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113 votes
3 answers

Angular app has to clear cache after new deployment

We have an Angular 6 application. It’s served on Nginx. And SSL is on. When we deploy new codes, most of new features work fine but not for some changes. For example, if the front-end developers ...
zhangjinzhou's user avatar
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51 votes
22 answers

error: This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above

In my project, I'm using Angular6 for the frontend. Now what I'm trying to do is deploy my project which is in remote server into the actual server. I'm using npm run build -prod command to build the ...
24 votes
4 answers

How can I deploy my Angular 2 + Typescript + Webpack app

I am actually learning Angular 2 with Typescript and developed a little app by based on the angular-seed project (angular-seed). I have built the app for production purposes and got dist folder ready ...
Antoine Guittet's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

Angular 2 Ahead-of-Time compiler: must I make all class properties public?

Angular 2 rc 6, typescript 2, node 4.5.0, npm 2.15.9 on Windows 7 I'm trying to move from Just-in-Time to Ahead-of-Time compilation and I'm relying on these resources: Angular 2 - Ahead-of-time ...
BeetleJuice's user avatar
  • 40.5k
21 votes
9 answers

Firebase Deploy complete but website not shown

it's my first time using Firebase. I deployed my angular project with the Firebase CLI, but when i navigate to the specified domain, i only see Welcome Firebase Hosting Setup Complete You're ...
SHRX's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

How to deploy an angular app so that it works under any path?

this is probably a newbie question, but I couldn't find any answers to it here or on angular documentation. Let's say I have a simple Angular application (the hero editor from the tutorial ...
xaxa's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

How can I deploy an Angular 2 application on tomcat server (Windows Server 2012)

I'm new in AngularJS 2 framework and I'm stuck! I want to deploy an application (quickstart for example) on a Windows Server 2012. I have already installed Apache tomcat on it. What I did : I used ...
altd's user avatar
  • 181
14 votes
6 answers

Deploy Angular 2 with Azure Webapp

How can can I deploy an angular 2 webapp to azure? I guess I need some type of final compilation script. Thanks in advance.
Daniel Golub's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Can't find node_modules after deployment

This title might be a bit misleading but please bear with me for a while. I have made a simple Angular2 app on visual studio 2015 and now I have published it on Azure. Having node_modules in the ...
Aakash Thakur's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Deploy angular application on Apache Tomcat 404 deep links issue

I'm trying to figure out the way how to setup Apache Tomcat server to serve angular application with deep links. For example: A static server routinely returns index.html when it receives a request ...
Ante Vuletic Antic's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Angular Uncaught (in promise): ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk XXXfailed

I am using angular 12, and I use Service Worker to deploy new versions. It looks like each time I deploy a new version to production (and for some reason not on staging). Some user receive a bunch of ...
Crocsx's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Error deploying Angular4 to ghpages using angular-cli-ghpages

I am trying to deploy a simple Angular 4 app to gh-pages. I have tried several methods and it seems that angular-cli-ghpages is the most up to date way to do it. I've followed the instructions on the ...
ofey's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Deployment to Heroku Error: Cannot find module '/app/server.js'

I'm deploying an Angular 6 application created with the angular-cli to Heroku. The build completes successfully, however, when I go to the deployed application, I get a blank page. After running the ...
Kode_12's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Angular2.0 in subdirectory, SystemJS cant import angular components

I am getting started with Angular2.0. I have been following the 5 Min Quickstart and everything works fine although I am using grunt to compile my Typescript and some Sass etc. I just have one ...
Dafen's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Angular 6.4.1 environment builds not working

So trying to do 'npm run ng build --configuration=production' and trying to get it to use the FileReplacements in my angular.json to replace the environment.ts file with I am using ...
James Giordano's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Angular 2: assets not loaded when deployed in subdirectory

I'm trying to deploy my Angular 2 app in a sub directory: I searched SO and Google, and found I've to build it with the following command: ng build -prod --base-href /angular-test --deploy-url /...
Drunken Daddy's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Angular 2 Ahead-of-Time Compiler with gulp-typescript

Angular 2 rc 6 written in Typescript 2.0.2 I'm trying to learn Ahead-of-Time compilation as outlined here. It seems simple enough: Run ngc instead of the Typescript compiler to generate .ngfactory....
BeetleJuice's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Deploying Angular app to Heroku, build was successful but in browser it shows 404 not found

Hi I am a beginner trying to deploy an app on Heroku. I've successfully deployed an app before but for some reason this time nothing works. I've followed the steps from this blog thoroughly: https://...
catherine's user avatar
  • 143
9 votes
2 answers

Angular 7 - deploy workspace applications (projects) in isolation

In my cli-generated workspace I have the root-application which lazy loads numerous application (sitting in the projects folder). When I run "ng build root-application", all the chunks are placed in ...
blomster's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Angular 4 ng build base-href duplicate subdirectory

I'm deploying builds of my angular app to an s3 bucket with different subdirectories based on the branch name. The urls look like: ...
Will Shaver's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Deploying an Angular 4 frontend with a Django Rest Framework backend on Heroku

I have built the front end using Angular 4 (using the angular CLI) and the backend using Django and the Django Rest Framework. The development environment is set up in such a way that the static ...
user8587692's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Deploying angular 2 App (angular cli) to heroku

I built and angular 2 app with angular cli ng build command works totally fine, it creates the dist folder. In order to deploy it I followed this tutorial Deploy angular 2 app to heroku When I ...
Rodrigo Espinel's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

ng build --prod --base-href

ng build --prod --base-href /gi-new --deploy-url /gi-new I deployed angular 5 app to shared IIS server on window machine I have uploaded contents of my dist folder to My ...
Sunil K.'s user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Images are not loading after deploying angular app on github pages

