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Questions tagged [clipboard]

The clipboard is a software facility that can be used for short-term data storage and/or data transfer between documents or applications, via copy and paste operations.

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Get a URL from Edge browser

I have an Edge browser open with one tab. I want to get the URL of the webpage into a variable in excel so I can create a hyperlink to it. I asked this question a couple years ago and received an ...
Steven Thomasson's user avatar
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Black background of copied and pasted image Java Swing

I try to copy a molecule image in ChemDraw (it is like Incscape to draw molecules) and paste it to my Swing GUI. I use something like that. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.*; import ...
Senti's user avatar
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TinyMCE: Cursor Does Not Move to Next Line After Inserting Content with <br> Tag Using mceInsertContent

I'm using TinyMCE for my rich text editor, and I'm performing clipboard operations to insert content into the editor using the mceInsertContent command. When I insert content that ends with a tag, ...
Vasanth Nag K V's user avatar
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ClipboardJS - copy data from `data-clipboard-text` held in a separate element

In this snippet, I am using Clipboard.js to copy text from the a element, copying the data held in the data-clipboard-text attribute. That works fine as shown here: <!DOCTYPE html> <html ...
4532066's user avatar
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How to give Mozilla FF clipboard permissions in cypress [duplicate]

I have a cypress test that includes checking that the copy button has copied value in an input field. The issue is I haven't found a good way to give clipboard permissions for the Mozilla browser as ...
Anastasia Kaloshina's user avatar
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C# Read from clipboard and save to variable [duplicate]

I try to get my clipboard (it will always be a 6 digit number, e. g. 123456 when the code is executed) content to be saved to a variable. However, the variable seems to be empty. using System; using ...
StefanBraun's user avatar
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VBA Macro special pasting #VALUE! instead of the underlying Factset FDS value of the formula

When trying to paste the contents of a sheet into another workbook, the formulas aren't updating until I select an option for keeping the large amount of information on the clipboard pop-up. I tried ...
Jayroot8's user avatar
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Why is Clipboard.SetTextAsync not working on Android in .NET MAUI but works on Windows?

I am developing a .NET MAUI application where I need to copy text to the clipboard. The implementation works perfectly on Windows, but it fails to copy the text on Android devices. Below is the ...
mistelltein's user avatar
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Duplicating data on the Mac clipboard using Qt

I'm writing an application in C++ using Qt. That application will run on both Win and Mac. I need to be able to put MIDI data on the system clipboard. Originally, I only needed the data to be copied ...
SimplyBlue's user avatar
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How to use rclipboard (or another tool to copy from an app) in shinyapps?

I have an app with a "copy to clipboard" button made using writeClipboard function from rclipboard package. I works fine in my computer but when I deploy my app in Shinyapps clicking the ...
Pere's user avatar
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How can I change default clipboard register in Vim?

To paste text from the clipboard in Vim, currently I need to type "+p. How can I change or create an alias for register +, for example, to a? So that Vim would paste text from the clipboard when ...
Nannik's user avatar
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How can I type content of clipboard on MacOS

How can I type content of clipboard on MacOS, I've tried using AppleScript and Hammerspoon but I can get either working, Hammerspoon will just type 'aaaaaa' when on a RDP session and AppleScript seems ...
Chris Richardson's user avatar
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Accessing Clipboard in Python version 3.11 with win32clipboard causing failed to open clipboard

this is my first question on stackoverflow, I apologize in case it is an unclear question, I'm trying to create a productivity software where I manipulate the data I copy to the clipboard and paste ...
Mario Nicolosi's user avatar
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AceEditor with rclipboard does not work inside modal

I have an aceEditor with a rclipboard button. This app works fine, I mean, the code inside the aceEditor is copied into the clipboard when I click the button: library(shiny) library(shinyAce) library(...
Lev's user avatar
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ClipboardService: Denying clipboard access to *

I'm developing hybrid Android application. When I use API 31, I am able to launch the application properly and perform all the functionality. However, when I use API 33, I have a clipboard access ...
Gokul Siva's user avatar
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Javascript clipboard API item.getType("text/html") return null

I am trying to get the HTML content of the clipboard when user copies text from Calibre E-book Viewer. The clipboard does have the item type of "text/html", but item.getType("text/html&...
kjcX's user avatar
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Chrome Extension error: Failed to execute 'writeText' on 'Clipboard': Document is not focused

