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18 votes
1 answer

ODBC problems in SQL 2000 --> 2005 Upgrade

This wiki post outlines both a problem and a solution. I wanted to post this for others that may be having similar problems, as I couldn't find anything specifically to solve this problem elsewhere. ...
15 votes
1 answer

What's the Option=N in the MySQL ODBC connection string?

I have seen both Option=3 and Option=4 in connection string samples for MySQL ODBC but no explanation or documentation. What do those numbers mean?
hawbsl's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

pyodbc + MySQL + Windows: Data source name not found and no default driver specified

I am trying to connect to MySQL 5.6 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 localhost with pyodbc. I used the full installation for the MySQL instance on the localhost, including the ODBC connector. I have it ...
sct.chang's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

SQL SERVER ODBC ERROR(Invalid object name) but when I add in SQL query mydb.dbo.mytable all works fine

I have an old 1 project (it works fine on old server, mytable exist in db. Now I am trying to upgrade it to 4 My connection string is: <add key="SqlConnection" value="DRIVER=...
John's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

DSN to connectionstring?

We've got an ASP.NET website that uses a database that we want to be able to use a connectionstring to get to. We've successfully set up a DSN for connecting to this DB, but I can't seem to discover ...
Beska's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

With VBA, find the version of the MySQL ODBC driver installed in Windows

Using Visual Basic for Applications, how can I find out which version of the MySQL ODBC driver is installed in Windows on a user's machine? I have a Microsoft Access application that uses the MySQL ...
Ben McCormack's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

ODBC ConnectionString

I have written a program in C# to pull some data using OdbcConnection : using System.Data.Odbc; ...... OdbcConnection OdbcConn = new OdbcConnection(Properties.Settings.Default....
saiful's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

"Data source name not found and no default driver specified" error

I'm getting an error like ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified when publish the website. If I'm running the website from ...
Able Alias's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Microsoft Excel Data Connections - Alter Connection String through VBA

I have a fairly straightforward question. I am trying to find a way to alter and change a connection string for an existing data connection in an excel workbook through VBA (macro code). The main ...
pranavrules's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Setting an ODBC connection string in VBA

I have created a macro that sends a new CommandText to an ODBC Connection in my Excel spreadsheet and then refreshes the table of results associated with the query. This has been working fine, but I'...
CactusCake's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Connection timeout in ODBC

I know that I can set the connection timeout for MS SQL Server when using ADO or OLE DB, by adding Connect Timeout=somevalue to the connection string. This doesn't seem to work for ODBC connections ...
Cobus Kruger's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Generating a Connection String in C#

I'm trying to write an application that will let users connect to an arbitrary database, assuming they have the proper ODBC drivers. However, I'm getting stuck on the connection strings. For any ...
Randy Miller's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Connecting MS Access to PostgreSQL Server

I'm having trouble with connecting to our postgres server. I was given the code used to connect ms access to our SQL Server. It shall be DSN-less, I have installed an ODBC-driver and now I'm stuck ...
Puddingloeffel's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

(Maybe) Illegal character in ODBC SQL Server Connection String PWD=

According to what I have researched there are no illegal characters in the PWD= field of a SQL Server Connection String. However, using SQL Server Express 2008 I changed the SA password to a GUID, ...
Neil Weicher's user avatar
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3 votes
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Oracle ODBC TNS-less connection string (for 64-bit Excel)

Is there a 64-bit Oracle ODBC driver that supports TNS-less connection (or EZ-Connect) convention? I used to use "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" which allowed a TNS-less connection string, but that has ...
Josh's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What is the ConnectionString to create a OdbcConnection for an access mdb file

I want to connect from c# to an Access MDB file by using Odbc. When I try to execute OdbcConnection con = new OdbcConnection( "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=c:\\temp\\test.mdb;"); ...
marc40000's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

odbc connection string dosen't work on windows 7

I use ODBC connection for my application (controlpanel -> administrativetools -> odbc -> DSN) to sql server 2008, and windows authentication it works perfect on windows xp, but now I run it on ...
Mahsa's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

DSN-Less connection in VBA to two different iSeries LPARS generates Error 3011 to one of them

This question is not about dsn-less connection strings in MS Access per se (which I can build successfully). The following string worked just fine last week when connecting to our iSeries from MS ...
Mack Robers's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What connection string to use to read sqlite db from powerpivot using SQLite ODBC driver

I'd like to import that data contained in a sqlite file to PowerPivot. I downloaded an ODBC driver for sqlite ( to accomplish this. In PowerPivot I selected "Home" >...
Tristan Boudreault's user avatar
2 votes
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How to set connection string for all developers?