I deployed a test project on github pages using these commands: ng build --prod --base-href https://<profile_name><repo_name>/ ngh --dir=dist/scrabble Everything works fine ...
hdw3's user avatar
  • 911
7 votes
3 answers

404 when Deploying Angular 6 app to github pages

My application works fine when served locally. I have compiled the build with no errors. Site link is here - When I try to load the site via the ...
Simon Dean's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Runtime Configuration for Angular 6+ Applications

What is the recommended best practice for loading environment specific configuration during runtime of an Angular application? The Angular documentation mentions the use of APP_INITIALIZER, but that ...
user10252946's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Angular 6 - Custom CSS not being loaded when in production

I've included a Bootstrap theme into my app. I've copied the file into src folder (the same level as styles.css) and added it as the last css in angular.json like this: "build": { "builder":...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

cake build angular application to deploy to azure

I have created a angular application using command ng new APPNAME. I want to use cake build to deploy this application. Is it possible to use cake build? If so how? My end target is to deploy it to ...
Akshay Bheda's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

HTTP interceptor getting status 0 on failed request using Angular 2,4,6,7,8,9 TypeScript

I have following implementation of HTTP interceptors with Angular ^4.3.6. import {Injectable} from "@angular/core"; import { HttpInterceptor, HttpHandler, HttpRequest, HttpEvent, ...
Dinesh Devkota's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Deploy angular application on nginx server with Docker Welcome to nginx

I developed an Angular 7 application and now I'm going to deploy it on production server on an nginx server. I'm pretty new to frontend deployment on nginx server, so probably I'm missing something ...
A. Wolf's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Module '"../../parse5/lib"' has no exported member 'ElementLocation' - Angular Universal Firebase deployment error

i have a problem with deployment of angular universal on firebase hosting. I am following deployment on circleci and i am getting this error below in their console. Is that related to node version or ...
Krešimir Galić's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to deploy Spring framework backend and Angular 2 frontend application in any online server?

Please correct if the way I am doing is wrong. In my web application I am not using jsp pages for developing user interface. Instead I am using html, css and Angular 2 and front-end project structure ...
dev's user avatar
  • 451
6 votes
0 answers

ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/source/src/tsconfig.json' - angular-cli

I m using deploybot tool to deploy my angular site from bitbucket to AWS S3, it used to work fine earlier but now I have upgrade from angular 2 to angular 4.1.2 and angular-cli@latest => 1.0.0 after ...
Abdeali Chandanwala's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Angular build - Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'console'

I have a problem with my Angular project build, and ultimately deployment to heroku. I'm using an old(ish) npm package called binary parser, which causes the following error on when I build / deploy ...
Rutkula's user avatar
  • 268
5 votes
2 answers

How to have and read an environment file after an angular application has been built

I'm building an angular application. This angular application will be delivered to multiple clients with different needs and infrastructure. It will need several values (for example backend server, ...
J4N's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Angular2 E2E Protractor. Wait until element has class

I need find a way to wait with my e2e test (angular2 project) until the tested element gets an specific css class. Is there any possible way without browser.wait() or browser.sleep()?
Marcel Wiechmann's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to make multiple pods communicate with each other on kubernetes

I am new to Kubernetes and I'm trying to deploy an application to kubernetes via microk8s. The application contains python flask backend, angular frontend, redis and mysql database. I deployed the ...
anju's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in inline.bundle.js:1 - Angular v4

After deployment to IIS I found out that none of my routes work, Hence I researched then found this question in which says that you have to add a rewrite to web.config, which I did and routes are ...
Hooman L's user avatar
  • 161
5 votes
1 answer

Azure DevOps - Angular project build failing with error: Npm failed with return code: 3

I am using Azure CI for angular project. I have configure the build like below. When I build the angular project on azure devops, I am getting the error as [error]Error: Npm failed with return code:...
Mahesh Alle's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to deploy angular 2 application to HTTP server with proxy-config

I'm building angular 2 application with following proxy configurations. proxy.conf.json { "/": { "target": "http://localhost:6060", "secure": false, "changeOrigin": true, "logLevel": "...
kasunb's user avatar
  • 157
5 votes
1 answer

How to deploy angular2 on tomcat?

First I'd like to describe my set up: I have a web service, let's call it "Cars", written in Java, that I've tested in eclipse with tomcat v6, working local (it was a requirement, so that once it ...
monkey intern's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Dynamic deployment Angular. One docker image, multiple deployment

I need to find a way to deploy an Angular application dynamically, so that the same docker image allows me to do several deployments (development, staging, production) in which the access URL is ...
lorenago's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Deploy ASP.NET Boilerplate Core & Angular to Microsoft Azure

I would want to deploy ASP.NET Boilerplate Core & Angular to Microsoft Azure. The current version of ASP.NET Boilerplate contains two solutions (one for the backend and one for the frontend) so i ...
Marius Istudor's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Angular 5 standalone deployment on jboss 7.1.1

I have built an angular 5 app which is consuming rest api available remotely on different server and host. In my local I am using apache server to deploy the angular app which is working as expected. ...
user12's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to use localstorage on Angular when enabling ssr

I'm working on a Angular project that used localstorage. The project is a web application of a travel agency. In this web app, the first time a visitor arrived we display prices with a default ...
Samuel K's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Steps to get angular 2 universal starter to deploy to an external server host (Google Cloud, Azure, etc)?

I cloned universal-starter (webpack version) and have it up and running on my local machine using npm start and npm run watch per the instructions Now stuck after npm run build and attempting to ...
Vijay's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Deploy default angular application on azure from github gives error

I have created a basic angular application. the source code is at The azure web app URL is Update @Milo provided right ...
Devang Zala's user avatar

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