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42 votes
8 answers

Error: "Could Not Find Installable ISAM"

I've written some VBA code in an Excel workbook to retrieve data from an Access database in the same directory on a desktop. It works fine on my machine and several other machines running Windows XP, ...
cLFlaVA's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How to securely store Connection String details in VBA

I have an Excel Template that has hardcoded Ms Access MDB path in the VBA code used to connect to the Access tables and save, retrieve data. I migrated the MS Access Database over to SQL Server with ...
Shiva's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Excel VBA - connect to sql with a trusted connection (no uid/pwd)

Is there a way to have Excel connect to Sql Server using the current user's network windows authentication (trusted connection/integrated security)? I don't want to rely on a sql login or have a uid/...
notnot's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

With VBA, find the version of the MySQL ODBC driver installed in Windows

Using Visual Basic for Applications, how can I find out which version of the MySQL ODBC driver is installed in Windows on a user's machine? I have a Microsoft Access application that uses the MySQL ...
Ben McCormack's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to set "Application Name" in ADODB connection string

In .NET I simply use Application Name = MyApp inside the connection string, but when using ADO connection through VBA the Activity Monitor of the SQL Server Management Studio always shows Microsoft ...
SysDragon's user avatar
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7 votes
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Microsoft Excel Data Connections - Alter Connection String through VBA

I have a fairly straightforward question. I am trying to find a way to alter and change a connection string for an existing data connection in an excel workbook through VBA (macro code). The main ...
pranavrules's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Setting an ODBC connection string in VBA

I have created a macro that sends a new CommandText to an ODBC Connection in my Excel spreadsheet and then refreshes the table of results associated with the query. This has been working fine, but I'...
CactusCake's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

MSOLEDBSQL Causes Error 3706: Provider Cannot Be Found

A client has for many years been using an Excel VBA application to interact with a SQL database. Recently the database has been upgraded from TLS 1.0 to TLS 1.2, which caused the connection from VBA ...
BDra's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Connection string for SQL Server 2014 Express (VBA)

I am trying figure out what needs to go in the connection string for SQL server via VBA. This is the code I have right now, Sub ConnectSqlServer() Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Find locations where connections are used Excel VBA

I have a raft of Excel 2013 workbooks that I have to refine, each with multiple sheets and multiple data connections and I am looking for a quick way to list: connection name connection string ...
Kyle Gorf's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Excel VBA; Updating a connection string

I'm just trying to get VBA to update an OLEDB connection string. When I step through the code, I don't get any errors but the connection refresh fails and when I examine the connection string in the ...
Dominic's user avatar
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Excel internal database connection

I built a data entry UserForm to populate a worksheet that will serve as the raw database. The raw data requires further manipulation and analysis in order to be reported, so I set up a database ...
406LQE's user avatar
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Excel Data Connection to Active Directory [closed]

I want to create a data connection in excel-2007 that pulls the result of an active-directory query into a sheet in my workbook. I see that I can do this with VBA but I agree with Rob here that it ...
harvest316's user avatar
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3 answers

ADODB Connection String for .csv

I want to process .csv files with ADODB in Excel VBA. I tried a few strings found on web, but none of them seems to work. I'm getting file path using: strVFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("CSV (*....
Jandrejc's user avatar
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Provider cannot be found on Windows 7 64 bit

I am trying to run our very old application on Windows 7 64 bit. In this application we use our do template in which there are a Visual Basic scripts. I have a problem with database provider. This is ...
matyyyy's user avatar
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3 answers

Excel macro to change external data query connections - e.g. point from one database to another

I'm looking for a macro/vbs to update all the external data query connections to point at a different server or database. This is a pain to do manually and in versions of Excel before 2007 it ...
Rory's user avatar
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2 answers

Connection string for opening linked table Access -> SQL server (vba)

I've been looking for the answer as there are many similar questions, but haven´t found this particular case. I have an SQL server, and an Access File (front-end). This Access file has linked tables, ...
Pete's user avatar
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1 answer

