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Questions tagged [background-color]

"background-color" is a CSS property used to define the background color of an element. Tag these questions with "css" also.

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Create CSS background similar to one image [closed]

I'm sorry to write this here but I'm looking to create an header and footer for my application and as background color I want to use the same effect (not need to be an animation) of pokemon start ...
Sonn's user avatar
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How to use pixi.js to extract canvas with background colour

I'm working with this GitHub project: Arcada. I've modified the export button to extract the floor map from the canvas. However, the exported image has a black/transparent background instead of the ...
user3268139's user avatar
-2 votes
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Not able to set Shell top Tabbar background in IOS

enter image description here **Here in the image, you can see in IOS it is taking different color for the top tabs But in android, its working fine, no different background color Right now, I am using ...
Meghna Singh's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to assign color to a Table cell in Pine Script [closed]

The table.cell_set_text(table_id, column, row, text) command does not contain the color attribute. How can I assign color, text_color, text_size and other different attributes to a table cell?
Vishnubhatla venkata subrahman's user avatar
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Color conditional formating with two parameters in Pine Script

Tried to create bgcolor formating with two parameters, but getting error. Would someone fix the problem. Further, wish to know How to do color formating when table.cell_set_text() is used. //Delta ...
Vishnubhatla venkata subrahman's user avatar
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3 answers

How do i extend the coloured box to the edges? [duplicate]

.output-container { background: #333; color: #fff; padding: 1rem 1; width: 100%; top: 0; z-index: 1000; text-align: ...
Daily stuff And things's user avatar
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2 answers

Given this icon: `<span class="material-symbols-outlined"> check_circle </span>` ,on hover, how do i make only the inside of the icon green?

i'm trying to make the background color of the icon green without it going over the circular shape of the icon i've been trying to match the html element's border to the icon's shape, but the element'...
Giaggipc's user avatar
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Flextable background can't find column or recognize {{ }} or . within my function

I'm building a function that creates a table using flextable. I want to specify a color gradient, but some values are NA. I want those NA values--changed to be " - "--to be transparent. The ...
J.Sabree's user avatar
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SwiftUI: Changing ListView Row Background Color Based on Focus During Scrolling

I'm trying to change the background color of rows in a ListView while scrolling in SwiftUI. I've attempted the following code, but it's not working as expected List { ForEach(viewModel.menuItems) {...
Prasanna Kumar Komminani's user avatar
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SwiftUI MapKit iOS 17 - MapCircles() with opacity are overlapping

I have a MapView from the new SwiftUI iOS 17 MapKit where I have two MapCirlces() next to each other. But the Circles are overlapping when I apply an opacity to it. My goal is to achieve the same ...
yama_HD's user avatar
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Glitched ContextMenu on transparent List

I need a transparent List (because of some particular background) and a ContextMenu on each list item, iOS 17+. The problem here is: when the list item's height is bigger than the list's one and has a ...
Alessio Zap Boerio's user avatar
2 votes
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Angular Material Add transparent color to Row on Hover

I have an Angular Material mat-mdc-table. I want a greyish background color when I hover on a row. .mat-mdc-row:hover{ cursor: pointer; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04) !important; } ...
Mihai Socaciu's user avatar
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Google word file default background

I'm encountering a black background behind the text whenever I open a new Google Doc. I've tried searching for options in the menu, but haven't found a solution to set it to white by default. Any ...
Selvamani Raghu's user avatar
1 vote
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CSS Nesting Help! I need the elements to react only to parent class, basically unset at each class level

<head> <title>Bootstrap Example</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> &...
Matt Jones's user avatar
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Applying shadows in react native through external package by alan eu

I am applying shadows to a box using a package I downloaded from But I am not able to get the shadow to move to the behind of the object. Here I ...
abcd's user avatar
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Transparent background behind a flex-item

I have the following code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-...
Milton Ventura's user avatar
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set background gradient over multiple html sections

I have multiple sections each with the background. It is not possible to wrap all sections in a div or container due to the nature on the build. .grad-back{ background: rgb(0,92,109); background: ...
Beep's user avatar
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Applying background color to single cell based on php value

I am relatively new to php and cannot figure out why the background-color value is being applied to all cells rather than just the one. My "Admin Page" is able to save a value called 'color' ...
Aaron Linan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Issue with Button Transparency and Border Color Change on Click

I have a button in my HTML code that I've styled with CSS to have a green background, white text, and an orange border. Here's the HTML and CSS code: .index_button_left.btn_custom { background-...
DragonFruit's user avatar
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2 answers

How to color background for a specific area in html and css?

