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94 votes
9 answers

keyword not supported data source

I have an ASP.NET MVC application with the default membership database. I am accessing it by ADO.NET Entity Framework. Now I want to move it to IIS, but several problems showed up. I had to install ...
Trimack's user avatar
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26 votes
7 answers

Connection string - Keyword not supported: 'initial catalog'

I am using's Database entity to create a database connection, however it doesnt like my connection string. I am running it from MVC Ive tried changing it to server / database,...
IAmGroot's user avatar
  • 13.8k
26 votes
1 answer

How do you put environmental variables in web.config?

I am currently Following these tutorials, and I am wanting to call the clear text string from Azure's Application Settings for Web Apps. I am under the impression that environmental variables are used ...
Joseph Casey's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

The entry has already been added

All my Razors views have this error: The pre-application start initialization method Start on type WebMatrix.WebData.PreApplicationStartCode threw an exception with the following error message: The ...
Jorge's user avatar
  • 18.2k
13 votes
2 answers

Where does this permanent SQLExpress connectionstring come from (not web.config)?

Today I noticed that in my ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings the very first instance is .\SQLEXPRESS. I remembered explicitly removing this entry from my web.config so I checked again, but didn't ...
Boris Callens's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Where to look for UserId and Password for Azure SQL Server Connection

I have ASP.NET MVC app and I am trying to connect to Azure SQL database migrated on Azure. I need to set my connection string in web.config and I have no idea where to look for the user id and ...
Bart's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Overriding code-generated DbContext constructor

I'm sure I've done this before at some stage, but I can't figure out how to now! My scenario: // This is generated from EDMX public partial class HOLDbEntities : DbContext { public HOLDbEntities()...
Chris Dixon's user avatar
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11 votes
9 answers
33k views mvc Invalid value for key 'attachdbfilename'

I am currently reading Manning's "ASP.NET MVC 4 in Action" book and trying to get the first example to work. Within my test application, I built a simple Model and created some Views. I then ...
Bick's user avatar
  • 18.3k
10 votes
4 answers

How can I set read-only DB Connection Strings?

I've got a DB connection string that I'm creating in my web.config: <connectionStrings> <add name="DBConn" connectionString="Data Source=<db svr>;Initial Catalog=<...
Mad Halfling's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Can't connect to SQL Azure from app, but can from SSMS

I have a SQL Azure instance set up and can connect to it with no issue from SQL Server Management Studio. However when my app tries to connect, this error occurs: A network-related or instance-...
Alex Angas's user avatar
  • 59.7k
8 votes
3 answers

Changing ELMAH database in code

I have several websites that have separate ELMAH databases. I would like to have one separate website to view all these databases. I've created a new ASP.NET MVC 4 website for this purpose. I've ...
haagel's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

|DataDirectory| returns wrong path to AppData folder

|DataDirectory|, you had one job. |DataDirectory| on IIS7.5 resolves to: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\appname\App_Data That folder does not exist. The correct folder is: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\appname\bin\...
Charles Burns's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

A network-releated or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server

I have a simple mvc web site (using the VS internet template) on azurewebsites talking to a SQL Azure database in the same data center. The database at this time is just to do the built-in ...
Old Geezer's user avatar
  • 15.8k
8 votes
1 answer

How to Change ConnectionStrings at Runtime for a Web API

I hope this is a simple question: How can you change 2 connection strings at runtime in the Global.asax under Application_Start() Web.config <connectionStrings> <add connectionString=...
RoLYroLLs's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Where to place connection string in web.config

My web.config looks like this : <configuration> <configSections> <!-- For more information on Entity Framework configuration, visit
jason's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Connection string in unit test project to reference database in app_data folder

I am looking to reference my database file in my unit test project. This is an ASP.NET MVC app. Please note: I know I should not be accessing the database in my unit tests but this is for a quick fix ...
ddd's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Determine correct connectionString for web publishing for ASP.NET-MVC application

During development of ASP.NET-MVC application on local machine I used this connectionStringwith no problems whatsoever: <connectionStrings> <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString=...
Yoda's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

ELMAH and SQL Server 2008 R2?

