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Questions tagged [artificial-intelligence]

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer science and technology that studies the development of machines able to simulate aspects of human intelligence. This tag may also refer to the part of a computer game application that controls the behavior of the virtual characters with which the player may interact during the game, offering immersive and dynamic gameplay experiences.

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2071 votes
15 answers

What is the optimal algorithm for the game 2048?

I have recently stumbled upon the game 2048. You merge similar tiles by moving them in any of the four directions to make "bigger" tiles. After each move, a new tile appears at random empty position ...
nitish712's user avatar
  • 19.7k
967 votes
18 answers

What is the role of the bias in neural networks? [closed]

I'm aware of the gradient descent and the back-propagation algorithm. What I don't get is: when is using a bias important and how do you use it? For example, when mapping the AND function, when I use ...
Karan's user avatar
  • 11.6k
482 votes
14 answers

Epoch vs Iteration when training neural networks [closed]

What is the difference between epoch and iteration when training a multi-layer perceptron?
mohammad's user avatar
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322 votes
23 answers

Pacman: how do the eyes find their way back to the monster hole? [closed]

I found a lot of references to the AI of the ghosts in Pacman, but none of them mentioned how the eyes find their way back to the central ghost hole after a ghost is eaten by Pacman. In my ...
RoflcoptrException's user avatar
313 votes
25 answers

What is the best Battleship AI?

Battleship! Back in 2003 (when I was 17), I competed in a Battleship AI coding competition. Even though I lost that tournament, I had a lot of fun and learned a lot from it. Now, I would like to ...
293 votes
27 answers

What is the difference between supervised learning and unsupervised learning? [closed]

In terms of artificial intelligence and machine learning, what is the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning? Can you provide a basic, easy explanation with an example?
TIMEX's user avatar
  • 268k
243 votes
18 answers

source of historical stock data [closed]

I'm trying to make a stock market simulator (perhaps eventually growing into a predicting AI), but I'm having trouble finding data to use. I'm looking for a (hopefully free) source of historical stock ...
rmeador's user avatar
  • 25.6k
233 votes
34 answers

What are good examples of genetic algorithms/genetic programming solutions? [closed]

Genetic algorithms (GA) and genetic programming (GP) are interesting areas of research. I'd like to know about specific problems you have solved using GA/GP and what libraries/frameworks you used if ...
197 votes
10 answers

Why is Lisp used for AI? [closed]

I've been learning Lisp to expand my horizons because I have heard that it is used in AI programming. After doing some exploring, I have yet to find AI examples or anything in the language that would ...
Cristián Romo's user avatar
180 votes
12 answers

How does Dijkstra's Algorithm and A-Star compare?

I was looking at what the guys in the Mario AI Competition have been doing and some of them have built some pretty neat Mario bots utilizing the A* (A-Star) Pathing Algorithm. (Video of Mario A* ...
KingNestor's user avatar
  • 67.3k
168 votes
8 answers

What's is the difference between train, validation and test set, in neural networks?

I'm using this library to implement a learning agent. I have generated the training cases, but I don't know for sure what the validation and test sets are. The teacher says: 70% should be train ...
Daniel's user avatar
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149 votes
8 answers

What is the difference between Q-learning and SARSA?

Although I know that SARSA is on-policy while Q-learning is off-policy, when looking at their formulas it's hard (to me) to see any difference between these two algorithms. According to the book ...
Ælex's user avatar
  • 14.6k
145 votes
4 answers

How to compute precision, recall, accuracy and f1-score for the multiclass case with scikit learn?

I'm working in a sentiment analysis problem the data looks like this: label instances 5 1190 4 838 3 239 1 204 2 127 So my data is unbalanced since 1190 ...
new_with_python's user avatar
138 votes
8 answers

When should I use genetic algorithms as opposed to neural networks? [closed]

Is there a rule of thumb (or set of examples) to determine when to use genetic algorithms as opposed to neural networks (and vice-versa) to solve a problem? I know there are cases in which you can ...
Neil N's user avatar
  • 25.1k
128 votes
8 answers

Why should weights of Neural Networks be initialized to random numbers? [closed]

I am trying to build a neural network from scratch. Across all AI literature there is a consensus that weights should be initialized to random numbers in order for the network to converge faster. But ...
Shayan RC's user avatar
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114 votes
7 answers

What is the difference between graph search and tree search?

