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Questions tagged [azure-web-app-for-containers]

Use this tag for questions related to Azure Web App for Containers, which Easily deploy and run containerized web apps that scale with your business

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32 votes
6 answers

Where can I find docker container logs for Azure App Service

I do have a Docker container running a .net core 2 app. The logging is configured using this code in Program.cs public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) => WebHost....
Benoit Patra's user avatar
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Increase startup timeout for Azure WebApp for Containers

We run Java Spring Boot app in a Docker on Azure WebApp for Containers. Single B1 instance is enough for the app to run, however Spring Boot is pretty slow at startup and might take over 240 seconds ...
Sergey Kandaurov's user avatar
7 votes
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Azure App Service Deploy Release (Azure DevOps) overwrites the Multi-Container Docker Compose (Preview) settings in Azure Portal

I have a multi-container app running with App Service - Web App for Containers. It all works fine as long as the Docker Compose (Preview) configuration is provided under the Container Settings tab. ...
Karan's user avatar
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Azure WebApps for Containers and AppSettings/Environment Variables

I have a web app for containers running linux. Im running a docker container. It all works but I wanted to add an environment variable as follows: docker run -e my_app_setting_var=theValue The ...
RuSs's user avatar
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No route registered for '/docker/hook'

I'm creating an Azure AppService based on a Docker image. The image is in Docker public registry, so I want the service to 'know' when there's a new version of the image (same tag). I thought the ...
sebagomez's user avatar
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Azure Container Registry in Azure Web App for Containers across subscriptions

I'm currently trying to set up an Azure Web App for Containers, linking it to a Azure Container Registry that lives inside a different subscription. That's why my initial thought was to use the ...
Thomas's user avatar
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azure webapp for container error trying to mount blob storage

I am working on dockrized app which is deployed in azure with app service "webApp for containers" i am trying to link a blob storage account to my app i already created storage account and linked it ...
Ananim Kaholim's user avatar
3 votes
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Using Azure Web App for Containers with managed identity

Deployed an Azure App service for Containers with a custom image (from Centos 7 base image). Based on the following documentation There is an environment variable that should be set by Azure and used ...
Setec Astronomy's user avatar
3 votes
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mount azure file share to web app for linux containers with docker-compose

I am trying to mount an azure file share to a Web App for Containers (linux) service. This is a .net Core 3 web api app with an angular front end. The app container runs perfectly locally when I ...
J King's user avatar
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SSH into scaled out Azure app service for container

How to get access to the specific instance of the scaled out to N instances Azure web app running a Linux container? Portal allows to SSH into one of the existing instances but never tells which one ...
A T's user avatar
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Unable to delete files in shared filesystem

During a deployment of a Linux App for Containers today, the app started failing and never came up. Investigating the logs in Kudu, I could see the application was failing to run because during the ...
Jason R. Coombs's user avatar
3 votes
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Mounting Mongodb volume to Azure files in Azure Web App for Containers

I have an app that runs as a docker container, the app connects to another container which is Mongodb, I want to mount the mongodb volume data/db to Azure share files. I am using docker compose file ...
Mohamad Sobhie's user avatar
3 votes
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Azure web app container and docker commands

I'm using the Azure resource "Web app for containers" with a Linux docker image. I would like to use docker commands such as "docker inspect" but I'm not sure how this is possible. Via the Kudo ...
Mr Davies's user avatar
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Azure WebApp Continuous Deployment Does Not Start from Container Registry

I have an Azure webapp that is configured for continuous deployment. This webapp is connected to a Container Registry. It seems that sometimes, when I push an updated tag to the registry, it deploys ...
mobiusinversion's user avatar
3 votes
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Force stop Azure App Service Deployment Slot Swap

We are using Azure DevOps to deploy to a staging slot and then swap with production. When there is an issue swapping it will keep trying for nearly 30 minutes. Therefore I would like to put a timeout ...
Chris Pateman's user avatar
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Azure DevOps CI with Web Apps for Containers

I'm struggling to set up a CI process for a web application in Azure. I'm used to deploying built code directly into Web Apps in Azure but decided to use docker this time. In the build pipeline, I ...
Serital's user avatar
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How can I force an azure Web app to re-pull its container?

