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What fields are required to create in index for question and answer in azure ai search?

I want to create index but what fields I need to select while creating index because I want 1-2 lines answer when I ask question in search explorer in azure ai search. The documents that I have in ...
Tanuj Verma's user avatar
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How to setup Application Insight on Next.js 15 in Client and Server Side Rendering

I have tried countless different solutions to setup Application Insight working on latest Next.Js 15 version but with no success. Crawled whole internet with different blog posts and articles with no ...
Jon Koivula's user avatar
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Azure event hub to Kafka

We need to read message from Azure event hub and send it to Kafka using azure analytic stream. I could not see the output type as Kafka while looking into no-code editor of analytic stream. Is there a ...
Meenakshi Chaturvedi's user avatar
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Azure Connection String not readable in Spring Boot

I have a Java Spring Boot app deployed on Microsoft Azure that is connected to a PostgreSQL database. I want to connect to the database using credentials stored in Azure as Connection strings. The ...
paulfilip's user avatar
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Can we get small answers in azure ai search index and demo application?

I have a azure ai search service created as cente***dataservice1. In this search service, I have taken basic tier package. There are multiple things that I have done while creating index. First, I ...
Tanuj Verma's user avatar
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How to deploy Databricks Unity Catalog table with CI/CD

Does anyone know how to deploy Databricks schema changes with Azure DevOps CI/CD pipeline? I have created a table in Dev database (in Databricks Unity Catalog) and I want to deploy it to Prod Database ...
Fred's user avatar
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Exceeded language worker restart retry count for runtime:dotnet-isolated error happening locally upgrading to .net 8 isolated

I am trying to upgrade my azure function project from .net 6 to .net 8 isolated and it seems there is something wrong with my local because I get the same error in the projects that I developed myself ...
Ronak Panchal's user avatar
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Azure Synapse Analytics - output not displayed

Following Scala code in Azure Synapse should print: Hello, World!. But instead, it prints: defined object Geeks. Question: What could be the issue and how can we fix it? object Geeks { // Main ...
nam's user avatar
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I can't authenticate a call to an Azure function. I tried a Function Key and an OAuth 2.0 with a client secret... Neither work

My question relates to Azure functions. The ultimate goal is to have a separate app call out to this function. I have a C# MVC app and there's one really strange piece of logic that has to be ...
ChristianOConnor's user avatar
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How to deploy custom Huggingface models on Azure ML

Hugging Face models have easy one-click deployment via model catalog. Still, some models such as facebook/audiogen-medium, are not available on the Azure model catalog and do not have Deploy button on ...
Momo's user avatar
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Is there a way to read file change events from sharepoint for multiple sites?

I need to get file change events from SharePoint whenever any change happens for a document library across multiple sites. I have been exploring a lot on reading file changes events from SharePoint. ...
Pawan Poojary's user avatar
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Azure Web App publishing model container option not working with Terraform

I want to create a web app with a container as a publishing model using Terraform. The only option I found in Terraform docs was to use the azurerm_linux_web_app resource with block application_stack ...
Abubakar Riaz's user avatar
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Restore a backup for an Azure WordPress website

I accidentally set an Elementor page in WordPress to global and can't access my WordPress (WP) admin page or login page. The global Elementor page shows for every URL option to view the page. I have a ...
PandaComputes's user avatar
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How to use an access token to create a clerk session?

I have a nextJs app that uses clerk for authentication, i am currently using microsoft provider. I also want to make the app available in a teams app iframe, so i am passing the access token from the ...
Same's user avatar
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Can't upload file to azure front door origin group based on latency?

I am stuck at this problem for two days. I have added 4 blob storage origins in a single origin group at azure front door. I am doing hit and trial on blob sas tokens. I have not updated any settings ...
Sufian Majid's user avatar
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How to get metadata (File Shares List) of the Storage account & configure the copy data activity for copying b/w storage accounts in the ADF?

