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Use for questions about AngularJS (1.x), the open-source JavaScript framework. Do NOT use this tag for Angular 2 or later versions; instead, use the [angular] tag.

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using CSS-Loader, Style-Loader with ngtools is generating TypeError: at ShadowCss.shimCssText (compiler.mjs)

`I am creating Angular V-18 project without CLI and but i cannot find the solution for this one my package.json my tsconfig.json webpack.config.mjs const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); ...
KS7's user avatar
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HTML not rendered in Karma Jasmine

It seems that the page is not rendered in my unit test. This is why I am getting the null obj when doing the assert. I am using webpack, do you know if it can be related to it ? The angular webpack ...
guiz's user avatar
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How can I transform my DOMPurify to purify complex array of object

I have an issue I have a Dompurify function in my angularjs but it doesn't wrk properly when I want to purify complex array of objects Array of object example : { "Filter": { &...
Soleyne's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Trying to access the data I've sent through POST method to another file in PHP [closed]

So, I am creating an e-commerce website, where i want the cart data to be sent to a separate php file using POST method. I'm using the $http service of angularJS for this. The problem is that when i ...
Aaryan Fatnani's user avatar
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AngularJS angular-xeditable stop cancel event

I use angular-xeditable v0.9.0 lib in a project. I click editable-text field and show editable form. It's ok. But after I click anywhere, the editable form will hide. I need the form to remain active ...
DzmitryMashuk's user avatar
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Angular frontend project won't compile after code is cloned to a new machine [closed]

I switched to a new laptop and cloned my angular code. I ran npm install and tried to run ng serve as I did on my older linux laptop. However I get tons of TS compilation errors. How can I check what ...
Elad Ben-David's user avatar
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Don't Encode forward slashes in hash-portion of url with AngularJS 1.5.8 and angular-ui-router 0.3.1

I'm embedding a react app within a legacy angularjs with a directive. The angularjs app uses the html5 router for it's routes and React uses HashRouter. However forward slashes are encoded by angular ...
Victor's user avatar
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Issues with bootstrap-image-gallery.min.js and CSP headers in AngularJS project

I am using the bootstrap-image-gallery.min.js library in my AngularJS project. I have imported the library in my cshtml file, but I am facing issues with the modal popup. When the popup opens, the ...
Abhishek Sharma's user avatar
-1 votes
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Angular date picker in first component stops working after navigation [closed]

In Angular application. Clicking the date picker in the first component works fine and successfully navigates to the next component. However, when I return to the first component and attempt to ...
saravanan's user avatar
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is there any possibility to use the node package in angularJS version1? using grunt [closed]

I need to implement optimizely trough package in Angular JS and Grunt, instead of CDN script integration.
Rajasekar's user avatar
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When AngularJS render the HTML elements?

I have Cannot read properties of undefined reading rate error in the browsers console for a web app developed using AngularJS. HTML code: .... <div ng-if="!GetTaxController.getMinimumTax()&...
MABC's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Setting object values to ng-model in angularjs

I am using angularjs 1st version to display values on multiple text fields using ng-model. I have an object like this $scope.fieldValues = { keys: Object.keys(subkeys), values: Object.values(...
User's user avatar
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Trying to pass values through POST to a php file using $http service of angular js does not work [duplicate]

Basically, I'm creating an e-commerce website for a college project. My intent is that when a user clicks on the add to cart button, the name of the book and it's price gets sent to an external php ...
Aaryan Fatnani's user avatar
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Access Object inside Object - Javascript/JQuery

How do i access myUrl object inside testController i have defined directive as below paginationModule.directive('myDirective', function() { return { restrict: 'E', scope: { '...
sshet's user avatar
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Angular v18 - 404 on request

I've updated the Angular application to version 18 (18.0.1). I'm facing some issues regarding the http requests on localhost. For most of the requests I'm getting a 404. I'm behind a corporate proxy ...
anyway07's user avatar
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AngularJS $http.put returns 405 when published

I have an ASP.NET project with AngularJS. I am using $http.put to update a certain record in the database and I need the .then to do something later. I have an IIS server. When I test the code locally ...
Alaa's user avatar
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Dynamic routing in angular based on a condition

I want my app to route to different components based on an environment variable(e.g. switch). In the constructor of app routing module , I have added the condition to check for the variable. if(...
Teeee's user avatar
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1 answer

How to have loading screen before data is loaded

I want to have a loading screen before data is loaded. my data is collect from ngOnInIt and i want to make sure that the page will only show after data is loaded. @if (!(dataReady$ | async)) { <...
anscom ooi's user avatar
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How can i upload a large xml about 12G using kendo upload control in AngularJS?

