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Questions tagged [authorization]

Authorization is the process of determining whether a user, program or device is allowed to access a protected resource in a particular way. Authorization is a key theme in computer security practices.

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839 votes
18 answers

Best Practices for securing a REST API / web service [closed]

When designing a REST API or service are there any established best practices for dealing with security (Authentication, Authorization, Identity Management) ? When building a SOAP API you have WS-...
Nathan's user avatar
  • 12.3k
710 votes
17 answers

Authentication versus Authorization

What's the difference in web applications? In short, please. I see the abbreviation "auth" a lot. Does it stand for auth-entication or auth-orization? Or both?
daGrevis's user avatar
  • 21.3k
661 votes
18 answers

How do you create a custom AuthorizeAttribute in ASP.NET Core?

I'm trying to make a custom authorization attribute in ASP.NET Core. In previous versions it was possible to override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext). But this no longer exists in ...
jltrem's user avatar
  • 12.4k
405 votes
4 answers

How to define the basic HTTP authentication using cURL correctly?

I'm learning Apigility (Apigility docu -> REST Service Tutorial) and trying to send a POST request with basic authentication via cURL: $ curl -X POST -i -H "Content-Type: application/hal+json" -H "...
automatix's user avatar
  • 14.9k
334 votes
4 answers

How to get http headers in flask?

Using Flask, how can I read HTTP headers? I want to check the authorization header which is sent by the client.
emil's user avatar
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272 votes
7 answers

Why does AuthorizeAttribute redirect to the login page for authentication and authorization failures?

In ASP.NET MVC, you can mark up a controller method with AuthorizeAttribute, like this: [Authorize(Roles = "CanDeleteTags")] public void Delete(string tagName) { // ... } This means that, if the ...
Roger Lipscombe's user avatar
164 votes
10 answers

ASP.NET Web API : Correct way to return a 401/unauthorised response

I have an MVC webapi site that uses OAuth/token authentication to authenticate requests. All the relevant controllers have the right attributes, and authentication is working ok. The problem is that ...
GoatInTheMachine's user avatar
160 votes
9 answers

Python requests library how to pass Authorization header with single token

I have a request URI and a token. If I use: curl -s "<MY_URI>" -H "Authorization: TOK:<MY_TOKEN>" etc., I get a 200 and view the corresponding JSON data. So, I installed requests and ...
user avatar
157 votes
16 answers

How to send custom headers with requests in Swagger UI?

I have some endpoints in the API - /user/login, /products. In Swagger UI I post email and password to /user/login and as a response I receive a token string. Then, I can copy the token from the ...
Sergei Basharov's user avatar
153 votes
26 answers

Can't connect Nexus 4 to adb: unauthorized

I have a Nexus 4 with Android 4.3 and I am trying to connect the device to a computer with Windows 7 64bit. I installed the latest drivers and the latest adb version. I think I tried almost ...
orS's user avatar
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153 votes
1 answer

How can a JACC provider use the Principal-to-role mapping facilities of the server it's deployed on?

I am writing a JACC provider. Along the way, this means implementing a PolicyConfiguration. The PolicyConfiguration is responsible for accepting configuration information from the application server,...
Laird Nelson's user avatar
  • 15.9k
129 votes
4 answers

Custom HTTP Authorization Header

I was wondering if it's acceptable to put custom data in an HTTP authorization header. We're designing a RESTful API and we may need a way to specify a custom method of authorization. As an example, ...
NRaf's user avatar
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127 votes
4 answers

ASP.NET MVC 4 Custom Authorize Attribute with Permission Codes (without roles)

I need to control the access to views based on users privilege levels (there are no roles, only privilege levels for CRUD operation levels assigned to users) in my MVC 4 application. As an example; ...
chatura's user avatar
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124 votes
3 answers

Custom Authorization in WebApi - what a mess?

