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Questions tagged [apache-superset]

Superset is an open source business intelligence web application that allows data exploration

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How to add dynamic filter to visualization in Superset?

I want to add a filter for table visualization that will filter by the last month, taking into account the main filter applied to the entire dashboard. For example, if there no filter I want see ...
John Doe's user avatar
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How to add extra column in Role model in apache superset

I am trying to extend Role model of apache superset and add channel_id as extra column. I have done it through and it looks like this. import flask_appbuilder.const as c import ...
No one's user avatar
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How to compare a column is not null in superset ( Metrics -> Custom SQL)?

I want to create a metric of Pivot 2: Actual/Target. But some Target is null. I wrote in Custom SQL as below but it did not work. I changed it to != Null or !=0, but it still does not work. Please ...
Diem Phuc Tran's user avatar
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How to add histograms to Handlebars table in Superset?

I make table for Handlebars in Superset 4.0.0. I add formatting with CSS in Live CSS editor. But I still need add histograms to Revenue fact column. How to add histograms? Do I need to check settings ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Bars Sorting issue in Superset

Hi this is my data for the last 1 year containing three columns: Year, Month and Count. When i am creating a bar graph using superset, the bars get arranged alphabetically instead of the order ...
Iqbal Singh's user avatar
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How to create handlebars in Superset and avoid error call to Function() blocked by CSP?

I got Superset 4.0.0, installed with Docker. I don't change any setting of Superset. I create Handlebars, add dimensions, metrics. But I get error: call to Function() blocked by CSP I think I need ...
John Doe's user avatar
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How to set colors for every column in table with cell bars in Superset?

I got table in Superset 4.0.0 wit cell bars: I want set different colors for bars for every column. I'm trying to use this code in json metadata: # default code { "chart_configuration": { ...
John Doe's user avatar
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How to enable template_processing for Superste installed with docker?

I got installed Superset 4.0.0. My docker-compose.yml (not full): version: "3.7" x-superset-image: &superset-image apache/superset:4.0.0 x-superset-env-file: &superset-env-file .env ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Attach is not persisted

We are trying to connect Superset instance to an in-memory duckdb which will in turn attach to a Postgres Instance. Trying to attach a postgres database to duckdb works but is not persisted. ...
Gaurav's user avatar
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Pinotdb error (pinotdb.exceptions.DatabaseError) {'errorCode': 150... when trying to initialize apache-pinot db from apache-superset

while setting up Apache-Superset (I installed Superset on Ubuntu 22.04 over pypi, for the connector im using pinotdb, to connect Superset to a apache-pinot db.) i encountered following error after ...
Zendoc's user avatar
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RLS on superset

sales level 1 sales level 2 sales level 3 sl1 slm1 slmn1 sl1 slm1 slmn2 sl1 slm2 slmn3 sl1 slm2 slmn4 sl2 slm3 slmn5 sl2 slm3 slmn6 sl2 slm3 slmn7 sl2 slm3 slmn8 sl2 slm3 slmn9 sl2 slm3 ...
siddharth mishra's user avatar
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How to apply a filter in Apache Superset to a column not in the final query

I'm currently working with Apache Superset and have encountered a specific challenge. I need to apply a filter to a column that isn't present in the final query output but exists within a subquery in ...
Daniel Schwarze Fraile's user avatar
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Can superset graphs show time in milliseconds?

I am trying to create a graph with milliseconds in a timeseries. I have the data but the "time grain" in superset only goes down to seconds. Is there a way to make it go further to ...
David Porter's user avatar
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Trigger an internal API while creating superset users

Am trying to save the usernames of the superset users in my internal application DB as well for my custom logic, so when the newly users get created from the superset, i want to trigger my internal ...
Kannan T's user avatar
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Apache Superset & Keycloak integration

I am currently working on configuring OAuth authentication between Keycloak and Apache Superset. I am encountering an issue where, after entering the credentials on the Keycloak page, I am redirected ...
Giorgos Kormpakis's user avatar
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Error ORA-00920: "Invalid relational operator" in Apache Superset when using embedding

I have created a very simple dashboard, with Superset 3.0.1. It works perfectly and you can see the query that is made in the screenshot on the left. I show the query that is executed below: SELECT ...
Angel Pernía's user avatar
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Login into apache superset without credentials

I have one personal dashboard website and i have superset deployed on aws fargate, now the user logins separately to superset, i want user to directly login into the superset if they navigate from my ...
Kannan T's user avatar
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How to relate two tables in Apache Superset so that filtering one field affects the entire table?

