I have a App service spring web app (Not Azure spring Apps).

I created a connection string - SQLConnectionSTRING

This stackoverflow link gives some info but not an answer stackoverflow question


private String connection ;

Result : absent

How can I read the connection string in my app ?

(Note: Attempt 1: System.getenv("SQLConnectionSTRING") also did not work

Attempt 2 : > addding this to application props connection=${SQLConnectionSTRING} won't build at all, so does not work

Attempt3 : @Autowired private Environment environment; environment.getProperty("SQLConnectionSTRING"); also not working)

1 Answer 1


I found the azures assumption in this blog blog

Now get with prefix SQLAZURECONNSTR_ works

String value = environment.getProperty("SQLAZURECONNSTR_SQLConnectionSTRING");

Type for connection string was SQLAzure

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