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235 votes
15 answers

IIS7 deployment - duplicate 'system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler' section

On attempting to deploy a .net 3.5 website on the default app pool in IIS7 having the framework section set to 4.0, I get the following error. There is a duplicate 'system.web.extensions/...
user20358's user avatar
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137 votes
13 answers

How to deploy an ASP.NET Application with zero downtime

To deploy a new version of our website we do the following: Zip up the new code, and upload it to the server. On the live server, delete all the live code from the IIS website directory. Extract the ...
Karl Glennon's user avatar
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126 votes
3 answers

Error: "The configuration section 'system.webServer/management/delegation' cannot be read because it is missing schema

I am trying to publish a website from my computer to an IIS web server via web deploy. I have 3 servers. All servers have installed the same things (Webdeploy etc.) and the services are started (Web ...
lucamuh's user avatar
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104 votes
13 answers

How do you deploy your ASP.NET applications to live servers?

I am looking for different techniques/tools you use to deploy an ASP.NET web application project (NOT ASP.NET web site) to production? I am particularly interested of the workflow happening between ...
91 votes
11 answers

Web deployment task failed. (The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentManager' threw an exception.)

I am getting the following error when I use web deploy from visual studio 2010. Web deployment task failed. (The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentManager' threw an exception.) ...
coder's user avatar
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76 votes
4 answers

Dll in both the bin and the gac, which one gets used?

We have a web application that's deployed to many websites with only frontend changes, the shared backend portion has it's DLL in the GAC so we only have to update that one dll and all the sites get ...
John Boker's user avatar
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76 votes
5 answers

How to deploy after a build with TeamCity?

I'm setting up TeamCity as my build server. I have my project set up, it is updating correctly from subversion, and building ok. So what's next? Ideally, I'd like to have it auto deploy to a ...
Neil N's user avatar
  • 25.1k
57 votes
7 answers

Make MSDeploy (Visual Studio) not delete App_Data folder but delete everything else

I'm using Visual Studio's Publish button to deploy my website, and want a different App_Data folder on the server. There's a checkbox for Leave extra files on destination (do not delete) which ...
Rei Miyasaka's user avatar
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45 votes
27 answers

How to fix ASP.NET error "The file 'nnn.aspx' has not been pre-compiled, and cannot be requested."?

I have a VS 2005 web site that I publish using "Publish Web Site", and I clear all the three checkboxes. I also have a deployment project that picks up the published files and creates an MSI. I then ...
jonsb's user avatar
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43 votes
2 answers

Advanced tasks using Web.Config transformation

Does anyone know if there is a way to "transform" specific sections of values instead of replacing the whole value or an attribute? For example, I've got several appSettings entries that ...
Diego C.'s user avatar
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40 votes
3 answers

Website needs force refresh after deploy

After deploying a new version of a website the browser loads everything from its cache from the old webpage until a force refresh is done. Images are old, cookies are old, and some AJAX parts are not ...
Germstorm's user avatar
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38 votes
2 answers

Make Web.config transformations work locally

I want to get web.config transformations working locally but apparently the transformations only occur when doing deployments. Does anybody know of a way to run the msbuild target "...
Diego C.'s user avatar
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34 votes
7 answers

How can I ensure that gets copied to the output folder?

I have three configuration files, one for each environment: appsettings.json -> production -> development appsettings.stg.json -> staging If I set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to dev,...
Alex G.'s user avatar
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34 votes
9 answers

Differentiating web.config between dev, staging and production environments

Anyone have any good tips on handling differences in web.config settings between environments? I've considered creating a 'config' folder in our source control system but outside of the web hierarchy, ...
3Dave's user avatar
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33 votes
7 answers

Instance Failure in

I have a web application that is working perfectly in my system. However, when I copied it to another system, I couldn't login to the application. There is an error: Server Error in '/' Application....
user85511's user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio publish in debug Vs Release mode

I know the difference between debug and release mode BUILD. But I have a small doubt, does it make any difference on what mode I select while publishing the application thru Visual studio?
pramodtech's user avatar
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30 votes
7 answers