I'm reading from several resources (books and SO answers) about authorization in WebApi. Suppose I want to add Custom Attribute which allows access only for Certain Users: Case #1 I've seen ...
Royi Namir's user avatar
  • 147k
117 votes
5 answers

Authorize Attribute with Multiple Roles

I would like to add Authorization to a controller, for multiple Roles at once. Normally that would look like this: [Authorize(Roles = "RoleA,RoleB,RoleC")] public async Task<ActionResult> ...
Christian Sauer's user avatar
106 votes
13 answers

Authorization header missing in PHP POST request

I'm currently trying to read the authorization header in a PHP script that I'm calling with a POST request. The Authorization header is populated with a token. It seems the Authorization header is ...
jimmy's user avatar
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98 votes
1 answer

HttpClient single instance with different authentication headers

Given that the .net HttpClient has been designed with reuse in mind and is intended to be long lived and memory leaks have been reported in short lived instances. What guide lines are there where you ...
Bronumski's user avatar
  • 14.2k
96 votes
3 answers

.NET exceptions I can throw for Not Authorized or Not Authenticated

I have parts of code where I want to throw an Exception whenever a user is not authenticated/not authorized. So instead of writing my own NotAuthenticatedException and NotAuthorizedException, I was ...
Dirk Boer's user avatar
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94 votes
12 answers

How to generate access token using refresh token through google drive API?

I have completed steps of authorization and obtained access token and refresh token. What should I do next to generate access token using refresh token that I have stored through google drive API? I ...
Niranja's user avatar
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94 votes
8 answers

Multiple HTTP Authorization headers?

Is it possible to include multiple Authorization Headers in an HTTP message? Specifically, I would like to include one of Bearer token type (passing an OAuth access token) and one of Basic type (...
lewiada's user avatar
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92 votes
8 answers

MongoDB "root" user

Is there a super UNIX like "root" user for MongoDB? I've been looking at and have tried many combinations, but they all seem to lack in an ...
No_name's user avatar
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91 votes
6 answers

Basic authorization command for curl

How do I set up the Basic authorization using Base64 encoded credentials? I tried the below two commands, but of no use. Please suggest me the correct variant. curl -i -H 'Accept:application/json' ...
Amit Sharad's user avatar
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89 votes
2 answers

OAuth v2 communication between authentication and resource server

I'm having some troubles understanding how OAUTH-v2 works. The OAuth version 2 spec reads: Accessing Protected Resources The client accesses protected resources by presenting the access token to the ...
nisc's user avatar
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88 votes
7 answers

How do I set up access control in SVN?

I have set up a repository using SVN and uploaded projects. There are multiple users working on these projects. But, not everyone requires access to all projects. I want to set up user permissions for ...
user15425's user avatar
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87 votes
6 answers

ASP.NET 5 Authorize against two or more policies (OR-combined policy)

Is it possible to apply authorization against two or more policies? I am using ASP.NET 5, rc1. [Authorize(Policy = "Limited,Full")] public class FooBarController : Controller { // This code doesn'...
painiyff's user avatar
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86 votes
9 answers

htaccess exclude one url from Basic Auth

I need to exclude one Url (or even better one prefix) from normal htaccess Basic Auth protection. Something like /callbacks/myBank or /callbacks/.* Do you have any hints how to do it? What I'm not ...
KrzysDan's user avatar
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84 votes
4 answers

Authorization approaches and design patterns for Node.js applications [closed]

I am building a multiple page admin interface for an internal enterprise software platform. Think lots of glue logic tying together various APIs, db queries, and shell scripts. We will be using node....
Dave Snigier's user avatar
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84 votes
5 answers

Customize the Authorization HTTP header

I need to authenticate a client when he sends a request to an API. The client has an API-token and I was thinking about using the standard Authorization header for sending the token to the server. ...
Thomas Watson's user avatar
81 votes
1 answer

How to implement custom authentication in ASP.NET MVC 5

I'm developing an ASP.NET MVC 5 application. I have an existing DB, from which I created my ADO.NET Entity Data Model. I have a table in that DB which contains "username" and "password" column, and I ...
Giacomo Santarnecchi's user avatar
81 votes
6 answers

How to prevent CSRF in a RESTful application?

Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is typically prevent with one of the following methods: Check referer - RESTful but unreliable insert token into form and store the token in the server session - not ...
deamon's user avatar
  • 91.3k
80 votes
4 answers

Why is <deny users="?" /> included in the following example?

The ? wildcard represents unauthenticated users while * represents all users, authenticated and unauthenticated. My book shows the following example of URL authorization: <authorization> <...
SourceC's user avatar
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79 votes
5 answers

How to Get All Endpoints List After Startup, Spring Boot

I have a rest service written with spring boot. I want to get all endpoints after start up. How can i achieve that? Purpose of this, i want to save all endpoints to a db after start up (if they are ...
barbakini's user avatar
  • 3,124
77 votes
8 answers

Redirecting unauthorized controller in ASP.NET MVC

I have a controller in ASP.NET MVC that I've restricted to the admin role: [Authorize(Roles = "Admin")] public class TestController : Controller { ... If a user who is not in the Admin role ...
Guy's user avatar
  • 66.6k
75 votes
6 answers

