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Questions tagged [conditional-operator]

The conditional operator is a ternary operator that is part of the syntax for a basic conditional expression in several programming languages. It is also commonly referred to as the ternary operator or inline if. Different languages have different syntax for the same construct, but all select between one of two options based on a condition.

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Ternary operator not working inside Lambda function Ruby

I am trying to write a Lambda function in Ruby, to calculate the nth Fibonacci number. fib = -> (n) { n in [1, 2] ? 1 : fib.[n - 1] + fib.[n - 2] } This gives me the error, ./fib.rb:3: warning: ...
Shirsak's user avatar
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ternary operator is not working in a javascript code [closed]

This is the task: Next to the Nickname: text, add an embedded expression that will show the player's nickname if they have one. Use a ternary operator to check if nickname is not null. If the player ...
Abhay Chaturvedi's user avatar
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3 answers

python pandas dataframe select rows with ternary operator

I have what has to be considered a syntax question. I am doing some data scrubbing. My data contains date time fields. The date is always present, but sometimes the time is missing. Like this: 3/1/...
KBD's user avatar
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dplyr returning NA in new column and not following conditions

I have one data frame about animal sightings (more than 300), with species of whales, dolphins, pinipedes and penguins. And I want to create a new column reino, which would be misticeto for whales, ...
Érika Soares Coelho's user avatar
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Unexpected token '?' in expression or statement

I'm trying to run a script I didn't write and I'm getting this issue: Unexpected token '?' in expression or statement. The line of code causing this is: $configuration = $Env:ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT -...
Jan Kadera's user avatar
6 votes
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Why does this ternary generate more Assembly than an equivalent if?

So someone on a forum asked why this C function (which I added const and restrict to, just in case): void foo(int *const restrict dest, const int *const restrict source) { *dest = (*source != -1) ?...
MyNameIsTrez's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Moving after copying in assignment of conditional operator result

Simplified program as follows struct S { S() {} S(const S &) {} S(S &&) = delete; }; S x; S y = false ? S() : x; is accepted just fine by GCC and Clang, but the latest Visual ...
Fedor's user avatar
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Why is it saving the whole mongodb clause not the timestamp?

When I am running it it's saving this whole clause “$cond”: bson.M{ “if”: bson.M{“$eq”: bson.A{“$date”, nil}}, “then”: time.Now(), “else”: “$date”, }, in the document. ...
Napster's user avatar
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2 answers

On this Conditional Expression, what the syntax error about?

I get: return if r := re.match(rx,l) else None ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax whereas return if (r := re.match(rx,l)) else None is accepted. What ...
ChrisJJ's user avatar
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Inserting Javascript array elements into another array with ternary operator

I have an array of objects where each object defines a field in a React form. I want to display different sequence of fields depending on a boolean state. This means that I need to insert either one ...
VikSil's user avatar
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How to use ternary operator for function calls and button text in vuetify vue js 3?

I'm trying to have login button which toggles between icons "loginIcon/logoutIcon", tooltip toggles between Login/Logout and also the corresponding function onclick changes to login/logout. ...
Divya Bharathi's user avatar
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Conditional rendering not working for flutter widgets

Inside the build method 👇🏽 Widget build(BuildContext context) { final provider = Provider.of<StateProvider>(context, listen: false); // Get the selected question details from the ...
Dumindu Jayasekara's user avatar
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Understanding the use of bitwise-operator in ternary-operator

I'm just learning how to code and while studying sorting algorithms I was asked to "see if you can combine the two lines in your if and else blocks into one line to make your code look a little ...
Sergio Ruiz Sánchez's user avatar
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Cannot apply condition to grep output in bash script [duplicate]

The data for this script comes from curl and then I grep a few specific response headers. For this example let's focus on "cf-cache-status". This header has 4 potential values (EXPIRED, HIT, ...
Jeff S's user avatar
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Why the result type of conditional expression is const reference?

There's a snippet of code: int x = 0; const int y = 0; decltype(auto) z = true ? x : y; static_assert(std::is_same_v<const int&, decltype(z)>); According to [expr.cond], the second operand ...
ValueError's user avatar
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Conditionally generate HTML based on the value of database using JavaScript

I'm new to JavaScript and I'm at a loss to why this isn't working. I have a .csv files that fills a chart using its data, I want to apply a certain CSS class/id when one of the value in the database ...
Patchouli's user avatar
-4 votes
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Conditional filter javascript (react) - combining two logical operators - || and && or && and &&

Basically in my react app I want to filter an array that meets 3 conditions, but if I use && (and) two times it doesn't work, only if I use || (or) and && (and) together. Example of ...
FabioNevez's user avatar
-3 votes
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How can I write more efficient code? Or, why does a decompiler produce code that appears less efficient than what I wrote?