Step-By-Step ASP.NET Automated Build/Deploy

Seems like there are so many different ways of automating one's build/deployment that it becomes difficult to parse through all the different scenarios that people support in tutorials on the web. So ...
Joel Martinez's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

Web deployment task failed. (Could not complete the request)

I want to publish my project but: Error1 Web deployment task failed. (Could not complete the request to remote agent URL 'https://xxxxx:xxxx/msdeploy.axd?site=VoIP'.) Could not complete the request ...
Pch's user avatar
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28 votes
17 answers

Parser Error when deploy ASP.NET application

I've finished simple web application project, compiled it, and try to test on local IIS. I've create virtual directory, map it with physical directory, then put all necessary files there, ...
igorGIS's user avatar
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28 votes
6 answers

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Razor' or one of its dependencies

I used Umbraco 4.11.6 in my website(web application).My website is worked in localhost(tested from Visual studio 2012 and IIS(v7)) but when I run it from internet space I got an error. The error was: ...
x19's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

How to host multiple .NET Core apps under the same URL?

I am building a few web sites in ASP.NET Core (multiple user interface applications and a WebAPI app). They all work together, utilising the WebAPI. For the purpose of my question we'll call them App1,...
Rob's user avatar
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26 votes
7 answers

"Can't find the valid AspnetMergePath" on Visual Web Developer Publish?

I am wanting to use Visual Web Developer Express 2010 to publish a website, pre-compiled to a remote server over FTP using the following settings: Deploy only files needed to run this application ...
user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Web Deploy to Azure doesn't force Web App to pickup new changes

I have an automatic deployment configured from my GIT to Azure App using Web Deploy. Every time when new code pushed to the repo, build is started, then deployed to the Azure with Web Deploy. The ...
Mando's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

how to add publishing profile to a new sln in vs2012?

I have read the publishing profiles have replaced WDP but I cannot find decent tutorial how to add and modify pubxml file to my project any help will be appreciated
Elad Benda's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

How to show maintenance page during deployment?

I want to plan a schedule maintenance down time on one of my production website hosted on IIS windows server 2003. I think this is the preferred behavior: All request to ...
ronaldwidha's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

match element name in web.config transformation

I am trying to match element by element name, I have to change sessionState element timeout in release, but I cannot match it by any attribute value. <sessionState timeout="5000"/> How can I ...
Andrija's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

How do I publish a Asp.NET web application using MSBuild?

I am trying to publish an MVC web application locally using the NAnt and MSBuild. This is what I am using for my NAnt target; <target name="publish-artifacts-to-build"> <msbuild ...
Xian's user avatar
  • 76.4k
19 votes
6 answers

ERROR Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit' or one of its dependencies

I'm deploying my website on the server. My website is done using c# 4 and EF 4. I receive this error: Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit' or one of its dependencies. This ...
GibboK's user avatar
  • 73.3k
19 votes
9 answers

Is it possible to deploy an enterprise ASP.NET application and SQL schema changes with zero downtime?

We have a huge ASP.NET web application which needs to be deployed to LIVE with zero or nearly zero downtime. Let me point out that I've read the following question/answers but unfortunately it doesn't ...
Skorpioh's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

What method do you use to deploy ASP.Net applications to the wild?

Currently we deploy compiled ASP.Net applications by publishing the web site locally and emailing a zip file to the system administrator with a (usually) lengthy set of instructions for deployment. ...
Hooloovoo's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

MSDeploy - Destination Not Reachable

I have installed Web Deploy 3.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2 and tried to run remote publish web application through visual studio 2012. However, I got the error - Destination Not Reachable. I read some ...
seanbun's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Which options are the most performance way of publishing website project - deployment

I am asking in terms of performance Which would run fastest on the server (windows server 2012 r2 - 24 cores - 64 gb ram) - serving pages fastest way - reducing load times website project , ...
Furkan Gözükara's user avatar
17 votes
8 answers

Publish is not transforming web.config?