I'm working on a project in Apache Superset and I'm having difficulties relating two tables in a way that filtering one field affects the entire table. Here's my situation: Tables Involved: I have ...
Yuri's user avatar
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Embed Superset Dashboard in React app using REST APIs

I'm trying to embed a superset dashboard into my React app using the REST APIs of the superset. Following is the given setup: Superset hosted: HTTP:// React app hosted: HTTP://...
Manish Kumar's user avatar
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PL/SQL to Superset/Trino - convert hexadecimal funcion

I'm trying to convert the following pl/sql statement to use in Superset/Trino: select to_number(substr('D0023377B23DB783',-16), 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') from dual; result: 14988599054092911360 In trino/...
Ana Pinheiro Torres's user avatar
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Superset plugins yeoman error: Current environment doesn't provides some necessary feature this generator needs

I already have superset up and running on my local machine. I followed the official setup guide and everything has been working perfectly. However, now I am trying to create my own custom charts for ...
sor3n's user avatar
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Flask-Superset Error "Failed to serialize session data: Encoding objects of type LazyString is unsupported" with Redis Session Backend

I am encountering an issue when configuring Flask-Superset to use Redis as the session backend. Every time I attempt to import a file, the file uploaded successfuly,then I get the following error: ...
Weigo's user avatar
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how sort filter data with other columns in Apache Superset?

I have a dataset in Apache Superset that contain two columns order and name. I want add this dataset to a dashboard filters that show the name of this dataset but it sort with order. How can do this ...
Tavakoli's user avatar
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Trying to start Apache Superset, and get "services.superset-node.env_file.0 must be a string"

The Superset docs say to clone the repo, and run docker compose up. When I do that: $ docker compose up services.superset-node.env_file.0 must be a string I am on OS X version 12.7.5, Docker version ...
dfrankow's user avatar
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Button to add an alert in Apache Superset is disabled even after filling all fields

I am using Python 3.10.12 and have run pip install apache-superset to install superset. I've added the feature of alert in FEATURE_FLAGS = { 'ALERT_REPORTS': True, } But when ...
Kalieswari's user avatar
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Apache superset failing docker compose up install method

I am trying to build a fork of apache superset for development and keep running into the error: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c npm run ${BUILD_CMD}" did not complete successfully: exit ...
nick_jj's user avatar
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Superset Oauth2 problem with redirect uri in http instead https:

I'm using a supserset installation in virtual enviroment, gunicorn, nginx and apache since most of my sites in my server use apache. I'm trying to use Oauth2 with EntraID but the redirect_uri returns ...
matdlara's user avatar
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Checking oAuth token expiration in FlaskAppBuilder App

Does anyone know how to check token expiry on requests in a Flask AppBuilder app. I'm specifically talking Superset here, but I think the same would apply anywhere. I've got an OAUTH configuration for ...
Pat Buxton's user avatar
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In AWS Superset: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded, when editing scoping of filters

When I try to change the scoping of a filter in my dahsbaoard or when I try to edit the cross filter, I get the unexpected error: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. Other dashboards still ...
Luke Coopman's user avatar
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Superset HandleBar support for array type Column iteration

I have a requirements to create dynamic table on the basis of array type columns in my data. Both array type column have the same number of attributes. Image shows actual running code Image shows ...
barney_st_er's user avatar
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Is there a way to write the following SQL query?

