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315 votes
4 answers

How do I install package.json dependencies in the current directory using npm

I have a web app: fooapp. I have a package.json in the root. I want to install all the dependencies in a specific node_modules directory. How do I do this? What I want Lets say I have two widget ...
Daniel Beardsley's user avatar
205 votes
17 answers

How do I run a Node.js application as its own process?

What is the best way to deploy Node.js? I have a Dreamhost VPS (that's what they call a VM), and I have been able to install Node.js and set up a proxy. This works great as long as I keep the SSH ...
respectTheCode's user avatar
148 votes
7 answers

How do I deploy Node.js applications as a single executable file? [duplicate]

Supposed I have written a Node.js application, and I now would like to distribute it. Of course, I want to make it easy for the user, hence I do not want him to install Node.js, run npm install and ...
Golo Roden's user avatar
  • 147k
91 votes
8 answers

How to deploy Node.js application with deep node_modules structure on Windows?

I've run into a curious issue - apparently some Node.js module have so deep folder hierarchies that Windows copy command (or PowerShell's Copy-Item which is what we're actually using) hits the ...
Borek Bernard's user avatar
87 votes
6 answers

How to package & deploy Node.js + express web application?

I am new to Node.js programming and I have recently created a sample working web application using (express, backbone & other complimentary view technologies, with mongoDB). Now i am at a point ...
KBJ's user avatar
  • 920
75 votes
6 answers

Deploying a production Node.js server [closed]

I've written a Node.js app, I'm looking to get it running on one of our production machines. This seems like a pretty common request yet I can't find an adequate solution. Is there not established ...
David Chouinard's user avatar
71 votes
5 answers

Secure distribution of NodeJS applications

What: Can NodeJS apps be distributed as binary? ie. you compile the .js app via V8 into its native binary, and distribute the binary to clients? (if you had total access to the NodeJS server)... or is ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
68 votes
3 answers

How to deploy a React + NodeJS Express application to AWS?

I have a React + Webpack/Babel + Node/Express application and I want to deploy it on AWS. Would I have to deploy React and Node/Express separately? Or could they be deployed together at once?
Dan Me's user avatar
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56 votes
3 answers

Node.js setup for easy deployment and updating

We're currently developing a website (TYPO3 under Apache) for a customer that is supported by a node.js/ application that provides realtime updates to the content served from the CMS. As ...'s user avatar
  • 3,811
54 votes
2 answers

Is there benefit to using Monit instead of a basic Upstart setup?

I'm configuring my server to run node.js as a daemon. I've setup Upstart to handle startup and shutdown of node, which works wonderfully. The next step is to make sure that node.js is restarted if it ...
James Gregory's user avatar
51 votes
22 answers

error: This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above

In my project, I'm using Angular6 for the frontend. Now what I'm trying to do is deploy my project which is in remote server into the actual server. I'm using npm run build -prod command to build the ...
47 votes
4 answers

How to deploy Node.js in cloud for high availability using multi-core, reverse-proxy, and SSL

I have posted this to ServerFault, but the Node.js community seems tiny there, so I'm hoping this bring more exposure. I have a Node.js (0.4.9) application and am researching how to best deploy and ...
Chris F's user avatar
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42 votes
4 answers

Heroku + node.js: I have a server which uses multiple ports. How can I get Heroku to allocate them?

Umm I'll try to be more clear.. In an application server I have written in node.js, I have inner-proxy for multiple ports: in my 8080 port I have my rest api. in my 3000 port I have my push server ...
Amit Evron's user avatar
35 votes
2 answers

What is the right way of production deployment of nestjs application

I've developed simple nestjs rest services. Now I am planning to deploy my app. Please help me with efficient way of production deployment of nestjs app.
Boobalan's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

Best practice for nodejs deployment - Directly moving node_modules to server or run npm install command

What is the best practice for deploying a nodejs application? 1) Directly moving the node_modules folders from the development server to production server, so that our same local environment can be ...
Sanjay Kumar N S's user avatar
33 votes
4 answers

Is there a deployment tool similar to Fabric written in JavaScript? [closed]

I put together a mobile development stack that is almost entirely using Javascript on node.js. With the only exception of SASS (prefer it to LESS) and Fabric. I prefer not to pollute my development ...
Peter Throwson's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

Deploy the backend and frontend on the same Heroku app/dyno

At the root of my project, I have a frontend and backend folder. Both folders contain a package.json that list their dependencies. How do I tell Heroku to run npm install on both folders when ...
Maxime Dupré's user avatar
31 votes
4 answers

Where to deploy node.js apps on a Linux server?

