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Questions tagged [azure-functions-isolated]

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3 answers

AppSettings for AzureFunction on .NET 8 (Isolated)

Context I have an existing Linux Azure Function running on .Net 6 (In-process) v4. I have a lot of configuration coming from appsettings.json. Most of these configurations are objects with nested ...
Clement Germain's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Azure Functions - .NET 8 isolated - logging no longer showing up in Azure Portal Invocation Traces

When writing Azure Functions in C#, I find it very useful that I am able to output some selected messages to a logger, and that those messages show up in the "Invocation Traces" in the Azure ...
marc_s's user avatar
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Azure Function : no logging after upgrading to .NET 8

I have upgraded my Azure functions to .NET 8. Since upgrading I no longer see any of my _logger.LogInformation events. Only errors get logged I have reviewed this document (How to configure monitoring ...
Tony's user avatar
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Azure function (dotnet-isolated) fails to start with Grpc.Core.RpcException: StatusCode="Unavailable" - Mac M1

I recently got a Mac M1, and in the process of setting up my machine for Azure Function(dotnet-isolated) development. I followed below document, which worked perfectly well on my Windows 10 machine. ...
Diny's user avatar
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3 answers

Isolated Function App not responding to HTTP calls

I have previously used in-process function apps without any issue. I start them with func host start, and then I can invoke any REST endpoints locally using cURL. To keep up with later dotnet versions,...
jokarl's user avatar
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1 answer

Dependency Injection in .Net Azure Function Isolated Process

I have an Azure Function running .Net 7 isolated, including the latest stable versions of: Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions (1.1.0) Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker (1.10.1) Microsoft.Azure....
user18901997's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

TaskActivityContext is null within activity function in Durable Functions (Isolated)

I recently upgraded to the isolated NET7 Azure Functions worker. Durable Function's API has changed quiete a bit in with that, but it is GA now. I need to get the orchestration's instance id from ...
baouss's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I pass an int array into an HTTP-triggered, dotnet-isolated V4 Azure Function as a body parameter?

I can make it work if I create a custom class that just serves as a wrapper for an integer array, but I'd rather not do that extra step. I want to just pass in an integer array. This was my latest ...
usr12345's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Azure Function .net core 6 Isolated - traceparent (W3C) correlation

I'm trying to have an azure function (.net core 6 isolated) where I want to have connected to application insights and user W3C traceparent as my correlation method. I have installed System....
FEST's user avatar
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2 answers

Isolated Azure function returning IActionResult doesn't work with multiple output bindings

I've got some Azure functions that I've been migrating from .NET6 in-process model to .NET8 isolated model. These functions are coded to return IActionResult objects rather than HttpResponseData. One ...
Tim Dean's user avatar
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2 answers

.NET 8 Azure Functions: setting System.Text.JsonSerializer defaults

I'm trying to set a convertor to be used on every request to an Azure Function using a JsonResult. I'm using the new VS2022 templates for azure functions using .NET 8. This means: the extension ...
zu1b's user avatar
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1 answer

Unit Testing Isolated Model Azure Durable Function Orchestrator in .Net 8

The documentation for Durable Function Testing only talks about the in-proc model - I have a timer-...
Kruti Joshi's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

enabling Newtonsoft json with .Net 7 isolated Azure Function

I have a C# .Net 7 ISOLATED Azure function app where I'm trying to return json results from classes that are decorated with Newtonsoft attributes: public class AuthResponse { [JsonProperty("...
pathrider's user avatar
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2 answers

Azure Functions on .Net 8 with Entity Framework Core

I need to create an Azure Function app using .Net 8 and EF Core where I can: Perform CRUD operations from Az functions Use either a DB Context or a repository object Ensure either of these two ...
Vishal's user avatar
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3 answers

Azure functions isolated-process BlobTrigger not firing

I have the following Function (BlobTrigger) running as an isolated process (net8). Its failing to trigger when I upload a file to the storage account. I’m not sure why its not triggering. Any help ...
O'Neil Tomlinson's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use Azure App Configuration Service with Azure Functions in local dev environment?

