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Questions tagged [browser]

A web browser or Internet browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.

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-5 votes
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Library for pull to navigate in React? [closed]

There appears to be lots of solutions for doing pull-to-refresh, but I’m looking to implement “pull to navigate”, so pulling past the bottom/top of an article gives you a “keep pulling to navigate to ...
mikl's user avatar
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Can a telegram bot access the user's camera directly or using Web Apps?

Can a telegram bot directly or using Web Apps access the user's camera in real time if the user has given the appropriate permission? For example, to create an online broadcast? As far as I know, it ...
SL_'s user avatar
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1 answer

Angular ng build error with optimization configuration

Since today I can't build my project using the staging build configuration: "release/staging": { "budgets": [ { "type": "initial&...
Thomas ESCUDERO's user avatar
-1 votes
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limit outcoming requests per second fro browser fetch-api

I have searched a while and did not find the solution. Other npm libs does not work correctly. I am building chrome extension, that uses browser fetch-api function to get some data from an API ...
Whats Myname's user avatar
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1 answer

Browser back button doesn't work with youtube videos

I am facing an issue where when I upload any YouTube video on a page or upload multiple videos in a carousal (AEM), the browser button just doesn't work. It doesn't take you to the previous page. Also ...
rasleen's user avatar
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Name of file saved through angular ui

In my angular application, there is a feature to download a file. When the user clicks on the file download button, the "save as" window opens up, and the user can then set a name to that ...
user448477's user avatar
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1 answer

Authentication process in web browsers (chomre & edge)

We are running into a weird problem with two users on an internal only app at a client. The application uses windows authentication. It only happens with these two users and have had no other ...
Wallace B. McClure's user avatar
0 votes
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Stop Chrome iOS auto-detecting numbers followed by letter "m" as metre units, and adding an underline to auto-convert the unit to other lengths

Chrome for iOS is detecting a number immediately followed by the letter “m” as a metres length unit, and it adds a dotted underline to it which when tapped offers a unit conversion feature. Ideally I ...
TFOH's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to protect local web server from the local browser CORS requests?

I have a web server running on http://localhost:3000 and http://mysite (alias to http://localhost:3000 in /etc/hosts) local domains. It's not available outside of my machine. But if I open Web Browser ...
Alex Craft's user avatar
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Camera preview not visible on mobile browser, but present on the desktop

I am making a web app, where I want the users to take a photo. I did a sample script with html, css and javascript. It works perfectly on the desktop, but not on the mobile browsers. The problem is ...
Emilia's user avatar
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How to retrieve automatically/periodically the WSS urls that the tab/browser is using and save them to a file?

I'm looking to retrieve the WSS(WebSocket Secure) urls that the Firefox/Chrome browser(only 1 tab open) is using and store them to a file, as often as possible. Is it possible to do this with minimal ...
rockstar1's user avatar
-1 votes
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Implementing client side logger with console.log capabilities

in order to extend console.log in the browser with a few extras (like a timestamp and loglevel) I came up with the following implementation: const LOG_LEVELS = { DEBUG: 0, INFO: 1, WARN: ...
devnull69's user avatar
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Firefox, JS, CSS - verticall scroll jumping when element outside of VP changes height

I have a weird issue with Firefox where it scrolls to bottom of the page if content that is outside of viewport changes height. it works without any issues on Chrome. I recorded the issue here https://...
Askalot's user avatar
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How much time do I have to save data to local storage when browser visibility changes to hidden?

I want to save page data to local storage upon tab close or reload. I am saving data upon visibilitychange event to hidden. I've read this is the recommended way to do so per Page Lifecycle API and ...
Konrad Jamrozik's user avatar
0 votes
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How to display DOCX / XLSX in the browser while being on VPN-protected service

I'm working on an app in which I need an ability to quickly view sent attachments, usually xlsx/docx, but as far as I know MS365 Viewer and Google Docs viewer doesn't support URL-inline file streaming ...
matez's user avatar
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1 answer

window.speechSynthesis pronounce the wrong word

window.speechSynthesis pronounce lamé /ˈlɑː.meɪ/ when I instruct it to pronounce lame /leɪm/, why? Is there any fix for it? const message = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); message.text = "...
mehran's user avatar
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Live Server in VS Code shows same content for multiple HTML files instead of different content

I've been working on the Odin Recipe Project, which can be found here: I've encountered an issue which I've captured in a screenshot. (https:/...
Lesego Samane's user avatar
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How to attach url params to webpack dev server host?

