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592 votes
26 answers

How can I update the parent's state in React?

My structure looks as follows: Component 1 - |- Component 2 - - |- Component 4 - - - |- Component 5 Component 3 Component 3 should display some data depending on state of Component 5. Since ...
Wojciech Kulma's user avatar
68 votes
3 answers

How to deploy a React + NodeJS Express application to AWS?

I have a React + Webpack/Babel + Node/Express application and I want to deploy it on AWS. Would I have to deploy React and Node/Express separately? Or could they be deployed together at once?
Dan Me's user avatar
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67 votes
16 answers

Treating warnings as errors because process.env.CI = true. Failed to compile

I am working on a react-weather application for self learning purpose. Deployed the same in gh-pages. URL Repo
Davis Raimon's user avatar
34 votes
7 answers

React app has to clear browser cache after new deployment

We are deploying our React application on the apache server using the Jenkins pipeline. When we deploy new codes, most of the new features work fine but not for all changes reflect the latest in the ...
Nimish goel's user avatar
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32 votes
6 answers

"Invalid Host Header" in When running React App

I am having one simple project of React JS and I am deploying into OSE. Also I am using below dependencies in my project. "webpack": "^2.2.0", "webpack-dev-server": "^1.14.1", "react": "^15.5.4", ...
Bharat Sewani's user avatar
28 votes
4 answers

How to handle deploys with Webpack code splitting?

Here's an unexpected issue I've run into with Webpack code splitting in the wild: Imagine this scenario: The user loads a React app with Webpack code splitting and a few bundle chunks are loaded A ...
Maros's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

How to deploy separated frontend and backend?

I am developing a new project with react/express as the frontend and loopback as the backend api. I have separated both of them in my development environment with different ports. How should I deploy ...
Yen Sheng's user avatar
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25 votes
6 answers

Uncaught Error: Minified React error #425

When moving my application to production, these errors appeared, and I have no idea what it could be. I'm using: // package.json "dependencies": { "@supabase/supabase-js&...
Cesar Mejias's user avatar
24 votes
6 answers

Github pages still shows README after deploying React app

I have a create-react-app project ( which I'd like to deploy to Github pages using gh-pages. Following this tutorial,
Kurt Peek's user avatar
  • 55.6k
24 votes
6 answers

Azure App Service Getting error while deploying REACT JS application

Getting error while deploying to azure app services from the editor. 4:48:55 pm ppdedsrftwu2-appservice1: Starting deployment... 4:48:56 pm ppdedsrftwu2-appservice1: Creating zip package... 4:49:00 pm ...
Prateek Naik's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

How to run Next Js application build (out) directory?

I have done development of Next Js application and as of now I have done auto deployment using vercel Things are fine as of now.. But here came the requirement that I need to build the Next Js ...
Undefined's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Could not find a required file. Name: index.html in react with docker compose

I have my react app set up with create-react-app and I was trying to run it with Docker container and Docker compose. However, I got the following error when I ran it with Docker compose. web_1 |...
Eric's user avatar
  • 399
18 votes
2 answers

NextJs export folder "out" doesn't have index.html

I’ve built a Next.js app, and I wanted to use static exporting to host the project on my hosting. The app is simple, so I didn’t use most of the features that Next.js offers. When I run: npm run build ...
khaled sakhai's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

How to deploy a create-react-app to a web host (ex. Siteground)?

I'm building a react project using create-react-app and am trying to figure out how to deploy my code to my hosting server on Siteground. Does anyone know the best way to do this? Do I import my ...
Dane W. Iliff's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Why is create-react-app's build directory in .gitignore?

