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Questions tagged [canary-deployment]

Canary deployment is the practice of deploying a new version of an application to a subset of production servers to test whether the new version functions properly in production without affecting all users if it doesn't.

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159 votes
6 answers

Canary release strategy vs. Blue/Green

My understanding of a canary release is that it's a partial release to a subset of production nodes with sticky sessions turned on. That way you can control and minimize the number of users/customers ...
IAmYourFaja's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Canary vs. A/B release strategy

I was going through the different types of release strategy and was confused between the Canary and A/B strategy. Both of them seems to be similar. Everywhere I read on Canary is "Allows to test ...
Vikas Gupta's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Spring Cloud: Canary Deployments with Zuul

I am getting started with Spring Cloud using Eureka and Zuul and had some questions around structuring blue/green and Canary deployments. So far, I have the basics worked out and have Eureka, Zuul, ...
Ryan J. McDonough's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Blue Green Deployment with Helm Charts

We Could deploy applications using 'Helm Charts' with helm install --name the-release helm/the-service-helm --namespace myns And we cold 'Rolling Upgrade' the deployment using, helm upgrade --...
Janitha Madushan's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Jenkins lockable resource - lock without unlocking

I'm using the "Locable Resources Plugin" together with the Jenkins multipipeline functionality: lock('my-resource-name') { } I have a situation where I need to lock a resource in one pipeline and ...
Markus T's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to handle data changes in Blue/Green deployment technique? [closed]

I have studied this article about Blue/Green deployment, then some more googling introduced me to this article about Canary Release. I have this ambiguity : what will happen to databases? how we ...
MoienGK's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Gradle sync failed after switching to 3.0 canary 5

After switching to Android Studio 3.0 canary 5 I can't build my gradle after some searching i found out that the error is caused due to outdated Guava library but i am not using Guava in my project. ...
Nikhil Soni's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Setting the route programmatically in Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul

I have created two AWS Beanstalk envs, each with their own version of the applications. The urls for these envs are and These urls ...
bostonjava's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to run a Kafka Canary Consumer

We have a Kafka queue with two consumers, both read from the same partition (fan-out scenario). One of those consumers should be the canary and process 1% of the messages, while the other processes ...
Michael Böckling's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to handle canary releases on AWS elasticbeanstalk?

I have previously seen it done by having one EC2 instance running HAProxy, configured via a json file/lambda function, that in turn controlled the traffic with sticky sessions, into two separate ...
aabreu's user avatar
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1 answer

Can API Gateway be setup to have sticky sessions for canary deployments?

If a user gets sent to the canary deployment, is it possible to ensure that all subsequent requests from that user also go to the canary deployment? From my preliminary testing API Gateway doesn't ...
Jacob Murphy's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I programmatically make a link create an unfocused tab in Chrome 41?

Currently, I can simulate a 'cmd + click' or a 'ctrl + click' which works in all browsers except ie11. Google is releasing Chrome 41 soon, which disables the ability to do that. commit here My ...
WrksOnMyMachine's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Canary Release and Blue Green Deployment on AWS

I am currently implementing Canary Release and Blue Green Deployment on my Static Website on AWS S3. Basically, I created two S3 bucket (v1 and v2) and 2 cloud front (I didn't append the CNAME). Then, ...
LDC's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Canary release when Queues are involved

Fowler says a small percentage of traffic is routed to the Canary version while the old version is still running. This is assuming that the routing can be controlled at the Load balancer/router level....
user1168577's user avatar
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1 answer

How to achieve Canary release with sticky session in Kubernetes?

I have used many solutions like Istio, spinnaker etc but they dont provide a way of performing Canary releases(weighted routing) and apply session affinity to stick to a particular pod. You can ...
Jeel's user avatar
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0 answers

Varying API response from browser and CLI for application deployed through kubernetes Canary

I am trying to deploy an application using canary in openshift provider using the steps mentioned in the following website. The deployment ...
Bhavani Prasad's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Python AWS CDK resource already exists error

I'm trying to create a canary deployment using the Python sdk for AWS CDK. This is the pertinent part of the code: canary = CfnCanary( scope=self, id='canary', ...
Ivan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Gradle sync failed: Could not find org.jetbrains.kotlin (no intention to use Kotlin)

(not a duplicate of this question in my opinion) Error message in Android Studio: Gradle sync failed: Could not find org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.1.3-2 I do not understand why Gradle ...
PIXP's user avatar
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1 answer

How to do canary releases and dynamic routing with Netflix Zuul?

