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Questions tagged [aws-fargate]

AWS Fargate is a service within Amazon Web Services that allows for running containers without managing servers or clusters. Use this tag for questions about AWS Fargate. For context, also tag your question with [amazon-ecs] or [amazon-eks] to denote which managed container service you're using.

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AWS deployment Options: ECS, Batch, Step Functions, which to use?

I am currently having a relatively huge batch logic analyzing transactions and purchase data, and applying dynamic pricing accordingly. It runs twice daily and takes around 2 hours to run. I am ...
MSS's user avatar
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Running Android emulators using QEMU on top of Dockers based on Ubuntu OS

We are currently trying to run Android mobile automation scripts on top of dockers with ubuntu as base image , so i created a dockerfile with the below configurations : Android Studio: Android Studio ...
Sekhar333's user avatar
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i have 3 containers in single ecs task ,in which one is firelens container for log routing of two other containers,i want to collect logs

hi everyone i am getting this logs [warn]: #0 define <match fluent.**> to capture fluentd logs in top level is deprecated. Use <label @FLUENT_LOG> instead [warn]: #0 no patterns matched ...
Deepak Ramanan's user avatar
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nginx container with read-only root filesystem enabled has tmp path errors [closed]

I'm running into error [emerg] 1#1: mkdir() "/tmp/client_temp" failed (30: Read-only file system) when trying to run nginx container with read-only root filesystem. My Dockerfile FROM ...
Tsingis's user avatar
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EKS Fargate workloads unable to resolve DNS names

Why is a workload running EKS Fargate unable to resolve DNS names, while the same workload when run on an EC2 Node can resolve the names? In Fargate, the workload can't resolve a service running in ...
David Gard's user avatar
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AWS CDK unable to see role property in patterns.ScheduledFargateTask constructor

I am trying to deploy aws FargateScheduledTask service using CDK python. I am unable to see the role property in the patterns.ScheduledFargateTask constructor to assign the events role. Please can you ...
user965291's user avatar
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wanting to reuse our jenkins ecs fargate agents

We have jenkins configured with aws ecs fargate agents. We defined a template and within the nodes/cloud configuration we try "retain agents" and increasing the number of executors but so ...
Gregory Anne's user avatar
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Mixed Content Error with PHP Laravel and Laravel Orchid App

We are encountering an error using the frameworks Laravel and Laravel Orchid. We are getting the error: Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but ...
Millie Majithia's user avatar
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How to disable public IP in AWS ECS fargate instances

Due to the new costs implemented by AWS in terms of charging for the use of public IPs that are dynamically assigned to operational Elastic Container Service Fargate instances past February. https://...
David's user avatar
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Unable to create AWS Batch Job-Definition of Fargate type

I am referring to aws_batch_job_definition – Manage AWS Batch Job Definitions — Ansible Documentation page in-order to create aws job-definition. As mentioned, we can create a container type of job-...
Vinod Shunmugavel's user avatar
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How to prevent daemonsets scheduling to Fargate nodes?

In an hybrid EKS cluster (using both EC2 nodes and Fargate "serverless" hosting), how to prevent Daemonsets from attempting to schedule pods on Fargate virtual nodes? For context, I'm using ...
benjimin's user avatar
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Use NAT for only outgoing traffic, and keep public IPs of ECS instances open for inbound traffic

I have a particular usecase where I need to connect via a longer running websocket connection to a port on dynamically created ECS instances, and so I need the ECS instances to have public IPs and be ...
rasen58's user avatar
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AWS Fargate API keeps dropping out

I have a Fargate cluster setup to handle my API. It keeps dropping out, and I'm not sure what is causing it. When I say dropping out, I mean that when I first deploy the image, it works fine. But ...
James's user avatar
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Why are my ECS tasks pausing for six hours on startup?

I have a Fargate ECS task that runs a Django app via gunicorn. That task successfully started a few weeks ago and had no issues. It was then replaced by routine AWS maintenance/updates. The ...
Mibe's user avatar
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AWS Fargate & Fargate spot

I have some containers running on ECS Fargate now i have moved them to ECS Fargate Spot. while creating Service i add another capacity provider as fargate spot and their configs are as follows. for ...
Tahir Rasheed's user avatar
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Can't use .sh file in appspec.yml hooks in ECS Fargate green/blue deployment

I have a CI/CD structure on AWS with CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, TaskDefinition, ECR, ECS green/blue deployment. I used AWS Fargate as a ECS service. I have Laravel and React apps which have ...
Jeyhun Rashidov's user avatar
4 votes
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AWS - Load Balancer Registered target group are showing status as Initial/Unhealthy and giving 502 Bad Gateway and 504 gateway timeout error

Problem statement : Target group is showing health status as Initial and website is giving 502 Bad Gateway and 504 gateway timeout error (It is happening intermittently). But if I re-registered the ...
Rohìt Jíndal's user avatar
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AWS ECS service connecting to RDS instance fails when I add an ALB

I have a Laravel app that I've dockerized and the image is pushed to ECR. The app is connecting to an RDS database hosted on the same VPC. I've created a cluster and service on ECS. Without the ALB, I'...
TheAdnan's user avatar
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How to handle errors when using Eventbridge pipe with SQS and ECS?

