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Questions tagged [azure-app-service-envrmnt]

Azure App Service Environment provides apps with higher scale options and direct corporate connectivity. Apps have expanded scaling head-room with new compute resources and gain secure, direct access over virtual networks to corporate resources connected via Site-to-Site or ExpressRoute connections.

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54 votes
5 answers

Azure App Service vs Azure Service Fabric [closed]

Can anyone direct me to something that will explain when I should create an Azure Service Fabric application vs an Azure App Service application? I have an application I want to build but can not ...
StewartArmbrecht's user avatar
35 votes
3 answers

How to restart Azure App Service Instance

I have an Azure App Service that contains 1 Web App with 1 slot. I have 2 instances assigned to the App Service. This week, the App Service shows about 60% CPU usage, and its usually about 10-15%. ...
William's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

How Azure load balances scaled out App Service plan?

I have one Azure App Service in which I have created 5 instances using App Service Plan Scale Out option. Now I am not sure how does Azure load balances requests between this instances? I am not ...
Rushi Soni's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Is Azure app service environment a good fit for microservices architecture

I am looking at deploying a collection of REST services into azure. These services are to support a mobile app front end and a web based front end. I want them to be independently deployable and ...
devo's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

HTTP 502 from one instance of an Azure Web App

We suddenly began experiencing HTTP 502 errors (The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process) from one of the instances of our web app. I was able to ...
Dave New's user avatar
  • 39.6k
11 votes
4 answers

Disable CORS middleware of Azure app service

I wrote some code to handle CORS into my Web Api(.Net Core). These code perfectly works on my local and test server(Azure app service) but it is not working on production(Azure app service). It gives ...
Ashish Kumar's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Move Azure website between App Service Plans

Is it possible to move an Azure Website to a different (or new) App Service Plan? I have already tried both the old and new portals but cannot find the options for this.
Mark Cooper's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

How can I merge the outputs from a For_Each loop in an Azure Logic App to a single flat array?

I have a For_Each loop in an Azure Logic App that calls another, nested, Logic App. The result from each iteration of the nested Logic Apps is a JSON object that contains an array of strings, like ...
Jude Fisher's user avatar
  • 11.3k
8 votes
2 answers

ILogger Not Respecting Log Level for Application Insights

I've been trying to set up Application Insights with an ASP.NET Core 2.0 application. While running my application locally, logs are showing up in Application Insights as expected. However, when ...
rfa3's user avatar
  • 83
8 votes
3 answers

Making requests to localhost within Azure App Services application

I have a continuous web job that listens for requests containing diagnostic information. In order to test connectivity I try to hit a health check in my web job but am unable to make requests to ...
colin-higgins's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Create custom domain for app services via terraform

I am creating azure app services via terraform and following there documentation located at this site : Here is the snippet for ...
focode's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Where is the key in new Azure App service?

While using the classic Azure Mobile services, you used to get a key along with a URL for your Mobile Service app. This key was also used to explore the APIs on your backend site & was used as a ...
Supreet's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Cannot warm up pages using applicationInitialization in webconfig

I have a simple Umbraco 7.7.2 application and I'm hosting it on Azure (app-service). When I restart the server it takes 20-40 seconds for first time requesting a page which is really annoying ...
Ashkan S's user avatar
  • 11.2k
7 votes
1 answer

Azure: How to reload the Environment Variables without rebooting the App Service

What I’m trying to achieve: In an ASP.NET Core Web App, I want to listen for the configuration change event, and reload the new configuration value at run time. I'm changing the configuration setting ...
DAVID WANG's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Azure App Service and Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word

I am developing .Net Core APIs using C#. In my use case, I have password protected Word documents. I need to open these documents programatically and read all the contents from it. I cannot use ...
Madhukar Hiriadka's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Only getting Your App Service app has been created - after deploying to azure

After I deploy a web api to azure, I get the screen: Your App Service app has been created Go to your app's Quick Start guide in the Azure portal to get started or read our deployment documentation....
thegunner's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

.NET Core 2.1 Azure Web App: The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process

