Is it possible to deploy a website using git push? I have a hunch it has something to do with using git hooks to perform a git reset --hard on the server side, but how would I go about accomplishing this?

  • 3
    I'm guessing this would only apply in situations where there is only one production server, right?
    – Rijk
    Commented Mar 13, 2012 at 16:24
  • 6
    @Rijk Well, you can push to multiple servers simultaneously with Git, but once you get up to that level you might want an actual solution, not a hack like this. Commented Mar 13, 2012 at 16:32
  • I have had success using capistrano with my projects, which although was originally designed for Ruby on Rails application deployment, works well with PHP and other projects.
    – user1559306
    Commented Jul 28, 2012 at 7:56
  • Translated the answers into Russian on ru.so: ru.stackoverflow.com/questions/428483/… Commented Jun 6, 2015 at 22:15

19 Answers 19


I found this script on this site and it seems to work quite well.

  1. Copy over your .git directory to your web server
  2. On your local copy, modify your .git/config file and add your web server as a remote:

    [remote "production"]
        url = username@webserver:/path/to/htdocs/.git
  3. On the server, replace .git/hooks/post-update with this file (in the answer below)

  4. Add execute access to the file (again, on the server):

    chmod +x .git/hooks/post-update
  5. Now, just locally push to your web server and it should automatically update the working copy:

    git push production
  • 129
    Make sure you have a .htaccess policy that protects the .git directory from being read. Somebody who feels like URL diving could have a field day with the entire source code if it's accessible. Commented May 10, 2010 at 21:41
  • 39
    Alternatively just make the public directory a subdirectory of the git repo. Then you can have private files you can be sure won't be made public.
    – tlrobinson
    Commented Jun 8, 2010 at 19:54
  • 3
    this link is dead. is there another link to the post-update file? Commented Jul 27, 2010 at 23:27
  • 6
    Maybe I'm missing something but wouldn't you want your production server(s) to pull from a master git repositories producttion branch. I guess the OP only has one server? I usually make my continuous integration server do the deployment of my site (running some tests before deploy).
    – Adam Gent
    Commented Sep 16, 2011 at 11:15
  • 4
    Following those steps from a repository that already has a sequence of commits; at first you can't push because the master branch is already checked out. Then if you checkout an alternative branch on the remote only the different files are checked out into the working directory. I expected the hook to do a reset --hard for me
    – barrymac
    Commented Oct 12, 2011 at 10:15

Using the post-update file below:

  1. Copy over your .git directory to your web server
  2. On your local copy, modify your .git/config file and add your web server as a remote:

    [remote "production"]
        url = username@webserver:/path/to/htdocs/.git
  3. On the server, replace .git/hooks/post-update with file below

  4. Add execute access to the file (again, on the server):

    chmod +x .git/hooks/post-update
  5. Now, just locally push to your web server and it should automatically update the working copy:

    git push production
# This hook does two things:
#  1. update the "info" files that allow the list of references to be
#     queries over dumb transports such as http
#  2. if this repository looks like it is a non-bare repository, and
#     the checked-out branch is pushed to, then update the working copy.
#     This makes "push" function somewhat similarly to darcs and bzr.
# To enable this hook, make this file executable by "chmod +x post-update". 
is_bare=$(git-config --get --bool core.bare) 
if [ -z "$is_bare" ]
      # for compatibility's sake, guess
      git_dir_full=$(cd $GIT_DIR; pwd)
      case $git_dir_full in */.git) is_bare=false;; *) is_bare=true;; esac
update_wc() {
      echo "Push to checked out branch $ref" >&2
      if [ ! -f $GIT_DIR/logs/HEAD ]
             echo "E:push to non-bare repository requires a HEAD reflog" >&2
             exit 1
      if (cd $GIT_WORK_TREE; git-diff-files -q --exit-code >/dev/null)
             echo "W:unstaged changes found in working copy" >&2
             desc="working copy"
      if git diff-index --cached HEAD@{1} >/dev/null
             echo "W:uncommitted, staged changes found" >&2
             if [ -n "$desc" ]
                   desc="$desc and index"
      if [ "$wc_dirty" -ne 0 -o "$index_dirty" -ne 0 ]
             new=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
             echo "W:stashing dirty $desc - see git-stash(1)" >&2
             ( trap 'echo trapped $$; git symbolic-ref HEAD "'"$ref"'"' 2 3 13 15 ERR EXIT
             git-update-ref --no-deref HEAD HEAD@{1}
             cd $GIT_WORK_TREE
             git stash save "dirty $desc before update to $new";
             git-symbolic-ref HEAD "$ref"
      # eye candy - show the WC updates :)
      echo "Updating working copy" >&2
      (cd $GIT_WORK_TREE
      git-diff-index -R --name-status HEAD >&2
      git-reset --hard HEAD)
if [ "$is_bare" = "false" ]
      active_branch=`git-symbolic-ref HEAD`
      export GIT_DIR=$(cd $GIT_DIR; pwd)
      for ref
             if [ "$ref" = "$active_branch" ]
                   update_wc $ref
  • 5
    Geez...just write this script on a language you use for development being it php, python, groovy or whatever! I never understood this love for shell scripts which have (subjectively) quite odd syntax and so little functional features.
    – Dmitry
    Commented Nov 10, 2014 at 4:55
  • 8
    @dVaffection in any case you are going to write shell commands if you are using git. so instead of writing a script in another language and constantly juggle between that language and shell. writing it all in shell seems logical don't you think ? Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 10:44
  • i had to perform 'git config receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead' on the server also, so that it would accept the push. I think its because the branch was checked out? Commented Mar 30, 2017 at 15:43

