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Questions tagged [date]

A date is a reference to a particular day represented within a calendar system, and consists of year, month and day. Use for questions about creating, manipulating and storing date information. Use with any relevant language tags.

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MySQL: Date String to Date to Month coming back as Null

The dates in this database are in the form of a string, and in this format: "1/5/2019" I can use this query to convert the string dates to a date: SELECT STR_TO_DATE(`date`, '%m/%d/%Y') ...
John Beasley's user avatar
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ColdFusion Oracle 12c Two Year date defaulting to 1900s instead of 2000s

I have a form with a number of date fields in it. input tag - cfinput type="text" name="orientation_date" value="#dateFormat(getData.orientation_date,'mm/dd/yyyy')#" ...
Michelle H's user avatar
-1 votes
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Format date from YYYYMMDD to YYMMDD in Javascript

I have this code which shows the year in YYYYMMDD format. I would like the output to be in YYMMDD format. Basically to replace 2014 to 14 only. let date = new Date(); let timeNow = new Date(date....
Elaine Byene's user avatar
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When given date and time of clocked work hours, how do I extract hours for weekdays and weekends? [closed]

What excel formula can be applied to essentially extract or isolate hours on weekdays and weekends when given date and time...and weekday hours roll into the weekend? This is in effort to solve ...
Fin Lin's user avatar
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PowerBI line chart by month

I want to create a line chart that summarizes a percentage by month. The table has a column of type Date like 7/11/24 and a column of No/Yes to compute the percentage of Yes's out of the total. ...
qwr's user avatar
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Date Object time zone in Javascript [closed]

Knowing that in JavaScript the Date constructors and methods are affected by the client’s local time zone, and therefore, creating a Date object using user input data will reflect the client’s local ...
Es Noguera's user avatar
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pandas/python: Seperate Date and Timestamp and delete duplicates

I have a data set that date and timestamp of createddate and closeddate is in 1 column: CreatedDate ClosedDate 1/1/2023 0:00 1/13/2023 12:43 1/1/2023 ...
Jerry Fany's user avatar
-2 votes
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Extract Month from time column 2024-06-30 [duplicate]

I have a data frame in using the R language with a "date" column YYYY-MM-DD and I want to extract the month and create a new column in my data frame named "month" with just the ...
Jon Bellino's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Merge data with overlapping dates in oracle

I have data in 2 tables and I need to split/and merge the data from table1 based on the data in table2 by looking for any overlaps in both. Can anybody provide tips to get this done in oracle? Table1:...
U12's user avatar
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getting the latest date for a a duplicated item in r [closed]

I have the following dataset (below). I am trying to get the latest SEnd value for each individual tag (see Desired output) where I have the Tag, Owner and the latest SEnd date only. Essentially I am ...
pat's user avatar
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How do I disable any kind of automatic conversion into excel when using xlwings?

When using xlwings, I want to, for example, write the string "4 / 5" into excel. However, if I write. sheet[0,0].value = "4 / 5" I get: string converted to date I do not want to ...
Gustav K's user avatar
-6 votes
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how to extract the local time and year when given a UTC time in milliseconds and the timezoneOffset?

In javascript, one is given: UTC milliseconds since 1970 timezoneOffset of the local timezone From the above, how to extract the local time and year implied by the timezoneOffset?
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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MySQL Date Column Index (NO Datetime)

I have a table with a date column (NO datetime, date only), which I always use to retrieve information by YEAR using BETWEEN. I was wondering if it's more efficient (and faster) to add a column to ...
Outhrics's user avatar
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On R Identify when a qualitative variable changes from one value to another

On the x-axis I have dates and for each date I have a qualitative variable (colour). I would like to create on R a new df with the date on which my variable changes (e.g. the date from which I turn ...
Pauline Lefranc's user avatar
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Error: Unable to convert "Invalid Date" into a date in angular

html: <div class="form-group"> <nz-date-picker class="mt-2" formControlName="obsolete_date" [nzDisabledDate]="disabledDate" *ngIf="...
Shawn's user avatar
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Highlight a date in JavaFX DatePicker and use that value

I am trying to highlight a date when I click on it on the calendar part of JavaFX datepicker, once highlighted I want to get the value of that date to use it further (as an example let’s say I want to ...
javanewbie's user avatar
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Exclude dates not within specific ranges from a user-selected date range in node.js?

