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187 votes
8 answers

Deploying a minimal flask app in docker - server connection issues

I have an app whose only dependency is flask, which runs fine outside docker and binds to the default port 5000. Here is the full source: from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) app.debug = ...
Dreen's user avatar
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80 votes
11 answers

How do I set up linkage between Docker containers so that restarting won't break it?

I have a few Docker containers running like: Nginx Web app 1 Web app 2 PostgreSQL Since Nginx needs to connect to the web application servers inside web app 1 and 2, and the web apps need to talk to ...
Fang-Pen Lin's user avatar
  • 14.1k
66 votes
5 answers

How to edit code in a Docker container in development?

I have all my websites' code under /srv in my containers. My Dockerfile downloads the code using git and makes it part of the image for easier deployment to production. But then how do I edit the ...
ChocoDeveloper's user avatar
52 votes
2 answers

Docker : How To Dockerize And Deploy multiple instances of a LAMP Application

I need to deploy many instances of the same LAMP (or LEMP) application : each instance will be accessible from a subdomain, with front loadbalancer/ proxy each instance must have its own db data and ...
Koryonik's user avatar
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48 votes
5 answers

error when creating "deployment.yaml": Deployment in version "v1" cannot be handled as a Deployment

I am new to DevOps. I wrote a deployment.yaml file for a Kubernetes cluster I just created on Digital Oceans. Creating the deployment keeps bringing up errors that I can't decode for now. This is just ...
Famokunwa Toluwani's user avatar
44 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between Docker Host and Container

I started learning about Docker. But I keep getting confused often, even though I read it in multiple places. Docker Host and Docker Container. Docker Engine is the base Engine that handles the ...
Kevin Rave's user avatar
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34 votes
2 answers

How to run docker-compose commands with ansible?

In ansible playbook I need to run docker-compose commands. How can I do it? I need to run command: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up
Tatiana's user avatar
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32 votes
3 answers

When to pull from Docker repo and when from Git repo and then build?

Suppose I have a machine. It can be a single production server, one of production nodes in a cluster, some kind of staging server, a server or a cluster for testing or a developer workstation. Or ...
Gherman's user avatar
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32 votes
5 answers

How to update code from Git to a Docker container

I have a Docker file trying to deploy Django code to a container FROM ubuntu:latest MAINTAINER { myname } #RUN echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main universe" >> /...
Cheruiyot Felix's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

How do you manage per-environment data in Docker-based microservices?

In a microservice architecture, I'm having a hard time grasping how one can manage environment-specific config (e.g. IP address and credentials for database or message broker). Let's say you have ...
Steve Perkins's user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

Kubernetes deployment read-only filesystem error

I am facing an error while deploying Airflow on Kubernetes (precisely this version of Airflow regarding writing permissions onto the ...
spaghettifunk's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

How to understand Amazon ECS cluster

I recently tried to deploy docker containers using task definition by AWS. Along the way, I came across the following questions. How to add an instance to a cluster? When creating a new cluster ...
Allan Jiang's user avatar
  • 11.3k
25 votes
2 answers

How to integrate Capistrano with Docker for deployment?

I am not sure my question is relevant as I may try to mix tools (Capistrano and Docker) that should not be mixed. I have recently dockerized an application that is deployed with Capistrano. Docker ...
Michaël Perrin's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Docker Rails app fails to be served - curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

I build a Rails app container with the following Dockerfile: $ cat Dockerfile FROM ruby:2.2 MAINTAINER Luca G. Soave <[email protected]> RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ...
Luca G. Soave's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

Could not find a required file. Name: index.html in react with docker compose

I have my react app set up with create-react-app and I was trying to run it with Docker container and Docker compose. However, I got the following error when I ran it with Docker compose. web_1 |...
Eric's user avatar
  • 399
18 votes
4 answers

Building a compiled application with Docker

I am building a server, written in C++ and want to deploy it using Docker with docker-compose. What is the "right way" to do it? Should I invoke make from Dockerfile or build manually, upload to some ...
Alexander Shishenko's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Automatic self-configuration of an etcd cluster as a Docker swarm service

I want to find a way to deploy an etcd cluster as a Docker Swarm service that would automatically configure itself without any interaction. Basically, I think of something in spirit of this command: ...
drdaeman's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

What are conceptual and practical differences between containers (i.e. docker) and encapsulated packages (i.e. flatpack, snap)?