After many false starts and dead ends, I'm finally able to deploy website code with just "git push remote" thanks to this article.

The author's post-update script is only one line long and his solution doesn't require .htaccess configuration to hide the Git repo as some others do.

A couple of stumbling blocks if you're deploying this on an Amazon EC2 instance;

1) If you use sudo to create the bare destination repository, you have to change the owner of the repo to ec2-user or the push will fail. (Try "chown ec2-user:ec2-user repo.")

2) The push will fail if you don't pre-configure the location of your amazon-private-key.pem, either in /etc/ssh/ssh_config as an IdentityFile parameter or in ~/.ssh/config using the "[Host] - HostName - IdentityFile - User" layout described here...

...HOWEVER if Host is configured in ~/.ssh/config and different than HostName the Git push will fail. (That's probably a Git bug)

  • I followed the steps in the article you mentioned, and everything worked like a charm. I only wonder wether there are some drawbacks concerning security or stability. Any advice on this?
    – xlttj
    Commented Dec 6, 2011 at 22:43
  • xl-t: Assuming you're using Git over SSH I'd say the danger lies in making a mistake with Git. You could ask the author of the article; he ends it with "Questions and suggestions are welcome." My current (brain-dead) replication strategy is to use Transmit by Panic Software.
    – Earl Zedd
    Commented Dec 7, 2011 at 17:21
  • 1
    The linked article has one important requirement when you use hooks. The hooks will fail if .git happens to be in the same naming scheme as working directory. i.e. /foo/bar (working directory) and /foo/bar.git (barebone git repository). So make sure you rename /foo/bar to something else, such as /foo/bar.live or /foo/blah Well, in case you are wondering, the exact error message you would receive if your working directory has the same name as the barebone repository is "remote: fatal: Could not jump back into original cwd: No such file or directory"
    – Antony
    Commented Feb 26, 2012 at 7:15
  • 1
    I don't follow why you would need a post-deploy hook to run. Pushing the code changes to a remote repo means the remote repo is up to date. What am I missing? Commented Jun 29, 2012 at 20:12
  • 1
    @CharlieS what you're missing is that git won't let you push a branch to a repository that has that branch checked out. In this case, the (IMHO very nice) answer is to have two repositories: a bare repo you push to and a second repo whose working directory is updated via the hook when the bare repo is pushed to.
    – Ben Hughes
    Commented Feb 16, 2013 at 10:27

dont install git on a server or copy the .git folder there. to update a server from a git clone you can use following command:

git ls-files -z | rsync --files-from - --copy-links -av0 . [email protected]:/var/www/project

you might have to delete files which got removed from the project.

this copies all the checked in files. rsync uses ssh which is installed on a server anyways.

the less software you have installed on a server the more secure he is and the easier it is to manage it's configuration and document it. there is also no need to keep a complete git clone on the server. it only makes it more complex to secure everything properly.

  • 3
    One caveat: it will rsync the files you have in your working directory. I think it can be avoided using a script which stashes current changes, cleans everything, deploys and then reverts the stash. Commented Jul 22, 2012 at 20:23
  • Servers are male? Commented Mar 27, 2017 at 19:56

git config --local receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead

Added in Git 2.3, this could be a good possibility: https://github.com/git/git/blob/v2.3.0/Documentation/config.txt#L2155

You set it on the server repository, and it also updates the working tree if it is clean.