I try to run ELMAH with my ASP.NET MVC 2 project but have some problem to get it to work with my SQL Server 2008 R2 database. This is what I have done. Run the dbscript in my database, accidentally ...
Banshee's user avatar
  • 15.7k
6 votes
9 answers

Two .NET projects, one DB connection string?

I have a .NET solution containing two projects: An ASP.NET MVC project, 'Website' A class library, 'Models' The 'Models' project contains a Linq-to-SQL data-context along with a few partial classes ...
Jonathan's user avatar
  • 32.7k
6 votes
3 answers

ASP.NET MVC 5 Azure Website fails to connect to SQL Azure DB on some views due to role based [Authorize] attribute

We have an ASP.NET MVC 5 website, which works fine when we run it locally with Visual Studio. When run locally the website is connected to two SQL Express databases (the AspNetUsers & our Content ...
Smile5.09's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why am I getting "The magic number in GZip header is not correct." error using OWIN auth against Azure SQL

Nothing on Google or SO relates to this specific problem, so asking a new question. I created a brand new Asp.Net MVC Web Application with the standard user-security option. I also created an empty ... Ltd's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

ArgumentException: Keyword not supported: 'server'

I have an MVC5 application and have published it to Microsoft Azure. I first migrated my .mdf files toSql Azure Databases. The database connection string provided in the Azure Portal is not ...
Nauman Zafar's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Limit Connections to Database with Entity Framework C#

I have an Azure database that is limited to 60 concurrent connections. My issue is that I have several crawlers that populate this database to be consumed by our website using Entity Framework. It ...
mscard02's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to get connection string in class library project

In my .net solution, I have two different projects: An MVC core web application project and a class library project. In web application project, database connection string is in appsettings.json file. ...
user7861419's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Reasons for "The network path was not found" in ASP.NET MVC

I made ASP.NET MVC web application, uploaded the files, also the database, but I get the following error when browsing it. The network path was not found I'm using Entity Framework and this is the ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Entity Framework: Illegal characters in path. (Connection String) (MVC3)

I just can't get this thing solved: I'm trying to use the Entity Framework in my MVC3 project. But each time I call Entities context = new Entities(); I receive this error: Illegal characters in ...
reinder's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

When I publish, the content of connectionStrings in Web.Release.config is not copied

I have a connectionString in Web.Debug.config, and another one, different, in Web.Release.config. When I publish my project, the content of Web.Release.config does not appear in the Web.config ...
Fabricio's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Merge aspnetdb.mdf with my own database (automatically generated)

I've searched the internet thoroughly but couldn't find a clear answer to the problem. I have got the aspnet.db database. But i want to add my own tables and data to this database. If i try to connect ...
Cissmayazz's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to update Entity Framework Connection String

I have modified the web.config connection string. However, during debug, I still see the old connection string. So, I have commented (and deleted) out the old connection string but, and added a new ...
aggie's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Injecting connection strings vs IDbConnection

What are the trade-offs for injecting connection strings vs. an instance of IDbConnection? I use StructureMap to inject various services into my ASP.NET MVC application, most of which require ...
Petrus Theron's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

why connection string is not found from my class library to another class library?

I am having the architecture like this : Where MVC layer is the presentation layer. EF is class library and Repository is another class library.I am trying to insert data to database from ...
Red Swan's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. error in MVC 4 application

After deploying my MVC 4 application, I try to register user, get such error: CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. Connection string is : <add name="Market" providerName="...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Enabling Multiple Active Result Sets(MARS) in Entity Framework by connection string

I try to enable MARS(Multiple Active Result Sets) in ASP .NET MVC 5 web applications which uses Entity Framework. I tried to add MultipleActiveResultSets=True to my connection string: <...
Yoda's user avatar
  • 17.9k
3 votes
2 answers

How to read ConnectionString from web.config in MVC3 web Application?

