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Questions tagged [azure-store]

The Windows Azure Store provides developers with third party app services and data (add-ons) that complement and extend core Windows Azure services.

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Azure Resource Provider concepts

I try to write my own Resource Provider to create a new Add-On to Azure MarketPlace, but I have got some not clear concepts about the Provider. If the user wants to get details on a Resource, Azure ...
Gábor Domonkos's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I debug problems during Azure Store offer upgrade?

I'm having troubles debugging "upgrade" of my offer in Azure Store. I've "purchased" the offering, then I click "Upgrade", select a more expensive plan and click the "Proceed" arrow I see the ...
sharptooth's user avatar
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Azure Publisher Portal: Couldn't downgrade App Service to free plan

We have a free and a paid plan at our App Service. Users can upgrade the free plan to the paid one, but we provide the possibility to "downgrade" to the free plan. At the Publisher Portal the free ...
Gábor Domonkos's user avatar
1 vote
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How to change the default timeout for an Azure Queue storage QueueClient.CreateIfNotExists()?

I'm trying to use the v12 SDK of Azure Queues. When I create my queue instance, the first thing I'm doing on application startup is to see if the queue exists. Based on the typical documentation ...
Pure.Krome's user avatar
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Does Azure Data Lake Store Data for Analytics on temporarily purpose only?

I'm going through a course in MVA "Introducing Azure Data Lake", and till module 2 ,in each vid it's highlighting, that we are paying only for time job is taking to execute. This get me confused, if ...
Harsimranjeet Singh's user avatar
0 votes
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How to read Certification details in django Request Object?

We are trying integrate with Azure store. Azure store calls our API(built in django restframework) and along with request payload they send Certification details in request. But, I cannot see the ...
user601367's user avatar
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What's the point of Azure Add-Ons?

Windows Azure has a store. The stuff you can by there are called Add-Ons, and they fall in two categories: Service and data. I understand the point of some of the service offerings, but not all, and ...
John's user avatar
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How do I use Azure Resouce Provider to receive payments for my service?

This is Windows Azure Resource Provider SDK. I've tried to read about concepts and can't definitely understand whether it allows me to do what I want. I have a web service that is hosted in Windows ...
sharptooth's user avatar
  • 169k
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EntityEvent of Azure Resource Provider for Windows Azure Store

I'm implementing azure store provider like here Also I'm using SDK There is sample request in ...
Daniil Grankin's user avatar