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Questions tagged [azure-file-share]

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Unable to create a new folder in Azure file share by a Windows service running in Azure VM

Have a Windows service running in a Azure Windows Server 2022 VM, also mapped the Azure file share to a Windows drive Z:\ in this VM according to this tutorial, the Windows service is trying to create ...
J.W's user avatar
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How to create a URL for Azure File Share with SAS

I already know how to create a download link using SAS to create a downloadable link for a Blob in Azure as per the docs. Using this code: sas = generate_blob_sas( account_name="account", ...
mp252's user avatar
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Creating Static Persistent Volume in AKS using credentials in Azure Key Vault

I am currently following this guide here to create a PV using an existing Azure File Share: The method is to store the storage account ...
Saligia's user avatar
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git versioning file share

I am trying to have (git) versioning on a fileshare , but when running git init or git clone I get: error: chmod on /[my folder]/.git/config.lock failed: Operation not permitted Is there a ...
jjrr's user avatar
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How to add a custom domain to Azure File Share?

I'm working on an Azure File Share for my project and I would like to configure a custom domain name for it. However, I'm not sure about the exact steps and best practices for achieving this. Can ...
Jenish MS's user avatar
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Mount Azure file share to Azure app service

I am trying to mount an Azure file share on Azure app service. The app service is Windows based (not a container) and it is running .NET. I have checked the network connectivity, the app is vnet ...
NK94's user avatar
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Mounting Azure File Share on linux docker container

I have a server-side program that is containerized in a Linux container (on Docker). The program receives a file path via a grpc call and has to read data from that file. The file location is from an ...
James's user avatar
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How to zip all the files under azure storage file share and send the zip as response?

I am trying to make a route in flask which zips all the files under file share home directory and sends the zip as response. The code I have has some issue but I am not sure what is wrong here. The ...
tiger t's user avatar
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Why is azure file share openReadAsync() breaks when file over 4mb?

I'm trying to openReadAsync() csv file from azure file share. But if the file is over 4mb ReadLineAsync() returns whole file as [���������������������������], instead of returning first line. Here is ...
Jeeps's user avatar
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Mock Azure File Share CreateAsync method in unit test

I have the following method, that I'm trying to write some unit tests public async Task<ShareClient> CreateFileShare(string shareName) { if (!ShareNameValidator.IsValid(shareName)) ...
Pamador's user avatar
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How to connect quarkus application with azure share file

I want to connect my Quaruks application to my azure file. i found this tutorial but its for blob-storage:
Catalina's user avatar
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Azure File Storage Premium Cost [closed]

We are already using Azure File Storage Premium. I was analyzing the bills. My bill is approx 200$. We checked azure calculator it says 0 upfront cost and 0 upfront monthly cost. Egress, Ingress, ...
know1995's user avatar
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How to connect to Azure File Share and read csv file using Python

I am trying to write Python code to connect to Azure File Share with URL with some credentials/keys: I am running this code from an IDE (Visual Studio Code). But, I am not sure how to put URL info. ...
Java's user avatar
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Does Azure blob/file share storage NFS protocol support Windows machine mounting?

I was trying to connect with Azure blob storage as well as azure file share with different protocols. I am able to connect with SFTP, SMB protocols from my windows machine, but not able to connect via ...
Aniket Karajgikar's user avatar
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Synchronise Azure files to blob store

Is there an easy way, to synchronise an Azure file share to a blob store (ADLS gen2)? I thought about using AzCopy running on a VM, but I'm wondering whether there is an easier solution.
eztam's user avatar
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Set-AzStorageFileContent saves strange line breaks

I have a json file, C:\temp\A.json: [ { "key": "value" } ] I save this file to an Azure file share using this command: Set-AzStorageFileContent -Context $SA....
Rudhan's user avatar
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Forward slash being changed to "%2F" when deploying Azure Function

I have an Azure Function that connects to an Azure File Storage account. The File Storage Account is structure like the following: ShareName ShareName/folder_1 ShareName/folder_1/subfolder_1 ShareName/...
Jose Vega's user avatar
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Azure Logic connection with Azure file share while storage account is behind firewall

I have an Azure Storage account that has an Azure file share setup. I want to create a logic app that, after it does its process, creates a file on the Azure file share. The only connector that seems ...
Ajay Ward's user avatar
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How to mount a virtual disk inside Azure Container Instance?

