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Questions tagged [command]

A command is a directive to a computer program acting as an interpreter of some kind, in order to perform a specific task. Most commonly a command is a directive to some kind of command line interface, such as a shell. Use [command-pattern] for the design pattern.

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-1 votes
1 answer

Jars are not printing from internal url

I am building my maven project with updated setting.xml which not contain any public URL which have some internal URL to our company what i want is i want to run the build and want to print the what ...
punit jain's user avatar
-1 votes
0 answers

How to start new termux session with a command from the command line?

I know a command to start new termux session with cmdline: am startservice -n com.termux/.app.TermuxService -a com.termux.service_execute --ez false But how to start ...
Duck's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

gnuplot storing command output to a variable

How do you save the output from a gnuplot command into a (string) variable? For example, I need to know the current xdata format setting in a "call"ed helper script, but I cannot recall ...
mjp's user avatar
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1 answer

how to keep a command window open after run a batch file?

When I run a compilation command from batch file, the command did execute but after it completed, the command window close immediately I'm expecting the result shows in the command window after ...
zarul_88yahoocom's user avatar
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0 answers

send equivalent of headphone music control command with react native app

I would like to send the same commands as the headphones to change music, pause... but with my react native app do you know a module for this please? I can't find an audio module that does this, i ...
launchcake inc's user avatar
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1 answer

problem deleting Item in collectionView .NET Maui

I´m trying to delete an object named SelectedOrder in TableData of my viewmodel. Binding works perfectly but when I tapped de Item to be deleted, in my viewmodel the variable SelectedOrder is null ...
hugo vazquez's user avatar
-5 votes
7 answers

Replace delimiter in the file

Let's take "apple" , "tomato,potato", 100, 250, "banana" is my data I want replace the outer delimiter i.e. , which is same as inner delimiter. Ultimately, want my data ...
Phantom's user avatar
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0 answers

Search for specific content in a file present in multiple sub folders - Linux

I have a 'feature_config.json' file which holds flag values for multiple features, something like this: "feature1": { "enabled": true } "feature2": { "...
AliZaidi's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

"ERROR: Unable to retrieve device list!" - when accessing libimobiledevice build from the C# .NET MAUI app from Macbook Silicon chip

I can access the device UDID list from the terminal and also from the C# Console application. But, when i try to execute the binary file from the C# .NET MAUI application, I am unable to access the ...
uhsnx's user avatar
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0 answers

Issues accessing RHEL 9 from tssh component on talend

When connecting to rhel9 server by tssh component on Talend i am facing below error : Exception in component tSSH_3 (sample_ssh) There was a problem while connecting to ...
dev_code's user avatar
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0 answers

how to use touch command in windows to create multiple files with different name

I wanted to create 5 different files using touch command in windows 11 and the command i used for it was touch signUpSchema.ts verifySchema.ts signInSchema.ts acceptMessageSchema.ts messageSchema.ts ...
Mihir Raj's user avatar
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0 answers

getting sh: create-###-app: command not found when trying to build an npx create command

Hello Im trying to build out an npx create command but i am getting an error when running the command npx @hydapps/create-matchstick-app no matter what i try i get command not found here is the ...
Joseph Nwachukwu's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

OOP command design pattern with polymorphism

I'm trying to make a command-like interface for a user system using OOP design structure and principles. So I have an abstract User class and different types of users that derive from it. Then I have ...
ashamedgap's user avatar
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child_process : exec is not a function

I try to execute a PowerShell command with child_process but when I execute the command I receive: exec is not a function Here is my code : const { exec } = require('child_process'); export default ...
loan heron's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to get Clion's run command

I coded a C++ project in clion and I'm using conan in order to get some libraries. I want to run the c++ code in my JavaScript website ,by running a cmd command but it didnt work. Each time I run in ...
David Lev Gabbay's user avatar
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0 answers

How to send a command to a Window after creating Layouts in .screenrc

I'm ricing out my .screenrc to create my layouts for me and populate them with Windows. This way when I launch into screen, everything will be ready to go. However, when you spawn bash into a Window ...
quizzicalspade's user avatar
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1 answer

