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130 votes
7 answers

How do you include additional files using VS2010 web deployment packages?

I am testing out using the new web packaging functionality in visual studio 2010 and came across a situation where I use a pre-build event to copy required .dll's into my bin folder that my app relies ...
Jason's user avatar
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128 votes
3 answers

Configuration With Same Name Already Exists

I have a solution with 10+ projects (VS2010 SP1). I have the following configurations defined in the solution: Debug Debug-QA Release-UAT Release-Production This allows me to easily setup specific ...
Josh M.'s user avatar
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91 votes
34 answers

Web deployment task failed. Could not connect...server did not respond

I've been publishing my Lightswitch app using Visual Studio 2012 RC to my localhost (Win 7, SQL 2008 R2, IIS 7.5) just fine. Now I'm trying to publish to a remote server (Win 2008 R2, SQL 2008 R2, IIS ...
embedded.kyle's user avatar
69 votes
14 answers

Determine assembly version during a post-build event

Let's say I wanted to create a static text file which ships with each release. I want the file to be updated with the version number of the release (as specified in AssemblyInfo.cs), but I don't want ...
Winston Smith's user avatar
62 votes
1 answer

What creates the directory "app.publish" in visual studio?

I switched over visual studio 2010 express, to visual studio 2013. Now, whenever I try to test the code, he says /bin/release/app.publish access is denied, giving back a error and forcing me to ...
desiredness's user avatar
53 votes
8 answers

Develop Tampermonkey scripts in a real IDE with automatic deployment to OpenUserJs repo

I recently started development on a Tampermonkey script, which is hosted on OpenUserJs. It seems that I'm going to invest a bit more time in the future on this script by keep it up to date and extend ...
Lion's user avatar
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41 votes
5 answers

After Publish event in Visual Studio

I am trying to invoke simple task after publish event. When I say "publish", I mean publish in Visual Studio, right click on project and pressing "Publish...". I have included (Imported) targets file ...
Andrija's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

How to reference different version of dll with MSBuild

I have a web application project which utilises a set of 3rd party dll's. The issue is that the dev/staging environment is 32bit, but production is 64bit. As such, we have to re-reference and build ...
mickyjtwin's user avatar
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32 votes
2 answers

MSBuildExtensionsPath32 not set correctly?

For the life of me, I cannot find where this value is actually set. It SHOULD be pointing at C:\Program Files\MSBuild, but on our build box, it's pointing at C:. How can I change this?
Jamie Nordmeyer's user avatar
30 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio publish in debug Vs Release mode

I know the difference between debug and release mode BUILD. But I have a small doubt, does it make any difference on what mode I select while publishing the application thru Visual studio?
pramodtech's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

How to add Licence agreement in the setup project

I wish to add a licence agreement to my setup files (using setup project) If the user does not accept it, the setup should be cancelled. How to do it?
Furqan Sehgal's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

How can I exclude files from being harvested with heat (WiX 3.5)?

I would like to harvest a folder with a lot of files by using heat.exe. But instead of harvesting all files, I would like to exclude specific file extensions like "*.txt" or something like that. How ...
Marcus's user avatar
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29 votes
5 answers

Deploying to Windows Phone 10 fails on Visual Studio

So many things happened that I don't know where to start. Seriously, shouldn't this be simpler? Edit: Someone here knows how can I contact Microsoft to tell this? Or even, can someone tell them about ...
Ricardo Pieper's user avatar
26 votes
8 answers

The target "_CopyBinDeployableAssemblies" does not exist in the project

I installed Visual Studio 2010 SP1 the other day and now when i try to "publish" my apps i get this error on ALL of my projects. The target "_CopyBinDeployableAssemblies" does not exist in the ...
Olaj's user avatar
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26 votes
7 answers

"Can't find the valid AspnetMergePath" on Visual Web Developer Publish?

I am wanting to use Visual Web Developer Express 2010 to publish a website, pre-compiled to a remote server over FTP using the following settings: Deploy only files needed to run this application ...
user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

app.config Transformations

I'm a huge fan of the addition of web.config transformations in Visual Studio 2010. See also Scott Hanselman's recent talk at MIX2011. What sucks is that this functionality (appears at least) to only ...
isNaN1247's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

How to keep the installer's version number in sync with the installed assemblies' version numbers?