Following my previous Q&A, How to get the File Shares list in the metadata activity and copy all the file shares and inside data as-is to the destination storage account? Linked Service for Source ...
Jashua Criss's user avatar
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Extra Files (Block Blobs) creating in the copy activity of the Blob Storage in ADF

I have followed the solution given in this thread, copying data is successful but I'm getting the folder names as block blobs which are extra files to the destination storage account: Source Storage ...
Jashua Criss's user avatar
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Terraform and Azure policy interaction issue

We have a deployment of a VNET with bicep which works fine. Moving to Terraform and there are issues with Azure policy. We have a policy which denies the creation of subnets with no NSGs. This is fine ...
PLK's user avatar
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Listing the Tables in the Storage Account using ADF Web Activity is failed with an authorization error

i have added the parameter source storage account sas token as shown below: Then I added web activity to list the tables of the storage account where this account has only 500 tables but i'm getting ...
Jashua Criss's user avatar
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Unable to InferSchema with Databricks SQL

When I attempt to create a table with Databricks SQL I get the error: AnalysisException: Unable to infer schema for CSV. It must be specified manually. %sql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS newtabletable ...
Patterson's user avatar
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No value provided for parameter `container_name` in the Get Metadata1 activity

I have added the Linked Service and Dataset pointing to blob storage account. But I don't know what should I give the container_name parameter value to copy all the containers. So, when I define the ...
Jashua Criss's user avatar
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Cannot find module '../server/require-hook' Nextjs Azure Web App deployment via GitHub actions

Trying to deploy this barebones Nextjs app into an Azure Web App (from GitHub Actions) I get the following exception at runtime: Error: Cannot find module '../server/require-hook' Ok 2024-07-13T05:...
mrbitzilla's user avatar
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How to call an Azure function from ADF and pass parameters to the function

I have an Azure function written in Python. This function takes DatabaseName, CompanyId, TeamId and AssessmentId as parameters. I need to call this Azure function from ADF. I'm using the Azure ...
sunil kumar ampolu's user avatar
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Azurite in docker response 403 when i trying to access through to web browser

When I try to access the Azurite blob using edge I meet the error like this - the logs of docker container: But I still can upload a file from my blob service in ....
Nam's user avatar
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Not being able to connect to azure redis service

I have a webapp deployed in azure, and I´ve also configured a azure redis cache, but I am not being able to make my cache work. My nextjs frontend app is hosted in vercel. This is my redis client in ...
mateo ghidini's user avatar
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Optimizing SQL query - joining views of views is extremely slow [closed]

Following question pertains to Microsoft SQL Azure (RTM) - 12.0.2000.8. I have a dataset of invoices that looks like this (raw_data.invoices): invoice_id invoice_date institution billed_to item qty ...
tubular's user avatar
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Azure Data Factory converting my string to a timestamp incorrectly

I have an ADFv2 pipeline in which I'm trying to take a string (or a date) and output it in this format: '2024-07-12T09:29:20.790-07:00' which I thought would be @formatDateTime(utcnow(), 'yyyy-MM-...
user2197446's user avatar
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Data factory error. How to troubleshoot bug in activity itself

A data flow activity seems to have a bug. The activity type "HDInsightSpark" sends back an error that says: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." It claims that ...
David Beavon's user avatar
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KQL - extract property value from an array of JSON objects, based on the value of another property

Suppose I have a table with some columns. One of the columns is called Details, has a dynamic type, and is an array of JSON objects similar to this: [ { "key": "Name", ...
Storage4852's user avatar
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Azure SQL returning different output for query with variable and query with hardcoded values

SQL Server is returning different results for the following two queries that I expect to return the same output: Query 1: DECLARE @year INT = 2024 DECLARE @month INT = 7 SELECT * FROM udf_a(@year, @...
prinkpan's user avatar
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Azure Data Factory get Business Central General Ledger Entries

I have set OData LinkedService to Business Central then in a datapipline I created a dataset with the LinkedService connection to download the General Ledger Entries. I have managed to download the ...
Graziella Spiteri's user avatar
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Microsoft Graph Application token obtained using Azure AD client credentials flow does not include expected permissions

I am facing an issue with obtaining an application token with specific permissions using Azure AD's client credentials flow. Despite having correctly configured and granted the necessary API ...
trentalvord's user avatar
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Using AzureB2C Invite flow prevents EnableTokenAcquisitionToCallDownstreamApi from working. Can I use two custom policies?