This is clearly something I'm misunderstanding but I'm desperately struggling to find an answer. I've been teaching myself React with create-react-app, I've run "npm run build" to spit out my ...
MyNotes's user avatar
  • 435
16 votes
8 answers

Next JS : Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open

I am trying to build the next Js app production files to deploy it on cPanel, when I execute npm run dev the app is working just fine but as I start to build a production file with the help of this ...
16 votes
10 answers

ReactJS: How to deploy on local server

I have a web app developed with a NodeJS + Express + GraphQL + MongoDB back-end and a ReactJS + Apollo front-end. I would like to deploy this application locally. Is that even possible? I have come ...
Bens Steves's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

ReactJS deploy app error Cannot copy to clipboard: Command failed: xsel --clipboard --input

I'm trying to deploy a ReactJS app in my Ubuntu 16.04 server but when I execute the command: serve -s build This is my package.json file: { "name": "client", "version": "0.1.0", "private": ...
Dave's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Can I deploy my ReactJS app on a regular host?

I've seen many guides where people teach you how to deploy your react app on services like digital ocean, heroku, GitHub Pages, aws. But I'm wondering if I can deploy my React app (create-react-app) ...
Julio's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Deploying Reactjs website on github pages with routing results in 404 error on refresh

I've created a ReactJS webpage with multiple routes using BrowserRouter and deployed in via GitHub pages with its own domain. The website works perfectly as intended, however, when I refresh the page ...
Mark Huynh's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

What does "Export CI=true" do in this create-react-app deploy script?

There's a file called in our Create React App, that is used to publish things to the CDN. One of the lines in there says export CI=true. I have no idea what "CI" means in this context, and ...
Physix's user avatar
  • 301
13 votes
15 answers

React : CSS class name import not working

i have a <main> div in my react component and im importing some class name from a class css file, but the class name is not getting integrated to the main div when i try to inspect it in the ...
Shamseer Ahammed's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

React app is looking for static files in different location when using proxy

I have used npx create-react-app my-app to create a react app. The I used npm run build to build the app and deployed it using serve -s build I'm using a proxy server to make my app publicly ...
Tenusha Guruge's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

How to deploy next.js 9 to aws lambda

I am developing a project with next.js9. I have some problems and questions. I would like to deploy my next.js 9 project to AWS lambda. official next.js 9 doc tell me "each page in the pages ...
hahaha's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Setting base href using Environment variables

Need to set the href value for <base href=""/> tag based on build environment configuration. Eg: Staging should have <base href="/staging" /> Prod should have <base href="/" /> ...
Manmeet S. Oberoi's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How to deploy MERN stack to a hosting service?

I am new to web development and I have a hosting service on which I want to deploy my reactjs/node project. To deploy it previously, I had been simply uploading the build folder created from running ...
Meghan King's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

404: NOT_FOUND on Vercel deployment

I have build a web3 application using chakra-UI and three.js. I have added a metamask integration to the website, which helps to mint the NFTs on smart contract. When I do, npm run dev On my machine, ...
Hemang Joshi's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Netlify does not recognize the URL params when using react-router-dom

I am creating a react app that uses react router. I am using the router to match the paths like :/bankName-:credit and it works fine in local development. The only require path for my application is :/...
aditya81070's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to Deploy Django Rest Framework and React on AWS

I am very new to deploy Django and AWS. So now I would like to deploy my separate project (drf + react) to AWS. So How can I deploy the separate project to AWS? EC2 vs Elastic BeanStalk which one ...
Loran's user avatar
  • 812
11 votes
2 answers

Trigger hard cache refresh when index.html changes in create-react-app deployment

I'm currently building and deploying my create-react-app site using "react-scripts build", and then copying the contents of the build directory to an apache web directory. The web directory contains ...
Dan's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

how to deploy reactJS application on Tomcat Server

I am new in reactjs, I want to deploy my reactjs application on tomcat server instead of running on react server which is default port is 3000. I run the npm serve command for running the npm local ...
Pravin Abhale's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Deploying react app on github pages front and backend in the same repository

I am trying to deploy a react app with the backend into the same repository on github pages. It all works fine until I add the backend code to it. I can deploy the front-end, but I cannot figure out ...
Gabi C's user avatar
  • 471
9 votes
6 answers

How to deploy a nextjs application on cpanel?