I'm running 4 separate Node.js apps on a Linux server with different ports and a proxy in front. As I'm (right now) the only user in the server, it doesn't matter where I place the apps and how to ...
jsalonen's user avatar
  • 30.1k
28 votes
9 answers

Heroku Cannot GET /

I am new to Heroku and believe I am following all of the steps outlined on Heroku's website to deploy via node.js – – but despite ...
bullcitydave's user avatar
28 votes
2 answers

Nodejs application Error: bind EADDRINUSE when use pm2 deploy

Express application deploy with pm2 database is mongodb when run app with command: NODE_ENV=production pm2 start app.js -i max aften has Error: bind EADDRINUSE, this is logs, when error, [app ...
lidashuang's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

Set Node.js to $PATH

I am studying RoR and I am setting this virtual machine to "deploy" RoR and I got stuck in the Node.js installation. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and I followed this step of this guide: http://railsapps....
Apollo's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

How to deploy separated frontend and backend?

I am developing a new project with react/express as the frontend and loopback as the backend api. I have separated both of them in my development environment with different ports. How should I deploy ...
Yen Sheng's user avatar
  • 715
23 votes
7 answers

cpanel node.js Can't acquire lock for app: app

i am trying to deploy a node.js app. after creating and installing modules using cpanel interface. when i run script, i get this error: Can't acquire lock for app: app. any idea?
mahdikmg's user avatar
  • 888
20 votes
1 answer

How to deploy MEAN.js (Node.js) application to Production environment

MEAN.JS stack proposes the "grunt build" task for preparing application to Production. Unfortunately there is a lack of information about next steps. Actually it's not clear how to deploy the ...
Roman Podlinov's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Error while installing Nodejs on Godaddy Shared Linux Hosting

I am installing Node.js on Godaddy Shared Linux Hosting by connecting to SSH via PuTTy. Getting Errors. I ran curl -o- | bash ...
Sran Manpreet's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

Could not find a required file. Name: index.html in react with docker compose

I have my react app set up with create-react-app and I was trying to run it with Docker container and Docker compose. However, I got the following error when I ran it with Docker compose. web_1 |...
Eric's user avatar
  • 399
18 votes
11 answers

Firebase hosting deployment error Error: Error: 404, Requested entity was not found

i have hosted a static website on firebase and i am using node.js. when i am trying to deploy my website i am facing this error. C:\Users\Ankur-PC\Desktop>firebase deploy === Deploying to 'wo*****...
user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Deploying a Sails.js app to Heroku?

I have limited experience deploying Node.js apps -- how can I deploy a Sails.js app to Heroku? I've heroku logined and heroku created my app already.
Evan Hahn's user avatar
  • 12.5k
16 votes
1 answer

Pointing a domain to my remote Node JS application?

I'm trying to work out how exactly to deploy Node JS on my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server. I've read many different blogs and articles that explain multiple different ways. Most seem out of date, or don't ...
littlejim84's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Deploy nodejs in Windows environment

I am trying to deploy nodejs in a windows environment. As far as I can see nodejs is just a standard application run through the command-line. However running it that way is not very practical in a ...
aggaton's user avatar
  • 3,252
16 votes
3 answers

How to run vite server if index.html file is not in the root directory

Index.html & app.css is outside of the /tailwindcss/... Vite Server is running but not working on localhost. How to fix this problem I don't want to put index.html in directory tailwindcss.
Abhay Pratap Rana's user avatar
16 votes
10 answers

ReactJS: How to deploy on local server

I have a web app developed with a NodeJS + Express + GraphQL + MongoDB back-end and a ReactJS + Apollo front-end. I would like to deploy this application locally. Is that even possible? I have come ...
Bens Steves's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

ReactJS deploy app error Cannot copy to clipboard: Command failed: xsel --clipboard --input

I'm trying to deploy a ReactJS app in my Ubuntu 16.04 server but when I execute the command: serve -s build This is my package.json file: { "name": "client", "version": "0.1.0", "private": ...
Dave's user avatar
  • 2,072
15 votes
3 answers

How do I deploy an Angular.js app?