In my current project, I'm producing weekly releases. I've been using the technique described in this post to keep the version numbers of all of the assemblies in my project in sync. (I don't ...
Robert Rossney's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

ClickOnce deployment is leaving multiple versions (yes, more than two)

I've got a ClickOnce application that is leaving all old versions on my disk. It's an internal corporate application that gets frequent updates, so this is a disaster for rapidly inflating our backup ...
Clyde's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How can I AutoSave my Visual Studio 2015 files when it loses focus?

I'm working with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript in my classes, and I've recently started working with Visual Studio 2015. In Notepad++, there's an add-on that allowed me to automatically save all my opened ...
Alan Nelson's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

What are "Content Files" (in Visual Studio : Setup Project : File System

In the context of a Visual Studio 2008 Setup Project, what are "Content Files". In other words, when creating a setup project and defining the File System settings and choosing: Add Project Output > ...
Adam Kane's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

MSDeploy - Destination Not Reachable

I have installed Web Deploy 3.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2 and tried to run remote publish web application through visual studio 2012. However, I got the error - Destination Not Reachable. I read some ...
seanbun's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Web Deploy no longer works

My team uses Web Deploy in order to deploy updates to our website on to our production server. The last few days I've been doing some housekeeping and have changed my password (which I made sure to ...
Yoshi Walsh's user avatar
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16 votes
9 answers

Publishing an ASP.NET MVC2 site with Web Deploy

I currently use Web Deploy, to publish my MVC2 app. It used to work well, but now it is got to the point where I can't continue using it: When the MVC ...
JK.'s user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between Web deploy and FTP deploy in Visual Studio?

Recently I need to deploy our website into a QA environment. I find that there are a lot of options in the deployment methods, including FTP and Web Deploy. Before, I often used FTP deployment, which ...
Sun Robin's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How can I extend my publish profile to deploy to multiple locations?

The following is the generated publish profile for my dev environment: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- This file is used by the publish/package process of your Web project. You ...
Marcus's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Lib and DLL linking to an exe error "cannot read at 0x300"

I have a general question about how .dll/.libs are suppose to be used. I am creating a .dll to be used for my project, however, I noticed that when I go to compile I need to statically link the .lib ...
mmurphy's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

SQL SMO assemblies not being deployed when publishing

I've got a little problem regarding the deployment of a number of assemblies related to SMO. I have the following 5 references in my project: Each one is a .dll in a libraries folder which is where ...
Troy Hunt's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

C#: How to include dependent DLLs?

I am using a 3rd party API which is defined in 2 DLLs. I have included those DLLs in my project and set references to them. So far so good. However, these DLLs have at least one dependent DLL which ...
paul's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Duplicated DLL in the "Detected Dependencies" folder

In my solution I have to project using the same references (AxInterop.QTOControlLib.dll, Interop.QTOControlLib.dll and Interop.QTOLibrary.dll). My problem is that in my deployement project, these ...
Martin Delille's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Visual Studio Online scheduled build can't find my branch

I have created a Build Definition in Visual Studio Online which points to an "External Git" repository hosted at BitBucket. The details are set up under the "Repository" tab as follows: When I ...
Corpsekicker's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Always publish website with release code?

Is it possible to change some setting so that Visual Studio always use the "release" configuration when publishing? I use debug mode when i develop to clear some caches and stuff like that and i also ...
Olaj's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Setup Project in Visual Studio 2010 : Unknown Publisher?

I have a VS 2008 Setup Project created. I am trying to install this on a Windows 7 machine as a Standard User. I am getting a warning during install about an unknown publisher. I have used makecert ...
user31673's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

MSBuild solution command line output to individual folders

Currently, I have the following MSBuild command: msbuild /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release /p:OutputPath=C:\MySolutionOutput\ MySolution.sln Which compiles, however, I have ...
Matthew's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Publishing an IIS web application to a website root?