I am writing an Azure Function (Service Bus Topic Triggered Function in isolated mode) which is part of a bigger solution that has API and other projects. The API reads the configuration settings from ...
Gaurav Mantri's user avatar
2 votes
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.NET 8 ISOLATED Azure Function - Binding attributes not working

I am porting an old .NET 6 in-process Azure Function app, to .NET 8 isolated worker model. I have an issue where it seems like the app configuration expression resolution for our Azure Function ...
kdeez's user avatar
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I am getting an error when attempting to start my Azure Function App (.NET 8/Isolated worked model) locally (VS 2022)

I'm unable to get my Azure Function App to work in .NET 8. using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using ...
Ben's user avatar
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SignalR .NET 6 Azure Functions Isolated Return HttpResponseData instead of SignalRMessageAction

I have a function that is used to store data. This data is monitored in a frontend and when there is new data, I want to notify my frontend about that. I have achieved that by using SignalR, which to ...
Nikolay Valchanov's user avatar
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Durable Functions Orchestrator template missing in Visual Studio 17.4 with .Net 7.0 SDK installed

I am running Visual Studio 17.4 on Windows 10 Pro and have installed the .NET 7.0 SDK I want to create a Durable Functions project, but I don't see the Durable Functions Orchestrator template in the ...
Rob Vaughan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Return IAsyncEnumerable with Azure Functions on .NET 8 Isolated

I am trying to return an IAsyncEnumerable<MyObject> with Azure Functions HttpTrigger, using .NET 8 Isolated Process. When I return the type I get the following error message: .IAsyncEnumerable' ...
Lenny D's user avatar
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C# Isolated AzureFunction - AzureSignalRConnectionString

I need to set the SignalR connection string in my startup code from a key vault secret. The documentation suggests to pass the connection string into AddAzureSignalR(<connectionString>) like ...
Stephan Hoffmann's user avatar
2 votes
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Azure Functions Isolated Worker (.NET 8): Extra Quotes Added to String in ActivityTrigger

Hello Stack Overflow Community, I'm encountering a peculiar issue after migrating an Azure Functions app from an in-process model (.NET 6) to an isolated worker model (.NET 8). The problem arises when ...
Сергій Ярошевич's user avatar
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Rewind capability of Durable functions using isolated worker

I know there's a rewind (in preview) capability for durable functions in-proc (available via the IDurableOrchestrationClient interface), but I can't find a similar option available on the ...
CraigM's user avatar
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Isolated Azure Function throwing error on startup

I'm working on converting all of our c# Azure functions to be isolated from in-process but am running into an error that I can't find any information on. The error I am getting on startup is: Method ...
Jon Christensen's user avatar
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Is it possible to provide a value to an Azure Function from Middleware?

I have a default Azure function, and some middleware. What I want is when xml is sent, the middleware parses it into an object, and passes this object to the azure function. The code would look like ...
NibblyPig's user avatar
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Cannot setup configuration in a Isolated Azure Function - .NET 7

I am upgrading my function from .NET Core 3.1 up to .NET 7 Isolated My Function App inherits from a base class which does all my setup that is relevant to all function app. This works perfectly ...
Paul's user avatar
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2 answers

Azure Function Isolated with QueueOutput and InitialVisibilityDelay

Prior to Isolated Azure Functions, one could create an Output binding queue like so: [Queue(...)] CloudQueue outputQueue Then, we could add a new message with the ability to add a Visibility Delay ...
Vlince's user avatar
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4 answers

Failed to start a new language worker for runtime: dotnet-isolated - latest version of C# .Net 7

I have an Isolated Azure Function. Now I am getting this famous error: Failed to start a new language worker for runtime: dotnet-isolated I have searched and done all possible solutions in Stack ...
Sharif Yazdian's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to Console Log and AppInsights log Azure Isolated Function

How does one enable console logging in addition to AppInsights? I can see the insights just fine, but when I'm running locally, I would prefer to occasionally use a Console.WriteLine(...) here and ...
CoderLee's user avatar
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Namespace 'BlobOutputAttribute' not found in new Azure Functions Core project

I just created my first project with Azure Functions Core, and I'm unable to set an output binding to blob storage on my function. This is .NET 8 in an isolated process. Here is the code - it's a ...
Kenbo's user avatar
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[OpenApiSecurity("bearer_auth" is not working in .NET 8 isolated out-of-process model

I am working on Azure .NET 8 functions and the following function decorator is not working. [OpenApiSecurity("bearer_auth", SecuritySchemeType.Http, Scheme = OpenApiSecuritySchemeType.Bearer,...
Gunner's user avatar
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1 answer

how to update "SKU" and messaging limit of an IOThub from Azure function app (isolated)

I have a function app: Details: C# "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "dotnet-isolated" I was trying to retrieve the "SKU" details of an IoTHub and update it. By update I ...
ShresthaGanesh's user avatar
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0 functions found in terminal when creating a .NET 8 isolated Azure Function using VS Code on a Mac