I host my ASP.NET .NET Core 2.1 project in Azure Web App service. I recently upgraded to 2.1 (From 2.0) and I started getting these errors: The specified CGI application encountered an error and ...
Andrei's user avatar
  • 43.9k
6 votes
2 answers

How to compare two app services settings in azure

How can I compare the App Service configuration settings in two different App Services?
shivareddy battula's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

restrict azure appservice / website to a domain

I have a WCF service running on a azure app service. I want to restrict this WCF to a few azure website, external IPs and some other deployments. I am using IPSecurity tag for that in my WCF web....
RB.'s user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Move existing app service into app service environment

We are currently running several Azure App Services which are having trouble with PCI-DSS compliance, due to the fact that App Services have TLSv1.0 enabled, with no option to disable it. After ...
qwertymodo's user avatar
6 votes
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How can I view the number of pooled ADO.NET database connections in an Azure App Service?

I am having problems with the number of pooled connections in my Azure web app. And it will help me a lot if I can see the number of pooled connections so I can understand how it relates to the ...
Bassem's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Scaled out Azure App Service too slow

When I try to scale out my Azure Web App I experience very slow response times for requests on the second or third instance of the app. This seems to happen because the other instances were in cold ...
Domenic's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Retrieve Azure LogicApp's Connector metadata using C# SDK

Can I retrieve metadata of Connector of a Logic App using C# SDK ? Am getting logic app using: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Logic.LogicManagementClient.Workflows.Get(resourceGroupName, logicAppName), ...
Vidhya Sagar Reddy's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Getting permission error with rewrite rules within Azure web app

I have a Laravel 4 based PHP application that I have successfully gotten working within an Azure web app, the only issue that I am having is when attempting to access files from example.azurewebsites....
carbontwelve's user avatar
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3 answers

Where can i find the code of an Azure Function?

I'm new to Azure Functions and been thrown into a project without a proper introduction and anybody I could ask is out of office. My simple most likely stupid question is; where can I find the actual ...
figursagsmats's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Unable to generate log NLog internal logging file on Azure App Service

I run websites and webjobs on Azure App Service and I want to enable NLog internal debugging to troubleshoot some logging problems. In my NLog configuration code I do: InternalLogger.LogLevel = ...
Howiecamp's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How does the ARR Affinity Cookie actually do the Application Request Routing and Load Balancing in an Azure App service environment

I understand that ARR affinity cookie pairs a client request to a specific server. And if it is enabled, then the requests will always go only to the server tied to the Affinity cookie. Azure Web Apps ...
RB-2902's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Creating Azure App Service Plans in an App Service Environments using Azure Powershell

I'm attempting to use Azure App Service Environments (ASE) and I'm having difficulty creating App Service Plans (ASP) within the ASE using Powershell. I've attempted to do so using New-AzureResource ...
thundercats go's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

azure webapps 404 error

I have web application developed in Spring boot (REST services) which is deployed on Azure webapps (Azure app service). My plan is Standard: 1 Small. The application has been running smoothly since 2 ...
Venky's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Easily Export Visual Studio User Secrets Values to Production Environment Variables or Azure Key Vault

I am using User Secrets for my Blazor ASP.NET Core 3.1 application and it works really well in my development environment. However, I am anticipating the moment that I will have to export these ...
Mike-E's user avatar
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Access network file share from azure app service - web app - ASE in hybrid setup

There is an azure web app in azure app service ASE. It is linked to a Vnet. And a point to site VPN between laptops/PCs connecting to the Vnet from outside cloud/ on premises to form an hybrid cloud ...
Aravind's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to disable the kudu scm

Disable kudu for the running web app. Why? Kudu is consuming the CPU periodically and I want to stop that. So far I have tried to Kill the process by clicking on Properties >> Kill button. but ...
AstroBoy's user avatar
  • 357
4 votes
2 answers

Azure LocalCache not setting the Ready environment variable on ASE

I have moved my WebApp to the Azure App Service Environment and have enabled the new LocalCache option as documented at
Dan's user avatar
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4 votes
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Error deploying .Net Core 3.0 Web API to Azure App Service

