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Questions about Azure Synapse Analytics, bringing together enterprise data warehousing and big data analytics.

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15 votes
4 answers

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS not working on Azure SQL Data Warehouse

I used the SQL Server management studio to generate script against Azure Data Warehouse. I selected Edition Azure Data Warehouse, it generates below the script to drop table if it exists and create ...
Edison's user avatar
  • 327
14 votes
4 answers

How to calculate Azure SQL Data Warehouse DWU?

I am analyzing Azure SQL DW and I came across the term DWU (Data warehouse units). The link on Azure site only mentions a crude definition of DWU. I want to understand how DWU is calculated and how ...
ViSu's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

What is a difference between table distribution and table partition in sql?

I am still struggling with identifying how the concept of table distribution in azure sql data warehouse differs from concept of table partition in Sql server? Definition of both seems to be ...
Amit Soni's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Do you know how to install the 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server' on a Databricks cluster?

I'm trying to connect from a Databricks notebook to an Azure SQL Datawarehouse using the pyodbc python library. When I execute the code I get this error: Error: ('01000', "[01000] [unixODBC][Driver ...
user2364105's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

how to change Data Factory in Microsoft Integration Runtime COnfiguration Manager?

I have Installed Microsoft Integration Runtime configuration Manager When I have Migrated Data from On-Premise SQL Server to Azure Data Lake and when I'm trying to use for another Azure Data Factory I ...
Saranraj K's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

How to set any column as primary key in Azure SQL data warehouse

I am trying to set one column in DB as primary key but I always get this error: Enforced unique constraints are not supported in Azure SQL Data Warehouse. To create an unenforced unique constraint ...
shweta_kaushish's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Insert values statement can contain only constant literal values or variable references in SQL Data Warehouse

Consider this table: CREATE TABLE t (i int, j int, ...); I want to insert data into a table from a set of SELECT statements. The simplified version of my query is: INSERT INTO t VALUES ((SELECT 1), ...
Lukas Eder's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Data Factory, Synapse Analytics and DataBricks Comparison

I'm little bit new on Azure and I'm wondering when is recommendable to use ADF, Synapse, or DataBricks. What are their use cases for best practices and performance? Could you help me with this ...
Xkid's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

SQLAlchemy error: An attempt to complete a transaction has failed. No corresponding transaction found

I have installed: Ubuntu (18.04) Python (3.6.8) msodbcsql17 (Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server) SQLAlchemy (1.3.5) Pandas (0.24.2) and I want to create just a proof of concept using SQLAlchemy ...
Efstathios Chatzikyriakidis's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Azure Data Explorer (ADX) vs Polybase vs Databricks

Question Today I discovered another Azure service called Azure Data Explorer (ADX). Sorry for such comparison of services, I have good understanding of all except ADX. I feel like there is a big ...
VB_'s user avatar
  • 45.4k
8 votes
2 answers

Not able to create table in Azure Synapse Analytics

I am new in Azure Synapse Analytics. I have created database in workspace but when I am trying to create a new table it is showing below error. Failed to execute query. Error: CREATE TABLE <...
Praval Sharma's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Azure Analysis Services versus Synapse Analytics

Can someone explain what is the difference between Azure Analysis Services and Azure Synapse Analytics? Why would one use Analysis Services over Synapse Analytics? Thanks,
Raju Joseph's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to retrieve View definition on Synapse (Azure SQL DW)?

I am new to Synapse (Azure SQL DW). Currently, the DW has lots of views and I need to modify a handful of them. The issue is that I do not know how the views were created. Is there a query to check ...
Ken Masters's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Optimal SSIS data flow settings to load to stage table in Azure SQL DW

I have a 350MB table that's fairly wide with two varchar(2000) columns. Via an SSIS data flow it takes 60 minutes to load via OLEDB "fast load" destination to Azure SQL DW. I changed the destination ...
GregGalloway's user avatar
  • 11.6k
7 votes
2 answers

Azure Synapse Analytics | Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>'

I have created a dedicated SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics. When I am trying to create a table in my dedicated SQL pool then it is showing below error. Login failed for user < token-identified ...
Praval Sharma's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Azure SQL Data Warehouse and Entity Framework

Does anybody know if/when we will be able to use Entity Framework with the Azure SQL Data Warehouse? I have searched high and low and cannot seem to find anything other than a question posted on MSDN ...
How 'bout a Fresca's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Synapse Spark - Deltalake configs for Schema evolution and write optimizations

