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Integration of WhatsApp group links into a web application.?

I’m working on a project that involves the integration of WhatsApp group links into a web application. My website is this whatgroups I'm looking for guidance on the best practices for securely ...
Battuta Adventure's user avatar
-1 votes
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I am using planTour and createDistanceMatrix api, response language change

API : I am using above api with payload and doing POST request. By default if i get error, i get in English ...
Sagar Salyan's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

how to solve the unsported_grant_type error when dealing with API integration [closed]

I am having this error message error ' general exception: Authentication request exception: HTTP request returned status code 400:\n{"error_description":"Invalid grant_type",&...
Michael's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Couldnt connect railway's mysql database with railway's laravel project [closed]

I created mysql in railway deployed laravel project. I replaced app url, database name, port, host name. Bu still showing this in mysql.enter image description hereenter image description here ...
SAGOR SARKER CE19004's user avatar
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alguno que tenga documentación de los endpoint de la API de la DIAN en Colombia?. de antemano, gracias [closed]

alguno que tenga documentación de los endpoint de la API de la DIAN en Colombia?. de antemano, gracias atento a una ayuda para implementar y conectar la api de facturación electronica de la DIAN en ...
Wilson arias ruiz's user avatar
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Configure IIS to accept API calls only from API Manager, Deny from direct calls

I have an API hosted in Azure VM on IIS. I have exposed that End point to public through Azure API Manager. Currently the server end point can be called directly bypassing the Azure API Manager. I ...
JayNaz's user avatar
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Problems with API return using the Axios library in NextJS

I have a problem and I can't solve it in time. Who knows, maybe someone can help me. I'm testing an application made in DJango Rest Framework (back-end) and NextJS (front-end). The problem I will ...
Saulo Lago's user avatar
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How to query by Iteration in pyral?

My goal is to pull user stories from previous iterations that have not been Validated. To do this I am using pyral-1.5.2: user_stories = rally.get('UserStory', project='My Project', fetch=True, query=(...
brogrammer's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a way to have a user enter a url query and have a single function filter a database?

I'm playing with the Django rest framework and PostgreSQL, building an API that returns data on all of the stats from this NBA season. Rather than having a function to return stats for each category, ...
alecnazzy's user avatar
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Cant get value in Vue from data

I am pulling data via an API and it appears in my vue console but when i try and pull it into my markup nothing displays? clicks:"27,577" earnings_per_click:"257.11" orders:"...
jord49's user avatar
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Read stories/posts using instagram API

I wanted to get all the stories for an user using Instagram API. Not the stories posted by the user but by the people he/she is following similar to how i am able views stories after i log in to my ...
Hari's user avatar
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Filtering With DRF

I'm currently trying to add filter to a menu API but it doesn't seem to work This is what I tried in my @api_view() def menu_items(request): if request.method == "GET": ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Javascript Capture Form Values and Send via Api

I have a subscription form on my website. I'am capturing the email address form form and trying to send them via api. When I run the I'm getting the error below: "Access to fetch at 'https://...
Gökmen Bekar's user avatar
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Mongoose:Error when send a second request on the server

I'm making an API for my app, the app is in MERN stack, I make a separate Database for every account and its information (every account along with it's info is in a separate DB so each DB for each ...
Quiet Coder's user avatar
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Is there any way to delete a folder in run time if the memory of any file inside the folder is being used

if (Directory.Exists("BarCodePNG")) { Directory.Delete("BarCodePNG", true); } if (Directory.Exists("BarCodeJPG")) { Directory.Delete("BarCodeJPG", true)...
Anmol's user avatar
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How to Update Stripe Subscription with Python API without Accumulating Price Objects

I am using stripe API integration to build a python app, I want to be able to allow an user to upgrade their subscription from their current subscription at any point in time and the new subscription ...
Brian Obot's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How do I convert a java object toJSON format without using any external libraries or dependencies for java?

static class DataObject { private String access; private String foo; private Int age; } to {"access" : "value","foo":"value","age":&...
edward's user avatar
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How do I convert a curl POST to Python for a US Patent Office API?