I made a web.config (full file, it doesn't show XML errors) <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration xmlns=""> <configSections> ...
BrunoLM's user avatar
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17 votes
7 answers

Do you precompile your website and why/why not?

I'd like to get the pulse of the community on whether to precompile or not. I know its cold start time is faster, and it hides code. However, there is something dirty about it, IMO. Maybe its the ...
17 votes
3 answers

Visual Studio Publish Profiles - Why not track in source control?

I was exploring options for deploying my ASP.NET web app by creating a publish profile when I noticed that .pubxml files are included in this .gitignore file (which I had been using): https://github....
Scott Oliver's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Can TeamCity publish a Web project using the sln2008 build runner?

I'm building an ASP.Net MVC project in TeamCity. Can I somehow call the Publish target and get the output copied to a folder under IIS? or do I need to write an msbuild script for this?
user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

What are best practices for ASP.NET application deployment

Not being into ASP.NET world too much, I still faced a neccessity to work on ASP.NET project that requires periodic deployment of new version to production IIS server. What are generally accepted ...
xelurg's user avatar
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16 votes
10 answers

ASP.NET - Basic checklist for putting a site into production

I'm building a static ASP.NET site (using Masterpages and a few forms) and I'm about to release it onto my production server. I know about changing <compilation debug="true"> to false, but I'm ...
wows's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

ASP.NET framework bug

Go into your iis machine level settings and add <deployment retail="true" /> As specified in Create a new web project, add a label and ...
Maxim Gershkovich's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Seamless deployment in ASP.NET (IIS kills worker process before new worker process is ready)

I am trying to deploy a .NET Web application to IIS (7.5) without any hassle for the users. I have made sure that Disable Overlapped Recycle is False but i still run into the same problem every time. ...
stefan's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

What Jenkins plugin can be used for .NET web site deployment?

We use: - SVN - Jenkins - MS Build plugin We have several Web Form/MVC/Web services. We are going to setup Microsoft Web Deploy and run bat file from Jenkins. Maybe someone can suggest better way ...
Sergejs's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Website is running a cached dll somehow after changing it

The situation is I made a minor bug fix to a class, so they want to just deploy the dll affected. They stopped IIS, replaced the dll in the /bin folder of the iis directory for the web site with the ...
dwidel's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

How to set MSDeploy settings in .csproj file

Is there a way to set MSDeploy parameters in .csproj file itself of ASP.NET MVC project? Particularly a "skip" parameter, which should skip a "Temp" folder. -skip:objectName=dirPath,absolutePath="\\...
Grief Coder's user avatar
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14 votes
8 answers

ASP.NET Web Deployment Projects: getting rid of .compiled files

I'm using a Web Deployment Project in Visual Studio 2008 in order to prepare my ASP.NET application (ASP.NET web application, not ASP.NET web site) for being copied to several servers. I have to copy ...
splattne's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to make the VS2010 publish wizard to copy App_offline.htm while it is publishing the site?

After seeing the Hanselman "You are doing it wrong" video I start to use the Web Publish feature of VS2010. What I'm really missing is that the websites sometimes gives errors while the site is ...
Eduardo Molteni's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

IIS forgets virtual directory permissions - An error occurred loading a configuration file: Failed to start monitoring changes

I have a website with a virtual directory that contains PDFs. Users access the PDFs by using a URL such as, where PDFs is a virtual directory mapped to \\\...
dedgod's user avatar
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13 votes
7 answers

global.asax works on local computer but not after i publish to server

How can I get my global.asax file to publish to our ftp site? I have added a global.asax file to my project (using with c# from vs2010) which works great on my local machine. Then when I ...
Letseatlunch's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How are you using the Machine.config, or are you?

For ASP.Net application deployment what type of information (if any) are you storing in the machine.config? If you're not using it, how are you managing environment specific configuration settings ...
user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Updating a DLL in a Production ASP.NET Web Site bin folder

I want to update a class library (a single DLL file) in a production web application. This web app is pre-compiled (published). I read an answer on StackOverflow (sorry, can't seem to find it ...
Josh Stodola's user avatar
  • 82.2k

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