When writing my library, I used a series of ternary expressions: public INumber Level1() { INumber number = Level2(); Next(); return txt == "-" ? new Subtraction(number, Level1(...
Sonic2's user avatar
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Simplify expression with ternary operator

Can the following code be shortened/simplified without introducing a division? a, b, c and y are arbitrary integer values: int x = 0; if (y > 0) { x = c < y * a ? 1 : c < y * b ? 2 : 4; } ...
user27772's user avatar
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annotating an object with a list of objects related to it but filtered down

I have the following objects (simplified just for this question) class Object1(models.Model): users_assigned_to_object1 = models.ManyToMany(Users, related_name='objects') sub_object = models....
WATSTE's user avatar
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How to prevent ternary operator indentation in swiftlint?

I want to break the ternary operator into separate lines like this: first < second ? return 1 : return 2 But the SwiftLint configurations always tries to add extra indentation like this: first <...
Trajanos's user avatar
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Explanation of the associativity of nested conditional operators

I do know that conditional operators have right associativity, but can't understand how the flow of condition1 , condition2 , expression1 , expression2 , expression3 are all happening one after ...
Ashikur Rahman's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why did I get a warning "expression is assigned to nothing" in ternary?

I have some simple age classification code in which I try to use ternary operator. It worked, but VS Code shows a yellow line underneath the code saying that "expression ... is assigned to ...
Imtae's user avatar
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Convert items in Vec that match an if-condition to NaN [duplicate]

I have a Vec<f32> with zero values that I'd like to convert into NaN. Is there a way to do this by modifying the Vec in-place with a conditional statement? This is what I tried so far: let mut ...
weiji14's user avatar
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Finding the max negative number, min postive number in C using ternary operato (no while loop, for loop )

int main() { int a, b, c, d, e, f; scanf("%d %d %d %d %d %d", &a, &b, &c, &d, &e, &f); int max = (a < 0 ? a : 0); int mmin = (a > 0 ? a : 0); ...
Minh Công Nguyễn's user avatar
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Conditional Expression for variable is not working in ZSHVER=5.9

Any idea why -v is not working in version 5.9? % unset foo; % [[ -v foo ]] && echo "foo"; zsh: unknown condition: -v Directly from section "12 Conditional Expressions" in ...
LanceMc's user avatar
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Ternary Operator not displaying row when condition is false but displays when true

I usually don't post on here but I've been scratching my head at this for a couple days now. I have a tabbed table that's suppose to display applicants that have been accepted in one and applicants ...
Abdou K. Sene's user avatar
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Initializing a Variable for Strings Using Ternary Operators in C

So I want to set strings as my variables' value which is dependent on some other test cases. const char* trial_1; const char* trial_2; const char* trial_3; trial_1 = (...
user23569449's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to decide on type in template argument (i.e. ternary operator at compile time)? [duplicate]

I want some easy, light solution to such syntaxis: template <bool is_true> class A { B<is_true ? int : float> var; // B is just some other templated class }; And I do not want ...
Alexander S's user avatar
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How to play rotate-clockwise animation when slide-out-tl animation ends also final keyframe position is to be maintained before roatation

Certainly! I am seeking assistance with synchronizing CSS animations within a React component. Specifically, you want to ensure that one animation (`slide-out-tl`) plays immediately upon component ...
Dhruv Kaushik's user avatar
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is there a predefined functor for conditional operator in c++?

Predefined functors are used as wrappers for operators in c++ to use, for example, in STL algorithms. There seems to be a wrapper for all operators except conditional. Is it missing? If yes, why? ...
Mikhail's user avatar
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Getting token from a context in Next js

I'm encountering this error in my Next.js application: Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server. Inside my Navbar component, there's an li tag that ...
Mariana Monteiro's user avatar
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jakarta.el.PropertyNotWritableException: Illegal Syntax for Set Operation for the PrimeFaces <p:selectOneMenu /> component [duplicate]

Currently we are migrating the Jakarta Faces application from WildFly to Spring Boot v.3.1.1 using JoinFaces v.5.1.1. The version of PrimeFaces is 12.0.0. The implementation of Jakarta Faces is ...
zilberman's user avatar
-1 votes
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best way refactoring the ternary operator Java

isCredit is the common boolean value. Please pay attantion that we put the same values, (but crossing) on debet and credit side depends on boolean .setDebetSide(new DebetSideDto() ...
Aleksandr Berestov's user avatar
2 votes
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Which compiler is correct for this subtle ternary operator code example, gcc or clang?