ODBC connection string for multi-tenant HANA database

What will be the connection string that can be used in EXCEL VBA to connect to multi-tenant HANA database ? Currently I am using the string mentioned below but getting 10709 error:- connectionstring =...
Deepak Tiwary's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

TableDefs.Connect missing semicolon: "ODBCDRIVER=" instead of "ODBC;DRIVER="

Just noticed this morning that when I try to get the connection string from a SQL Server linked table in VBA, it starts with "ODBCDRIVER=" instead of "ODBC;DRIVER=". I am getting ...
Brenda's user avatar
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Microsoft Access: connecting to SQL Server via Active Directory username and password Trusted_Connection=no

I have a Microsoft Access Application which generates a connection string like: Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=servername;Database=db_name;Trusted_Connection=yes; This works without any problem. What I ...
John's user avatar
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2 answers

Excel VBA to parse SQL Connection Strings

I have an Excel VBA that connects to a SQL DB using the connection strings, but I would like to know if it's possible to parse into the connection string from a cell? For instance, if I have SQLSVR1\...
Tim F's user avatar
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1 answer

Speeding up refresh time for multiple PivotTables using a single external OLAP cube

I have an Office Data Connection (ODC) pointed at an OLAP cube stored on our company's server. The connection string is fairly straightforward: Provider=MSOLAP.6;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist ...
vbevan's user avatar
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2 answers

Catastrophic Failure EXCEL VBA - error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)'

I am struggling to find relevant information on the 'run-time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)' - Catastrophic Failure' I am experiencing. Sub GenerateAIA_Click() Dim SQL_query, SQL_syntax, DB_path,...
rickydinataa's user avatar
2 votes
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Connection to two (or more) sharepoint lists with ADODB

I can connect to a SharePoint list with ADODB this way : Dim objCon As New ADODB.Connection objCon.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;WSS;IMEX=2;RetrieveIds=Yes;DATABASE=mysite/documents;LIST={...
Steeve's user avatar
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Do I need to install drivers to connect to remote MYSQL database from Excel 2010 via VBA?

I am trying to build an application for my team the connects to a mysql database in Excel through vba. Below is my code to connect to the mysql database but when it runs it returns the following error:...
Jason's user avatar
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Connecting to remote mySQL via Excel VBA

Likely a dumb question but brain isn't piecing this together--- tl;dr: My main question is how do I choose the right parameters for my connection string? How do I determine what my driver should be? ...
Lee's user avatar
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MySQL to Excel VBA

I used following: Excel 2013 MySQL version is 5.0.67 Windows 8 64 bit When I connect MySQL via excel VBA (I do not need ODBC connection),I got the following error. Error Description: [Microsoft][...
mclyvin's user avatar
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1 answer

Change Connection String via code [closed]

I have 9 sheets that connect to different tables in teradata, each time i have to enter my user name and password to refresh and get new set of data. could someone please advice how do i write a VBA ...
icurious's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to specify "Service Name" in Oracle ODBC connection string

I have an Excel macro that has an Oracle database connection. When I call the macro, it fills out user name and password but not service name. User has to enter service name manually every time. How ...
Ned's user avatar
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Excel VBA Connect to IBM Db2

Currently, I'm trying to query a Db2 instance from VBA but am having hard time finding proper documentation or previous stack questions that provide complete answers. When I run the below, I receive ...
Kubie's user avatar
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Connect to MySQL database from VBA without having MySQL installed

I can connect to a remote MySQL db from an Excel workbook on my machine no problem using the following connection string: Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=server;Database=database;user=user;...
Lunatik's user avatar
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Excel macro displays Type Mismatch error after upgrade to Office365

My macro works fine on a laptop with Windows 10 and Excel 2010. It also used to work fine on my desktop with Windows 10 and Excel 2010. Once my desktop got upgraded to Office 365, the macro throws a ...
Shaves's user avatar
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Oracle VBA connection string

How does one properly establish a connection string for integrating a macro-enabled PowerPoint to be able to query an Oracle database? I have seen many old youtube videos and online tutorials ...
421's user avatar
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VBA Test Sql Connection String is Correct w/ Time Out