There have been further improvements in 2.4 with the push-to-checkout hook and handling of unborn branches.

Sample usage:

git init server
cd server
touch a
git add .
git commit -m 0
git config --local receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead

cd ..
git clone server local
cd local
touch b
git add .
git commit -m 1
git push origin master:master

cd ../server



This does have the following shortcomings mentioned on the GitHub announcement:

  • Your server will contain a .git directory containing the entire history of your project. You probably want to make extra sure that it cannot be served to users!
  • During deploys, it will be possible for users momentarily to encounter the site in an inconsistent state, with some files at the old version and others at the new version, or even half-written files. If this is a problem for your project, push-to-deploy is probably not for you.
  • If your project needs a "build" step, then you will have to set that up explicitly, perhaps via githooks.

But all of those points are out of the scope of Git and must be taken care of by external code. So in that sense, this, together with Git hooks, are the ultimate solution.

  • To set it, run this command: 'git config receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead' in the terminal Commented Mar 30, 2017 at 15:44
  • 1
    This should be the most upvoted answer IMHO. It’s always so crazy to dig through all these answers with long shell script/hooks, if this oneliner can solve it by just setting one git option.
    – rugk
    Commented May 6, 2021 at 20:51

In essence all you need to do are the following:

server = $1
branch = $2
git push $server $branch
ssh <username>@$server "cd /path/to/www; git pull"

I have those lines in my application as an executable called deploy.

so when I want to do a deploy I type ./deploy myserver mybranch.

  • see my answer how to solve the problem if you need a different private key or user name for ssh
    – Karussell
    Commented Nov 26, 2011 at 16:22
  • This solution is faster than my own when deploying to multiple servers! Just push to main repo and pull in parallel from it. And if you don't want or can't deploy your keys to every instance use the key agent! ssh -A ...
    – Karussell
    Commented Oct 31, 2012 at 10:13
  • 1
    It would be easier if you included a guide on setting up SSH keys which this answer relies on to work 'seamlessly'
    – Hengjie
    Commented Oct 31, 2012 at 11:41
  • Use of git pull should be avoided for automated deployments because the merge part of it could require manual cleanup if there are any conflicts. Commented Apr 14, 2015 at 0:37

The way I do it is I have a bare Git repository on my deployment server where I push changes. Then I log in to the deployment server, change to the actual web server docs directory, and do a git pull. I don't use any hooks to try to do this automatically, that seems like more trouble than it's worth.

  • In case of error(s) in the new code, do you reset per commit or the entire pull? (Or is only 1 possible?)
    – Rudie
    Commented Sep 27, 2010 at 13:19
  • 1
    @Rudie: If you need to roll back changes on the deployment server, then you can use git reset to move back among the latest changes (all commits, not just the whole pull). If you need to roll back something specific that's not the latest commit, then you can use git revert but that should probably be used in emergencies only (git revert creates a new commit that undoes the effect of some previous commit). Commented Sep 27, 2010 at 18:06
  • Just out of curiousity: why do you think hooks would be more trouble than it's worth for this?
    – Rijk
    Commented Mar 13, 2012 at 16:29
  • @Rijk: When using hooks for this, the actual web server docs directory is changed by an automatic background process. Logging in lets me have more control over exactly when changes are applied to the docs directory. Also, it's easier to fix when things go wrong. Hooks might be more appropriate if committers don't have sufficient access to log in to the web server. Commented Mar 13, 2012 at 18:00
  • So your actual webapp folder is also a .git repository? What about the .git folder, it's visible to the outside world?
    – Fernando
    Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 15:31

Update: I'm now using Lloyd Moore solution with the key agent ssh -A .... Pushing to a main repo and then pulling from it in parallel from all your machines is a bit faster and requires less setup on those machines.

Not seeing this solution here. just push via ssh if git is installed on the server.