I have pushed a container update to a private ACR. My webapp is configured with the registry's admin credentials, and to pull the image tagged "latest". According to Step 2 in Part 6 of ...
Robert Sim's user avatar
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Error Pulling image from ACR in Azure Function

Please am trying to deploy an image in Azure Container Registry(ACR) on my Function App, but am not able to do it. I pushed the latest image from pc to the ACR after creating it. Also the admin under ...
Jay chuks's user avatar
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How to expose two port in webapp for container in azure?

Does web-app for container support exposing multiple ports. Ex my docker image consume two port but in web-app for container, i can only use one port either port 80 or port specified by WEBSITES_PORT ...
yatharth meena's user avatar
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Azure Container Registry authorization for Azure Web App

Is there a way to pull an image from an Azure Containter Registry without having to use the following app settings? DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_URL DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD I tried giving the ...
reus83's user avatar
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Is it possible to use OpenGL in Azure App Service Linux?

We are building an ASP.NET API running with .NET 5 that uses SkiaSharp to dynamically create and return images. We've noticed that using the GPU has a dramatic increase in performance. We know that in ...
Jonas Stawski's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I setup Azure Pipelines to release to Azure App Service with multiple docker containers?

I am in the early stages of a development project -- and trying to nail down the CI/CD pipeline. I am running into some confusion while trying to deploy multiple docker containers into a single Azure ...
David G's user avatar
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Web App for Containers (Linux) version of app_offline.htm

Occasionally, there are times when a system needs to undergo maintenance for a short time. Standard Web Apps handle this by redirecting all traffic to an app_offline.htm if the file exists in the root ...
robjam's user avatar
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How to deploy nextjs application from monorepo built using Turborepo to Azure Web Apps?

I have monorepo with multiple nextjs apps built with Turborepo. I am looking to deploy this to Azure Web App. Each app should be able to deploy independently on Azure Web App and additionaly how can I ...
vikaskumawat80's user avatar
2 votes
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Azure Web App for Containers networking VNET

I'm exploring Azure but unable to figure out how to allow my App service to connect to the VNET I created so it can access the HDInsight cluster. My scenario is this, I'm running a Kafka HDInsight ...
Philip K. Adetiloye's user avatar
2 votes
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Docker-compose in Azure - DNS not working

I'm trying to deploy a docker-compose file in Azure, my compose file looks like the below. version: '3' services: db: image: mysql:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - misp-...
Steven Goossens's user avatar
1 vote
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Azure Web Services [Web App for Containers (linux)] - how to prevent timeout periodically

There is error log in Web Services periodically: ERROR - Container XXX for site YYY did not start within expected time limit. Elapsed time = 230.3790706 sec I set below settings already mention in ...
DaiKeung's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 6 application not using correct port when hosted in Azure App Service on Linux

We have an ASP.NET Core 6 application where development was started already with ASP.NET Core 1 beta so some things might not have been migrated perfectly along the way. We now tried to deploy it to ...
Mathias Rönnlund's user avatar
1 vote
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WebApp for container is trying to pull from wrong container registry

I've tried setting up WebApp for Containers in Azure and selecting a private container registry pointing to an Azure Container Registry in another subscription but the webapp tries to pull the image ...
Mattias's user avatar
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How to host multiple sites on Azure web app for Containers using docker compose

I would like to use a docker compose file to deploy multiple public end points for our Linux hosted site. We already have a deployed site that has images stored on a private ACR and is hosted on an ...
ossentoo's user avatar
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Azure Webapps for Containers connection string in environment variables

My app running in a docker container on Azure Webapps for Containers tries to access a connection string through an environment variable. I've added it to the Application Settings in the Azure UI but ...
zola25's user avatar
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How to set up Azure App Service multi-container app for CI pipeline

We have implemented a CI/CD pipeline to automatically build and deploy new releases onto a staging slot in our Azure App Service instance. We build and push new container images to our Azure Container ...
Donfuzius's user avatar
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Writing command to persistent storage is hanging in Azure App Service for Linux Containers

We have a custom container image that we are trying to run within Azure App Service. The image has a shell script as an entry point, which executes a lot of commands some of which are file IO related. ...
Jonas Stawski's user avatar
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Benefit in using Image Source: `Azure Container Registry` over Image Source: `Private Registry` in Azure wizard `Create Web App`?