Control where Source Code for Azure ML Command gets Uploaded

I'm working in a notebook in Azure Machine Learning Studio and I'm using the following code block to instantiate a job using the command function. from import command, Input, Output from ...
Matt_Haythornthwaite's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

mac terminal cp multiple directories to multiple directories

very newbie! i can’t figure out, or find an answer to this... folder1 contains folderA and folderB, which I want to copy (with their content) into folder2, folder3, folder4. folders 1–4 are children ...
emma-A's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

mongod command instantly shutdowns

When i hit the command mongod these logs are coming: {"t":{"$date":"2024-06-17T10:58:33.254+03:00"},"s":"I", "c":"CONTROL", &...
antisuri's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

laravel 11. lorisleiva/laravel-actions. How to register command

How to register a command via action without using the Console/Kernel.php file, because it does not exist in Laravel 11. I executed the command composer requires laravel/tinker php artisan vendor:...
Ivan Kachula's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

WPF Framework not unsubscribing from Button.Command's CanExecuteChanged event

--> Edit: I added a small sample app below that demonstrates the problem <-- Edit: I did try the CommandManager.RequerySuggested solution many have suggested in my test app below but the problem ...
Gilles jr Bisson's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How to skip submodules with `repo forall`?

Many commands in the repo tool do have some submodule support via flags like --fetch-submodules, --submodules... but nothing is mentioned in repo help forall or repo forall --help. Yet when I run repo ...
phuclv's user avatar
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2 answers

The term 'AFDiag.exe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

I have a simple powershell script that executes afdiag.exe with a few parameters. Example: AFDiag.exe /Database:"Distributed SYS_Test" /Template:"STS-Heartbeat" /DelEF:"2024-...
NanoNet's user avatar
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0 answers

REG value or powershell to fix "SWAP BACK to a default language when launch another program and/or alt+Tab"

Long time ago I noticed that feature : It was either when one launces a new program that is not opened yet or when you alt+tab windows between programs - the typing language would always swap back to ...
user25366484's user avatar
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0 answers

Shell concatenate text file (json) into string argument

I have a working command: mycommand --environment '{"Variables":{"var1":"new_val1","var2":"new_val2"}}' However, I want to place {"var1":&...
ServerBloke's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Bash Command Substitution in echo/printf doesn't print result on the same line? [duplicate]

Reproducible example Consider this example: #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "[Status] $(killall --wait example)" Expected output: [Status] example: no process found Actual result (being wrong ...
GrabbenD's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I make a terminal command for my compiler?

I tried searching for an answer but I can't seem to find the right 'term' for it, I would go back and forth and type 'how to create your own environment variable' or 'how to create your own path ...
Bax STAR's user avatar
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1 answer

when using npm only this sign is showing ⠧

when using npm only this sign is showing** ⠧ **and loads forever and always getting errors when cancelling even though I have the latest node and npm, I tried to uninstall and reinstall node and npm ...
Mohammad Ali's user avatar
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1 answer

I have no idea what error I am going through.. Can anyone explain how to fix this problem?

enter image description here The sign error. I have no idea what error I am going through. I have tried it for several times, even reinstalled visual studio for Mac twice. But the problem wasn't ...
황준서's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Running 1 command with yargs, for some reason it runs all

When I run 1 cli command (contenthook run ) example script: start. Then it doesn't execute any command and in my older version of the code without passing the handler to yargs, it executed all ...
Jonas Franke's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Change working directory in command prompt

I was going to install pandas_datareader so i use pip install pandas_datareader It shows: Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"c:\users\mfb81\appdata\local\programs\python\...
Meng Fanbo's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How to install pdfminer.six

Hello I tried to install this package however I am failing at the first stage. I tried the first thing suggested in the website. ...
Sam Scott's user avatar
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1 answer

Discord JS - Message Command in User Bot

I want to make a Discord bot (in node js) that has a context menu command. Only thing is that it's for a user bot (Discord's new feature - installing an app on a discord account). I currently use this:...
Kodeur_Kubik's user avatar
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Powershell help for Python uninstall