I read often that both concepts are quite different, but I could not find a good explanation about where the differences lie. Both bundle dependencies and restrict talking to the outside world. When ...
Boffin's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

What are differences between Docker and Octopus Deploy

I have been using Octopus Deploy for sometime now just to deploy a web application onto an AWS EC2 instance. I am aware that Octopus Deploy is .NET specific and the learning curve is quite easy when ...
floormind's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Docker: Use sockets for communication between 2 containers

I have 2 Docker containers: App & Web. App — simple container with php application code. It is used only for storage and deliver the code to the remote Docker host. App image Dockerfile: FROM ...
Alex Fatyeev's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

AWS Beanstalk docker image automatic update doesn't work

I have a node.js application packaged in a docker image hosted in a public repository. I have deployed that image in an AWS Beanstalk docker application successfully. The problem is that I was ...
peveuve's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Docker, web app static files. Best practices?

How do people tend to handle static assets in web deployment on docker? For example, in a django app deployed in a container, do you have the app server serve up the static files from the container, ...
jvc26's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Amazon cli image doesn't work with Gitlab CI

I'm trying to run the aws command (to invalidate cloudfront) using official aws image and have the following config of .gitlab-ci.yml: static-invalidation: <<: *production-env stage: ...
vmikhieienko's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Deploying with docker push is slow because there are many images

I'm trying to deploy via docker. I'm using the following workflow: Build locally Push my image to docker hub On the server: pull the image On the server: start the image But docker push takes ...
Sean Clark Hess's user avatar
12 votes
8 answers

Docker - check private registry image version

What CLI commands do I need to use in order to check if the image in my private docker registry is a newer version than the one currently running on my server? E.g. I have a container that I ran ...
Programster's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Docker: how to manage development and production settings?

I'm just getting started with Docker. With the official NGINX image on my OSX development machine (with Docker Machine as the Docker host) I ran up against the bug with sendfile and VirtualBox which ...
And Finally's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Deploy to elasticbeanstalk via CLI deploy command with

I am running an elasticbeanstalk application, with multiple environments. This particular application is hosting docker containers which host a webservice. To upload and deploy a new version of the ...
Courtland Caldwell's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

KeyCloak: Deploy Custom Theme in Docker

I know how to deploy custom KeyCloak theme in Windows using both ways as stated here: Copy-paste theme in themes directory Using archive deploy Can someone please suggest how to do this in docker?
CodeZila's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Connection Refused from Request Inside Docker Compose

I have an API running on my host machine on port 8000. Meanwhile, I have a docker compose cluster with one container that's supposed to connect said API. To get the url for the request, I use "...
Eddysanoli's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Stand up select services with docker-compose

I wanted to create a install script which would stand up certain services based on user input. I am using docker for the managing these services. With docker-compose I am able to define multiple ...
ranafde's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

howto: elastic beanstalk + deploy docker + graceful shutdown

Hi great people of stackoverflow, Were hosting a docker container on EB with an nodejs based code running on it. When redeploying our docker container we'd like the old one to do a graceful shutdown. ...
samz's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to automate multi server deployment using docker

Here's my situation: I have a project written in Go stored on Github I have 3 app servers behind a load balancer (app1, app2, app3) I have a Dockerfile as part of the project in git, which when used ...
Matt Harrison's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

CLion - build within a docker container, but deploy for execution/debugging to a different host

I have constructed an x86 docker container, containing an armv8 gcc toolchain for cross-compilation of my C++ software. The idea is that I can use the docker container to cross-compile my software and ...
davidA's user avatar
  • 13.3k
10 votes
1 answer

Deploy a Docker image without using a repository

I'm building a Docker image on my build server (using TeamCity). After the build is done I want to take the image and deploy it to some server (staging, production). All tutorials i have found either ...
tillda's user avatar
  • 18.5k
9 votes
1 answer

How to install docker 1.9+ in CentOS 6.5?