You'll need the following entry in your local .git/config

[remote "amazon"]
    url = amazon:/path/to/project.git
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/amazon/*

But hey, whats that with amazon:? In your local ~/.ssh/config you'll need to add the following entry:

Host amazon
    Hostname <YOUR_IP>
    User <USER>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/amazon-private-key

now you can call

git push amazon master
ssh <USER>@<YOUR_IP> 'cd /path/to/project && git pull'

(BTW: /path/to/project.git is different to the actual working directory /path/to/project)


We use capistrano for managing deploy. We build capistrano to deploy on a staging server, and then running a rsync with all of ours server.

cap deploy
cap deploy:start_rsync (when the staging is ok)

With capistrano, we can made easy rollback in case of bug

cap deploy:rollback
cap deploy:start_rsync
  • have you integrated the live deployment via rsync into capistrano? Commented Sep 19, 2014 at 12:53

For Deployment Scenario

In our scenario we're storing the code on github/bitbucket and want to deploy to live servers. In this case the following combination works for us (that is a remix of the highly upvoted answers here):

  1. Copy over your .git directory to your web server
  2. On your local copy git remote add live ssh://user@host:port/folder
  3. On remote: git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore
  4. On remote: nano .git/hooks/post-receive and add this content:

    #!/bin/sh GIT_WORK_TREE=/var/www/vhosts/example.org git checkout -f

  5. On remote: chmod +x .git/hooks/post-receive

  6. Now you can push there with git push live


  • This solution works with older git versions (tested with 1.7 and 1.9)
  • You need to make sure pushing to github/bitbucket first, so you'll have a consistent repo on live
  • If your .git folder is within document root make sure you hide it from the outside by adding to .htaccess (source):

    RedirectMatch 404 /\..*$


Giddyup are language-agnostic just-add-water git hooks to automate deployment via git push. It also allows you to have custom start/stop hooks for restarting web server, warming up cache etc.


Check out examples.


Sounds like you should have two copies on your server. A bare copy, that you can push/pull from, which your would push your changes when you're done, and then you would clone this into you web directory and set up a cronjob to update git pull from your web directory every day or so.


You could conceivably set up a git hook that when say a commit is made to say the "stable" branch it will pull the changes and apply them to the PHP site. The big downside is you won't have much control if something goes wrong and it will add time to your testing - but you can get an idea of how much work will be involved when you merge say your trunk branch into the stable branch to know how many conflicts you may run into. It will be important to keep an eye on any files that are site specific (eg. configuration files) unless you solely intend to only run the one site.

Alternatively have you looked into pushing the change to the site instead?

For information on git hooks see the githooks documentation.


My take on Christians solution.

git archive --prefix=deploy/  master | tar -x -C $TMPDIR | rsync $TMPDIR/deploy/ --copy-links -av [email protected]:/home/user/my_app && rm -rf $TMPDIR/deploy
  • Archives the master branch into tar
  • Extracts tar archive into deploy dir in system temp folder.
  • rsync changes into server
  • delete deploy dir from temp folder.

I am using the following solution by toroid.org, which has a simpler hook script.

on the server:

$ mkdir website.git && cd website.git
$ git init --bare
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/ams/website.git/

and install the hook on the server:

$ mkdir /var/www/www.example.org
$ cat > hooks/post-receive
GIT_WORK_TREE=/var/www/www.example.org git checkout -f
GIT_WORK_TREE=/var/www/www git clean -f -d # clean directory from removed files

$ chmod +x hooks/post-receive

on your client:

$ mkdir website && cd website
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/ams/website/.git/
$ echo 'Hello, world!' > index.html
$ git add index.html
$ git commit -q -m "The humble beginnings of my web site."

$ git remote add web ssh://server.example.org/home/ams/website.git
$ git push web +master:refs/heads/master

then to publish, just type

$ git push web

There is a full description on the website: http://toroid.org/ams/git-website-howto

  • this way do not delete existing files in the repository.
    – RusAlex
    Commented Apr 28, 2015 at 14:34
  • 2
    Why git push web +master:refs/heads/master instead of just git push web master ? Commented Apr 29, 2015 at 7:00

As complementary answer I would like to offer an alternative. I'm using git-ftp and it works fine.


Easy to use, only type:

git ftp push

and git will automatically upload project files.



Given an environment where you have multiple developers accessing the same repository the following guidelines may help.

Ensure that you have a unix group that all devs belong to and give ownership of the .git repository to that group.

  1. In the .git/config of the server repository set sharedrepository = true. (This tells git to allow multiple users which is needed for commits and deployment.

  2. set the umask of each user in their bashrc files to be the same - 002 is a good start


I ended up creating my own rudimentary deployment tool which would automatically pull down new updates from the repo - https://github.com/jesalg/SlimJim - Basically it listens to the github post-receive-hook and uses a proxy to trigger an update script.