I want to use a Python to get data from the US Patent & Trademark Office via an API. The details of the API appear here. That page also contains a widget you can use to try out the ...
EJensen's user avatar
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How to bypass the limit of 100 songs in Spotify API?

i have a code that creates a dataframe of the songs from a playlist. I tried to change it so it will ignore the 100 limit and i will recieve all the songs from the playlist, but it doesnt work.. can ...
Rom Meltzer's user avatar
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Why API throws Error 500 on hosting but works locally?

I've just developed a very simple API just to test some things. It works fine localhost, even connecting to my online database, but on the production environment it throws error 500. Can anyone point ...
Lucas Hoffmann's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to hide WooCommerce API Key in php files?

I'm creating a WooCommerce & Vue 3 projects and I need to hide my api key when i'm calling it. Do you know how can I do it ? At the begining, on vue3, i've put it in headers of my request and all ...
Kotim's user avatar
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404 on RESTful service created with Spring Boot

I just deployed a RESTFul Spring Boot/maven service to Tomcat 10.1.9 running on a Amazon EC2 Linux instance, but it returns a 404. It does however work when I launch it from Eclipse and connect via ...
Rob Gravelle's user avatar
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Call to local api does not work in the browser but shows success status with Postman

I am creating an image generation website with Mern. One of my functions named handleSubmit, calls for a local API. The API is not fetched when running in the browser but runs fine when tested with ...
Adit Ramdas's user avatar
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Mark as a paid an invoice with PayPal api v2

I try to manage a subsbription to several service purchase with PayPal First step: Crate a Checkout Order with a purchase_units each service subscriptio. Second step: In the return url (after the ...
Ephraim's user avatar
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i'm on vb6, i need to set a get with

I use for all my get rest API this code in vb6: Option Explicit Private Sub RestExample() Dim APICall As String Dim myXML As New MSXML2.DOMDocument60 APICall = "http://www....
user1579247's user avatar
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How to consume a SOAP API using Python. Soap API 1.2 using WCF service

I have been working on a project that uses SOAP API. I was provided with two urls (able to consume) and request xml looks like this it uses LookupUser_Request. <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=&...
Nipun's user avatar
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ConnectException using restTemplate

I'm working on a spring boot project, the whole project is running on my machine. everything was working fine previously, but now it doesn't. I'm running a fake json on npm json-server on "http://...
hazem_bensaid's user avatar
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1 answer

post name, email and role in django backend, react frontend error 400

i want to the admin to post name, email and role of a user using frontend, and its stored in backend of django, please note that i dont want the admin to store the password, the user will later on add ...
Maryam Naveed's user avatar
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3 answers

Expected a value of type 'String', but got one of type 'List<dynamic>'

I want integrate Flutter with an ASP.NET API. the problem is when I create minimal API, the JSON I retrieved from MapGet is a string, when I try to jsondecode() it give me: Expected a value of type '...
user avatar
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Laravel FormRequest Validation for Rest API get calls with 2 query json params not working properly

I got a Laravel FormRequest class that should validate two JSON query strings (nested objects and arrays) on a GET route on my JSON Rest API. I pick up the json query strings, decode them to php ...
MikkeyDevelop's user avatar
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How to set up Flask+Gunicorn+Nginx using docker-compose?

I have Flask app with couple API endpoints: /api1 and /api2 Flask ( app = Flask(__name__) ... @app.route('/api1', methods=['POST']) def api1(): ... @app.route('/api2', methods=['POST']) ...
Roman Velichkin's user avatar
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Karate - client certificate usage [duplicate]

I have a set of api for new module where I am implementing Karate framework poc. Where the api call uses client certificate with crt file,key file and passphrase. Need to understand how do I need to ...
Nagaraj's user avatar
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-1 votes
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LinkedIn API - Search Professionals by Skills

Is there a LinkedIn API that return the list of professionals by skills, roles, or a combination of both? If so, what are the requirements and process to get access to this API? Any help or insights ...
dang's user avatar
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Why doesn't el.scrollIntoView() scroll to the specified element?