We faced with the problem that we need to do such thing as dynamic routing and canary releases. So, for example, we deploy microservice microservice-1. Then, when someone finished a big feature we ...
Yuri's user avatar
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How can someone do a traffic splitting between more than one release version on firebase hosting

For instance, in App Engine, Cloud Run and K8, it is possible to split the traffic between multiple versions especially if you want to perform A/B testing or do a canary release.. So, i was wondering ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Azure App Service: Select the endpoint based on HTTP header value

I have a multi-tenant application where in each request, the tenant's ID is sent in the HTTP headers. I would like to implement a simple canary deployment whereby I would pick a subset of the tenant ...
twoflower's user avatar
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2 answers

Cloud Foundry support for Canary Deploys

I've evaluating Cloud Foundry to determine whether it supports Canary Releases for my apps. So far I've found references to BOSH supporting canaries. But this appears to be an internal mechanism that ...
Shane Gannon's user avatar
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1 answer

How to do a canary upgrade of existing istio customised setup?

How to do a canary upgrade to existing istio customised setup. Requirements: We have existing customised setup of istio 1.7.3 (installed using istoctl method and no revision set for this) for AKS 1....
Vowneee's user avatar
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1 answer

Mirror canary deployment in RTL?

I am new to canary deployments. We are going to start doing canary deployments via Istio. I was assuming this would just be a deployment mechanism, probably with some Istio routing testing in a pre-...
Person of earth's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

EF db migrations with rolling/canary deployments

I have a .NET application that is using EF Core as ORM, and all db modifications are done using Db Migrations in EF. The application is hosted on the cloud on multiple VMs in production, after do all ...
Mustafa Magdy's user avatar
2 votes
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Canary Deployment Strategy using Argocd rollout and Service Mesh Interface (Traefik Mesh)

I'm working on the Canary Deployment Strategy. I use the Service Mesh Interface, after installing trafik mesh. When starting the program for the first time with the command kubectl apply -f ...
Harou's user avatar
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Deployment handling with Rabbit

My application has rabbitMq which has multiple consumers[3] and i do round robing for consuming the messages . At the moment i do canary deployment while deploying new version but this lands me in ...
Suman Joshi's user avatar
2 votes
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config.duration not getting applied in Canary release plugin of KONG

I am trying to configure Canary release plugin in Kong. The plugin get activated on epoch time provided in config.start parameter. But the config.duration provided in seconds does not work, and the ...
Sim's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Unable to make Canary Deployment with API Gateway and Lambda

I am trying to use the Canary deployment option of API Gateway, but I am not being able to do so. It looks like all the configurations are done properly, but when I try making calls I only get the ...
makeMonday's user avatar
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2 answers

In canary deployment strategy, redirecting particular user to pod which has new version

I am new to kubernetes just doing little R&D on k8s. was checking out different deployment strategies like rolling update, recreate, blue-green and canary. if am correct the idea behind canary ...
Sugatur Deekshith S N's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Rollout: no matches for kind "Rollout" in version ""

I am new to ArgoCD and I get the following error: error: unable to recognize "rollout.yaml": no matches for kind "Rollout" in version "" The contents ...
AkshayBadri's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Azure App Service Canary Deployment through Pipeline

We use Azure Devops process to do a deploy to our staging slot and then we do a straight swap between staging and production. We note that through the portal interface we can direct a percent of the ...
Sl-NZ's user avatar
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1 answer

Practical problems with canary rollout

I'm looking at using canary deployments in Istio but it seems it randomly distributes requests to new and old versions based on a weighting. This implies a user in the business could see one ...
Person of earth's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Canary rollout between two k8s/gke namespaces by DNS cutover?