I use two solutions for post-receive hook:


#  /git-repo/hooks/post-receive - file content on server (chmod as 755 to be executed)

    export GIT_DIR=/git/repo-bare.git
    export GIT_BRANCH1=master
    export GIT_TARGET1=/var/www/html
    export GIT_BRANCH2=dev
    export GIT_TARGET2=/var/www/dev
    echo "GIT DIR:  $GIT_DIR/"
    echo "GIT TARGET1:  $GIT_TARGET1/"
    echo "GIT BRANCH1:  $GIT_BRANCH1/"
    echo "GIT TARGET2:  $GIT_TARGET2/"
    echo "GIT BRANCH2:  $GIT_BRANCH2/"
    echo ""

    cd $GIT_DIR/

while read oldrev newrev refname
    branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref $refname)
    if [[ $branch =~ $BRANCH_REGEX ]] ; then
        export GIT_WORK_TREE=$GIT_TARGET1/.
        echo "Checking out branch: $branch";
        echo "Checking out to workdir: $GIT_WORK_TREE"; 

        git checkout -f $branch

    if [[ $branch =~ $BRANCH_REGEX ]] ; then
        export GIT_WORK_TREE=$GIT_TARGET2/.
        echo "Checking out branch: $branch";
        echo "Checking out to workdir: $GIT_WORK_TREE"; 

        git checkout -f $branch


#  /git-repo/hooks/post-receive - file content on server (chmod as 755 to be executed)

    export GIT_DIR=/git/repo-bare.git
    export GIT_BRANCH1=master
    export GIT_TARGET1=/var/www/html
    export GIT_BRANCH2=dev
    export GIT_TARGET2=/var/www/dev
    export GIT_TEMP_DIR1=/tmp/deploy1
    export GIT_TEMP_DIR2=/tmp/deploy2
    echo "GIT DIR:  $GIT_DIR/"
    echo "GIT TARGET1:  $GIT_TARGET1/"
    echo "GIT BRANCH1:  $GIT_BRANCH1/"
    echo "GIT TARGET2:  $GIT_TARGET2/"
    echo "GIT BRANCH2:  $GIT_BRANCH2/"
    echo "GIT TEMP DIR1:  $GIT_TEMP_DIR1/"
    echo "GIT TEMP DIR2:  $GIT_TEMP_DIR2/"
    echo ""

    cd $GIT_DIR/

while read oldrev newrev refname
    branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref $refname)
    if [[ $branch =~ $BRANCH_REGEX ]] ; then
        export GIT_WORK_TREE=$GIT_TARGET1/.
        echo "Checking out branch: $branch";
        echo "Checking out to workdir: $GIT_WORK_TREE"; 

        # DEPLOY SOLUTION 2: 
        cd $GIT_DIR/; mkdir -p $GIT_TEMP_DIR1; 
        export GIT_WORK_TREE=$GIT_TEMP_DIR1/.
        git checkout -f $branch
        export GIT_WORK_TREE=$GIT_TARGET1/.
        rsync $GIT_TEMP_DIR1/. -v -q --delete --delete-after -av $GIT_TARGET1/.
        rm -rf $GIT_TEMP_DIR1

    if [[ $branch =~ $BRANCH_REGEX ]] ; then
        export GIT_WORK_TREE=$GIT_TARGET2/.
        echo "Checking out branch: $branch";
        echo "Checking out to workdir: $GIT_WORK_TREE"; 

        # DEPLOY SOLUTION 2: 
        cd $GIT_DIR/; mkdir -p $GIT_TEMP_DIR2; 
        export GIT_WORK_TREE=$GIT_TEMP_DIR2/.
        git checkout -f $branch
        export GIT_WORK_TREE=$GIT_TARGET2/.
        rsync $GIT_TEMP_DIR2/. -v -q --delete --delete-after -av $GIT_TARGET2/.
        rm -rf $GIT_TEMP_DIR2

Both solutions are based on earlier solutions available in this thread.

Note, the BRANCH_REGEX='^${GIT_BRANCH1}.$' filters for the branch names matching "master" or "dev*" string, and deploys the work tree, if the pushed branch matches. This makes possible to deploy a dev version and master version to different places.

DEPLOY SOLUTION 1 removes only files, which are part of the repo, and was removed by a commit. It is faster than Deployment Solution 2.

DEPLOY SOLUTION 2 has the advantage, that it will remove any new files from the production directory, which was added on server side, no matter if it was added to the repo or not. It will be always clean dupe of the repo. It is slower than Deployment Solution 1.

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