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Questions tagged [comments]

A comment is a programming language construct used to embed non-compiled, programmer-readable annotations in the source code of a computer program.

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Customize WordPress "Comment-function" or other built-in WordPress function with approval option

The idea: I was asked to recreate this sort of petition but in WordPress. Basically, the users should be able to add their name (1), their e-mail (2) and upon ticking both check marks (3) that their ...
Lizzzardking's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API: Unable to Retrieve "from" Field in Live Video Comments if users without any app roles

I'm using the Facebook JavaScript SDK to retrieve the comments for a live video (with the page access token), using the following Graph API request: GET /{live-video-id}/comments However, I'm ...
ToyOne MongKok's user avatar
-1 votes
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Add clickable link while adding comments to vscode

I wanted to be more refer to links while writing comments for the code I have written, that explains some description about the method used. It could be anything like images or a url that explains a ...
aarshin gupta's user avatar
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Visual Studio, typing a comment /* etc */ very odd behaviour in aspx files

My Visual Studio 2022 community edition is behaving unusually when entering comments inside .aspx files, that should look like this. /* * This is a comment * This is another line * */ I've tested ...
Shaun Roberts's user avatar
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VBA - Search & Display : result doesn't take comment/URL into account

I've been working on a dynamic search bar in Excel, following this video, and it works fine. =IF(I3="","No match",FILTER(Table1,ISNUMBER(SEARCH(I3,Table1[Sujet])),"No match&...
Florent's user avatar
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Why are there redundant slashes in comment headers in c or c++ "*//**"

I often see: /**************************************************************************//** * some comments *****************************************************************************/ Why not: /...
elechris's user avatar
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ObjectMapper - YAML parse - ignore comments

YAML file example --- # Author : John Doe # Updated Date: 6/21/2024 4:23:22 PM # Status: Deployed. name: "stack overflow" version: 5 While parsing the yaml file, How to ignore the comment ...
Krishnam's user avatar
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How to remove comments from the scala code

Any ideas how to remove comments from the scala code so that: Nested multi line or single line comments are removed. Comments inside string literals are not removed. Code can have single and triple ...
user4955663's user avatar
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Trying to write a C program to remove all comments from a C program

I am trying to make a program to remove all comments in a C program. I believe this is a common exercise in most C books. The code is as follows: #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #...
Vinayak Deshmukh's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the difference between double asterisks and single asterisk in a comment in java (Or IntelliJ)? [duplicate]

As the attached images show, if I put two asterisks after the slash in a comment, the comment will be rendered in green. If there's only one, the comment would be rendered in grey. I bet this is a ...
SomeZeplyn's user avatar
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Can I create an eslint comment that is interpreted as an error?

We have branch protection and pre-push hooks in our system that force us to have no eslint errors or warnings in order to push to main/master. Sometimes, while debugging something, I will modify a ...
Jim B.'s user avatar
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How can I comment several lines at once in VSC?

I tried to comment several lines at once using ctrl+/ and ctrl+shift+A but neither worked. Do you have any idea what the problem might be? I tried these shortcuts hoping that the lines that I ...
monsterschuh 06's user avatar
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Is there any way for vscode to properly comment out React code within return value if comments exists already within it?

Perhaps a solution to this exists that I'm not aware of. Here's some example code: Here's what happens when I highlight and try to comment out the first and second div: This gets infuriating in ...
Jordy's user avatar
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Sending a comment by mail in youtrack - including attachements (images, zip etc.)

In Youtrack Helpdesk we had written a small workflow for sending Comments by Email. All works fine, only the images are not correct: var entities = require('@jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities')...
Matthias Jakob's user avatar
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identify a comment between /* and */ that may contain */ inside of it only if it's inside ""

I am working on a lexical analyser but i am struggling on how to identify the comments as below: A comment is a sequence of characters (even space) between /* and */; it may not contain the sub-...
Anastasia Frontend's user avatar
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GitHub PR only me can see Code Review, and no one else

The problem I noticed that no one except the GitHub repo owner (me) can see a code review. Example PRs: 1 2 On the first screenshot is what I can see (the PR review started), and next (second ...
sunnamed's user avatar
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How to Correctly Place Inline Comments in JSX?