I recently upgraded my ASP .Net Core 2.2 Web API to .Net Core 3.0. Now, when I publish to Azure App Service from within Visual Studio 2019 Community (latest updates installed) I get this message: ...
Fabricio Rodriguez's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Auto scale on azure app service command throwing ["UnsupportedMetric"] error

Following az-cli command not supporting metric for auto-scaling instances on azure app services. # Create cpu autoscale rule az monitor autoscale rule create --resource-group $...
Dhannjay Sharma's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

node.js app with pm2 on Azure App Service fails when container doesn't respond to ping on port 8080

I have tried using the following startup commands, and both successfully start the app as reported in the _default_docker.log but the app service is stopping the container because a HTTP ping for port ...
Shane's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Deploying to App Service Environment from Azure DevOps

We have 1 internal ASE in a subnet. In a different subnet in the same network, we have deployed a Virtual Machine that acts as Azure DevOps Agent Windows v2 We are able to deploy Web Apps manually (...
GeekzSG's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Azure App Services: How to restrict everything but one IP address

I have a Web API hosted in Azure App Services, and I want to use the restriction tool to restrict traffic for every single IP that exists, with the exception of the ip address that we want to actually ...
SamyCode's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to use Steeltoe without Pivotal Cloud Foundry

We want to use Steeltoe for developing our Microservices. However we don't want to use Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Can we use Steeltoe with Azure App Services? or what is the best solution to use ...
user217648's user avatar
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Azure: manually add app service certificate to key vault

Azure has a simple way of adding an App Service Certificate to a Key Vault from the web interface. I did this and later I accidentally deleted the certificate from the Key Vault. The App Service ...
Kris's user avatar
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Merge multiple web projects into a single output zip package

I'm using Visual Studio Online and working through building a continuous integration setup. The scenario I have requires that multiple web projects are built out to a single Azure App Service ...
Ken McAndrew's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Why does Azure App Service Environment do the long deployment again when running the same ARM template?

I used the quick start template 201-web-app-ase-ilb-create to start creating my ASE (in West Europe). I let it run overnight. At some point in time it timed out. The next morning - looking at the ...
Kai Walter's user avatar
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Client Side Transactions in Azure App Service Offline Sync

Is it possible to leverage transaction on the client, when using azure app service offline sync? It seems to me that you can pretty much only insert into the SQLite store a record at a time, but ...
Matt Whetton's user avatar
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I configured IIS ApplicationInitialization as recommended in the documentation add initializationPage='/warm-up'

I configured IIS ApplicationInitialization as recommended in the documentation add initializationPage='/warm-up'. I implemented a /warm-up endpoint on my app deploy it to both staging and production ...
Ron's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Azure AD B2C Refresh Token Revoked 403

Good morning everyone, I Have set up an App Service in Azure and added Authentication via Azure AD B2C. So far so good everything works fine. After 1 hour though, when the token expires, I try to ...
Tom's user avatar
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3 votes
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Azure Web App Node deployment, change app root directory?

I am trying to deploy a Node app on an Azure App Service, using Github and Kudu, running on Windows. The deployment works and the app is started. My codebase is organised as follows: /config /res /...
Joris's user avatar
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How to Configure Internal IP for Azure API App Service?

I have a Azure API App service which needs to be exposed to client with single Internal IP. How can i do this?
Avinash patil's user avatar
3 votes
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How to deploy a Web App using Visual Studio to Azure App Service Environment?

I am trying to deploy a Web application to an App Service Environment but when I try to publish the web app I get this error. "Web deployment task failed. ( Could not connect to the remote computer (...
Haris B.T's user avatar
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3 votes
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Cannot set deployment from source control for Azure App Service

Am trying to setup deployment from source control for Azure App Service. Am facing errors in the same. The error that am receiving is: Cannot create build definition as no hosted build controller ...
Sanket Tarun Shah's user avatar
3 votes
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How to configure Azure AD to enable refresh tokens

I have an Azure App Service / Web API linked to Azure AD and authentication is working, however client tokens are expiring after 1 hour, so I want to enable the OAuth refresh_token. When I inspect ...
user381624's user avatar

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