I have created a Chrome Extension for myself to extract text from a given webpage's URL using regex. The extraction works fine, the issue I am encountering is when I want to write the extracted text ...
adriaan's user avatar
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Cypress - can't read from clipboard even permissions set [duplicate]

In Cypress I have a simple test, where I click on a button and the url is copied to the clipboard. I just want to verify the correct text is in clipboard. Normally I would use: cy.window() .its('...
Darksymphony's user avatar
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Access rich-text formatting of clipboard contents in human-readable way

When copying things from certain programs such as Microsoft Word, formatting is copied along with the plain text. If I paste this formatted text somewhere where formatting isn't supported, such as ...
José Guedes's user avatar
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How to Enable "Copy on Selection" in Visual Studio Code?

I'm looking to improve my workflow in Visual Studio Code by enabling the "Copy on Selection" feature. This feature would automatically copy any text I select to the clipboard without ...
Taher Anaya's user avatar
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SetClipboardData can't write any data

I am trying to write HTML to the clipboard as rich text, but it doesn't work. What did I do wrong? I tried running html_to_clipboard separately, but the clipboard is empty. SetClipboardData does not ...
END SKY's user avatar
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I need to cut/copy/paste many files with longer than MAX_PATH filenames using clipboard, unicode aware. Language is VB6, and environment is Win10 x64

I did some code to copy/paste files into clipboard and is working well, filenames exceeding MAX_PATH. I am using prepend ("\?") probably does not matter for the clipboard anyway. Declares: ...
addysoftware's user avatar
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Chrome Extension Manifest v3 - Copy to Clipboard

with manifest v2 i had this working nicely.. essentially i have a right click menu with choices that when I pick one, it copied to to the clipboard and then pasted it to the active text field the ...
StaticFX's user avatar
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Visual Studio extension to set Clipboard content

I am trying to write a simple Visual Studio extension that will build a branch name based on Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.Clipboard contents. The basic idea is to get the top two items in ...
nfrick's user avatar
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How to prepare the clipboard to paste a file in element chat

I want to copy a file from command line in a way that I can paste it in a gui application like element chat (in the browser). Basically I want to invoke whatever is happening if I right-click and copy ...
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How to combine multiple Copy to Clipboard Functions?

I'm trying to figure out how to copy multiple Copy to Clipboard buttons into a single script. My page has dynamic text areas that are filled out as the user completes the form and each textarea has ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to use Word VBA Code to Clear All on Clipboard?

How to use VBA Code to Clear All on Clipboard? Recently Copy and Paste stopped functioning, the Copy simply did not register on the Clipboard. Then a few key strokes later, the Copy feature would ...
CDuv's user avatar
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How To Distinguish Between Copy Operation Source

I am making a cloud clipboard application which syncs copied texts across sessions in real time using SignalR. I use the following code to listen to and react to clipboard events: private async void ...
sourvad's user avatar
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I can't copy and paste attachments directly from outlook to app

I have a "problem" with my code, I have a button with a function that pastes the documents on the user's clipboard to a list, the problem is when I try to directly copy and paste an Outlook ...
Hugo Jiménez's user avatar
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Copy to Clipboard Issue - Running Selenium Headless Browser on GitHub Actions

Here is my code for adding to clipboard: def add_to_clipboard(text): try: pyperclip.copy(text) # Copy the text to the clipboard using pyperclip except Exception as e: ...
user24784170's user avatar
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Show permission pop up for clipboard

I'm working on app that requires the user's permission to read/write his clipboard. I want to block the entrance to a part of my website if they haven't granted those permissions. Also, if they haven'...
Unique Rax Law's user avatar
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How to detect changes in clipboard images in powershell [duplicate]

I want to create a visual interface for browsing clipboard images. Therefore, I will have a process that listens for the contents of the clipboard. My question is: Add-Type -AssemblyName ...
Carson's user avatar
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How do I get rich text format by py from the clipboard instead of plain text?

How can I retrieve rich text format content from the clipboard in Python after copying it from Excel or HTML? I tried pyperclip and clipboard python package, but they only output plain text. I would ...
END SKY's user avatar
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Refactoring Python Code for Mouse and Keyboard Actions with Pynput

I have a script that uses the pynput library to perform a series of mouse and keyboard actions. The script highlights certain areas on the screen, copies the highlighted content, and saves it to ...
鈴木悠真's user avatar
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How to put a dictionary into the clipboard to copy/paste it in another pyqt6 window?