I use webpack dev-server with npm and having simple config file all works perfectly except that I would like to have dev-server runnning the browser with additional url params attached to 'host' url. ...
northmantif's user avatar
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Unable to open extension by event

I am trying to make a browser extention using vite import {listAllAccounts } from './storage'; import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, ...
Abc def's user avatar
2 votes
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WakeLock API not working in Safari (iOS) but working in Windows/android platform with same code

I want to enable wake lock API. It is working fine with Windows platform and android devices but not in Safari or iOS devices. Console has error NotAllowed, Permission was denied in Safari Browser. I ...
Shriyank Mendpara's user avatar
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Append URL parameters from the session storage

I have an Email where there is a call to action, which forwards them to my site with some parameters On that page, I just want the parameters are stored in session (This works already using a JS ...
Dharmin's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Wrapping a paragraph inside a heading behaves different in an iframe vs directly in the page

While I know wrapping a paragraph inside a heading like this: <h1><p>Lorem<br>Ipsum</p></h1> is invalid (see this question for example), it still renders correctly in ...
timlg07's user avatar
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Browser could not load the image

I have been having issues loading images to the webpage from the folder. I tried to get it from the image folder, directly from the same location as html file and link from the existing website. Only ...
Przemek's user avatar
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Fullscreen menu disables the browser reload button

I'm trying to make a full screen burger menu. It all works, I just don't understand why if I try to reload the page using the browser button it doesn't work (the page isn't reloaded) while if I do it ...
Raffaele Del Bene's user avatar
-1 votes
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Javascript transform translate manipulation generate a bug?

I have created an own function to parallax a div with the css transform translate manipulation. The parallax itselfs works very well, but if you scroll and the parallax container come to the top of ...
Lorello's user avatar
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How would I make a row with rectangles move left and/or right?

I'm making a website prototype and I want to make 3 rows. Each row has multiple rectangles inside them which have rounded corners and randomly chosen text from a list. I need the rectangles to move ...
TheyCallMeFatbird's user avatar
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JavaScript not working properly in a certain localhost port using Microsoft Edge

I have the following HTML and JavaScript files. The intention is that when the button is clicked, the user enters their name into a prompted dialogue box, which is then used in the greeting message. &...
Arya G's user avatar
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-3 votes
0 answers

why is requests-html fetching me a pc html when i specify the header to emulate an android

im writing a scraping tool using requests-html and the data being shown is from a pc html how can i specify it to only give me mobile html as it has a higher resolution images than pc i tied to ...
NOOBIE BOYZ's user avatar
0 votes
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Module "http" has been externalized for browser compatibility. Cannot access "http.METHODS" in client code

I am following a yotube tutorial on how to make a twitter clone and I understand almost everything. However, I am encountering an error like this express.js?v=2bb3381c:1288 Module "fs" has ...
Shane Htet Aung's user avatar
0 votes
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OpaqueResponseBlocking on Avatar Images

I am having a problem with my browser by which it suddenly has this blocking of using the avatar images from Both my server and React frontend works fine in ...
Bryan Castillo's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

dangerouslySetInnerHTML not working with a <script>

I have the following code: const Show = () => { const dangerousMarkup = { __html: "<script>alert('ERROR');</script>" }; return ( div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={...
Howard's user avatar
  • 39
1 vote
1 answer

Chrome Use GPU While downloading ZIP files

I have a web application. Which is used to send files And there is a functionality that download all files in the ZIP formate. The Problem is when i download any zip file my web browser use GPU. is it ...
Frontend Tapas's user avatar
1 vote
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Prevent users to use Copilot Edge

