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Questions tagged [aws-media-convert]

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How to remove "AppleHLS1" in the output path from "Video On Demand on AWS Foundation" template?

I have few questions while I was following the "Video On Demand on AWS Foundation" solution (
sungl's user avatar
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AWS MediaConvert generating double length video

I am new to aws media convert. I am trying to convert the video but the final output video becomes double the length from the original one. for example if I have a video 30 seconds long, it will ...
user1hjgjhgjhggjhg's user avatar
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Integrating Additional 5.1 Audio into HLS Manifest: Providing Stereo and Surround Sound Options without Re-encoding

How can I include extra 5.1 audio to an already-existing HLS manifest without undergoing re-encoding? Initially, I encoded the video with stereo audio, where the audio was merged into the video file ...
Sandipan's user avatar
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Using HTTP input for AWS MediaConvert

I'd like to use HTTP input for MediaConvert. Source file is placed on Azure Blob Storage and exposed via SAS URL. says ...
yskkin's user avatar
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Is there a way to configure the pixel format using AWS MediaConvert?

I'm looking at moving some transcoding jobs from ffmpeg to AWS MediaConvert and one of the ffmpeg options that I use is -px_fmt yuv420p. What is the equivalent in MediaConvert? I couldn't find any ...
cdimitroulas's user avatar
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AWS Elemental MediaConvert transcoding failed with Error initializing encoder for video target [2] [Height must be a multiple of 2]

Below is parameter passed to process the transcoding and thumbnail generation for the video in MediaConvert. Below parameter process transcoding fine but getting Error initializing encoder for video ...
BASTIN A's user avatar
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MediaConvert transcoding failed with No audio frames decoded on [selector-(Audio Selector 1)-track-1-drc]

Audio file(m4a) uploaded does not get transcoded instead raised error No audio frames decoded on [selector-(Audio Selector 1)-track-1-drc] I have tried this solution but it did not worked. I believe ...
BASTIN A's user avatar
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Referencing secondary manifests in dash

I am currently exploring SSAI implementation via mediatailor. From the looks of it, by default mediatailor requires the entire VMAP response at the start. I am looking for a way (in VOD) where I can ...
IN_DEV's user avatar
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Jumping forward x seconds because of gap starting at y and ending at z with video encoded by AWS MediaConvert

I have a strange issue with converted and packaged files from AWS MediaConvert. I have a workflow, which I upload any media to an S3 bucket. Next a Lambda Script hands over the files to MediaConvert. ...
complex1984's user avatar
-1 votes
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Getting a 400 subscription maxResult while trying to obtain Mediaconvert endpoint in AWS

I'm using AWS Java SDK v.2 with the Mediaconvert service successfully for months. I'm working on a new application, and doing a lot of stop/start of my application during development. My service ...
user2989397's user avatar
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How do I stop AWS Elemental MediaConvert chopping off the quiet part of my audio?

Basically I have the same issue mentioned here:
fblundun's user avatar
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Run AWS MediaConvert job over entire S3 bucket - H265

I used the same title as another person from 2 years ago that links to this github project:
theMadKing's user avatar
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How to correctly burn-in Hebrewe captions in AWS Mediaconvert

Am trying to burn-in hebrew captions on a video using AWS mediaconvert but, it comes out in reversed order (note that it's RTL direction) I have the captions in .srt and it looks correct in the file ...
Exorcismus's user avatar
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AWS mediaconvert throws [Failed probe/open: [No parser found for container]]

I have created mediaconvert jobs to extract audio from video file, it was working fine and suddenly it just keeps throwing [Failed probe/open: [No parser found for container]] even when I duplicate ...
Exorcismus's user avatar
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AWS Elemental MediaConvert fails to transcode some iOS videos that were transferred to MacBook

We have recently migrated from Telestream Flip to AWS Elemental MediaConvert as our video transcoding solution. Most of the functionality works as expected, but we are encountering an issue when ...
davidt's user avatar
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S3 access denied error for a mediaconvert job

I am trying to follow the instructions from this AWS documentation to create a AWS MediaConvert job with a KMS key for server side encryption
kumar's user avatar
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DRM Encryption and decryption from mp4 to HLS using AWS Elemental MediaConvert

