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8 answers

Error: "Could Not Find Installable ISAM"

I've written some VBA code in an Excel workbook to retrieve data from an Access database in the same directory on a desktop. It works fine on my machine and several other machines running Windows XP, ...
cLFlaVA's user avatar
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Excel VBA - connect to sql with a trusted connection (no uid/pwd)

Is there a way to have Excel connect to Sql Server using the current user's network windows authentication (trusted connection/integrated security)? I don't want to rely on a sql login or have a uid/...
notnot's user avatar
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How to set "Application Name" in ADODB connection string

In .NET I simply use Application Name = MyApp inside the connection string, but when using ADO connection through VBA the Activity Monitor of the SQL Server Management Studio always shows Microsoft ...
SysDragon's user avatar
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Microsoft Excel Data Connections - Alter Connection String through VBA

I have a fairly straightforward question. I am trying to find a way to alter and change a connection string for an existing data connection in an excel workbook through VBA (macro code). The main ...
pranavrules's user avatar
7 votes
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Excel Workbook connections field "Last refreshed" always empty

in Excel 2010, under Data-Connections where there is a list of all connections in the workbook, there is a field "Last Refreshed". This field is always empty for me. Microsoft says (http://office....
Petr V.'s user avatar
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Setting an ODBC connection string in VBA

I have created a macro that sends a new CommandText to an ODBC Connection in my Excel spreadsheet and then refreshes the table of results associated with the query. This has been working fine, but I'...
CactusCake's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the default value of IMEX in OLEDB?

string strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + filename + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1\";"; I search on google, and got no results. I think the default ...
Bao's user avatar
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Excel Data Connection Locks Access DB, Prevents Second Connection's Refresh

I have two data connections to different queries in the same Access DB. The second one always fails (regardless of which I run first). When I look at the database, I notice that it has a lock file, ...
Aaron Contreras's user avatar
5 votes
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MSOLEDBSQL Causes Error 3706: Provider Cannot Be Found

A client has for many years been using an Excel VBA application to interact with a SQL database. Recently the database has been upgraded from TLS 1.0 to TLS 1.2, which caused the connection from VBA ...
BDra's user avatar
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3 answers

Read an in-memory Excel file (byte array) with ADO.NET?

I want to use to extract some data from an Excel file. This process is pretty well documented on the internet. My catch is that my file has been uploaded by a user, and so exists only as a ...
Jack Ryan's user avatar
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Connection string for SQL Server 2014 Express (VBA)

I am trying figure out what needs to go in the connection string for SQL server via VBA. This is the code I have right now, Sub ConnectSqlServer() Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ...
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Find locations where connections are used Excel VBA

I have a raft of Excel 2013 workbooks that I have to refine, each with multiple sheets and multiple data connections and I am looking for a quick way to list: connection name connection string ...
Kyle Gorf's user avatar
4 votes
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ADO - how to select column from xls file where two or more columns have the same name?

I have an excel file like this: | | A | B | C | D | | 1 | Name 1 | Name 2 | Name 3 | Name 2 | | 2 | Data | Data | Data | Data | | 3 | Data | Data | Data | ...
Wodzu's user avatar
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OleDb Connection not reading all the rows from excel file

I am using an OleDb in C# connection to read data from an Excel sheet. And fill it in a Datatable. The sheet contains 275 rows and 27 columns. After I read it, Rows 1,2 and 3 are empty. All the other ...
Y2theZ's user avatar
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Oracle ODBC TNS-less connection string (for 64-bit Excel)

Is there a 64-bit Oracle ODBC driver that supports TNS-less connection (or EZ-Connect) convention? I used to use "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" which allowed a TNS-less connection string, but that has ...
Josh's user avatar
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Excel VBA; Updating a connection string

I'm just trying to get VBA to update an OLEDB connection string. When I step through the code, I don't get any errors but the connection refresh fails and when I examine the connection string in the ...
Dominic's user avatar
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Which provider should I select to connect to Excel version 11 through AdoConnection?