I have an Azure SMB File Share which gets mounted inside my Azure Container Instance. Inside the File Share, there's a Virtual Disk file VHD.img which I want to mount. My container instance Dockerfile ...
dhsdshdhk's user avatar
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Use Control plane API to Create Share at Azure File with share key

I used the control plane API to create a share at Azure File. API: The HTTP request:...
jennie's user avatar
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how to copy the fileshare data between the subscriptions of storage accounts - scenario given in description

In the Same Azure Tenant, we have 2 storage accounts in 2 subscriptions. In 1st Subscription - file share storage account, we have data in different file shares such as: Fileshare1uat Fileshare2uat ...
Jashua Criss's user avatar
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Need the Python process for assigning an AZURE BackupPolicy to a fileshare

Within a Python program, I'm creating storage accounts and fileshares based on some parameters, and need to assign an existing backup policy to this new fileshare. I've found the method to do this in ...
Romojo's user avatar
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Using XmlSerializer with Azure ShareFileClient creates files of incorrect size

I'm trying to write XML files to an azure file share using XmlSerializer but my files are always as big as my set MaxSize. I have an Azure Function that calls the following function that writes ...
ChrisFromTheBlock's user avatar
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How to express Azure File Share location using Powershell

I am trying to modify current Powershell to point to Azure File Share. Currently, bottom Powershell is used in a local drive, but I would like to change to pointing to Azure File Share. param ( [...
Java's user avatar
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Download file from Azure Storage file share using ReactJs

I have a simple React application created using create-react-app. I have an Azure Storage named storage1, and a file share named share1. Under share1 I have a couple of files, let's say file1.pdf and ...
tiger t's user avatar
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az storage file upload-batch command changing the file format in Azure file share - issue

I am trying to upload the files from GitHub repo to Azure file share and created shell script to run the AZ command like AZ login, create storage directory(if it not present) and finally Upload file ...
CH BHARATH KUMAR's user avatar
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Empty File Output while reading a file from Azure File Share using Powershell in Azure Automation

I am connecting to my Azure File Share using Powershell in Azure Automation and this works fine, I can list all the files and directories. Unfortunately when I try to read the content of any of the ...
Olgaraa's user avatar
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Use pyspark to read data from azure fileshare

Hey guys does anyone have an idea how I can read qvd data from azure fileshare I want to read these qvd convert to parquet then load the data using ADF to the container But I am having trouble using ...
Adika Stadevant's user avatar
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What is a good use of Azure FileShare? Can it be a good solution to store the file in Azure vs storing the file in Blob storage

I need to evaluate the use of Azure FileShare and use the Fileshare storage to upload/download the files. The current functionality of the application is where user can upload a file from local ...
Jashvita's user avatar
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Azure Virtual Desktop Shared Folder using Azure File Share [closed]

Despite extensively reviewing various discussions, FAQs, articles, and Microsoft documentation, I remain uncertain about the feasibility of my desired setup. I am attempting to implement a purely ...
moritzk's user avatar
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MongoDB in Azure App Service, via Docker-Compose

I'll keep this very simple as I've gone back to basics for this - my container configuration is a little more complex, but this demonstrates the problem really quickly. I have the following docker-...
PoorbandTony's user avatar
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App service plan File system storage quotas

Azure function on the consumption plan has 1 GB storage for File system storage. Currently, the storage gets filled up when we run all the master data from the source. It gets filled up by log files. ...
Aram Yako's user avatar
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Visual Studio C# connecting Azure blob and fileshare storage

I want to include in my application, written in Visual Studio 2022 using C#, a connection to Azure Cloud blob storage / fileshare storage and copy files there. I have also found a tutorial at ...
Michael 7's user avatar
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File Share Deletion (Azure ) failing ,how to fix?