I have an array of multiple start and end date ranges and a user-selected start and end date range. I need to exclude the dates from the user-selected range that do not exist within the specified date ...
Jaskaran's user avatar
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Type Mismatch while using FlatFileItemReader BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper from String to Date

I am trying to batch process a file which has date field. Now when I fetch Date field using FlatFileItemReader it comes as a String. I am trying to map it to following entity @Entity @Data public ...
Gaurav Matta's user avatar
-3 votes
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JavaScript Date.getDay() returns the wrong day but only for some users [closed]

I'm working on a website for a conference and some users complain that the day of the week in the dates displayed in the schedule is wrong: instead of e.g. "August 3rd (Saturday)" they see &...
Mutre's user avatar
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Completely illogical Date() values, in Swift

When I try to add a time interval to a given date at the end of some of the months, I get illogical results. In the following example, when I add 5 hours to an 8:00PM time, in the given date, the ...
Mohammed's user avatar
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OpenOffice spreadsheet not sorting dates set to "D MMM YYYY" format [closed]

I have a date column which has dates in this format: Last Login 04 Jun 2024 10 Jun 2024 10 May 2024 13 Jun 2024 I have highlighted the column, then gone to Cell Format, and then chosen the Date ...
Max Williams's user avatar
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Date Object dont recognize a string using XLSX

I'm using XLSX package to read an excel file and for some reason some Date Objects are Date and others are string. I'm using this line to define cells as Date type. const workbook =, {...
sevila's user avatar
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How to mutate a year quarter str into date?

I have a df that comes from an api with a Trimestre (Código) column in string format: pib$`Trimestre (Código)` <- c(199101,199102,199103,199104,199201,199202,...) but i need to mutate this column ...
vini.m.oliveira's user avatar
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Python Pandas: update last dates values of parameters with simple dynamics grouped by id

Here's a dataframe, with some parameters for each id by some regular quarterly dates. It's originally shuffled randomly, but, at first, let say, it is sorted by fab_date and id. import pandas as pd np....
Howdyouride's user avatar
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Calculate Week Number of Year in T-SQL without DATEFIRST function or other database objects

I am working on a SaaS application that connects to a Microsoft SQL Server database, using T-SQL language. I cannot develop stored procedures, user-defined functions, or any database objects. I am ...
user3812887's user avatar
-4 votes
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how to sort a sequence of numbers treating them as a date but without zeros

These are sample 3 strings. The numerical sequence has no zeros. The correct date is on the right P_2024713812 - "2024-07-13 08:12" P_20241151212 - "2024-11-05 12:12" <-- last ...
imiezmistral's user avatar
2 votes
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Whats the point of Locale in DateTimeFormatter?

Given the following code LocalDate localDateEpoch = LocalDate.parse( "01-Jan-2017", DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("d-MMM-yyyy", Locale.FRENCH)); System.out.println("...
ryn's user avatar
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JS skips 2023-10-29 when generating data range

I am trying to generate a sequence of dates. However, when generating JS, it constantly misses October 29, 2023. Could someone explain what could be the reason? In this post someone noted that on this ...
Dreamer DeLy's user avatar
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Different between two date, result in years and days not month in php [duplicate]

I would like differences between two date results in Years and days not month I have tried as below $date1 = new DateTime("2023-01-01"); $date2 = new DateTime("2024-04-10"); $...
Ohidul Islam's user avatar
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Convert from Date to OffsetDateTime with formatting [duplicate]

In my project, i have an entity called "Example" with a Date field. Since i'm working using swagger, i created the corresponding DTO using a .yaml file. Defining a "date" into the ....
boh's user avatar
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Getting date into modal form in appscript [duplicate]

There is an edit data button on the index page. When I click on the edit button, I want the date format to appear as How can I adjust the date format? For example, it says 30.06.2024 in ...
Esat Kurtul's user avatar
-3 votes
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Zsh script using formatted date string in FFMPEG command [closed]

In my zsh script, I am receiving a string that represents a Unix epoch, like: myTimestamp="1719742786" I want to change that date into a formatted string, and then store it in a variable so ...
coco's user avatar
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JS .getDay() returning 0 for a monday

I'm a bit confused, the .getDate() return sunday - saturday from 0 - 6. But when I console.log this code, I get 0, but it should be 1 b/c its a monday. What am I doing wrong/how can I fix this. Does ...
jjyj's user avatar
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Why does Date() and Calendar.current.startOfDay(for: Date()) produce different days?