I am working in Razor MVC3. I have created a App_Code folder and make a class in which I want read connection string from web.config and working with database by using this class. I am writing ...
Gaurav Agrawal's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

IIS 7 can't connect to SQLServer 2008

Sorry if this is the most seen question on the web, but this is my turn. I am trying to publish my mvc app on IIS 7 under MS Sql Server 2008. I am on a Windows Server 2008 virtual machine. I ...
Nicolas Cadilhac's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

"The ConnectionString property is invalid." when I know it is valid

I have an ASP.NET MVC application where the database is on an IBM i-Series server. I have the application development close to completion when I started to get a The ConnectionString property is ...
Mike Wills's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

SecurityException thrown on deployment

I have just written an MVC application and got it working in my lab. Now that I've deployed it to GoDaddy, I am getting the following error. Description: The application attempted to perform an ...
Jonathan Wood's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to configure SQL Server to work with ASP.NET MVC with windows authentication?

This is my connection string: <add name="MyDb" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Server=localhost;Data Source=.\MSSQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=MyDb;Integrated security=SSPI;" /&...
ojek's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Using Entity Framework with two seperate database (Development and Production)

So I have been working on a project using Entity Framework 5 in development for a while and it is decided that the code will need to be moved to a production environment. My question is what would be ...
Steven's user avatar
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2 answers

External Control of System or Configuration Setting

(Sorry, if this is a dumb question....) Veracode reports my website has a security issue which relates to use connection string from web.config. Here is my code. Public Function ExecuteScalar(...
NoName's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Learning MVC3, connection string

I'm learning MVC3 by covering the famous MusicStore tutorial The connection string used for EF code first is : <connectionStrings> <add name="...
mishap's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

MVC 3 ASPNETDB.MDF SqlExpress Database Connection String on Web Hosting

I think this is more of a connection string issue that MVC 3, so sorry in advance. I've created a website in MVC 3 with the default database that is created when you register a new user. It works ...
pfeds's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make sql membership provider and entity framework work using my database?

I have .NET MVC 3 project where I use sql membership provider and entity framework. I've created new database on my SQL server and created all objects for membership provider using aspnet_regsql.exe, ...
Burjua's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Creating a Controller for DevOps in .Net Core

I have a database schema known as BigDataOverview. Most of my Application is already connected to a different schema known as AdminDb. I also have a .Net Core Application that is well integrated with ...
Zeliax's user avatar
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Error when opening an sql connection: 'MyConnection.ServerVersion' threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException'

I have seen this problem in many posts, but cannot fix.. I'm trying to connect to a table in my SQL DB, using visual Studio 2015 (C#), and keep on getting an error. This is my code (note: the ...
Abigail's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Connect to a database from Web.Config <appSettings> section C# / MVC

I'm currently connected to a database using Web.Config <connectionStrings> <add name="MVCDatabase" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\...
Jack Allen's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

I can't set up a connection string for ASP.Net MVC v4.0 with standard method of Authentication

Please I need help with this scenario: I want to use the default ASP Membership/Authentication in my MVC app, connected to a VPN. In web.config I setup the connection "MyCustomConnection": <...
Erick Asto Oblitas's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Creating Database Model on ASP.NET MVC with MYSQL

I'm using ASP.NET C# with database MYSQL, I follow this step on creating a database model with Entity Data Model Wizard
ThreadRoar's user avatar
3 votes
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How to set dynamic connection string username and password on ASP.Net MVC when connecting to AS400

I am rewriting an old visual basic 6 application by using ASP.Net MVC. This old app will extract data based on username and password the user entered. It uses the username and password to connect to ...
wadefanyaoxia's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Dynamic database connectionstring based on Identity Claims

I'm adding some 'tenancy' to my web application. My web application uses 2 databases Identity database One tenant specific database (all same schema) The application was built using one static ...
Amigo's user avatar
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