What is the difference between graph search and tree search versions regarding DFS, A* searches in artificial intelligence?
Rayhanur Rahman's user avatar
113 votes
43 answers

Best programming based games [closed]

Back when I was at school, I remember tinkering with a Mac game where you programmed little robots in a sort of pseudo-assembler language which could then battle each other. They could move themselves ...
110 votes
10 answers

Is it possible for a computer to "learn" a regular expression by user-provided examples?

Is it possible for a computer to "learn" a regular expression by user-provided examples? To clarify: I do not want to learn regular expressions. I want to create a program which "learns" a regular ...
Daniel Rikowski's user avatar
109 votes
5 answers

How do 20 questions AI algorithms work?

Simple online games of 20 questions powered by an eerily accurate AI. How do they guess so well?
Daddy Warbox's user avatar
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107 votes
12 answers

Defeating a Poker Bot

There is a new Open Source poker bot called PokerPirate. I am interested in any creative ways in which a web application could detect/thwart/defeat a poker bot. (This is a purely academic discussion,...
rook's user avatar
  • 66.7k
104 votes
7 answers

How to get Tensorflow tensor dimensions (shape) as int values?

Suppose I have a Tensorflow tensor. How do I get the dimensions (shape) of the tensor as integer values? I know there are two methods, tensor.get_shape() and tf.shape(tensor), but I can't get the ...
stackoverflowuser2010's user avatar
100 votes
2 answers

How to create a new gym environment in OpenAI?

I have an assignment to make an AI Agent that will learn to play a video game using ML. I want to create a new environment using OpenAI Gym because I don't want to use an existing environment. How can ...
Rifat Bin Reza's user avatar
99 votes
7 answers

Unsupervised clustering with unknown number of clusters

I have a large set of vectors in 3 dimensions. I need to cluster these based on Euclidean distance such that all the vectors in any particular cluster have a Euclidean distance between each other less ...
London guy's user avatar
  • 27.9k
92 votes
5 answers

What's the difference between uniform-cost search and Dijkstra's algorithm?

I was wondering what's the difference between uniform-cost search and Dijkstra's algorithm. They seem to be the same algorithm.
Grief Coder's user avatar
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85 votes
7 answers

Comparison between vs vs

Does anyone know the specific differences and features among the three, Or if one has more features/more flexible to use as a developer?
Thomas G's user avatar
  • 968
77 votes
3 answers

Estimating the number of neurons and number of layers of an artificial neural network [closed]

I am looking for a method on how to calculate the number of layers and the number of neurons per layer. As input I only have the size of the input vector, the size of the output vector and the size of ...
ladi's user avatar
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75 votes
3 answers

How do Markov Chain Chatbots work?

I was thinking of creating a chatbot using something like markov chains, but I'm not entirely sure how to get it to work. From what I understand, you create a table from data with a given word and ...
Jordan's user avatar
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74 votes
8 answers

"synonym of type is deprecated; in a future version of numpy, it will be understood as (type, (1,)) / '(1,)type'." problem in TensorFlow

I installed TensorFlow 1.10.1 but when I tried to import TensorFlow it said that I need TensorFlow version 1.10.0. Thus, I installed it and now I get the following warnings: >>> import ...
Emilijus052's user avatar
73 votes
2 answers

Any tutorials for developing chatbots? [closed]

As a engineering student, I would like to make a chat bot using python. So, I searched a lot but couldn't really find stuff that would teach me or give me some concrete information to build a ...
Surya's user avatar
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69 votes
11 answers

Good beginners material on Prolog [closed]

I am looking for good beginners material on Prolog, both online and printed. I am not only interested in 'learning the language' but also in background and scientific information.
meelow's user avatar
  • 851
67 votes
1 answer

Tensorflow vs OpenCV [closed]

I'm new into the AI world, I've start doing some stuff using Python & OpenCV for face detection and so on. I know that with the implementation of some algorithms I can develop AI system using ...
binmosa's user avatar
  • 987
66 votes
11 answers

Natural Language Processing in Ruby [closed]

I'm looking to do some sentence analysis (mostly for twitter apps) and infer some general characteristics. Are there any good natural language processing libraries for this sort of thing in Ruby? ...
Joey Robert's user avatar
  • 7,426
64 votes
10 answers

What algorithm for a tic-tac-toe game can I use to determine the "best move" for the AI?