I am using AWS Elemental MediaConvert to convert mp4 to hls it works fine. now i tried to implement encryption and decryption when conversion hls. I created job like below encryption done ...
User's user avatar
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Mediaconvert passrole issue

aws returns AccessDeniedException exception (x role is not authorized to perform: iam: PassRole), when I try to create mediaconvert job. this is how I attach iam role to lambda function in serverless....
Nodrex's user avatar
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Encrypting video file with AES 256 CBC in Python, I have to pass this encrypted file to AWS MediaConvert to decrypt it on fly

I am trying to encrypt a video file with with AES 256 CBC mode and using AWS KMS to encrypt the AES data key that was used to encrypt the video file. I have pass this encrypted file to AWS ...
Aishwarya Joshi's user avatar
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AWS Media Convert output to S3 - Can i have NO subfolders

I have a workflow based on where i upload a MP4 file to a bucket, it gets converted and put into a folder structure that looks like ...
Rex Reyes's user avatar
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AWS MediaConvert API: Cross-account pass role is not allowed

I have a problem with using API of the AWS MediaConvert When we create a job in MediaConvert we must define an IAM role. The role supposed to give access to s3 and AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess. ...
Hadi Aghandeh's user avatar
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How to create blurred background of the same video input with AWS MediaConvert?

Is it possible to create a secondary layer for a portrait video with AWS MediaConvert, of the same video but blurred, and that fills the frame? I'm trying to achieve this result.
Serghei Ghidora's user avatar
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MediaConvert thumbnails colors

I have a strange issue with MediaConvert, where thumbnails that MediaConvert generates appear to be of different color than the actual video that MediaConvert creates. On the left it's a frame of the ...
xtrinch's user avatar
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Aws MediaConvert - Create multiples outputs video HLS and audios with a single video mp4

I want to create a job in AWS MediaConvert to convert a video mp4 to a output group Apple HLS with the different qualities of the video, for example 1080p, 720p and 480p, and 2 audios tracks (stereo ...
adrics97's user avatar
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3 answers

Automatic Retrieval of Streamed URL after AWS HLS Streaming

I have set up an on-demand video service in AWS. After uploading a video to the S3 input bucket, a Lambda function is automatically triggered, which does HLS streaming with the object to a specific ...
Surajit's user avatar
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AWS-SDK-NET MediaConvert - When using container type MP4 fails with validation message

I am getting this error when creating a MediaConvert job /outputGroups/0/outputs/0/containerSettings: Should have at most 2 properties This is my ContainerSettings: ContainerSettings ...
jsagno's user avatar
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Some Queries on HLS Independent Segments and AAC codec?

According to Apple HLS spec, #EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS tag indicates that the segments are independent and can be decoded indepedently of each other. This tag can be specified either in master ...
muraliv's user avatar
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How to set or not set audio selector in AWS media convert?

I got this error, when creating job for AWS media convert: Invalid selector_sequence_id [0] specified for audio_description [1]. I do not even need sound for my output mp4 video. My intention is to ...
János's user avatar
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AWS Elemental Media Converter - Cognito unauthorized user not allowed to perform action

I am trying to create elemental media converter job, in order to transcode some video files in my S3 bucket. This is my backend code const client = new MediaConvertClient({ region: 'us-east-...
dzona's user avatar
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I get the lambda event s3 key as url, want to get as string:

I am converting the s3 video to hls, in that case if the s3 file name has a space or bracket, it will converted into "+", so if the code search with the "+" in s3 bucket it didn't ...
Venkatesh's user avatar
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How can I access the generated thumbnail in S3 in frontend?

I am created a lambda trigger , when a video file uploaded in a s3 input bucket, it will create a thumbnail in output bucket, but I don't know how to access it. Please help me. Iam generating 3 ...
Venkatesh's user avatar
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Auto convert all existing s3 .mp4 files using AWS media convert

I have a S3 bucket with a lot of .mp4 videos inside different folders, I wish to convert them to HLS using AWS media Convert. I've created a lambda function which gives me list of all the .mp4 videos ...
Amit's user avatar
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MediaConvert introducing Video Audio Duration Mismatch in HLS segments

When I used MediaConvert to package a video file into HLS, I'm seeing that the resulting TS files have mismatching video and audio duration. For example, when I used segment size as 6, the resulting ...
muraliv's user avatar
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Add metadata to output .wav file using AWS MediaConvert

I am creating a Node api to convert .mp4 file to .wav file using AWS MediaConvert. I need to add some metadata to the output .wav file but I am not able to figure out how to do so. Is there any ...
WizRd AM's user avatar
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AWS Media Converter creates new job for each file?