We are working with the Entity Framework, and most of the developers have named instances of SQL Server 2008 R2. The connection strings that EF uses look like: <add name="MyConnectionString" ...
Peter K.'s user avatar
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Have you ever had this error?

microsoft visual studio opens my table using dataset designer but i cannot open my table using the same connectionstring. my database is DBase IV. and this is the connectionstring Driver={...
Behrooz's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Simplest way to get ADO.NET connection string for mdb database

I'm learning ADO.NET and have been stuck for DAYS trying to get a connection string for a plain, vanilla .mdb database. I've been trying potential connection strings and permutations but NOTHING works;...
UserX's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

SQLAlchemy create_engine connection string with Microsoft ODBC datasource User DSN

Does anyone know how to pass connection string into create_engine function? I use Window and has a ODBC datasource with DSN that set up by IT department. My ODBC DSN connects to Postgres database. ...
Prut Udomwattawee's user avatar
2 votes
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Oracle Ole DB drivers won't work: ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a'

I've installed three of the client packages on Windows Server 2008 Standard but still cannot open a connection because of the error "Provider not found". All of these packages are for 64bit. ...
Nime Cloud's user avatar
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ODBC 5.1 connection string for MySQL with read-only access

I have read-access to a MySQL database and am trying to connect to it via the MySql ODBC 5.1 driver. I'm getting an authorization failure (401) from the server. The administrator set up my access as ...
Adrian Wible's user avatar
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2 votes
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Does anyone know the .net odbc driver connection string for excel 2003's xml spreadsheets?

I know this has a certain "send me teh codes" quality, but the internet has really been letting me down on this one. I have an excel file in excel 2003's xml format that I want to attach an odbc ...
Electrons_Ahoy's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How to use special charactes in psqlodbc driver password

In Postgres psqlodbc driver using special characters in connection string password like sqlstringconnect('DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode};PWD=pü') or in url encoded form sqlstringconnect('DRIVER={...
Andrus's user avatar
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2 votes
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excel connection string - relative path

I have a connection string in an Excel Spreadsheet that links to other spreadsheets. All works well. However, the file and directory are written as absolute. Can this be relative? There are two files ...
Graeme Townsend's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

connection string for classic asp application using odbc 11 for sql server

We have a classic asp application, we lost connection with the database. In application server we are able to connect to database only through odbc driver 11 for sql server. Have tried other native ...
Sireesha's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

ODBC Connection String to Amazon Redshift

Is there a way to specify in a connection string the settings of 'Additional Options' ? I am trying to create a connection string for accessing Amazon Redshift from SAS with SAS/Access to OleDb ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Using System Datasource instead of User Datasource as ODBC Connectionstring

OdbcConnection DbConnection = null; try { DbConnection = new OdbcConnection( "Driver=SQL Anywhere 10;" + "Uid=user;" + "pwd=...
trampi's user avatar
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1 vote
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What is the methodology for using SQL Native Client Transparent Client Redirect and mirroring?

I've never used mirroring, clustering or other failover techniques. But am investigating how easy it is to adapt my DAL so that SQLNativeClient transparent client redirect will work for us if my ...
GilesDMiddleton's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to specify "Service Name" in Oracle ODBC connection string

I have an Excel macro that has an Oracle database connection. When I call the macro, it fills out user name and password but not service name. User has to enter service name manually every time. How ...
Ned's user avatar
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PostgreSQL ODBC (psqlodbc) Statement Timeout on ODBC Connection

I'm accessing a Postgres database via an ODBC connection string in an old program (HotDocs Document Assembly). This is the only way to access databases in HotDocs I keep getting an error with a query ...
user2437443's user avatar
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1 answer

Isn't it possible to authenticate into a DBMS through ODBC without having to specify the user credentials in the connection string?