There is a list of posts that is generated as follows: async function getPosts() { let res = await fetch('./api/posts'); let posts = await res.json(); const postList = document.querySelector('....
Vladikslavus's user avatar
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How fetch a json query response from an api in python using requests library?

I want to pass a json query as an argument in the requests.get method in python and get the query based response from the url. query_params = { "query": { "exists": { &...
Rumi's user avatar
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Sending the form to Sptari v4

enter image description hereGood afternoon colleagues. my problem is that i want to understand how exactly i can get the image from Strapi if i have sent it with a form and additional fields of the ...
влад's user avatar
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ImageBackground not displaying image when fetched from API

When I am fetching image source from API, Image is not displayed in ImageBackground even though source exists but remaining data is displayed such as listing title and other details. import React, {...
ctr1L's user avatar
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axios API not receiving data from express js nodejs

client const {data} = await axios.create({baseURL:``}).post("/seller/login",{ sellerMobile, sellerEmail, password },...
Shubham Garg's user avatar
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Angular2- Can't call an API with a service in Angular

[Trying to call this API file in Angular through a service. I was able to call a local JSON file before with ease but this one is not working.The second image is the table I want to setup for the data ...
celtics4life's user avatar
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How to stop api calls on react changes

I am working on a project and this is my first time working with apis and realized that apis are expensive, so when i make changes in my react vite tsx project it seems to be calling it each time a ...
leoqode's user avatar
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Pydantic class looks immutable (serialization and update with Json string for restAPI communication)

I am looking to add serializing-deserializing methods to a Pydantic class to communicate class attributes to a restAPI or update object with API response. I arrived up to this point, program don't ...
GrosseKartoffel's user avatar
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TypeError: Client.create_tweet() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

I’m making my first bot but I get this error when running it. Made with python 3.11 tweepy. TypeError: Client.create_tweet() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given Code: import tweepy client = ...
ThePangel's user avatar
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Mapping data recieved from Angular in .net using mediatR

I'm sending data from my angular App in FormData this is the print of the data sent Key: tePartNumber, Value: test Key: customerPN, Value: test Key: projectNumber, Value: test Key: oem, Value: ...
Chabba Mohamed Nadir's user avatar
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Search API Privileges in Coveo

I am trying to use Coveo Search API in my project. I generated the Api key from the admin console page of Coveo. But when I send a query request with the API key, I receive a response with status OK ...
Pankaj Chowdhury's user avatar
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Flask API works correctly locally but returns 415 on Azure App Service

Current environment Python 3.10 Flask 2.3.2 and waitress 2.1.2 Postgresql DB on Azure Postgresql managed service (flexible server) App Service running docker container for the server with same ...
mattiatantardini's user avatar
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ChatGPT OpenAI API coesn't understand prompt

So i want to translate a specific prompt from for instance English to Netherlands and give 3 different options for this, sometimes it seems to work and sometimes ChatGPT gives text after the text he ...
Nick's user avatar
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Django and ReactJS integration: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)" error

I am working on an e-commerce project where I am using Django for the backend and ReactJS for the front end. However, I am encountering an error when trying to fetch data from the ReactJS component to ...
TechLover's user avatar
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PHP Connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM

I am trying to connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM using an Application or Client Id and a Client Secret based authentication. I have client id, client secret and Tenant Id. But it does not seem to ...
Fllorinaaa's user avatar
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cURL failed: no post FIELDS sent

I need to create a php curl request to an electronic signature service, sending a pdf file to be signed + a json payload. When I simulate the api through postman, it works through the local / desktop ...
foormi's user avatar
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