I have two similar services/deployments/ingress running in two GKE/K8S namespaces: ns-A (old), ns-B (new). The ingress of ns-A is like All clients are using myservice....
BAE's user avatar
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How do I setup rolling deployment in Spinnaker?

I just started trying out Spinnaker. I have gone through the tutorial,, and got it working without issues. Now I want ...
Johan Frick's user avatar
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3 answers

A/B testing. Routing Clients in a gateway API

I am working on a new project that will be based on microservices. It's an internal app and only about 10 microservices. We will be using a gateway API for authentication and possibly some ...
mark1234's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a canary property to check in nginx-ingress snippet

I have these two ingresses for a blue (production) and green (canary) deployment and I want in my nginx snippet to set certain stuff based on whether the request is served from production service or ...
Manolo Carrasco Moñino's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Canary deployment of update to install4j application using Apache

I have a desktop app with install4j auto-updates (checked at app startup). I want to do a phased rollout of the updates. For this I am thinking of having Apache Load Balancer serve an updated version ...
Manuel B.'s user avatar
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2 answers

how can I add a rewrite uri in the destination of virtual service

I am trying to set up the routes of two services in a kubernetes cluster, and I want to do a canary release of 2 different services with specific weighs. For example: if /endpoint1 is reached then it ...
Ghisa Ioachim's user avatar
1 vote
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Unable to route traffic to canary release using nginx ingress rule with canary annotation and 100 % weight

My application is running in namespace A with version X, I am able to access the application endpoint via nginx ingress controller running in same namespace A. I start same application stack with ...
user3540835's user avatar
1 vote
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How to do canary deployments?

I have an AWS environment with one ALB, two api nodes and an RDS. I perform in place deployments today. I read about canary releases and was wondering how I could transform my current environment to ...
NaveenBabuE's user avatar
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How to Canary rollout between two namespace, using Treafik v2

I want to implement Canary release between two namespace : ns-A (old version), ns-B (new version). My cluster have Traefik v2 and it's not possible to install an another controller, two bad because I ...
Doul's user avatar
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Istio: How to do canary deployment

Currently there are 3 possible values which we can receive in the header like A1, A2 and A3, and we have three different services running for each value like Service-A1, Service-A2 and Service-A3. ...
Yash Mehta's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can I automatically do Rolling, Blue-Green and Canary Deployments on Cloud Run (GCP)

I come from AWS. I used to automatically do Rolling, Blue-Green and Canary Deployments with CodeDeploy on AWS. Then, when I came to GCP and read Rollbacks, gradual rollouts, and traffic migration, it ...
Super Kai - Kazuya Ito's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

AWS Canary Deployments of Lambda Functions using API GW Stage

I've searched for days trying various things I've found on the web including AWS's docs, but I'm still struggling with Canary Deployments. Ultimately we'd like to orchestrate the deployments using ...
user7822580's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Nginx split_clients not dividing traffic

I have the following nginx.config file: events {} http { # ... # application version 1a upstream version_1a { server localhost:8090; } # application version 1b ...
Vishrant's user avatar
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Canary release strategy of new application

I have an application that has some back-end services and SPA front-end build in React. I want to have a canary release with istio. My concern is how to manage the release strategy in which- I pass ...
Susanta Gautam's user avatar
1 vote
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What Metrics Providers can be used with ArgoCD except Prometheus?

I'm trying to use AnalysisTemplate for Canary promotion and curious about may i use Stackdriver or Istio or Anthos as metric providers? Only Prometheus is mentioned in Official Documentation.
user2738882's user avatar
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Invoke the Lambda Function from Serverless Canary Deployments Plugin

I use the serverless framework to develop an application using AWS Lambda using Node. I would like to use serverless-plugin-canary-deployments to run a pre-traffic test of a Lambda Function. How do I ...
joshuanapoli's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to set canary or weighted deployments on kubernetes service level without using ingress/gateway?

I can set weight or filter by headers on a virtual service. So, I access using a ingress/gateway and I have success using weight and header filters. But I would like to set this conditions on a ...
Danilo's user avatar
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