Is there any benefit in using option Image Source: Azure Container Registry over Image Source: Private Registry in Azure wizard Create Web App ? We are having one common Azure subscription in which ...
rfso's user avatar
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Secret volume available for Azure app service for containers?

Can I use secret volume for a container deployed to Azure app service on containers?
sean717's user avatar
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Variable substitutions in docker-compose in Azure Docker Web app

I have a docker-compose file that contains a secret for my database. port: 4466 managementApiSecret: ${DB_SECRET} So I would like to use Docker-Compose's Variable Substitution (https://docs.docker....
Frank Sandqvist's user avatar
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Using Kudu with multi-instance app service in Azure

In Azure I have a Linux Web App (for containers) running under an app service plan of 2 instances (set under the "Scale out" menu item). If I understood correctly, this corresponds to my application ...
Mr Davies's user avatar
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Mounting One File on Azure Web App for Containers

I have developed the Multi-Container App and trying to deploy on Azure Web App for Containers using docker compose. I am able to communicate between the containers created. In one of the container, we ...
Lakshman.S's user avatar
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Can't Deploy Image to Azure App Service via GitHub Actions

I've tried so many different things here, so i'm super excited to see what the issue is :) (but, im assuming it's something silly on my end) Here's the pertinent bit of my GitHub actions YML: deploy: ...
RPM1984's user avatar
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can't connect to selenium/standalone-chrome docker container running on app service for containers

I've tested a docker compose locally where I have a selenium/standalone-chrome container and a dotnet core one with automated UI tests implemented. Using hostname setting in the docker compose file, I ...
Thiago Custodio's user avatar
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How to store connection string in Azure Vault and map it back to the configuration settings in Azure Web App?

I am using Azure Web App service. Currently, I am storing the plain connection string to the database, Azure storage in the Application Settings section in the configuration tab of the Web App Service....
Jay's user avatar
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Azure web app for containers- additional parameters for docker run command

I have web application developed using the PHP and Laravel and trying to host in the Azure Web App for Containers service. I have integrated stackify logging functionality for the application and the ...
Saravana Kumar's user avatar
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Persist Strapi SQLite Database on Azure App Service Linux host from Docker Container

I'm trying to persist a Strapi SQLite database on an Azure App Service Linux host from a docker container. I've tried using the two methods below:
Cole's user avatar
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pass quoted arguments to azure webapp for containers --startup-file

For an Azure Web App for Containers I need to pass a quoted az webapp config set --startup-file. For example, the argument needs to include spaces. TL; DR This really should work, because --startup-...
maxheld's user avatar
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Azure WebApp multi-container configuration corrupted

After a code change our web-app went down. Inspection revealed this seems to be caused by an invalid docker compose definition, which lives in a separate repository and was not affected by this change....
Melle's user avatar
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Post Deployment Script in Azure Web App for Containers

Is it possible to run a post-deploy script inside a container in Azure Web App for Containers(not the "regular" Web App with Kudu). I have an ARM template that creates some resources, including a Web ...
Gisli Georgs's user avatar
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Azure web apps for containers ignores the docker tag sent by web hooks

So I'm trying to setup continues deployment for my web app. The web app is configured to use a docker image from Azure container registry: Which creates a webhook in the Azure container registry, ...
Sasan Rose's user avatar
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How can I reach the private IP address of an Azure VM from the container which is inside a Web App (both of the resources are on the same VNet)?

In Azure I have the following resources: A VM and a Linux Web App for container. After putting them on the same VNet, the started Container within the App Service can't communicate through private IP. ...
kaskad's user avatar
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Web App for Containers displayed only default page when deployed using docker image

I created Container registry and then push the docker image of my web app to that registry. Created container instance and it is working fine. Now i have to deploy this image to the Web App. There ...
rAJ's user avatar
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Azure Web app for containers to on-premises connection

Currently i'm hosting an API in an azure Web App for Containers App Service. Additionally, I have a logging database hosted on an on-premises service which can't be accessed publicly. For accessing ...
Mathias Henrik Ottosen's user avatar