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Unable To Enable Prometheus Lifecycle API In Azure Container Instances

I've been having difficulty adding the --web.enable-lifecycle flag to prometheus, to enable the lifecycle api. I have this working locally with docker compose, like so: prometheus: image: prom/...
Greggo's user avatar
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Azure Service Bus 'SendBatchAsync' Method Timing Out in Legacy Web API

Question: I am working on a legacy web API project hosted on Azure App Services. We are using the legacy WindowsAzure.ServiceBus 7.0.1 NuGet package for performing operations on Azure Service Bus. The ...
Pulkit Sharma's user avatar
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Cloud - Read from Local Network File Storage (e.g. via Azure Function)

I am looking to use python code deployed in Azure Cloud (e.g. on an Azure Function), to read files location from a shared/local network drive (on-premise). The network drive requires user based ...
Mike Tauber's user avatar
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AccessDeniedHandler not called when using AadResourceServerHttpSecurityConfigurer

My application is a simple resource server — I am using AadResourceServerHttpSecurityConfigurer.aadResourceServer() to validate the given access token. The specific documentation I have followed can ...
Moody's user avatar
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Azure AD Authentication Issue with ASP.NET MVC Application Behind Proxy: Missing .AspNet.Cookies Cookie

I have a legacy ASP.NET 4.8 MVC application which is being migrated to use Azure AD Authentication using the Microsoft.Owin framework. The application configuration works fine on my local machine. ...
Jay's user avatar
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Azure Maps Libraries are not Importing (Services and Animation APIs)

I am trying to make an Angular app which will show the optimised route along with direction of a set of destinations. I installed Azure Maps SDK in my app and started using the APIs. All things are ...
ANMOL SHARMA's user avatar