I am using Apache Superset connected to Elasticsearch data via elasticsearch-dbapi, when I SELECT * from some indexes, I get the following error: elasticsearch error: TransportError(500, '...
Sara H's user avatar
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superset itself modifies clickhousesql?

enter image description hereThis is an earlier version of the query enter image description hereIn version 2.0.0, the statement corresponding to the same metadata was changed to the one in the figure ...
董长昊's user avatar
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Superset stored procedure runs in sql lab but not in chart

I have Superset 3.1.3. I have a connection with Sql Server through ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server. I have enabled the dml option to run stored procedures. The SP runs in the Sql Lab. But when I choose ...
NonLinear's user avatar
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Superset does not allow dataset with JOIN or stored procedure

I use Superset version 3.1.3 When in sql lab I use JOIN or EXEC SP (to run stored procedures in Sql server) although it runs it won't let me create dataset based on this sql. Is it an inherent ...
NonLinear's user avatar
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Schema changes made to 'ab_user' table of Superset version 3.0.1 is not reflected in DB

Currently I am using Apache Superset version 3.0.1 I want to make schema changes in the ab_user table of superset. In the config file I made the necessary changes. But this schema change is not ...
user25537039's user avatar
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how to add image in superset dashboard?

I would like to insert an image into the text space within the superset dashboard, but even if I create it like this, the image will not be uploaded. here is code: <img src="{{Image URL}}"...
하성박's user avatar
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How to add dynamic annotations layer in Apache Superset?

I would like to change the annotations based on the selected filter. I have a drop down filter and I want to show different horizontal lines based on the input filter on a line chart. Is it possible ...
Rajesh Pachaikani's user avatar
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create a dataset in sqllab query editor with parameters in Apache Superset

I'm new to Apache Superset and trying to create a dataset in sqllab query editor with parameters similar to the query below select * from employee_details where employee_id = {{ employee_id }} and ...
user1528398's user avatar
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The bar stacking chart does not show numbers less than 10% during in SuperSet

The bar stacking chart does not show numbers less than 10% during in SuperSet Do anybody know how to fix this moment? look at screenshot: enter image description here Yes, but I don’t understood ...
Ivan Barchenkov's user avatar
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How to backtrack Apache Superset Installation?

I am installing Apache superset on my local machine. On there website, there are three approaches to install, docker compose up docker compose -f docker-compose-non-dev.yml up docker compose -f ...
Hamza Tehseen's user avatar
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Issue to fetch guest token from API - access token to get successfully but issue to get on guest token

{Method: POST, RequestUri: '', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.ObjectContent`1[ConsoleApp2.GuestTokenRequest], Headers: { Origin: ...
sandeep verma's user avatar
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How can I set custom coloring for individual charts in Superset version 3.1?

In Superset version 3.1, I'm attempting to set individual colors for the charts on my dashboard, but the changes aren't taking effect, even when I don't set any color scheme for the dashboard itself....
juanrong's user avatar
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Metadata DB Migration - Only few tables are created

I'm trying to host Superset on Azure App Service. I need to configure an external DB for persisting the configuration, for which I'm using Azure MySQL flexible server. I have updated the ...
Ronak Philip Jacob's user avatar
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Superset. Executing Stored Procedures by changing the source code

Apache Superset runs only SELECT statements. When I try EXEC someSP against SQL SERVER then it throws me "Only SELECT statements are allowed against this database.". Because Superset is an ...
NonLinear's user avatar
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Can we customize the calendar heatmap to display week names on top of the calendar

I want to dislay week names(S M T W T F S) and instead of heatmap I want to display date of the month in calendar heatmap, I don't see any documents regarding this. Has anybody tried this? If tried ...
Mahima's user avatar
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How I can install Posthog-js in apache superset?

Postghog-Js is an analytics tool and I wanted to install this in an Apache superset. I have explored the superset project structure and found one of the HTML files i.e. tail_js_custom_extra.html where ...
vikash's user avatar
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Enable "forgot password" option on login page

I use apache superset in my company and we have to many requests of password reseting. At the moment, the only option we have for doing it is asking the tool administrator to do it.We would like to ...
Marília Santos's user avatar
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How to Apply a URL Filter in a Superset Dashboard

I need to provide a filter for an Apache Superset dashboard via URL parameter and apply the filter to the data shown. I can set the filter via URL parameter, but it is not applied to the data in the ...
Frank Wegner's user avatar
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Superset enable jinja

I need to enable jinja in Superset. I found that I have to set ENABLE_TEMPLATE_PROCESSING to true. I found it in the that has the default value that was as false. But also someone said that ...
NonLinear's user avatar
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How to update Superset with Docker?

I got Superset ver 2.1.3. I've checked versions on Github. So I pretty sure, that I got old version. How to update it to last version with Docker? I use this commands (from directory with Superset ...
John Doe's user avatar
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