I need to connect to Excel table through TADOConnection, and I don't know what to write into the ConnectionString property. For Excel Version 8 I use Jet, for 12 I use ACE, what about 11? And how ...
Tofig Hasanov's user avatar
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Excel internal database connection

I built a data entry UserForm to populate a worksheet that will serve as the raw database. The raw data requires further manipulation and analysis in order to be reported, so I set up a database ...
406LQE's user avatar
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Prevent opening data sources Read-only when refreshing pivot table with external connection

Normally I have all my questions answerred with topics from Stack Overflow, but now I ran into some difficulty to which I cannot find me a working answer. Brief explanation what I am trying to ...
Niels's user avatar
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Excel Data Connection to Active Directory [closed]

I want to create a data connection in excel-2007 that pulls the result of an active-directory query into a sheet in my workbook. I see that I can do this with VBA but I agree with Rob here that it ...
harvest316's user avatar
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ADODB Connection String for .csv

I want to process .csv files with ADODB in Excel VBA. I tried a few strings found on web, but none of them seems to work. I'm getting file path using: strVFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("CSV (*....
Jandrejc's user avatar
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Excel macro to change external data query connections - e.g. point from one database to another

I'm looking for a macro/vbs to update all the external data query connections to point at a different server or database. This is a pain to do manually and in versions of Excel before 2007 it ...
Rory's user avatar
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We try to test the simple Import from Excel File saved on a shared path on a server into a SQL Table. I created the Excel Connection Manager for the Excel source file 97-2003, First row has column ...
Pirvu Georgian's user avatar
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Attempting to connect to Excel spreadsheet in C#

I am trying to pull a bunch of data from a spreadsheet, however I am not able to make a successful connection in my C# code. B Below is the connection string and the code that I am using to make the ...
NealR's user avatar
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ODBC connection string for multi-tenant HANA database

What will be the connection string that can be used in EXCEL VBA to connect to multi-tenant HANA database ? Currently I am using the string mentioned below but getting 10709 error:- connectionstring =...
Deepak Tiwary's user avatar
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IcCube Excel Xmla opens one session (connection) per PivotTable

We have produced some Excel files using Xmla Pivot Tables against Iccube schemas. Everything is working well except the fact that we noticed : Each Pivot Table on a single file (even single worksheet ...
Bertrand Miot's user avatar
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Excel VBA to parse SQL Connection Strings

I have an Excel VBA that connects to a SQL DB using the connection strings, but I would like to know if it's possible to parse into the connection string from a cell? For instance, if I have SQLSVR1\...
Tim F's user avatar
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Speeding up refresh time for multiple PivotTables using a single external OLAP cube

I have an Office Data Connection (ODC) pointed at an OLAP cube stored on our company's server. The connection string is fairly straightforward: Provider=MSOLAP.6;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist ...
vbevan's user avatar
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C# Excel INSERT Error using OleDb and the Access Database Engine

All, there are many question on this subject but none solve my problem. I have written a fairly involved routine to export a passed DataSet/DataTable to Excel (I have Office 2010 running under Win7) ...
MoonKnight's user avatar
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Catastrophic Failure EXCEL VBA - error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)'

I am struggling to find relevant information on the 'run-time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)' - Catastrophic Failure' I am experiencing. Sub GenerateAIA_Click() Dim SQL_query, SQL_syntax, DB_path,...
rickydinataa's user avatar
2 votes
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Excel-to-Excel data connection gives limited SQL options

I'm mainly an Excel user and only dabble into the techie/programming sides of things when I need to, so assume I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to all these data links, but: On a number of ...
psymann's user avatar
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How to enable reading C# Excel files on IIS (reading them locally on the machine where IIS is running works fine)?

Got a problem with reading Excel files in C# The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine., same for 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'. that only occurs when I run my app on ...
Yulia V's user avatar
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Does anyone know the .net odbc driver connection string for excel 2003's xml spreadsheets?