I'm learning React and trying to add inline comments within JSX. However, using the usual JavaScript // comments results in a syntax error. Here's a snippet of my code: const root = ReactDOM....
Anees Ur Rehman Mian's user avatar
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Python eyed3 to EDIT AND/OR ADD Comments of MP3 audio file - NOT WORKING

I have around 200 MP3 Audio files. Some of these MP3 Audio files already have statement/text/information (whatever you want to call it) under "Comments" section of the file. I want to write ...
NeedBasedLearner's user avatar
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how do I use toggle comment in HTML in my vscode? (for windows)

even on pressing ctrl + / , the code isn't commented out even on pressing the required keys , my VS code isn't working as I expect it to. I went to the emmet documentation for help and it worked on ...
arnav saini's user avatar
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Doxygen: How to add C comments in \code blocks?

In a Doxygen project, I am getting warnings like warning: Reached end of file while still inside a (nested) comment. Nesting level 1 Presumably, this is due to C comments in \code blocks. The ...
emacs drives me nuts's user avatar
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What should I do if IntelliJ IDEA doesn't display images in javadoc?

I introduced the library "project reactor" in my application. Also, I downloaded the source code and Javadoc, but when I looked at its documentation, the image could not be displayed. What ...
zhaoyu huang's user avatar
-4 votes
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How to fix commenting out my code, I can't use "//" in my code and it is commenting out my code automatically

this is my code and i can't use "//" in url part because it comment out my code <x-mail::message> # Introduction The body of your message. <x-mail::button :url="https://youtu....
Aung Bhone Myat's user avatar
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Can Doxygen be configured such that it renders function bodies with embedded formulas

I have a project which includes doxygen-style formulas in the source code. They are not only in the documentation before the function header but also in the function body. Is there a way to configure ...
Tobias's user avatar
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Why does Angular ^17 have problems with my modules, services, etc

Perhaps it was already somewhere in the themes. But I couldn't find a similar question. And the question is why Angular can't find modules and services. I create through "ng g", it seems ...
Valery Vyglyad's user avatar
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How to highlight comments in several different colors in CLion?

I code on C++ and i would like to have different colors for comments. For example, // todo is be default blue but I also want to have a red one, so i can highlight important stuff I have looked at all ...
0 votes
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Delimited comment in C#

Referring to the below production fragment from C# language standard specification, fragment Delimited_Comment : '/*' Delimited_Comment_Section* ASTERISK+ '/' ; fragment ...
Logeshkumar S.'s user avatar
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How can a Google Sheet Commenter receive all Notifications from all user's comments?

I have a Google sheet that I share with many collaborators who have "Commenter" privileges. They are notified only if a comment is mentioned with the "@their email" symbol unless ...
dek's user avatar
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How to optimize and implement infinite comments through prefetch with django orm?

I'm implementing the comment function and I can leave a big message in the comments. It was easy to implement the function, but it's causing n+1 queries. Please tell me how to solve this problem ...
dudu's user avatar
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automatic commenting for users on the home page of Twitter

this is my code for automatic commenting for users on the home page of Twitter. The code clicks on the comments, but does not leave the desired comment.I want to set up a code to send a message to ...
زانکو زانکو's user avatar
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Forcing "server" comments on Visual Studio

On Visual Studio 2022, I am programming a website in core 8 C#. Trying to comment some code via the button in the top bar, I get a "javascript" style comment if I am in javascript ...
matti157's user avatar
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How to convert a Ruby Hash to YAML and keeping comments?

How to convert a Ruby Hash to YAML and keeping comments? For the following ruby example require 'yaml' h = { # The garage in Miami 'garage_A' => { 'car_x' => { # Bought in Gotham ...
noraj's user avatar
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Disable strike trough comment

In vscode when commenting a block that already contains other comments will display the inner comments as strike-trough lines, also grayed out. I'm not sure if this was an option or a plugin I've ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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What does 'has a SUC' mean?

