IVY, it works Description Seems IVY and HMR don't play well together? However I've seen tickets of them that are closed so I suppose it should ...
1antares1's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Angular 9 compilation errors after migration from Angular 8

I migrated my angular app from version 8 to 9. After running ng serve --open, my app opens in the browser and gets stuck at the loading screen with this error in the console window: core.js:610 ...
amoonu's user avatar
  • 101
9 votes
2 answers

Cannot add property "X", object is not extensible angular 9

I have encountered this issue on many places after some days of updating from Angular 8 to Angular 9. Earlier it was working fine. Can anyone help me what's the problem. Example code below list....
Ashish S's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Cannot use Ng-bootstrap in Angular 9

I started my first project in angular with ng-bootstrap and followed the installation procedure, but nevertheless It doesn't work. The message is "Uncaught Error: It looks like your application or ...
Gustavo Quinteros's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Inject a service from a main project into a created library

I working with Angular 8. This question is only for Angular DI experts. At first, I made an Angular library that will be reused in many project. In this Library, I made an abstract service, that ...
Med Karim Garali's user avatar

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