In a tic-tac-toe implementation I guess that the challenging part is to determine the best move to be played by the machine. What are the algorithms that can pursued? I'm looking into implementations ...
praveen chettypally's user avatar
64 votes
4 answers

Open Source Neural Network Library [closed]

I am looking for an open source neural network library. So far, I have looked at FANN, WEKA, and OpenNN. Are the others that I should look at? The criteria, of course, is documentation, examples, ...
MobileDev's user avatar
  • 3,775
61 votes
4 answers

Higher-order unification

I'm working on a higher-order theorem prover, of which unification seems to be the most difficult subproblem. If Huet's algorithm is still considered state-of-the-art, does anyone have any links to ...
rwallace's user avatar
  • 32.7k
60 votes
6 answers

How are neural networks used when the number of inputs could be variable?

All the examples I have seen of neural networks are for a fixed set of inputs which works well for images and fixed length data. How do you deal with variable length data such sentences, queries or ...
Jeremy E's user avatar
  • 3,704
56 votes
9 answers

Is it possible to use OpenCV or similar library in Javascript? [closed]

Can we use OpenCV from Javascript? Is there such implementation? Is there any JS libraries that can be used for detecting face elements in the picture or video?
Bohdan's user avatar
  • 17k
56 votes
3 answers

Meaning of an Epoch in Neural Networks Training

while I'm reading in how to build ANN in pybrain, they say: Train the network for some epochs. Usually you would set something like 5 here, trainer.trainEpochs( 1 ) I looked for what is that ...
user avatar
54 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between SGD and back-propagation?

Can you please tell me the difference between Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and back-propagation?
Влад Концевич's user avatar
50 votes
3 answers

Iterative deepening vs depth-first search

I keep reading about iterative deepening, but I don't understand how it differs from depth-first search. I understood that depth-first search keeps going deeper and deeper. In iterative deepening ...
bb2's user avatar
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49 votes
4 answers

When is a heuristic admissible but not consistent?

Any consistent heuristic is also admissible. But when is a heuristic admissible but not consistent (monotone)? Please provide an example in which this is the case.
RoarG's user avatar
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48 votes
4 answers

Tracing and Returning a Path in Depth First Search

So I have a problem that I want to use depth first search to solve, returning the first path that DFS finds. Here is my (incomplete) DFS function: start = problem.getStartState() stack = ...
user1427661's user avatar
  • 11.6k
47 votes
30 answers

Are games the most complex / impressive applications? [closed]

I was thinking today about what could be the most complex / impressive application ever written. So I started thinking of what I am comfortable with and use everyday, databases. Then I went into the ...
47 votes
4 answers

Forward Chaining vs Backward Chaining

What is one good for that the other's not in practice? I understand the theory of what they do, but what are their limitations and capabilities in practical use? I'm considering Drools vs a java ...
gtrak's user avatar
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46 votes
5 answers

Neural Network example in .NET [closed]

Any good tutorial with source that will demonstrate how to develop neural network (step bay step for dummies ;-))
user avatar
46 votes
5 answers

Computational Complexity of Self-Attention in the Transformer Model

I recently went through the Transformer paper from Google Research describing how self-attention layers could completely replace traditional RNN-based sequence encoding layers for machine translation. ...
Newton's user avatar
  • 468
45 votes
2 answers

Batch normalization instead of input normalization

Can I use batch normalization layer right after input layer and not normalize my data? May I expect to get similar effect/performance? In keras functional it would be something like this: x = Input (...
user2146414's user avatar
44 votes
11 answers

What is fuzzy logic?

I'm working with a couple of AI algorithms at school and I find people use the words Fuzzy Logic to explain any situation that they can solve with a couple of cases. When I go back to the books I just ...
DFectuoso's user avatar
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44 votes
4 answers

Insert or delete a step in scikit-learn Pipeline

Is it possible to delete or insert a step in a sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline object? I am trying to do a grid search with or without one step in the Pipeline object. And wondering whether I can insert or ...
Bin's user avatar
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44 votes
5 answers

Why is weight vector orthogonal to decision plane in neural networks

I am beginner in neural networks. I am learning about perceptrons. My question is Why is weight vector perpendicular to decision boundary(Hyperplane)? I referred many books but all are mentioning that ...
8A52's user avatar
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