I was reading some .NET Code and I found the following in DispatcherSynchronizationContext /// /// Wait for a set of handles. /// /// /// Critical - Calls WaitForMultipleObjectsEx which ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
3 votes
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Can we add image in code comments in VS code

Is it possible to add an image in code comments in VS code? I am working on an angular project. Adding meaningful comments is an important step in the project. Explaining a login in comments in ...
VIRIYALA NARESH's user avatar
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Descriptive auto-complete comments for python in Visual Studio Code

In VSCode for C++ by typing /** then "enter" it will produce an 'intelligent' comment block depending on whether it is the file header or a function descriptor. In the following code block, ...
Ian O'Neill's user avatar
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Excluding in-code comments from displayed code snippets in Sphinx documentation

In our Python project, we extensively use in-code comments to tag team members or leave important messages for collaboration purposes, like so: ... with var_model: # FIXME: #38 make these ...
Pedro Fontanarrosa's user avatar
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"Attempt to index nil with 'stat'" How to fix that ? (Roblox)

PROBLEM: Hi The output says: Players.username.PlayerGui.GameGui.GameController:63: attempt to index nil with 'Stats' This is my code: local maxTowers = towerToSpawn.Stats.MaxPlaced.Value local ...
LegendsOf_Madara's user avatar
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Commenting selected parts in Sublime (plain text)

Sorry, is there is a way to comment out selected text in Sublime while using Plain Text (.txt files)? I've tried adding hotkey command in Settings -> Key Bindings, but it didn't work, I presume ...
Victor Chornodid's user avatar
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Change tags for 'Toggle Block Comment' [duplicate]

Until now, when I used the keybind for Toggle Block Comment inside a .ejs file, it toggled the HTML parts with <!-- ... --> and in script tags with the JS multiline comment /* ... */. But since ...
GreenSaiko's user avatar
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In HTML4.01, are comments enclosed between “<!--” and “-->” or between “<!-- ” and “ -->”?

According to § 3.2.4 of the HTML 4.01 specification, HTML comments have the following syntax: <!-- this is a comment --> <!-- and so is this one, which occupies more than one line --> ...
AlMa1r's user avatar
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Tree-sitter: "choice" grammar does not work

I use tree-sitter to write the parser for comment input. this is the code I write for single line comment parsing: seq( "//", optional(seq($.comment_prefix, optional(/[ ]*/))), ...
Qiren Dong's user avatar
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how to comment each line with a block comment in html [duplicate]

I have a HTML fragment like this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <p>text</p> <!-- --> ...
Philip Dartrinth's user avatar
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Is there a way to 'scrape' the comments of an instagram post using some python code?

I'm working on a project right now where I try to get more insights on the things people comment under public Instagram posts. I've tried the module 'instaloader', but I won't get this to work. Does ...
andgeurd's user avatar
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Add comment for cell while exporting to excel using openxml library in c#

We are generating excel using openxml library. Recently we added notes to appear as comment while exporting to excel for that particular column header. I tried to add comments using below methods,but ...
AMDI's user avatar
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How automatically add comments in the start and end of an HTML block using a shortcut

I am looking for a shortcut which can produce HTML comments automatically at the Top and End of the HTML block. Now I am taking too much time to type comments which I want to avoid by using a shortcut....
shaijuelayidath's user avatar
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How to insert doc comments using syn?

I have this little snippet that is trying to append comments to a source file. let mut file: File = syn::parse_str(file_content.as_str()).expect("Failed to parse Rust code"); for ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Facebook comments plugin working but 3rd level replies disappear when submitted

I've implemented Facebook comments on my website here: I'm using the designated script <div id="fb-root"></div> <script ...
James Stephen Brown's user avatar
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How can i wrap a selected text in custom comments in VSCode?

I would like to be able to write some text, select it and have a shortcut to automatically wrap it like this: /* ========= */ /* some text */ /* ========= */ I don't think I can use snippets, because ...
ultrapoci's user avatar
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Use of # for commands in Tcl

I am using sentaurus TCAD for semiconductors device simulations and I have encountered something I can't understand in the .cmd files (the scripts in tcl that gets executed from specific tools) ...
Reyansh's user avatar
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Export comments from Google Spreadsheet

I used the following formula to export the comments from Google Sheets: function myFunction() { const excludeSheetNames = ['START', 'MASTER', 'REPORT']; // Exclude sheet names. const ss = ...
dek's user avatar
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