I am looking for databricks equivalent properties in Synapse spark. Please let me know if there are any or workaround for the same. Using MERGE command to Insert/update the data. However, it does not ...
Ram's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Spark pool taking time to start in azure synapse Analytics

I have created 3 different notebook using pyspark code in Azure synapse Analytics. Notebook is running using spark pool. There is only one spark pool for all 3 notebook. when these 3 notebook run ...
kshitiz sinha's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Access issue with Azure Synapse studio

I created a Synapse workspace in my Azure Portal and tried opening the Synapse studio and I received the following error: Failed to load one or more resources due to No access, error code 403. ...
ZZZSharePoint's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Azure SQL Data Warehouse DWU vs Azure SQL DTU

I am considering migration from Azure SQL to Azure SQL Data Warehouse. It seems to offer some of the features that we need, however price is a concern for starting small. 100 DWU Data Warehouse is ...
Andrei's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

EXTERNAL TABLE access failed due to internal error: 'Java exception raised on call to HdfsBridge_IsDirExist. Java exception message:

I am trying to create external table through polybase with below syntax on Visual Studio 2015. Its giving me the below error. Can some one pls help on this CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dbo.DimDate2External (...
ravi kiran's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

List content of a directory in Spark code in Azure Synapse

In Databricks' Scala language, the command lists the content of a directory. However, I'm working on a notebook in Azure Synapse and it doesn't have dbutils package. What is a Spark ...
Summer's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Rename Object not supported in Azure SQL Data Warehouse?

I tried to run the following commands in SQL DW: RENAME OBJECT dbo.test TO test2 RENAME OBJECT test TO test2 Both failed with the following error: No item by the name of '[DemoDB].[dbo].[test]' ...
Nicolle Anger - MSFT's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Azure SQL Data Warehouse ''NoCount' Error

I just got approved for the Azure SQL Data Warehouse Preview, and just finished "provisioning" my new server and database. I followed a link to a 'Getting Started' page from Microsoft (Get started: ...
Daniel A. Burke's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

insert on synapse DW in ssms

simple insert code but i keep getting syntax errors the values lines have a value for each column in the table, it only has 3 columns, i've tried removing the comma, tried using semi colon tried ...
Madalo Furaha Meredith's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Using Delta Tables in Azure Synapse Dedicated/Serverless SQL Pools

I am currently employed as a Junior Data Developer and recently saw a post saying that Azure Synapse can now create SQL tables from Delta tables. I tried creating an SQL table from a Delta table which ...
Kieran Goodlip's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Azure Databricks to Azure SQL DW: Long text columns

I would like to populate an Azure SQL DW from an Azure Databricks notebook environment. I am using the built-in connector with pyspark: sdf.write \ .format("com.databricks.spark.sqldw") \ .option(...
casparjespersen's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Error accessing Key Vault while executing Azure Synapse Notebook via Synapse Pipelines

I'm trying to execute an Azure Synapse Notebook using Notebook Activity in Synapse Pipelines and it keeps coming up with errors while debuging the Pipelines, the Notebook is using TokenLibrary....
Mariusz Repczynski's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Write data to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 using Azure Synapse Analytics notebook

I am connecting to a RESTful api using Azure Synapse Analytics notebook and write the json file to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. pyspark code: import requests response = requests.get('https://api.web....
paone's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Foreign Key constraints Synapse Azure

Am currently creating a datawarehouse in Azure Synapse, however Synapse does not allow for the creation of foreign keys. This is vital for referential integrity between the fact and dimension table. ...
Nayyar's user avatar
  • 79
6 votes
1 answer

Handling embedded new lines when creating/selecting External Tables in SQL Data Warehouse

In SQL Data Warehouse (editors please don't change this, it is the actual name see: here) I have a JobCandidate_ext external table that looks like this. CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [HumanResources].[...
santiaago's user avatar
  • 618
6 votes
0 answers

mssparkutils on local python environment

I'm building some reusable libraries to use in Azure synapse. And these libraries need mssparkutils, built-in synapse library. Is it possible to install this library/module on local python environment?...
Venkat's user avatar
  • 61
5 votes
6 answers