Consider the following code: #include <unordered_map> #include <iostream> template<template<class, class, class...> class Map, typename Key, typename T, typename KeyP, typename......
MarkB's user avatar
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Trying to use the ternary operator to display the value of a variable if the variable is greater than a given number

I am going through the JavaScript curriculum of FreeCodeCamp and I am stuck trying to get a return value for the 'hit' variable by using a ternary operator. What FCC wants me to do to pass the ...
user23321825's user avatar
-4 votes
4 answers

Conditional Operator vs if else

Can we use multiple lines of statements inside the true section of conditional operator like in if else? (a>b)? large = a; printf("%d",a) : large = b; printf("%d",b); Can we ...
Devi's user avatar
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Multiple actions for true (or false) in JS ternary shorthand syntax?

I have been picking up JavaScript recently, and was wondering what the proper syntax would be for setting multiple variables for each outcome in a shorthand ternary. Here is an example of what I ...
gideoncalv's user avatar
-3 votes
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C# ternary operator + convert in CHAR not working [closed]

I'm currently learning C#, I am a beginner, so I'm not really familiar with the particularities of this language. My problem is: I have this piece of code which is supposed to convert an INTEGER to a ...
Ralh19's user avatar
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ProjectEuler Problem 17: I change this one line of code, and my answer changes drastically, even though I think it should work fine

I am working on Project Euler problem 17. I am supposed to write a program that will count up the total number of characters in the numbers 1-1000 written out. You ignore whitespace and hyphens. The ...
user23157819's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Weird behaviour of ternary Operator with cascade dart

Why do both of the results print the same? final list1 = [ "a", "b", "c" ]; final result1 = true ? list1 : list1..removeWhere((e) => e == "a"); print(result1)...
Shreyash.K's user avatar
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Divide by zero in ternary statement in bash on RHEL6 but not RHEL7

UPDATE: RHEL7 bash version: 4.2.46(2)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) RHEL6 bash version: 4.1.2(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) Okay, so here's a weird one.... I'm remotely executing a bash ...
Wayne Doust's user avatar
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Ternary operator logic not working for boolean, evaluating to false when it's not false

I'm mapping a little block of project objects for a set of footer links and I want each project name to be followed by a | EXCEPT the last one. Here's the code. const projects = [ { lastOne: ...
Jordan Moureau's user avatar
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Conditional statements-Nested statements

Men Women Category <0.90 <0.80 Normalweight 0.90 to 0.99 0.80 to 0.84 Overweight 1.0+ 0.85+ Obesity Given ...
velavan suresh's user avatar
-4 votes
3 answers

C#: String.Format Can i use "If" statement inside? [closed]

Im creating a C# program that uses String.Format to create a string that show a lot of information from a collected Windows Forms to a textbox. To simplify if-else treatment im thinking in using ...
Diogo's user avatar
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Why does a ternary operator make a character variable print an integer rather than a character?

char g = 'G'; int i = 0; System.out.print(1 == 1 ? g : 0); System.out.print(" "); System.out.print(1 == 0 ? i : g); In theory, this should print out "G G" as it prints the value ...
Felipe Russo Henriques's user avatar
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Condition operator, doesn't react on condition changes, I guess

I have a React component representing a form with inputs (Text, Number, Date). The date input has a default value - today. I use this component for two functions: creating an object and editing an ...
Caplex's user avatar
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Why is the conditional operator in java behaving diffrently with conversions? I want to print float as integer form if the decimal part is 0 [duplicate]

I wanted to make a type of formatted printing (without using the printf() method) so that I can print a float varible without decimal point if the number does not contain a decimal part. I chose to ...
Kristi Teneqexhi's user avatar
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Typescript is complaining about ternary operator

I have a simple function in component: const Button = ({text}: Props) => { const {t, ready} = useTranslation(); const [title, setTitle] = useState(''); useEffect(() => { if (ready) { ...
Alyona's user avatar
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Filter a sheet to keep rows only when they have a value in one column OR another column

I've got an array of 5 rows, 5 columns (as an example, my spreadsheet has 500 rows). I would like // to set a filter on that sheet to keep only rows which column 4 or clumn 5 equal to a value. I don't ...
Sébastien Chevin's user avatar

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