Authentication, Authorization and Session Management in Traditional Web Apps and APIs

Correct me if I am wrong: In a traditional web application, the browser automatically appends session information into a request to the server, so the server can know who the request comes from. What ...
Jiew Meng's user avatar
  • 86.5k
75 votes
1 answer

REST API Authorization & Authentication (web + mobile)

I've read about oAuth, Amazon REST API, HTTP Basic/Digest and so on but can't get it all into "single piece". This is probably the closest situation - Creating an API for mobile applications - ...
svenkapudija's user avatar
  • 5,168
75 votes
4 answers

Is it more efficient to store the permissions of the user in an JWT claim or to check it on the server at every request?

JWT is an great way to make sure the data send to the user and back is not tampered with, but that makes for some tough choices. At the moment I am in the dilemma of choosing between storing the ...
Tom Stock's user avatar
  • 1,226
74 votes
5 answers

Get Header Authorization key in laravel controller?

Trying to get the header authorization key in controller for making an API. Request is making from fiddler. $headers = apache_request_headers(); And the $header contains an array. Array ( [User-...
Sunil's user avatar
  • 1,156
74 votes
3 answers

Difference between Passport and JWT?

I'm pretty new to Express/Node - I'm trying to figure out what the difference between Passport and JWT is but can't find a definitive answer? I know you can use one or the other for auth purposes in ...
AloeVeraForty's user avatar
73 votes
5 answers

Restrict access to a specific controller by IP address in ASP.NET MVC Beta

I have an ASP.NET MVC project containing an AdminController class and giving me URls like these: I want to configure the ...
Dylan Beattie's user avatar
69 votes
5 answers

Token Based Authentication in ASP.NET Core (refreshed)

I'm working with ASP.NET Core application. I'm trying to implement Token Based Authentication but can not figure out how to use new Security System. My scenario: A client requests a token. My server ...
ebvtrnog's user avatar
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68 votes
4 answers

Authorization header missing in django rest_framework, is apache to blame?

I've managed to extend TokenAuthentication and I have a working model when using the request session to store my tokens, however when I attempt to pass Authorization as a header parameter as described ...
steve-gregory's user avatar
66 votes
3 answers

React Router Authorization

What are the best practices for authorization checking prior to a component mounting? I use react-router 1.x Here are my routes React.render(( <Router history={History.createHistory()}> ...
theo's user avatar
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65 votes
8 answers

How can we set authorization for a whole area in ASP.NET MVC?

I've an Admin area and I want only Admins to enter the area. I considered adding the Authorized attribute to every controller in the Admin area. Isn't there an elegant solution or is this feature not ...
Abdulsattar Mohammed's user avatar
64 votes
1 answer

How can I delegate JAAS authorization checks to Shiro?

I'm developing a server-side application that needs authentication and authorization based on objects. I like Shiro's simplicity, but for being compatible with JAAS, I wrote a LoginModule that uses ...
Deniz Acay's user avatar
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62 votes
4 answers

How to use basic authorization in PHP curl

I am having problem with PHP curl request with basic authorization. Here is the command line curl: curl -H "Accept: application/product+xml" "https://{id}:{api_key}
Al Amin's user avatar
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61 votes
4 answers

Android: What is transport and jsonFactory in GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder?

in the blow code, whats is transport and jsonFactory ? (I do not understand) import
Farzad's user avatar
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61 votes
13 answers

Should unauthorized actions in the UI be hidden, disabled, or result in an error? [closed]

This is a perennial question for me that I've never really resolved so I'd like your input. If I have actions that I know a user will not be able to perform due to insufficient privileges or object ...
tvanfosson's user avatar
  • 530k
61 votes
6 answers

Set default header for every fetch() request

Is it possible, using the fetch API, to set default headers for every single request? What I want to do is set an Authorization header whenever there is a json web token in the localStorage. My ...
eRodY's user avatar
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59 votes
5 answers

Accessing post or get parameters in custom authorization MVC4 Web Api

Is it possible to access post or get parameters via the HttpActionContext object? I have a set of sensors that loggs data to a web server that provides a REST api. I would like to introduce some ...
olif's user avatar
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59 votes
6 answers

User authentication and authorisation in ASP.NET MVC [closed]

What is the best method for user authorisation/authentication in ASP.NET MVC? I see there are really two approaches: Use the built-in ASP.NET authorisation system. Use a custom system with my own ...
Neil Barnwell's user avatar

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