I would like to use the clipboard to pass a dict from a Qapplication to another. I can copy a text, but I don't understand how I can pass something else. I need to pass a dict instead of a text. Here ...
ymmx's user avatar
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When writing to the clipboard in JavaScript, is it possible to set a custom sourceURL?

The sourceURL property is set automatically by Chrome. Is it possible to override this and set it to a different value? For debugging, I'd like to set sourceURL to a specific value. But I don't even ...
Robrecht Vandemeulebroecke's user avatar
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How do I stop Access database with clipboard monitoring from crashing when I cut text from code modules?

I have an Access database that needs to use clipboard monitoring to enable and disable a button that imports data from the clipboard (based on whether it's appropriate for import or not). It appears ...
ecc450's user avatar
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Is it required to query permissions before using the Clipboard API

Async Clipboard API has some security considerations. From the doc: Chromium browsers: Reading requires the Permissions API clipboard-read permission be granted. Writing requires either the ...
Eisenfrost's user avatar
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How do I decode the image data in MS Word pasted content that contains images?

I'm trying to write a processor so that when a user pastes 'HTML' from MS Word, we can clean up the gobbledegook that MSWord creates, and convert it to clean HTML. I've got all of the bullet-point and ...
Webreaper's user avatar
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Chrome Extension: Failed to copy image to clipboard and paste it into Google Image Translator

I'm developing a Chrome extension that allows users to right-click on an image, copy it to the clipboard, and automatically open a new tab with Google Image Translator, where the copied image should ...
Пётр Завражин's user avatar
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Bash Script for Copying to Clipboard

My goal is to write an alias to copy the current command and its output to the clipboard, e.g.: ls | myclip This should result in the following being in the clipboard: $ ls Desktop Documents ...
beautifulsouper's user avatar
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Button Not Showing in Android

Definitely a newbie here. Using Google Sites and don't have access to Android to test. I've created a button to copy input text to clipboard. This works on iOS, Mac, PC but the button doesn't ...
TAGG Admin's user avatar
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Copy Text converted using TTf fonts to clipboard

I've extensively searched the depths of the internet, eager to seamlessly incorporate TTF font styling to user input. With a vast repository of over 12,000 TTF font files hosted on my website, the ...
Dani's user avatar
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5 answers

How to copy a dataframe to the clipboard such that when pasted, the ouptut is the same as when copying manually from the console of RStudio?

I want to copy a dataframe to the clipboard so as to paste it in an email. I tried clipr::write_clip and write.table but none of those solutions renders a well-formatted output (the names of the ...
Julien's user avatar
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Does the Excel desktop client have a DOM Document, and how do I get to it?

I'm writing an OfficeJs addin that has both a task pane for complex tasks and adds menu items to the worksheet cell right-click menu for common/simple tasks. One of those tasks is copying something to ...
S Bullen's user avatar
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Why Electron.js Clipboard returns the same image twice while doing clipboard.readImage()?

I'm developing an Electron app where I'm implementing a feature to monitor the clipboard for changes and capture images when they are copied. I've set up a listener function to detect image changes in ...
Muhammad Kadhim's user avatar
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Get keys pressed with Clipboard event in Javascript?

I have a textarea where users can paste text from the clipboard. The text pasted clipboarddata.getData('text') gets modified. However, I need a switch that if pressing CTRL SHIFT V instead of CTRL V ...
Avatar's user avatar
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how to make clipboard with Paragraphs of text in using daisyui?

I want to make a clipboard in my svelte-kit app. I am using daisy ui and tailwind-css. I tried using <textarea> component and made it (readonly) but the problem i am having is it disregards ...
What's user avatar
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how to use MDM Clipboard API with http requests JS

Beginner here :) I am getting the following error: Failed to make request: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'writeText') I made a button in my embedded js file that would copy to clipboard ...
Mazen's user avatar
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HTML id with javascript to trigger a write to clipboard

When I run this script (embedded in a HTML page) 'GG' isn't copied to the clipboard. Can someone help/explain why and assist me in getting it working? Thanks. document.getElementById("blah3")...
Micklos's user avatar
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