When using Eventbridge pipe with SQS queue as a source and ECS task as destination: How is error handling supposed to be handled ? From what I understood, since Eventbridge will make an asynchronous ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Issue running AWS Fargate with Next.js and Libreoffice

I'm attempting to convert an Excel file to a PDF using Next.js. When I run the script, I receive an error in my Cloudwatch that says that the soffice bin is not found. The which command in the ...
user1116801's user avatar
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ECS Fargate error - "Service was unable to place a task because no container instance met all of its requirements"

I am using Terraform to try and create a ECS cluster for ealen/echo-server but get a "No container instances were found in your cluster" error in ECS. According to the docs this has to do ...
VBoi's user avatar
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ECS Fargate Service stopped giving metrics while all tasks stayed healthy and running

We are running an ECS Cluster with a service running 2 tasks. At 10:05 the service stopped showing any metrics. At 13:45 I forced the service to restart and at that point the service gave metrics ...
DePrestige's user avatar
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Unable to create pod after Falcon Sensor installation on EKS running on Fargate

I'm running EKS cluster on private network and on Fargate. Mostly, images are pulled from ECR. CrowdStrike image is also pulled from ECR. Falcon sensor is installed using Helm Chart and by running ...
ns123456's user avatar
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How do we can deploy Keycloak on AWS ECS Fargate Cluster - Failed to start service

I have deployed on an AWS ECS Cluster.The container logs are showing the following errors when running. Database connection is working properly. However, I can only ...
msj's user avatar
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Why AWS Service Connect does not work in my tasks?

I'm new guy in AWS Amazone ecosystem. I want to deploy 2 services. First one is Spring-Boot application and second one will contain Mongodb. Spring microservice contains Mongock, which is up when ...
Sam Fisher's user avatar
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How do zero-downtime deployments with ECS work?

We have an ECS cluster running a single task on Fargate. We want to set up deployments so that we have zero downtime while ensuring that traffic routes to only one task at a time. By setting ...
Otterup's user avatar
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Error Using AWS Built-in Fluent Bit to Send Logs to Elastic Cloud from EKS Fargate

I am using EKS Fargate and trying to use AWS built-in Fluent Bit to send logs to Elastic Cloud, but I am encountering the following error: { "log": "[2024/05/16 14:35:17] [error] [...
Ted Hoang's user avatar
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.Net Application Health check failing on Fargate

I have a .Net application that I am trying to deploy on Fargate. At the moment the healthcheck from the public DNS is passing but the healthcheck from the individual privateIps of the registered ...
Damien's user avatar
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Postfix running as a task in ECS not working

I have a postfix container running in ECS, which I've configured to use port 2525 as I've read port 25 could be blocked. When I try and establish a connection to it (directly to the tasks private IP ...
Omiron's user avatar
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gitlab runners on fargate

I have followed the example here: And it is working well. However, in order to use any of the security features of gitlab such as DAST/Dep ...
user973347's user avatar
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Aws python lambda failing to connect to on-prem oracle DB

I am writing a lambda using python which is connecting to my on-prem oracle db. My lambda is deployed in private VPC and subnets from where I have connection to my DB. I am also running a fargate ...
Vivek Kumar's user avatar
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How to deploy microfrontend service on aws ecs fargate which is running main frontend , we have 1 ALB with multiple target groups

We have main frontend service with multiple backend services , deployed on ECS fargate using ALB and multiple target groups Main frontend has nginx config and is served at / Now microfrontend service ...
Himanshu Mahajan's user avatar
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How do I run a scheduled AWS Fargate task as a one-off?

For a system I'm building, I have set up an AWS scheduled Fargate task through the python cdk. This task is started every hour and retrieves events from the past hour from some external endpoint to ...
Harm van den Brand's user avatar
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AWS Fargate Timing out while trying to pull images

I do have a terraform scripts that provisions the tasks in ECS. When I try to run the task in ap-southeast-1 region it gives me this error: Task stopped at: 2024-04-28T08:22:13.519Z ...
Rabin Poudyal's user avatar
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What steps should I take to ensure my Nest.js app deployed on AWS Fargate displays properly on the Public IP without specifying the port number?