I have a large xml that i want to upload using the Kendo upload control. $("#srcFile").kendoUpload({ multiple: true, async: $scope.asyncsettings, files: $scope.srcfile, ...
Stacey's user avatar
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Could not run phased build action using connection to Gradle distribution 'https://services.gradle-

[{ "resource": "/D:/Ionic/SIMBinding/pos_vkd_reports(11-01-2024)/android/", "owner": "generated_diagnostic_collection_name#5", "code": "0", &...
user13050437's user avatar
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Unable to set the content to the ckeditor

I am using version 5 of CKEditor and I have an issue where I can load the Ckeditor in the UI but am unable to see the content in it after setting the data If I add the links from the Editor menu, the ...
sathish kumar's user avatar
3 votes
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ui-select filtering only one field

I'm working on an AngularJS application and I'm using ui-select to allow users to select multiple roles and tabs. The filtering works perfectly for the tabs, but for some reason, it's not working for ...
Kristijan Nikoloski's user avatar
-1 votes
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When calling a endpoint from an angularjs webapp getting CORS Error

i am using angularjs (an old one) and 2.1.6 When the angular code trys to make the call to localhost:8088 I get the error Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:8088/api/parse/' ...
randy's user avatar
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// Unable to load schema from '': connect ETIMEDOUT (768)

I am working in a virtual system where there's no internet connection. Hence I know loading will not work but how can I solve this to remove warning? I already commented the line of loading schema but ...
Ramdev Nemathillam's user avatar
-1 votes
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ASP.NET MVC 5 and AngularJs (1.8.2) - A certain field from a data is being updated by another data (Which has different Id)

We have this application that has a problem with regards to data consistency, which the applications is created on ASP.NET MVC 5, and in AngularJS 1.8.2. and SQL Server and we use Entity Framework. ...
ArcDotNet's user avatar
-2 votes
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HTML5 mode and #s

I need to be able to be able to use a URL without a hash in order to implement a redirect for SAML login. So I enabled HTML5 mode in my AngularJS app and set the base href in index.html. Now the app ...
ogionnj's user avatar
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How to correctly transfer Children to the Angular Directive

I'm trying to pass all FormGroups that are in childrens to my directive. Why are they not transmitted? I tried using ViewChildren and ContentChildren but the result is undefined <div block="...
trimmm0's user avatar
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I want to differentiate between 2 arrays and save the value

$scope.GetInfoUser = async function (Info, Mavd) { if ($scope.ThongTinUser.UyQuyen) { $scope.FindNoiDungByUser = $scope.logDuLieuMau.filter( (NoiDung) => NoiDung.SoDangKy == Info....
anhkiet's user avatar
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fake api is not working for angular cors error

giving error for cors if i make backend then i can make cors problem solve but when i use fakeapi. How can i solve this problem for cors error Access to XMLHttpRequest at '
rahemanali's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Angular Route with parameter is not working

I am using Angular 18 and just imported Admin LTE assets. My angular routing is working fin without any route parameter. But whenever I am trying to use route parameter it is showing weird un expected ...
Sharif.rifat's user avatar
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Issues with UI Grid not Properly Rendering after ng-show

I am swapping the UI grid in and out using ng-show so when I show this grid this is the result I am seeing inside of angularjs 1.8.3. The header names and proper columns do not appear until I change ...
Alex Lowe's user avatar
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BPNM Library Angular dynamic CSS

I'm using Bpmn library for a diagram. I need to hide this palette on the diagram view... so in the TypeScript file I did a @viewChild for that element and tried to add css dynamically to hide it. @...
Vinícius Henrique Rocha da Luz's user avatar
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Unable to run Angular application using npm run local

