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Besides gaining reputation with your questions and answers, you receive badges for being especially helpful. Badges appear on your profile page, flair, and your posts.

Question Badges

First bounty you manually award on another person's question
11.4k awarded
First bounty you manually award on your own question
55.1k awarded
Ask a well-received question on 5 separate days, and maintain a positive question record
419k awarded
First bounty you offer on another person's question
24.3k awarded
Question score of 10 or more
844.7k awarded
Question with 1,000 views
8.0m awarded
First bounty you offer on your own question
103.9k awarded
Ask a question and accept an answer
2.5m awarded
First question with score of 1 or more
3.2m awarded

Answer Badges

Edit and answer 1 question (both actions within 12 hours, answer score > 0)
77.7k awarded
Answer score of 10 or more
1.7m awarded
Answer more than 30 days after a question was asked as first answer scoring 2 or more
614.4k awarded
Answer your own question with score of 3 or more
217.4k awarded
Answer a question with score of 1 or more
2.1m awarded

Participation Badges

Complete "About Me" section of user profile
3.3m awarded
Visit an election during any phase of an active election and have enough reputation to cast a vote
992.9k awarded
Leave 10 comments
1.2m awarded
Earn at least 200 reputation (the daily maximum) in a single day
43.7k awarded
Followed the Area 51 proposal for this site before it entered the commitment phase
One post with score of 2 on meta
30.2k awarded
Post 10 messages, with 1 or more starred, in chat
12.1k awarded

Tag Badges

You must have a total score of 100 in at least 20 non-community wiki answers to achieve this badge.
189.7k awarded

Moderation Badges

First flagged post
261.3k awarded
First rollback
68.1k awarded
First down vote
543.9k awarded
Complete at least one review task. This badge is awarded once per review type
1.2m awarded
Delete own post with score of 3 or higher
15.7k awarded
First edit
3.6m awarded
Edit first post that was inactive for 6 months
183.8k awarded
Review 10 posts in Staging Ground
293 awarded
First retag
150.3k awarded
Delete own post with score of -3 or lower
356k awarded
Approve or reject 100 suggested edits
20.8k awarded
Use 30 votes in a day
61.8k awarded
First up vote
2.0m awarded
First approved tag synonym
1.3k awarded
First tag wiki edit
26.9k awarded
Use the maximum 40 votes in a day
41.7k awarded

Other Badges

Share a link to a post later visited by 25 unique IP addresses
306.9k awarded
Read the entire tour page
3.6m awarded

Retired Badges

Visited every section of the FAQ
43.5k awarded
Asked a question with zero score, no answers, no comments, and low views for a week
1.1m awarded