I am working on AWS MediaConverter and trying to create a Node js API which converts .mp4 format to .wav format. I have the api is working correctly, however it is creating a new job for each ...
WizRd AM's user avatar
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AWS MediaConvert Python AccessDeniedException: when calling the CreateJob operation

I am trying to create a simple MediaConnect job with Python. My pipeline is simple. S3Put triggers a Python lambda, and I am trying to create a simple job. I created a simple job using AWS Console and ...
ashraf minhaj's user avatar
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AWS MediaConvert: Unable to write to output file [s3://undefined/test.mp4]: [Failed to write data: Access Denied]

I'm trying to create an AWS Elemental MediaConvert Job via node.js, and I've run across the following issue: Error message: Unable to write to output file [s3://undefined/test.mp4]: [Failed to write ...
laseredface's user avatar
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Convert VOB/BUP files to .mp4 and store them in S3 bucket

So as the title says, I have a couple of files in the VOB/BUP format that I need to convert first to .mp4 (I also have .IFO files and I don't know what that is) and then check for a public url to ...
Anthony Acosta's user avatar
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Hls video player freeze when i switch level until get to the next fragment

When I switch my quality level of my player with the prop (currentLevel) of hls.js, the video stays frozen until get to next fragment. The duration of each fragment are 10 seconds, so if I change the ...
adrics97's user avatar
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AWS lambda doesn't upload files to s3 bucket

I'm trying to construct VOD converting system with Lambda and MediaConvert. I've defined lambda function to request MediaConvert to convert files to HLS. And I've added a trigger to execute lambda ...
Taylor's user avatar
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Difference between playing webm vs HLS video over AWS

Im building an webapp which does screen recording, have it stored and played back on demand. The recording is happening as .webm which is being streamed to S3 bucket via a multipart upload. I'm using ...
Aneesh's user avatar
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BufferStalledError when i switch the level of the playlist

I have 4 streams (1080p60, 1080p30, 720p60, 480p30) in my playlist.m3u8. When i set quality of the video, i switch the level with "nextLevel" and i select the level 0,1,2,3. My problem is ...
adrics97's user avatar
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Media conversion on AWS

I have an API written in nodeJS (/api/uploadS3) which is a PUT request and accepts a video file and a URL (AWS s3 URL in this case). Once called its task is to upload the file on the s3 URL. Now, ...
Gurmeet Singh's user avatar
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Why AWS MEDIACONVERT set EXTINF in m3u8 file equals to source video duration +1 sec?

I have a source mp4 file with duration=17sec (for example). When i convert video to Apple HLS using AWS MediaConvert, i get the m3u8 file with duration 18sec . I mean #EXTINF:18 tag in m3u8. I use ...
George p's user avatar
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MediaConvert remove black bars

I'm trying to migrate from AWS ElasticTranscodder to MediaConvert. One thing that worked for ET is that output had maximum width and height, but for MC those values are fixed and you end up with ...
karjan's user avatar
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AWS MediaConvert job settings unit tests

I am using CreateJobCommandInput, CreateJobCommand, MediaConvertClient from @aws-sdk/client-mediaconvert to submit MediaConvert job. CreateJobCommandInput contains a lot of different parameters. I ...
Žilvinas Rudžionis's user avatar
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Video Rotation issue when Stitching wide video (e.g. 6:4) with vertical video recorded with a mobile phone (e.g any Android/iPhone 9:16)

When a vertical video is recorded via mobile phone and needs to be stitched with a horizontal video, the provided output has the vertical video part, rotated. What may cause it: It seems the ...
Umer Sheikh's user avatar
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Is there any settings available in AWS Elemental Mediaconvert to remove/mute the audio of the converted videos?

Currently, the Mediaconvert is configured to create a 720px width video out of a given video. The input video might contain audio tracks. The requirement is to remove/mute the converted video. Hence, ...
Sarath Radhakrishnan's user avatar
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AWS MediaConvert and Alpha channels

I'm trying to use AWS MediaConvert on a .mov file that has an alpha channel. I couldn't find a way to preserve the alpha channel. Seems like it's always discarded and I'm losing the transparency. Even ...
ori.rdt's user avatar
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TooManyRequestsException while calling mediaconvert for updating job status in UI using javascript SDK

The application is developed using React Js as a frontend and nodeJs as backend.The application is deployed in AWS EKS cluster.The application is like a videoportal where users can upload a video and ...
Rekha Rajasekaran's user avatar