I am trying to store Date data for user actions and set it to always be at start of the day no matter what time user performed the action i.e. User can perform 30 different actions and all of them are ...
Ilja's user avatar
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Why its adding one more day to the End date?

I have a problem in my script, why its keep adding one more day, if the duration of the training is one day for example, it suggest dates for me as 1/7/2024 to 2/7/2024. function formatDate(date) {...
Aisha AlAli's user avatar
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How to get beginning/start date and month of the year in ABAP CDS view using $session.system_date

The requirement is to fetch all the material master data based on the date and the date must be beginning of the year i.e., 01.01.2024. We have declared $session.system_date as a current date input ...
sankar babu's user avatar
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easepick: RangePlugin not found

I'm trying to add a calendar with the option to enable range selection. I've used the following line to install it: npm install @easepick/bundle Then, I used the following to import it: import { ...
Bojan's user avatar
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Converting Date to epoch milliseconds

I have a Java Date (Fri Jun 28 10:00:01 GMT+01:00 2024) which I want to convert to Epoch millis to send to the backend. I have tried the following: typealias Dates = java.util.Date fun Dates....
BRDroid's user avatar
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Extract(year from column) yields year with one decimal in SQL, why?

I used this to extract year from datetime: select extract(year from orders.OrderDate) It gave me year with one decimal. e.g. 2019.0 Why is this? Any feedback would be appreciated! I also tried: YEAR(...
lu yan's user avatar
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VBA Excel prevent file from opening after trial has expired

Hello there i am seeking some assistance with my code. I got most of it incorporated. I am trying to create a code when the file is open for the first time on someone's computer that the file ...
David_E's user avatar
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Kendo Chart date not converted correctly it's in GMT which needs to be UTC & also in correct sirt

To properly format your heatExchangerSurveyCalculationsDataSource and ensure that dates are correctly handled as UTC, here's the full implementation: Define the toDate function to parse and return ...
ashwini patil's user avatar
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How can I modify this script to select any folders dated in the last 12 months?

I have a folder directory (shown below) that contains folders titled "year-month." They will be continuously added over time. I am trying to write a python code that selects any files in ...
George Bunkall's user avatar
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HIVE SQL script to set end date to 12-31 of current year

I need help with a query that when criteria is met to update an end date to 12-31 of the current year. In addition, the format would need to be: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' I would like to automate this as ...
jc_sql's user avatar
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Why is Date behaving quirkily in JSON.stringify replacer? [duplicate]

I have JS objects that I need to stringify (to insert into Postgres). These objects contain Dates, which need to be saved as timestamps rather than ISO representations. In the context our my ...
Wang Tang's user avatar
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Pandas: In data frame column how to change date time format from '2022-10-11 15:15:00+05:30' to '11-10-2022 15:15'(DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI) [duplicate]

I have a CSV file containing column called datetime with values like 2022-10-11 15:15:00+05:30 in 15 minutes interval. File has 40k rows and I want to remove +05:30 from all datetime column values. I ...
Wick's user avatar
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Extracting records in a range in excel

Hi I have an Excel table with about 7k records. I want to extract specific records in to a new table that have a date range of >=date1 and <=date2 The main table has a date field I was trying to ...
Baz's user avatar
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Sort List of Tuples by Date element

I need the oldest people be first on the list, here is the example of the format i have to sort: List =[ ('John', '12345', '1972-02-08'), ('Sara', '12345', '1977-07-01'), ('Mario', '12345', '1971-06-...
Drake Ramoray's user avatar
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PHP Add 0.1 to 0 value for every two weeks past a specified date?

I'm looking to add .1 to the initial value of 0 every two weeks past a specified date. Example: Date = 05-26-2024; InitVal = 0; AddVal = 0.1; The 26th was 4 weeks ago from 06-23-2024 which means 0 ...
c.widow's user avatar
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set the end date based on start date in the html input field using js

set the difference between start date and end date of 20 months and automatically update in the end date input field. Using only javascript if possible the more details refer to the above one <!...
khonshu's user avatar
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How can I retrieve a list in JavaScript of all possible month values of a specific Locale?

I'm working on a custom date-time component in Svelte 5 and I just found out that even if you set the options of the locale like so: { year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit', ...
Evert's user avatar
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