I have a piece of code which iterates over file share and delete the file share, while deleting it may contain snapshots ,how do I delete file share as it keeps failing with Error Message like . "...
Code_1993's user avatar
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How to integrate NLog to write log to Azure File Share in .NET

I can't seem to find any example of how to configure NLOG to write logs to Azure File Share file. Does anyone know how to do it? My app is a .NET 4.8 app. I am assuming i should include something like ...
Mary's user avatar
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How to get metadata (File Shares List) of the Storage account & configure the copy data activity for copying b/w storage accounts in the ADF?

Following my previous Q&A, How to get the File Shares list in the metadata activity and copy all the file shares and inside data as-is to the destination storage account? Linked Service for Source ...
Jashua Criss's user avatar
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A generic error occurred in GDI+ on Bitmap Save - Azure

I get "System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException: 'A generic error occurred in GDI+.' (on save) " when running private void SaveImage(string base64, string imageName) { using (...
kolek's user avatar
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AzCopy fails to copy/sync *some* files saying no PUT permission

We need to sync files between two Azure File Shares. We use SAS tokens to let azcopy access both sides. Out of 126 files at source, only 122 have been synced, for others we get following error: INFO: ...
Tomasz's user avatar
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Azure File Share: Docker Compose in Azure App Service writes to File Share but seems not to read the files (SOLR)

I am running an app with Docker Compose in an Azure webapp. The app needs a configuration, this configuration is a folder system. I have done this to start the app with the configuration, I download a ...
DaveVentura's user avatar
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Manage Access to file shares Azure

I created a file share system with 9 file shares that go to different people. I can't limit access or specify who should have access to what. I've read a bunch of documentation, but I don't think I ...
Gabgon's user avatar
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Moving a file from Azure Blob Container to Azure File Share in Springboot Application

I have a CloudBlobContainer which contains a file (csv) which I want to move to a Azure File Share. In the current approach I am downloading the file stored in the container to a temp file and then ...
QuickBrownSloth's user avatar
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Azure Files with Private Endpoint over Azure VPN

I setup an Azure Files storage account with Public access disabled and an internal Private Endpoint address of and the provided PrivateLink DNS enabled. I also have a Virtual Network Gateway ...
pakyrs's user avatar
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Azure Fileshares on a web page hosted from a VM

SO, I know that Azure does not currently have a way to display FileShare data directly to a webpage. SO as a workable solution, I created a VM that hooks into the fileshare from the SMB share as a ...
Xolin_'s user avatar
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API call to get Azure File Share storage details via PowerShell not working

I’m attempting to retrieve detailed information from an Azure File Share (The used Capacity using a PowerShell script to make an API call. My intention is to automate this process within a larger ...
Every Every's user avatar
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Not listing the files and folders inside the azure file share

$resourceGroupName = "xbackbonektadevmc-rg" $storageAccName = "xfssaktamc601" $fileShareName = "imagingcenter" $directoryPath = "Software\KTA OPMT\KofaxTotalAgility-...
Guttala VamC's user avatar
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How to let local SQL see Azure file Share

We're running a number of azure VM's with local SQL Server instances for development purposes (not externally accessible). We also have an Azure File share that we are using as a shared drive for the ...
Wenlocke's user avatar
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Is it possible for Azure File Share issues to manifest as "File being used elsewhere" System.IOExceptions

I am developing a service which picks up messages from an Azure Service Bus Queue, does some minimal processing/validation on it, and then saves it to a file and some metadata to a database. This ...
Jordan Dantas's user avatar
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unable to add azure fileshare to Recovery service vault backup policy through az cli command

i am trying add AzureFileshare to recovery service vault backup policy through Az cli command in azure devops pipeline. but i could not succeed. below is the cli command az backup protection enable-...
ramesh reddy's user avatar
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Azure pipeline not able to deploy .ispac in file share folder on Azure storage account

The issue is the pipeline doesn't copy the ispac file on File Share of the Storage account. Using 'Deploy SSIS' task, I'm able to copy .dtsx and .dtsConfig files inside the File Share example image ...
Azzurra137's user avatar
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The PVC is stuck in a pending state in the Azure OpenShift cluster

After provisioning an OpenShift cluster using the steps outlined in and successfully deploying my application, I attempted to ...
Naren's user avatar
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