I am working on hybrid angular application using angular 8 and angular 1. Earlier I used to run application on my Ubuntu system using commnad npm run local and app used to work fine locally, but for ...
Mohit Kumar Sharma's user avatar
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Add bootswatch in my styles.scss file with Angular 17

here is my styles.css code /* You can add global styles to this file, and also import other style files */ /* Importing Bootstrap SCSS file. */ @import 'bootswatch/dist/cyborg/variables'; @import '...
Mammane Bi's user avatar
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3 answers

Unable to run Angular solution due to version mismatch

I am getting the below error when trying to run the angular solution through VS Code. This version of CLI is only compatible with Angular versions ^18.0.0, but Angular version 13.3.12 was found ...
Member123's user avatar
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Can't use imports with "text!" prefix in my angularjs/webpack application

I'm working on a big and complex angularJs app, and i'm migrating it from Gulp to Webpack. I'm facing a problem that i couldn't solve, basically i have some imports like "define(['text!./Page....
Gamayazu's user avatar
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Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'HttpEvent<any>' - Trying to create HTTP interceptor in Angular app

I have been trying to create a loading spinner in my Angular application. I found an interesting tutorial here ( It ...
nbofni's user avatar
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How to make the content of full calendar scrollable horizontally

I have a full calendar component using version ^6.1.8 version Angular 15 and I want to make the view of calendar scrollable at certain width p.s 500px because on mobile days look so thin. I want the ...
flaw's user avatar
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Vimeo Embed Loading Issue

I have embedded the vimeo player in iframe. Sometimes the page showing error. "Sorry the video not exists." but when I refresh the page its working fine. I tried the solution Link. Still no ...
katik S's user avatar
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Igx-grid-tree with column input-group

Why does my grid get an error like the video when I enter values ​​into the input? video bug Below is my code using ignite for angular and using igx-grid-tree <igx-tree-grid [data]="data&...
user25612845's user avatar
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ip SSRF improper categorization in isPublic - IP node package vulnerability

I found ip SSRF improper categorization in isPublic vulnerability. when i tried npm audit to get vulnerability report, I found the below vulnerability related to ip package `ip * Severity: high ip ...
NIKITA NANOTE's user avatar
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inject() must be called from an injection context in unit test

When I am trying to use the AlertsComponent in my test file at the beginning it require some services. After adding theses services the following error appear: inject() must be called from an ...
guiz's user avatar
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How to add multiSelect Checkbox dropdown in anguler1 , Bootstrap3

i am new to angulerJS, so have no idea on how to add multi-select Checkbox dropdown list. Here is my partial html that show multi-select. I want it to be in shape of dropdown with checkbox as shown in ...
muhammad Yousaf's user avatar
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Once selected my radio buttons can't be deselected in a form angular application mat radio button group do not want use of jquery [duplicate]

I have two radio button in radio button group. It's not a required field but if selected radio button can't be deselected in form, for this I need to reset whole form. If radio button got selected ...
Gopal k .Dwivedi's user avatar
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How to fix the ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError-Error in Angular 17

I have been experiencing the ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError-Error in my Angular App since I updated the Angular to Version 17. I tried to understand why this error appears and I found the ...
Stefan B.'s user avatar
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Custom Response headers are not receiving in to client side

I have two servers, httpd server has launching in UI application and another server has in Spring boot application. In spring boot rest end point sending the custom response headers to UI, but that is ...
Rijo's user avatar
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I get a blank first page when printing the HTML Template of a widget with multiple loops

I am using a table with a tbody etc. I have a situation where I have created a report widget that loops through dates then reservations followed by service items. Everything looks fine on the screen, ...
Nosnibor's user avatar
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How to get html element using renderer2 service in angular?

I am trying to get html textbox element using renderer2 service of angular/core to manipulate it. Although my code is not giving any error but it stops executing during execution on the line in which ...
Maverik_coder's user avatar
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How can I handle file uploads in a React frontend with an Express.js backend and store the files in MongoDB?

I'm working on a full-stack web application using React for the frontend and Express.js for the backend. I need to implement a feature where users can upload files through a form in React, and these ...
Pixel Developer's user avatar
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md-select options overflow off-screen in Angular.js

I'm working on an Angular.js application that uses the md-select component from the Angular Material library. In my application, I have a dropdown select with options such as computer vision tasks, ...
Harshit Jain's user avatar

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