Before Which i'm tending to is the yellow line in the middle I'm using <hr> as the line which is in the middle of the 2 grid parts, but the color is not good, so I'm trying to make them the ...
Duong Duc Dung FX22797's user avatar
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Focused Tab Item Color in Apple TV Tab Bar Isn't Changing in SwiftUI

I'm developing an Apple TV OS app using SwiftUI. I'm encountering an issue with the color of the tab item. I want the color of the tab item to turn green when focused; for instance, when the tab item ...
Raja Talha's user avatar
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1 answer

Hover effect is not applyed in CSS. What is the exact problem?

I am trying to build Search List for the Search Bar and the list should be change color when cursor is placed their and got selected when clicked from list of item shown. searchlist.jsx: import React ...
Y22IT055 RAMYA's user avatar
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How to set GridView Cell Background color

I would want to set the back ground color of a cell based on the bound Burshdata, but it does not fill the whole cell. The image demonstrating my problem: Here is my code: <GridViewColumn> &...
Márton Buránszki's user avatar
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How to set background colour of Picker control?

I have a picker control (SwiftUI) and I am having trouble setting the background colour correctly. In the below, I have set the background as GREEN, but notice there is a slightly darker overlayed ...
David's user avatar
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Setting background color in powershell window and colouring specific texts with regex

I have a couple of scripts written in powershell which are opening a window and showing some text. I would like for every of this windows to have a different background color. At the same time I would ...
fascynacja's user avatar
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Webpage Background Color Change Resulting in Divided Page with 'grammarly-desktop-integration' Element: How to Fix?

I was trying to change the entire bg-color for my webpage and the page gets divided into two parts and the second part shows this: <grammarly-desktop-integration data-grammarly-shadow-root="...
Srihimamshu's user avatar
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how to draw horizontal hi low range with background color every Quadruple (Quad) Witching Friday in pine script

I want to draw hi low range of every Quadruple witching" refers to the simultaneous expiration four times a year of stock options, index futures, and index futures options derivatives contracts. ...
Nishant Taraviya's user avatar
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Change Background-Color of portion of Text with Closedxml in Excel

Is there a way to change the background-color of a part of the text inside a cell? im aware of the richttext functions to change text-stylings but could no find anything for the background-color. I ...
jakob Ruedisser's user avatar
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How do I change background colour (overall)?

I have a huge CSS file, with lots of . selectors in it. But there is no selector in the file, which is responsible for the overall background colour. How can I change the background colour in this ...
Andy's user avatar
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Is there any way I can change the color of the JButton element

This is the grid that i want to implement import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class DemoPanel extends JPanel { // Screen settings final int MAX_COL = 15; final int MAX_ROW = ...
Shakthi Raveen's user avatar
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Get pixel color from image for certain area - Use result as contrastColor

I have a label which is placed as a subview on an imageView. Depending on the color of the area where the label is set, I want to set the text color of the label as contrast. E. g. if the specific ...
Melodias's user avatar
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TStringGrid ColumnBackground weird behaviour

I want to change cells background of the 4 first columns depending on the color name in the 9th column (or record value if possible, but i didn't manage to make it work). procedure TDataGrid....
ffert2907's user avatar
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Issues using printThis with charts and table colors

I'm using the printThis plugin to print a series of elements on my website. One of the issues I've encountered is the following: I have a fairly wide chart that takes up a large portion of the screen. ...
Julio Escudero Cuesta's user avatar
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Why is the background color of my navbar shrinking and moving left when resizing, regardless of the elements inside?