Trying to test a connection using the code below which works fine. However, when it encounters a invalid/bad connection string it takes a long time to return the error message that it cannot connect. ...
ptownbro's user avatar
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IMEX=1 seems to have no effect

I use ADODB to pull data from Excel file to another Excel file without opening the source. I have a strong suspicion that the IMEX=1 parameter is not accepted in my connection. I start my connection ...
ZygD's user avatar
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VBA: Query With Excel Tables as the Datasource

I want to query the table, which consists of a named range, from VBA using SQL. name id Alpha 1 Beta 2 Gamma 3 I want to perform a query like, select Name from table1 where id =3 in VBA Can someone ...
Sr7's user avatar
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vb access database password

how can one create a password on a visual basic access database when you have a vb datagrid
user avatar
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"dbo_" Missing From DNS-Less Connected Tables

I've had a DNS-less connection to my SQL Servers for years... but all of a sudden some (not all) of the tables are coming across WITHOUT the "dbo_" in the table name. I need the "dbo_&...
Stormer's user avatar
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1 answer

How to modify the existing SQL connection in excel workbook using c# and then refresh the data

I have Excel file which has SQL connection in workbook to fetch the data from SQL Server, I want to update the connection string using c# program but I am unable to get to the connection string value ...
ironman's user avatar
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Query data from SQL to MS Access: Local Tables vs Pass-Through Tables

I've created an application that uses the following logic to query data from SQL to my MS Access App. Using an ODBC connection I execute a stored procedure Using This is assigned as a Pass-Through ...
Justin's user avatar
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Connection string passing all values as text

I'm struggling with importing data into excel sheet from text file with header line Values in the text file are separated with tab, therefore I had to create Schema.ini file, which is saved in the ...
HogoFogo's user avatar
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Export from Excel to SQL: Login Failed for User

I'm trying to create a function within Excel that will write data to my remote SQL Server database with a click of a button. However, I keep getting an error telling me that that my login failed for ...
MBt93's user avatar
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Excel 2010 VBA/ADO connection error with XL source and text output

I am using Excel 2010 with a macro to access another daily spreadsheet to pull data for forming an FTP file of records. The specific problem I am having is a runtime connection error. The error I am ...
Jim Snyder's user avatar
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Read SQL Server query for ADODB.Connection from external file or from variable

I have this Excel VBA code: Sub ConnectSqlServer() Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim sConnString As String Dim query As String ' Create the connection ...
user3412266's user avatar
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VBA machine info and/or drivers available

We have some code in VBA that uses a connection string to open an MDB. We have found that the connection string has to change depending on the machine - it seems that .Jet.4 is no longer available on ...
Maury Markowitz's user avatar
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Calling a sql stored procedure from excel using a service account in the connection string

I am having a hard time calling a stored procedure in SQL using service account credentials in my excel application. I am specifying the userid and password in the connection string in the following ...
Kunal's user avatar
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ADO Recordset Not Returning Field Value With DSN; Does with Connection String

I have the following Function: Function downloadsqltoexcel(conn As ADODB.Connection, sSQL As String, exceldestinationrangename As String, sqltablename As String, bDownload As Boolean, Optional ws As ...
Scott Holtzman's user avatar
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Excel VBA Connection to Oracle

I am trying to connect to Oracle XE 11.2 using VBA and Excel. Oracle is installed on the same machine as Excel. I have also installed the 32 bit client tools. I have tried various methods found online ...
Scott Hanebutt's user avatar
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Excel External Data Connection crashing on other users

I have a tool.xlsx file that uses external data connection to Access DB (both are on a network drive, available to users with proper access rights). I have a vbscript (code below) that refreshes all ...
Adrian Chrostowski's user avatar
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Excel function with ADODB connection string to Access database

I've created below Excel function which connects to an access database with ADODB (approx 10k lines). It generally works but there are two main issues: It is unreliable: often it returns 0 while the ...
Andrew's user avatar
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