I'm trying to import a web application into IIS7 using Web Deploy. I packaged it into a ZIP file using Visual Studio's "Publish Web" functionality, and when I select the zip I get to my "Application ...
Jez's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

SSRS - Deploying a Reporting Services Report to Multiple Servers at Once

I have a Visual Studio Project with some reports I created. Each report has its own DataSource, with a defined user and password and a embedded connection, and I use this expression for the string ...
CyborgNinja23's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Web deploy publishes wrong version of assembly

I have a Web API project that has a dependency on System.Web.Http.WebHost and in my project I have set Copy Local = True on that reference, and the version (in this case) is When I publish ...
k3davis's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is there a way in a visual studio database project to exclude certain object during deployment?

I have a scenario where I am using a visual studio 2010 database project to deploy changes to multiple database installations, but on certain ones I want to exclude a set of views from that copy. Is ...
Jason's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to use MsDeploy to deploy a sub-application within a website

I have a sub application underneath an IIS website, and I can deploy it using the publish wizard in Visual Studio no problem. However, I'm automating our deployment from our build server so I prefer ...
Chris Haines's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

First Major Deployment

I have built many c# programs over the last few years, and I'm confident I can get a program to do almost anything. But up till now they have all been in-house programs where I have been around to ...
LewiG's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to publish ASP.NET Web API without Visual Studio?

How can I publish ASP.NET Web API without Visual Studio? There is an external server, where must be only binaries or created project. If I publish with the studio on localhost to the local IIS - no ...
user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio (2013) doesn't list "Device" option for Windows Phone app deployment

I have Visual Studio 2013 with Windows Phone 8 SDK installed. The phone is unlocked and recognized by the machine. However, very often Visual Studio doesn't list either "Device" (not emulator either) ...
Vagif Abilov's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Include GAC Assemblies in Bin

Any ideas how to force a GAC DLL into referenced? Here is my issue, I constantly use a 3rd party DLL that registers itself into the GAC, and when I use it in my project, it reads it from the gac, and ...
jaekie's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio Installer: How to Target Windows Public Documents Folder?

I am creating a desktop app that needs to install an SDF file to the SpecialFolder.CommonDocuments folder (C:\Users\Public\documents in Win 7). In a Visual Studio desktop Deployment Project, how do I ...
David Veeneman's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How do I create timestamp url or where can I find free timestamp url for MSIX app packages

When I self sign my app packages, visual studio only allows me to create a security certificate that is valid for one year. How can I create a timestamp url or where can I find a free timestamp url to ...
Tracy Zhou's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to deploy ASP.NET Core websites to Azure using VS Azure Resource Group projects?

I have built, as a proof of concept, an ASP.NET MVC 4.5.2 website with an MySQL database and have deployed this to Azure using an Azure Resource Group project (based on
David Nordvall's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Can't get SQL Server 2012 Express EULA to suppress (despite using /IAcceptSqlServerLicenseTerms) with Visual Studio 2015 prerequisite install

I have a setup project in Visual Studio 2015 for my .NET Windows Forms project that needs SQL Server 2012 Express as a prerequisite. I have successfully created a bootstrapper (located in C:\Program ...
Hershizer33's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Setup project in Visual Studio 2017 missing vs_setup.msi?

I'm trying to build a set up project for a Windows Forms application, I copied it from a coworker, we use this project (on his machine) to deploy the application. I installed the setup template in ...
mshwf's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

This account has no subscription - Publishing to Azure from Visual Studio

Earlier this year I successfully deployed a MVC app to Azure from Visual Studio. Now I'm trying to do the same thing again, but now I am told my azure account "has no subscription". However I am 100%...
MartinJH's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What is an artifact in the context of a visual studio solution?

Hopefully an easy question. What is an artifact in the context of a visual studio solution? What do they do? What are some common deployment patterns?
sennett's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

which port visual studio use for web deployment?

I have a mvc project in visual studio in my local computer. And I am trying to deploy it in my school network. Some ports are blocked in my school network. I can easily deploy my project at home. But ...
abby's user avatar
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