This may be a stupid question, but I'm wondering what platform I should use to deploy my Angular.js app? I tried using Heroku but got a "no Cedar-supported app detected" error. Any thoughts? UPDATE ...
Sara's user avatar
  • 2,759
15 votes
4 answers

Heroku + Github deployment strategies

I am working on a web app, hosting the source code on Github and running the app on Heroku. Everything works fine, but I have on issue I can't wrap my head around. Before the deploying my code, I run ...
mbuchetics's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Express server: Error: Requested Range Not Satisfiable

Im writing my first node web server (feel free to give me feedback) that uses express and gith to deploy. The problem is I'm receiving the below error once deploying, and if I run the script via pm2 ...
gazzwi86's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Why do we need apache under Node.js express web framework?

I am going to deploy my node.js application. I can start my own web application with purely node.js only. But my fd told me that it is better to serve that web app under apache or nginx. Anyone ...
TheOneTeam's user avatar
  • 26.6k
13 votes
4 answers

How to deploy node app to remote host from Jenkins?

This is Jenkins file in the root of node app directory: pipeline { agent any triggers { pollSCM('* * * * *') } stages { stage("deploy") { steps { ...
ace's user avatar
  • 11.9k
12 votes
4 answers

Execute command after deploy AWS Beanstalk

I have problem with execute command after deploy, i have some node.js project and script, this script use some bin from node_modules, if i write my command for script in .ebextensions/.config he ...
siavolt's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Deployment to Heroku Error: Cannot find module '/app/server.js'

I'm deploying an Angular 6 application created with the angular-cli to Heroku. The build completes successfully, however, when I go to the deployed application, I get a blank page. After running the ...
Kode_12's user avatar
  • 4,618
12 votes
2 answers

Javascript / Node.js based equivalent of Fabric? [closed]

I love how Fabric makes dealing with deployments to multiple servers easy (with proper support for SSH etc). However, since ours is s node.js based project, it would be great if we could do this in ...
UpTheCreek's user avatar
  • 32.1k
12 votes
4 answers

How to deploy MERN stack to a hosting service?

I am new to web development and I have a hosting service on which I want to deploy my reactjs/node project. To deploy it previously, I had been simply uploading the build folder created from running ...
Meghan King's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Using PM2, how can I deploy my node.js app to multiple environments and ports on the same server?

I have an ecosystem.json file for my node app that I deploy using PM2. I've tried configuring it a bunch of different ways, but have not had luck accomplishing my goal which is to: be able to ...
k00k's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

HTTP GET requests being made to my website for unknown .php files. Why and how to prevent this

I have an application deployed on a digital ocean droplet. About 1 day after deploying, my server crashed, the final logs look like this: GET /vehicle/tank/all/1 304 2.965 ms - - GET /vehicle/tank/...
mLoftus's user avatar
  • 141
11 votes
2 answers

How to specify node version in heroku

I have a Node project that I want to host on Heroku. I have explicitly defined node and npm versions in my package.json (located in the root directory), which looks like this: { "name": "*********", ...
Vincent Wijaya's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Advice with the deployment strategy to follow with NextJS

Could you recommend us the best practices to deploy applications in production with nextjs? We are thinking in strategies like: canary deployment, blue/green deployment... We have several doubts to ...
Alberto Delgado Roda's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Node.js: Simple app not working on Heroku

I've written a basic node.js application and I've managed to deploy it on Heroku without having any problem. I've created my package.json and Procfile, however from logs I see that there is no running ...
Ali's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Heroku: How to deploy a node app with client and server running on different ports?

I have a nodejs API as server and React/Redux app as client located in one git project: I want to deploy it on Heroku using the heroku cli. The ...
Michael's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

App engine deployment down with "The Node.js binary could not be verified"

My app engine deployment (flexible environment, node js 12) has suddenly started failing, seemingly due to an issue with node js on the google side. Build output here: Step #1: Already have image (...
Chris Cummings's user avatar

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