I created a new C# timer function in VS Code using .Net 8 in isolated mode and am getting 0 functions found in the terminal on my Mac. [2024-03-10T14:43:25.386Z] Reading functions metadata [2024-03-...
lcj's user avatar
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SignalR C#: Send message to a specific user or group

BackEnd: .NET 6, C#10, Azure Isolated Function project NuGet: Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.SignalRService v1.7.0 How to send a message to a specific user or group? I found that adding a ...
Lekster001's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Application Insight in isolated Function app

I am facing issue in moving my Function App code from in-process to isolated process. Here is my application insight code which I am using in my startup.cs. I am not using ...
MianNajmi's user avatar
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Migrating in-proc Azure function to isolated function - How to use generic Binder

I have a working .NET6 in-proc Azure Function. I'm in the process of converting it to an isolated worker process (out-of-proc) .net7 function. I have a HttpTrigger function that should get a file from ...
Paul Meems's user avatar
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Application insights logging configuration ignored on azure functions v4 .net 8 isolated function

I am writing Azure functions in dotnet 8 using v4 dotnet-isolated. When Deployed to Azure I want to log custom trace messages at level "Debug" and above to application insights. When ...
Twisted's user avatar
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Azure Function QueueTrigger not receiving cancellation requests

I have a .NET 8 Azure Function v4 QueueTrigger with the dotnet-isolated runtime. In production, we have run into an issue where the function application will shutdown mid-execution, leaving the ...
Jon Sagara's user avatar
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How to check if a SignalR Active Connection is still active or not within .Net8 Isolated SignalRTrigger Azure Function App

Earlier we were using InProcess and hence we had a refrence of InvocationContext which was working fine to check if the signalR connection is active or not to perform our own business logic. The same ...
Logesh Sathasivam's user avatar
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can we set ConversationID for service bus trigger Azure v4 function c#? in ITelemetryInitializer

I m using Azure Function V4 Isolated Mode in c#. Its service bus Trigger function. In message body I m already passing ConversationID. I already added Telemetry. services.AddSingleton<...
Maulik Dave's user avatar
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Error converting 1 input parameters for Function: Cannot convert input parameter 'token' to type 'System.Threading.CancellationToken'

I've implemented an Azure Function based on the Isolated model. The function processes message from a topic subscription on Azure Service Bus. The definition on the Run method looks similar to this: [...
ThomasArdal's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom Authorization in Azure Functions v4 with .NET 7 isolated

I'm attempting to implement custom authorization in Azure Functions v4 using .NET 7 isolated process. Previously, there was the FunctionExecutingContext which could be used with attributes to handle ...
Hari Krishna's user avatar
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Service Bus account connection string Not found from Azure KeyVault

I have an Isolated Azure Function written in .net 7, triggered by Service Bus. I am trying to move my Connection string (and other credentials to KeyVault Secrets) I already have created a Keyvault ...
Sharif Yazdian's user avatar
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Setting binding expression in output binding of Isolated Azure Function with multiple outputs

I've got a C# Azure Function running in Isolated process mode. It's got a [ServiceBusTrigger] with a POCO reprenting the JSON message received from the topic. There's a [BlobInput] binding, which uses ...
Carl Heinrich Hancke's user avatar
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Net 6.0 set ServiceBusTrigger QueueName and Connection from appsettings instead of local.settings.json

I have a ServiceBusTrigger public async Task Run( [ServiceBusTrigger("%QueueName%", Connection = "ServiceBus")] And I can set QueueName and Connection from local.settings.json in &...
Anastasia Diakova's user avatar
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Why is dbContext inside my repository getting disposed in an OrchestrationTrigger function after calling BlobClient.ExistsAsync

I have a very minimal.NET 6.0 isolated, durable function. [Function("SampleWorker")] public async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("sighting-export", Connection = "MyServiceBus&...
Aaron's user avatar
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How to host Azure Function App for provider contract testing

I have in-process Azure Function App (v3). And I want to write a Contract tests for this Function App (it is Provider) using Pactnet. To check that Provider (my Function App) honors pacts I need to ...
TanyaMy's user avatar
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Get original error message and stack trace in topmost orchestrator In Azure functions app (isolated mode)

I have an Azure functions application (NET8.0, isolated mode, Core Tools Version 4.0.5801, Function Runtime Version: At the moment of writing this question all packages are up to date. ...
Infarch's user avatar
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Testing manually a Time Triggered Function App in the Azure Portal fails

I am having issues running a Time Triggered Function App in the Azure Portal, these are the replication steps: Function App Deployed to the Azure Portal, Click on the Time Triggered Function I want ...
cacharry's user avatar
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