I'm publishing my app to App Store and I have doubts regarding the "Missing Compliance" step.

screenshot apple store UI

Here's some info about the app:

  • I used Expo (Managed workflow). That means I don't have direct access to Xcode.
  • It's a simple 2D video game, free, with Expo ADMob. You can pay to remove Ads.
  • It requests a camera and library permission (to take a picture if the player wants). No Notifications, or any other extra thing.
  • It uses Firebase (Database, Storage, and Analytics) and Sentry. (for HTTPS connections)
  • I didn't manually include any "encryption" custom thing (that I'm aware of)
  • I'm publishing the App from Portugal, Europe. I plan to publish it worldwide, if possible.
  1. Does your app use encryption? I didn't code anything related to it... but I assume I should say yes, right?

step 1: encryption

  1. Does your app qualify for any of the exemptions provided in Category 5, Part 2 of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations?. My app is a simple JS video game, with MobAds. Should I say yes or no?

step 2: exemptions category 5

  1. Does your app implement any encryption algorithms that are proprietary or not accepted as standards by international standard bodies (IEEE, IETF, ITU, etc.)? I did say no... is it right?

step 3 - encryptions algorithms

  1. Does your app implement any standard encryption algorithms instead of, or in addition to, using or accessing the encryption within Apple’s operating system? If I say no, it shows an extra message about HTTPS. My app does use HTTPS for Firebase (Database, Storage, and Analytics) and Sentry.

4. compliance with HTTPS

  1. Finally, if I say yes, it says: Version 0.1.0 (1) cannot be tested at this time because the build does not have associated export compliance documentation. Where do I find this documentation and how can I get it? I'm from Portugal, Europe.

enter image description here

Thank you!

  • I’m voting to close this question because it is about legal issues and App Store review policies.
    – Peter O.
    Commented Nov 10, 2020 at 22:31
  • 10
    congrats peter! Commented Dec 10, 2021 at 17:50

3 Answers 3


Question 1:

Reply YES as you use HTTPS encryption for connections

Question 2:

For what you said about your app the reply is NO. In brief you don't use any function inside your app that use a custom cryptography or it's strictly medical app. The encryption that you use it's only for data passing from app to server, nothing inside your app is encrypted (app or a part/module of app is not encrypted).

Question 3:

No you don't use a custom crypt algorithm. That is usually used for bank app data inside the app.

Question 4:

Say NO. The US rules give an exception for apps with only HTTPS calls (that is what you do). Read here for a full explanation:


For expo users, automatically answer this question by adding this to your app.json/app.config.js:

  "ios": {
    "config": {
      "usesNonExemptEncryption": false / true
  • 1
    Thank you! Answering the same question on every upload to TestFlight was starting to give me mental RSI! Commented Jun 25 at 16:03

Just add this key to info.plist file:


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