I know this has a certain "send me teh codes" quality, but the internet has really been letting me down on this one. I have an excel file in excel 2003's xml format that I want to attach an odbc ...
Electrons_Ahoy's user avatar
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excel connection string - relative path

I have a connection string in an Excel Spreadsheet that links to other spreadsheets. All works well. However, the file and directory are written as absolute. Can this be relative? There are two files ...
Graeme Townsend's user avatar
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Connections strings used for different versions of Excel in ASP.Net

I have created a system in ASP.Net to merge multiple excel files into one. The different connection strings that I used for this are as follows switch (Extension) { case ".xls": //Excel ...
Hanumendra's user avatar
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Do I need to install drivers to connect to remote MYSQL database from Excel 2010 via VBA?

I am trying to build an application for my team the connects to a mysql database in Excel through vba. Below is my code to connect to the mysql database but when it runs it returns the following error:...
Jason's user avatar
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Connecting to remote mySQL via Excel VBA

Likely a dumb question but brain isn't piecing this together--- tl;dr: My main question is how do I choose the right parameters for my connection string? How do I determine what my driver should be? ...
Lee's user avatar
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MySQL to Excel VBA

I used following: Excel 2013 MySQL version is 5.0.67 Windows 8 64 bit When I connect MySQL via excel VBA (I do not need ODBC connection),I got the following error. Error Description: [Microsoft][...
mclyvin's user avatar
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Change Connection String via code [closed]

I have 9 sheets that connect to different tables in teradata, each time i have to enter my user name and password to refresh and get new set of data. could someone please advice how do i write a VBA ...
icurious's user avatar
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Excel connection string for Excel created on Mac

I've been looking everywhere for the answer to this question. I have a working application that imports Excel files using Microsoft.Jet.OleDB. Now it seems that when a user on a Mac uploads an Excel ...
Steven Lemmens's user avatar
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How to specify "Service Name" in Oracle ODBC connection string

I have an Excel macro that has an Oracle database connection. When I call the macro, it fills out user name and password but not service name. User has to enter service name manually every time. How ...
Ned's user avatar
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Coded UI Unit Test Excel Connection String Not Working

I am trying to use coded ui with dynamic data from an excel spreadsheet (xlsx). There seems to be an issue with my DataSource attribute. I get an error saying failed to connect to datasource. Here ...
user1786107's user avatar
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Excel VBA Connect to IBM Db2

Currently, I'm trying to query a Db2 instance from VBA but am having hard time finding proper documentation or previous stack questions that provide complete answers. When I run the below, I receive ...
Kubie's user avatar
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ODBC xlsx driver connectionstring without header

I am connecting to xlsx files via ODBC with following command: "DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb);HDR=YES;IMEX=1;READONLY=TRUE;DBQ=C:\Temp\test.xlsx" It works fine but I ...
Wurzelbert's user avatar
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Excel macro displays Type Mismatch error after upgrade to Office365

My macro works fine on a laptop with Windows 10 and Excel 2010. It also used to work fine on my desktop with Windows 10 and Excel 2010. Once my desktop got upgraded to Office 365, the macro throws a ...
Shaves's user avatar
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IMEX=1 seems to have no effect

I use ADODB to pull data from Excel file to another Excel file without opening the source. I have a strong suspicion that the IMEX=1 parameter is not accepted in my connection. I start my connection ...
ZygD's user avatar
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Change connection to external data source

I have an Excel 2013 file which shows data from an external DB2 database. The DB2 database has moved and I would like to change connection information to point to the new IP of the database. How do I ...
user3165854's user avatar
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Reading excel data when the file is open

Few days back I asked a question but could not find enough answers. I analyzed the problem a bit more and decided to create a new thread. If I should have not, let me know or close the question. I ...
Sandy's user avatar
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Importing Excel into DataGridView

I'm making a program where two databases are merged together.... I can import an excel spreadsheet into a DataGridView with this code: string connectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4....
Luke Hottinger's user avatar
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Problem with OleDbConnection string - folder name contain white space

I have problem with OleDbConnection string format. I use OleDb classes on access to Excel file. Here is method wich load excel table to dataset. public DataSet LoadExcelFileToDataSet(string ...
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