I have implemented a navbar component in my next js application using the provided navbar.jsx file and accompanying CSS. The navbar is intended to have a black background color (background-color: ...
B Krishna Manohar's user avatar
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Android Studio Time PIcker Clock Color

pic1 (UPDATE) I want to make this a custom time picker ( as a separate layout) so it would be easier to modify. I want to change the clock color into secondary but I can't get it right <style name=&...
Mausica's user avatar
-2 votes
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Dynamically generate new color On BackColor Text lable C# windows Form [closed]

I work in a POS system for restaurants, and to facilitate the sorting process, I want all types of category to be a different color. image of result I want a code that can generate a random back-color ...
Mohamed Babiker's user avatar
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2 answers

In a html table using tablesorter, how can a row have a background color depending on the contents of one of its cells?

I am showing a HTML table using the jQuery Mottie tablesorter. I would like the rows with a "v" in one of its columns to be formatted with a certain (given) background color, which is ...
Johan van Ooijen's user avatar
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Mixed color rendering in a JTable

I hava a JTable into which I've placed a set of numbers representing gear ratios. There are some repetitions in the data and so I would like a different colored background for them; however, each  set ...
user5991980's user avatar
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Get correct background color for merged cells in xlsx file

I am currently trying to extract cells' background color from a xlsx file: image I've tried two ways obtained from other stackoverflow posts: 1) wb = load_workbook(excel_file, data_only = True) sh = ...
Андрей Шевцов's user avatar
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Changing the color of a parent div to the color of active child element on click [closed]

Pretty much what's written above, I want to change the color of the container div so that it reflects the color of specific selected active elements. So for example, the container's background is a ...
CarrionCuutie's user avatar
-1 votes
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i've styled my hr tag but it doesn't work, what should i do?

when I enter the details of hr tag in my style.css, it doesn't show me the result! HTML: <hr class="hr1"> I wanna have a hr tag which has some details like color, hover, text-align and ...
Melika Ghasemi's user avatar
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Background gradient 100% height, not working on mobile

I have inear-gradient background with 100vh (I have also tried it with 100% but with the same results), I also have "background-attachment: fixed;". This works on both laptop and desktop PCs,...
Kaden Lukas's user avatar
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Can't get "background-color" property from item using printThis library

I'm using the printThis library to print some stuff. <div class="table-title">This is a title</div> In the css, the "table-title" goes like this: .table-title { color:...
Julio Escudero Cuesta's user avatar
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Changing facecolor with matplotlib widgets

I'm trying to code an interactive matplotlib plot similar to the one given as answer by @Joe Kington on this post. The difference is that i'm trying to make the facecolor also vary according to the ...
Maurício Souza's user avatar
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How to change option background color on hover [duplicate]

I have been trying to change the background color of the option elements of a select dropdown on a mouse hoverover and I can't get it to work in Chrome, the hoverover always displays as blue. It works ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Powershell: Get the background color of the Windows Terminal

I use ANSI colors in a Powershell script under Windows 11. In order to adapt the background color of the font to the current background color of the terminal, I would like to read out this Windows ...
Darth Coder's user avatar
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trying to set up random backgroundcolors with eventlistener whilst hovering over grid-cells with js

this is my first question here - i'm learning alone. So I set up a grid and it works kind of like the etch a sketch game, you can draw by hovering. It worked fine just for the black background, but I ...
mariamneu's user avatar
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Change div's background color to random with mouseover and keep divs squre and flex within a container

I am trying to change background color of a div when mouseover. I can do that by assigning class to the div and in CSS assign background color to that class. But when trying to have background change ...
kubais's user avatar
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Colour a binary image in matlab?

I have a binary image and want to set black to a grayscale colour, e.g. 160, in matlab. How do I change the colours of a binary image? I understand it is no way to change the color back to original, ...
oviearies's user avatar
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How to change Axes background color into transparant in matplotlib

import matplotlib import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({ 'name': list('AABB'), 'open' :[51.40,40.15,757.00,27.55], 'high' :[54.70,40.65,771.00,27.65], 'low' :[51.00,40.05,754.00,27....
Harold's user avatar
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