I followed these steps to deploy my nextjs on cPanel. go to package.json and add this line: "homepage": "" run next build to have .next folder as my build folder go to cpanel &...
Afsanefda's user avatar
  • 3,229
9 votes
6 answers

Nginx and Create React App (with React Router) full routes not working

I have been stuck on this for days now and I need the internet's help. I have created a static HTML landing page project for my react application (These two projects are separate), and I wish to serve ...
nuxer's user avatar
  • 468
9 votes
8 answers

NextJs vercel deployment error "routes-manifest.json" couldn't be found

My nextjs app was working properly I added some files to update my code now it is not deploying my app on vercel. gives this error I tried googling the error but my case in unique. This is the git ...
usman mughal's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Deploying react app with webpack

I am doing a tutorial on React and I have made a youtube clone based on react. Now I wanted to upload this to my domain (hosted at but it doesn't work because bundle.js can't be found. Rather ...
Robin Claes's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How to deploy JS app that has code splitting, making sure past app versions don't break

I have a simple PWA app built with Webpack and React. It has code splitting setup on dynamic imports (e.g. React.lazy(() => import('./SomeRoute'))) so different routes get different JS bundles, e.g....
Dmitri Pisarev's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

generateAppendClassName: CSS module is undefined

I have a React v15 web app that runs fine at localhost. Yet when I deploy it to GitHub pages, I have a CSS module is undefined error: I've set up a test repo for this issue:
CherryQu's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

TypeError: braintree.connect is not a function

I've implemented a braintree using its documentation but, facing this error in the terminal. it's showing that braintree.connect is not a function, but in the documentation it has been provided hard ...
Sumit's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Why is my vercel project giving me an error 404 on refresh?

I have a simple React + Vite project that I deployed on Vercel for the first time for fun. But whenever i hit refresh on a sub-route, it sends me to a 404 page. I'm using react-router-v6 for the ...
julcodecode's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Deploying and development env for Django and React

I build a nice web application with django and react and i want to deploy it, during development i used to have to separate app which run on different ports on my sys, django app and react js app. I'm ...
user1831541's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to deploy React app with docker and serve -s build

So far I have build the image and deployed it to AWS EC2. But I want to use serve -s build to serve the app in production mode. I did it locally and apparently everything seems to be fine..I get this....
nacho's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

'serve' is not recognized as an internal or external command to run react app

serve has been installed globally using npm install -g serve command and It works locally, but deploying to a Windows server gives the following error: "serve" is not recognized as an ...
Rahul Kumar's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

NextJs: The Serverless Function exceeds the maximum size limit of 50mb

I'm new working with NextJs and when trying to deploy my project to Vercel I'm getting the following error: Error! The Serverless Function "api/auth" is 50.55mb which exceeds the maximum ...
DrunkOldDog's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to get a React.js app running on Azure App Services?

I have a simple React.js app that works 100% perfectly fine on my localhost. e.g. - clone git repo - go to the root folder of the cloned repo - npm install - npm start and the browser opens up on ...
Pure.Krome's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Deploying react project on Azure

I want to deploy my react project on azure cloud. I already deployed it on heroku and there it was very easy to deploy. I just had to do git push heroku master to deploy it on heroku. But I am ...
EdG's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to deploy React App on production with Server Side Rendering

I have created my application using create-react-app. It is working fine with SSR. Everything is in place but I don't know how to deploy it? What I ideally want is : Generate a build folder and will ...
Shweta Gulati's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I resolve ReactMarkDown that uses "children" as a prop w/ Error Do not pass children as props

I have a Next.js app that I'm deploying to vercel and am using ReactMarkDown component to render some content from a Strapi backend. While this works locally, deployment fails with the following log: ...
darkecho2788's user avatar

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