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As a Recognized Member, how do I use the "Actions for you" page?

Some users may be invited to become a Recognized Member of a collective. After accepting this invitation, Recognized Members will have a number of new ways to contribute to the collective, which they can find in the "Actions for you" tab. Recognized Members will be taken to this page by default when they navigate to the collective.

The Actions for you page provides a concise view of where they might want to focus their efforts as a Recognized Member of the collective, such as proposed articles that need review, questions without answers, and questions that might benefit from answer recommendations.

Weekly team tasks

The "Weekly team tasks" box shows how much progress all Recognized Members have made against goals for the week.

Screenshot of "Weekly team tasks" module, showing percentage complete and progress indicators for answering questions, recommending answers, and reviewing articles.

Articles that need a review

In the "Articles that need a review" section, Recognized Members will see any article proposals submitted by Members of the collective that have not been reviewed yet.

Screenshot of "Articles that need a review" module, showing two example articles that need review.

Recognized Members can review each proposed article to determine whether it is ready to be published on Stack Overflow. Before approving and publishing an article, Recognized Members should make sure that it follows the Article guidelines.

Questions that need an answer & Top viewed questions without a recommended answer

In this section, Recognized Members can see the following lists of questions where they may be able to contribute their knowledge:

  • Questions that need an answer: This is a list of questions associated with the collective that do not have an answer yet. Recognized Members may have the expertise to answer these questions.
  • Top viewed questions without a recommended answer: This is a list of answered questions associated with the collective that don't currently have a recommended answer. Recognized Members can recommend an existing answer in order to highlight it as the collective’s preferred solution to the problem.

Screenshot of "Questions that need an answer" and "Top viewed questions without a recommended answer" lists.

Both of these lists are sorted by “trending” by default, which is based on a combination of each question’s views, answers (if there are any), and votes.