I'm now deploying on CentOS 6.5, and I'm now starting to use docker. So, I follow the instructions on: No matter which method I follow to install, ...
Alfred Huang's user avatar
  • 18.1k
9 votes
2 answers

Docker Compose Continuous Deployment setup

I am looking for a way to deploy docker-compose images and / or builds to a remote sever, specifically but not limited to a DigitalOcean VPS. docker-compose is currently working on the CircleCI ...
zurfyx's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Error response from daemon: manifest for abhishek8054/token-app:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

I had made my own Docker image that is a simple react app and pushed it onto the docker hub. Now I am trying to pull my image in system then it shows me an error Error response from daemon: manifest ...
Abhishek Poddar's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Use docker multistage builds for R development and deployment setting

Problem For development, I want to use a Docker image with the RStudio IDE, which relatively heavy. I also need many packages for my project, so I create my own docker file that has the above ...
Lorenz Walthert's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to deploy React app with docker and serve -s build

So far I have build the image and deployed it to AWS EC2. But I want to use serve -s build to serve the app in production mode. I did it locally and apparently everything seems to be fine..I get this....
nacho's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

$CI_COMMIT_TAG in "if" statemets of regular job

I try to make a pretty basic GitLab CI job. I want: When I push to develop, gitlab builds docker image with tag "develop" When I push to main, gitlab checks that current commit has tag, and ...
Archirk's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Docker deployment workflow with git

What is the best way to deploy a docker container to a production environment? Add a Dockerfile to the git repository and run docker build on the production system Commit changes to a container with ...
Youssef Bouhjira's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is is possible to deploy a Docker image straight to AWS?

I'm having a tough time wrapping my brain around the possibilities of Docker, so pardon my ignorance here: Can I take a Docker image of a database server that I've created, and deploy that straight ...
orokusaki's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

AWS ECS InvalidParameterExcpetion when calling the UpdateService Operation

I've been trying to setup CI/CD for my ECS cluster using jenkins. I followed this blog to do the same. But I'm getting this error: An error occurred (InvalidParameterException) when calling the ...
Rahul Sharma's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Kubernetes multiple identical app and database deployments with different config

The dilemma: Deploy multiple app and database container pairs with identical docker image and code, but different config (different clients using subdomains). What are some logical ways to approach ...
Mick's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Deployment with only SSH Key and dockerfile

Excuse my dev ops naiveté but I assume all you need to deploy to a machine is a proper SSH key, a port to expose, the machine's IP address a login and the code to deploy. So are there any simple ...
GTDev's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Deploy a docker container to production

I have create a docker image on my dev machine and tested my RAILS code on it. The container uses code from the host this way : docker run -v [/path/to/dir/to/mount/on/local/machine/]:[/desired/path/...
user2854544's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How do I have multiple docker images for one project in one directory?

For my current python project I have multiple 'programs' I want running at a time (e.g. crawler, indexer, web server, postgresql server etc). All of these python programs share some common modules in ...
maxharrison's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Deploying Golang web app static files with Docker container

I'm working on a small web application that has some static files (configs and html templates): ├── Dockerfile ├── manifest.json ├── session │   ├── config.go │   ├── handlers.go │   └── ...
Vitaly Isaev's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Can i deploy my Java Spring-Boot Application in my Synology NAS?

I have a Spring-Boot Application with REST API (Maven build and MongoDB Database). I will also make a UI with Angular 2 on top of that (npm build). What i would like to do is, to host this site, ...
akcasoy's user avatar
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