I'm trying to log into a SQL Server database through ODBC (the DSN is well configured) but when I try to make the connection in .NET it keeps me asking for the user credentials that I already saved in ...
Juan Diego's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to set ODBC connection string for adaptive server anywhere network server in C#

I have a adaptive server anywhere network server(version 7.0),it's name is "TestServer". Now, Client want to connect this server using OdbcConnetion in DOTNET,How to set the connection string ?
guaike's user avatar
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1 answer

Connection String for Ms Access in ADF Linked Service

I have been trying to create MS Access Database Linked Service in Azure Data Factory. The format I have been using is Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=\\server\share\folder\myAccessFile....
Azure Cloud Enthusiast's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

ODBC xlsx driver connectionstring without header

I am connecting to xlsx files via ODBC with following command: "DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb);HDR=YES;IMEX=1;READONLY=TRUE;DBQ=C:\Temp\test.xlsx" It works fine but I ...
Wurzelbert's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Data source name not found and no default driver specified

I am getting this error when I try to insert record in db. Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005' [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default ...
sara's user avatar
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Redshift ODBC 64-bit driver error

My system has both 32-bit and 64-bit Redshift ODBC drivers installed. It shows up in the ODBC Data Sources under System DSN tab. However, only 32-bit driver shows up in the Drivers tab. Also, when I ...
Supriya's user avatar
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Strange Thing: getting error if using SQLOLEDB instead of ODBC in connection string

BACKGROUND: Our Classic ASP & SQL Server based application was working perfectly with ODBC connection string. However, after a recent windows update, application went DOWN, application was ...
jaczjill's user avatar
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DSN-less connection to mysql server in ms-access not remembering user name and password

For ease of distribution I want all the mysql linked tables to be DSN-less. I also want to be able to relink the tables to a different server easily (for test purposes), so I'm doing the link setup in ...
David's user avatar
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How do I connect from Azure Data Factory to a Firebird/InterBase (Syntess) database?

In ADF, I have created a pipeline. The source is an ODBC table or query. The next step is to create a Linked Service. The Integration Runtime has been created and selected as you can see below. Now ...
MeanGreen's user avatar
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Retrieve password connection string Microsoft access ODBC

I have an old Microsoft Access program for old client in my company and they forget the connection string. I have linked tables to SQL server database using ODBC - can I retrieve username and password?...
Ibrahim wahbi's user avatar
1 vote
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ODBC Connection to Access 2016 Failing from Python with pyodbc

My code: connection_string = (r'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=C:\\Users\\Bob-Admin\\Documents\\MyDatabase.accdb;') cnxn = pyodbc.connect(connection_string, autocommit=True) ...
Justin's user avatar
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How to connect to a Filemaker Database with ODBC?

I'm trying to find out how to connect to a FileMaker Pro 9 Database file (*.fp7) with ODBC. I followed the manual and installed the ODBC driver which now shows up as "DataDirect 32bit SequeLink 5.5". ...
Askaga's user avatar
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Cognos: Connect to PostgreSQL by ODBC

I am trying to connect to a PostgreSQL database on my cognos framework manager. Since there is no default connection for this, i'm trying to connect by ODBC. But what is the connection string here? I ...
Tjekkles's user avatar
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Perl ODBC connection without password

I want my Perl script to use ODBC connection string to connect to DB. This works fine with code below. But I also want it to use username+password that I have entered into the ODBC connection. I don't ...
Tedd Hansen's user avatar
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Provide a URI as a parameter for an ODBC or OleDB provider connection string?

Is there any way of specifying a URI (rather than a physical path) as the "Data Source" parameter in an OleDB connection string, or the "Dbq" parameter in an ODBC connection string, such that the ...
womp's user avatar
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password with special characters in odbc connection string in R

Some of my shiny app users can not login to the database via app but they could from their windows machine via SQL management studio. I'm using the odbc package to create the connection string like : ...
Haribo's user avatar
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