Looking to uninstall Python 3.12.3. using cmd.exe via intune. When I run the command via command it works as intended how ever when I use intune to push the command the CMD window appears and nothing ...
area845's user avatar
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1 answer

Error [InteractionAlreadyReplied]: The reply to this interaction has already been sent or deferred when autosending images

Iam trying to make a slash command for my discord bot which will automatically send 1 image from e621 for example every one minute. It works for several. But then throws an error and the bot crashes. ...
Sapphire Shork's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I cant access mysql in cli vs code(Terminal) on windows

I have to access mysql in CLI vs code(Terminal) on Windows but, I cant access.Please solve my problem. I am doing back end development and try to use sql from cli. There is command line for mac users ...
Abhijit Rasekar's user avatar
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0 answers

Looking for CMD command line assistance re: multiple file prefix rename

I am currently attempting to use CMD.exe in Windows 11 to move a bunch of files to of a particular type and then automate the renaming of them all to add a prefix. I tried using the following (in a ...
Richard Griffin's user avatar
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Prefix and slash separated

I would like to know how to make a command using prefix and another using slash in the same code. There are things that I want to appear only in the slash command, so in this case the hybrid_command ...
Control's user avatar
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Command does not work on Command Prompt but works on powershell

ReactNative command to create a new app "npx react-native@latest init ProjectName" is not working on cmd but the same command is working when I use Powershell. This is the error I get: node:...
gopal prabhu's user avatar
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Google Docs Testing via apps scripts

Okay, so i don’t really do scripting but I’ve learned a little along the way. I’ve only learned to use apps scripts so I would preferably need help using that. I’m a teacher who is trying to creat ...
00mar's user avatar
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1 answer

Execute system commands in bash script - command not found

I have the following script: #!/bin/bash int_ip_addr=`/sbin/ifconfig pppoe0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2| cut -d' ' -f1` pb_ip_addr=`curl` echo "Internal IP Address is $...
Freaky's user avatar
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1 answer

Invalid Webhook Token error after few hours of auto sending images

I was trying to make a slash command for my discord bot which will automatically send 1 image from e621 for example every one minute. It works for a hour or two. But then throws an error and the bot ...
Sapphire Shork's user avatar
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The following error occurs when executing "npm run build" through .exec on the node server

Error: Command failed: npm install & npm run build sh: 1: tsc: not found npm WARN deprecated @motionone/[email protected]: Motion One for Vue is deprecated. Use Oku Motion instead
Timon's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

commands undefinde (name_localization: )

I try to make a discord bot with javascript. My problem is that the commands in discord don`t function. Can someone help me to fix this issue? This is my error: /applications/1235114104566579231/...
Kres Schröder's user avatar
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PHP Execute background command in symfony controller even after the controller action is finished [duplicate]

I'm running a command from a controller like this.- $finder = new PhpExecutableFinder(); $phpExecutablePath = $finder->find(); $consolePath = $this->getParameter('kernel.project_dir') . '/bin/...
ssantos's user avatar
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Cannot run .command file stored on iCloud?

I have a .command file stored on iCloud. When I double click it, the terminal gives: find: /Users/(my_name)/Library\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/my_command.command: No such file or directory What's ...
RS.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Symfony get a service from the container without DI

I am currently working on a command in a bundle (symfony version: 6.4) where i need to get the instance of a service without the possibility of injecting the service. I only have the classname of the ...
khalid sookia's user avatar
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Package Installation issue while installing from requirements.txt file: ERROR: No .egg-info directory found in C:/

(base) C:\Users\LENOVO\Desktop\Text_Summarizer\Text-Summarizer>pip install -r requirements.txt Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable Obtaining file:///C:/...
Yash Soni's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I open directories of ext4 format filesystem partition in uboot

fs_opendir is not supported in ext4 filesystem, but I need to access files in a ext4 filesystem directory in uboot. Here is what I found in uboot source code: #if CONFIG_IS_ENABLED(FS_EXT4) { ...
Quan Wen's user avatar
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Run multiple vector samples at once

I am trying to create a command that runs multiple random vector samples simultaneously and give me all the selected variables at once. I can get what I want by having code like: sample(vector1, 1); ...
Kevin Skaug's user avatar

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