So I have deployed a Nest.js app to AWS Fargate. The thing is when I access the Public IP X.XXX.XXX.XXX the site does not open. But when I type X.XXX.XXX.XXX:3000 the page displays the Hello World! ...
Muhammad Ahmad's user avatar
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Creating an SSL certificate for Nest.js app

I am deploying a simple hello world app to AWS Fargate. When I access the public IP, the hello world message is displayed, but the connection is not secure. To secure this connection, I need to add an ...
Muhammad Ahmad's user avatar
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Connection processing ended abnormally. System.InvalidOperationException: Handle is already used by another Socket

When running my .net core 6 mvc app in linux (debian 11) container getting below error after certain successive calls to same controller action. This action readd the http response body and perform ...
Tathagata Nandi's user avatar
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AWS Fargate Service - Incoming traffic health, but no outgoing traffic health

I have an ECS Fargate task that uses service connect to connect to a load balancer. Everything works, however there are no outgoing traffic health metrics, while there are incoming metrics. There is ...
satnhak's user avatar
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What is ECS Fargate "Average Duration"?

I was trying to prepare a Total Cost of Ownership for using ECS Fargate using the AWS Pricing Calculator. While doing so I came across the parameter "Average Duration". If i want my service ...
Biju's user avatar
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NestJS on ECS Fargate Service giving me Connection Closed

Hi i have a nestjs microservice project within an ECS cluster but trying to communicate between each microservice fail it gives me "Connection Closed" Client (Api-Gateway): this.client.send('...
Carlos Lozano's user avatar
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ECS Fargate container is not using VPC Endpoints to pull from ECR

Been stuck on this for a week. So I have a fargate container with a service in a private subnet, i want to limit to containers access to the private network alone, but im not able to pull an image ...
Niv Shitrit's user avatar
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How to return failed ECS Fargate tasks logs to Step function

I am trying to orchestrate a pipeline in Step Functions with the components of Lambda and ECS: Start -> Lambda -> ECS -> END. When the Lambda function fails, it returns an exception as the ...
user23544768's user avatar
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Understanding AWS Fargate Memory Utilization

I'm trying to wrap my head around memory utilization that shows 839,000,000% usage in the AWS console. This is for a single AWS ECS Fargate service with a single task running (Linux/X86_64 .25 vCPU, ....
angrycrab's user avatar
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Monitor AWS ECS Fargate application with Prometheus and grafana (not managed by AWS)

I want to setup Prometheus and Grafana to monitor my existing ECS Fargate services. How can I do the setup? I can't find any proper documentation. In my existing service task definition, I have added ...
Jyoti Porwal's user avatar
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AWS error: Aws ecs fargate ResourceInitializationError: unable to pull secrets or registry auth

I am facing the below error with Fargate 1.4.0 version. I had deployed the resources with same version earlier with all the VPC, subnet and Security group configuration. But suddenly, getting the ...
Lakshmi's user avatar
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on demand AWS Fargate containers

I had 2 doubts about using AWS Fargate (as the docs+any blogs are shit and confusing) What if I run a task(web app) 24/7 I'll be charged for the whole period right? Also, will it charge based on the ...
codingmickey's user avatar
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Deploy ECS Image to existing Application Load Balancer with CDK

I am trying to deploy an ECS Image to an existing Application Load Balancer with CDK. We want to deploy this to an existing ALB and VPC. // Reference existing ALB const alb = elbv2....
Tom Henricksen's user avatar
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Mysql error on AWS ECS: [InnoDB] Unable to lock ./ibdata1 error

I've got a project that works fine on AWS, using ECS/fargate. The setup is composed of 3 containers, one of which runs a mysql DB. To ensure the DB data persists beyond the container lifecycles, I ...
Floating Point's user avatar
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CodePipeline Deploy Stage missing AWSLambda/ automatically update running ecs tasks

I have a CI/CD pipeline from GitLab to AWS ECR and I would help/guidance to set up a CodePipeline that will automatically update my running image whenever a new image is pushed to ECR via GitLab CI/CD....
DevNoob's user avatar
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Step scaling option disabled for ECS Fargate service

I'm trying to setup auto-scaling for an ECS Fargate Service based on SQS Queue depth. The idea is to stay at 0 tasks until there are messages in the queue and then apply a step scaling policy to ...
Raicky Derwent's user avatar

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