I want to prevent users from using Copilot Edge to create a summary of my displayed website. Is there any way to do this? Robots.txt? I don't want to switch of Copilot Edge completely - just on my ...
Penguin's user avatar
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Object data reassignment gets reflected prior to the reassignment itself while destucturing array [duplicate]

const test = [3, { a: "hello", b: 33 }]; const [x, obj1] = test; console.log(test); // [3, { a: 33, b: 33 }] obj1.a = 33; console.log(test); // [3, { a: 33, b: 33 }] I am ...
Bharatesh's user avatar
-1 votes
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Undertow ServerSentEventConnection getting dropped frequently

I am using io.undertow:undertow-core:2.3.14.Final for my Java application server. I have a ServerSentEvent API as below @Slf4j public class PathHandlerImpl { public static ...
JustAnotherDev's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to stop the prompt in Chrome from asking to open an application

I know this question has been asked and answered before. However, the answer no longer applies to the modern version of Chrome. So I am asking again for an update to this if there is one. I am ...
John's user avatar
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browser does not detect vite hash change after rebuild and browser reopen

I have a vue project that uses vite to build the app, which produces a dist/index.html file that includes a tag that references an index-.js file. The site works as expected, however for browsers ...
Tom R's user avatar
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Failing on trying to use a function as a command in Cypress

I'm starting to work with Cypress and programming in general. I'm working on a very simple personal project executing TCs in a webpage. I have this piece of code in 'registrationPage.js' /// <...
Nahuel Valles's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Indexed db, localStorage and sessionStorage data stores at which path in Tauri

I have created a Windows desktop Application using Tauri and ReactJs, I am storing user data in the DB index using Dexie, but I am unable to find the data storage location (Where these data are being ...
Anmol's user avatar
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I am not able to call a function in Javascript from browser [duplicate]

Code Snippet When I click on Write button nothing is happening. Also it is showing an error 'Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener')' in browser console. I was expecting that after ...
Sanket Wandale's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Issues with Spotify OAuth - not opening auth dialog, instantly redirecting back to my frontend

Hello so I have a frontend written in react with a FastAPI (python) backend, I am trying to authenticate against Spotify User account (Auth Code flow). This was literally working a few days ago but I ...
tprebenda's user avatar
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Accessing a dynamic Google Earth URL via JavaScript with some certain coordinates, but it actually sends me to the previous saved location

I'm trying to access a dynamic Google Earth URL via JavaScript which works great, but I have only one problem. By doing so, after a while, because of the cookies that are saved on that page it seems ...
Spect's user avatar
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BrowserStack QA query - Is it possible to click in two places at once on one device?

A bit of context, I'm a QA and the role I work in currently requires us to check if two buttons can be tapped on at the same time. Web based, through a variety of browsers. E.g: our content has a two ...
Sam Hill's user avatar
-2 votes
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Browser console script open new window, read final url, close window

I want to discover a long list of urls final redirect locations. I want to do this with a console script and can't change any browser permissions or install add-ons because I only have access to a ...
user2183336's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a way to open developer tools on an iPad without a Mac?

I don’t mind if I have to install another browser, I just want to be able to see and use developer tools. In particular the ability to view and edit the source code of a web page, and access the ...
DeepThought42's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is there a way write multiple files from the browser to a local folder?

There are a lot of web apps that are being developed these days. Some are called PWAs or progressive web apps. They have the ability to be installed on the users pc or device although they are mostly ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
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Playwright - how to locate browser path at run-time

I'm trying to get the path of the browser's executable path inside my test. I have to get that path in order to add a specific browser policy (Chromium) at the beginning of the test.'s user avatar
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Is it possible that custom hooks were not successfully imported? I tried every technique to import the file and received this error

Error: (0 , hooks_useWindowsDimension__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_.default) is not a function. Don't Custom hooks code "use client" import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; ...
bisht_xp's user avatar
0 votes
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manipulate json from a jsx component into another jsx file with 'fs'

I'm trying to create this package to manipulate a jsx component file in another jsx file. But I realized later that 'fs is not available on the web (and it makes a lot of sense). would you have an ...
Abiner Da Silva Maleiane Junio's user avatar
-1 votes
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How are subdomains of a domain cached?

I setup a custom domain on my GitHub page, so if I navigate to it will redirect to Then I remove that custom domain. It has been a ...
Ooker's user avatar
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