Azure SQL Data Warehouse Surrogate Keys

So Azure SQL Data Warehouse doesn't support identity columns, and therefore it's tricky to deal with surrogate keys.. anyone got any bold solutions on this one? This is best i have found, and it's ...
m1nkeh's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Drop Database Error For Azure Synapse Database

When I try to drop a database in my builtin synapse pool, I'm getting the following error: Cannot drop database "database name" because it is currently in use. I've tried in both SSMS and ...
ShadowDancerLV's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

SQL Azure Data warehouse Dynamic SQL Select query

In Azure SQL Data Warehouse stored procedure I try to form Dynamic SQL and perform select query,I unable to fetch the resutSet Below is code Snippet: DECLARE @sql nvarchar(400) DECLARE @cnt int BEGIN ...
Prakash's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Unable to Query Serverless Pool View in Azure Synapse using SQL Admin Credentials

I have set up a Serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse that is querying a view I had set up of a linked Azure Data Lake. CREATE VIEW DeviceTelemetryView AS SELECT corporationid, deviceid, version, ...
Josh L's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Rename Column in Azure Data Warehouse

I know I can accomplish my objective with this process: Create new column Update new from old Drop old I am looking for a way to do this with one command. I know that remane object works at the ...
Dan Bracuk's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

OPENJSON collation in Azure Synapse causes a collation conflict error

I have an OPENJSON command that takes the parsed JSON and LEFT joins it onto an existing table. When I add the LEFT JOIN I get the error: collation conflict between "Latin1_General_BIN2" ...
Slicc's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Azure synapse Merger syntax error for Merge into TSQL

Just would like to know what's the problem of the following merge . thanks
mytabi's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Character length over 130 does not show in column

I have a lot of questions from a survey im using for a pivot table. To collect all the questions to my pivot dynamically im using stuff and for xml path. However it seems like question text > 130 in ...
SqlKindaGuy's user avatar
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3 answers


I'm receiving an error in Azure SQL DW trying to do an UPDATE FROM query. The error is "FROM clause in UPDATE and DELETE statements cannot contain subquery sources or joins" Is this just specific to ...
Brian Vallelunga's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Stored Procedure result into temp table in Azure Data Warehouse

In Azure Data Warehouse, i have a Stored Procedure which will return the result of SELECT command. How to push the Stored Procedure result into temp table? I tried the below query and it is ...
Suresh's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Azure SQL Data Warehouse and PolyBase can't read CSV files generated using U-SQL and ADLA

I have a U-SQL script that generates a CSV file in Azure storage and an external table in Azure SQL Data Warehouse (SDW) using PolyBase to read that CSV file. When the CSV file is generated using the ...
Tiam's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How does Azure SQL DW know the row count without statistics?

If I run a CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE cetasTable AS SELECT command then run: EXPLAIN select * from cetasTable I see in the distributed query plan: <operation_cost cost="4231.099968" accumulative_cost=...
GregGalloway's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Recommended tools to ETL data from Azure SQL Database to Azure SQL Data Warehouse? [closed]

I have a requirement to build a data warehouse using Azure SQL Data Warehouse, sourced with data from a single Azure SQL Database. Looking at this article, it seems I have two options: SSIS Azure ...
tarun713's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Polybase create external datasource giving syntax error

I'm trying to execute the following command in Azure Data Warehouse: CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE Brand WITH (TYPE=HADOOP, LOCATION ='wasbs://[email protected]' CREDENTIAL = ...
Randy Walker's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

can we execute sql query in serverless pool from pipeline azure synapse?

Can we execute SQL query in the serverless pool from the pipeline in Azure Synapse? We are trying to run the SQL query in the Synapse pipeline, we are not able to find a way to execute the same from ...
Dheeraj Bharambe's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Dump table and view DDL from Azure SQL Data Warehouse

How does one dump/export the DDL at the schema-level on Microsoft's Azure SQL Data Warehouse?
Steve's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Azure SQL Data Warehouse Db Development Tools

With the new release of SSDT I noticed the addition of Azure objects such as External Tables and such. However in the Target Db platform Configuration of the Database project I do not see Azure SQL ...
SQL Data Ninja's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why does Group by Grouping Sets work on SQL Server and not on the Azure SQL Data Warehouse?

The Group By Grouping Sets, Cube and Rollup work on SQL Server, but they don't appear to be supported yet on the Azure SQL Data Warehouse. The same goes with some Ordered Analytics that use the ...
Thomas Coffing's user avatar

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