I'm trying to work with AzureB2C's invite flow from their samples ( I have setup the two custom policies B2C_1A_InvitePolicy ...
Tomas McGuinness's user avatar
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how to clean specific folder when deploying to that folder with 'az webapp deploy'

I am trying to deploy a zip file to a specific folder within a webapp, but I want to make sure that folder is empty. this is my command: az webapp deploy --resource-group $(ResourceGroup) --...
Vital's user avatar
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Sonar: Microsoft Graph API Send Email With Attachment

Sending an email with file attachment using below shared code snippet. Everything is working well and receiving emails. But the problem here is, sonar complaining that the 2nd parameter in the ...
Karkala Srikanth's user avatar
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How to set debug environment variables for ASP.NET Web API project on .NET 4.8?

I am building an ASP.NET Web API project on .NET 4.8 and also deploying it to Azure. I use Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable to get variable values. In Azure, this is easy to configure because they ...
omega's user avatar
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How to connect my Java app to an Azure CosmosDB service with no public access?

My Java app is using gradle and the mongo-spring starter dependency: implementation('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb'). I can connect to a publicly accessible CosmosDB with ...
ban_ana's user avatar
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Error with PartitionKey in ASP.NET Core 8 Web API using Audit.NET and Azure Storage Table

I've been working on implementing an Audit Trail in an ASP.NET Core 8 Web API, utilizing the Audit.NET library, specifically with the AzureStorageTableDataProvider for storing audit events. The ...
santosh kumar patro's user avatar
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Error handling in Azure function with custom class

My login function looks like this: [Function("Loginxyz")] public async Task<IActionResult> GenerateToken( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = &...
tesrer's user avatar
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EasyCaching.Redis nuget and Application Inisghts metrics

We have set up Appinsight for all our applications, and everything works quite fine.. except for Redis calls since they appear as a database dependency and not as a Redis one. But if I got to the ...
advapi's user avatar
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Can you force IIS Windows Security (NTLM) to request full domain username and password - not Windows Hello?

Can you force IIS Windows Security (NTLM) to request full domain username and password - not Windows Hello? Since the domain administrators have moved to Windows Hello for clients and switched from on-...
Matt's user avatar
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Node.js download file API from Azure Blob Storage, connecting with Front-end Next.js

I have files in the Azure blob storage, and built backend using Node.js. Download API Controller export const getAzureFiles = async ( req: RequestQuery<GetAzureFilesDTO>, res: Response, ...
Li 1001's user avatar
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How to enable SSO in MS Teams Bot application?

So I am trying to configure a MS Teams Bot application and trying to enable SSO for that Bot app. We are following the documentation of Microsoft
Mathesh's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 app deployed to Azure. Environment variables are ignored in nitro section of nuxt.config.ts

I've found that my Nuxt 3 app deployed to Azure is ignoring environment variables in nuxt.config.ts. This is what I have in local: nitro: { storage: { redis: { driver: 'redis', ...
lmc3s3f0r's user avatar
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SQL enabling insert of duplicate data when 2 inserts are executed at almost the same time

Context: I have an application in Azure that receives information from multiple clients, however, sometimes the client sends multiple messages at once which seems to cause duplicate entries in my ...
Fernando's user avatar
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How I can do this data transformation in Azure Data Factory? [closed]

So I have this table in a SQL Server Database as a source table: Customers Id Name Address City State Zip BillingAddress BillingCity BillingState BillingZip 1 Customer A 123 Ocean Drive Miami FL ...
Erwin O.'s user avatar
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azure devops npm task takes time compared to other pipeline

i have an npm install task that takes 10-14 mins longer compared to a similar task I have in another project which is about 3 mins. Still takes time but much faster. they are both using same node ...
Jason's user avatar
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Entity Framework Core error during scaffolding in .NET 8

I am trying to build an Azure Function app. To import my database context using EF Core, I am running the scaffolding command as shown below. Scaffold-DbContext 'Data Source=XXXX;Initial Catalog=XXXX;...
avsln's user avatar
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How to grant all users of a CLI application with `DeviceCodeCredential` access to resources granted to the application?

I'm writing a CLI application for our developers to use for administrative tasks. The intention is for the CLI to pull in secrets etc. from an Azure Key Vault using the Key Vault SDK. Given that it's ...
Felix ZY's user avatar
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MsalUiRequiredException: An error occured during token acquisition: No account or login hint was passed to the AcquireTokenSilent call

I have a problem with the login and don't know what to do. I'm pretty sure it has to do with my program.cs: using MudBlazor.Services; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect; using ...
kas's user avatar
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