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Questions tagged [deployment]

A series of activities that makes a program available for use (usually in test or production environments)

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49 votes
8 answers

AWS EB Error: Incorrect application version found on all instances

I am trying to use the EB CLI to deploy an application into an environment but I seem to be getting strange errors. Is there a way to empty out previous application versions so I can upload a fresh ...
Sunwoo Yang's user avatar
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48 votes
5 answers

error when creating "deployment.yaml": Deployment in version "v1" cannot be handled as a Deployment

I am new to DevOps. I wrote a deployment.yaml file for a Kubernetes cluster I just created on Digital Oceans. Creating the deployment keeps bringing up errors that I can't decode for now. This is just ...
Famokunwa Toluwani's user avatar
48 votes
3 answers

How do I upgrade to jlink (JDK 9+) from Java Web Start (JDK 8) for an auto-updating application?

Java 8 and prior versions have Java Web Start, which auto-updates the application when we change it. Oracle has recommended that users migrate to jlink, as that is the new Oracle technology. So far, ...
Henry Crutcher's user avatar
47 votes
11 answers

How to wait for server restart using Ansible?

I'm trying to restart the server and then wait, using this: - name: Restart server shell: reboot - name: Wait for server to restart wait_for: port=22 delay=1 timeout=300 But I get ...
ChocoDeveloper's user avatar
47 votes
5 answers

Difference between build and deploy?

What is the difference between a build and deploy and re-deploy? What should be done when you just have some HTML changes and no Java code changes? Should I do a build and deploy or just a re-deploy?...
pushya's user avatar
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47 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between `next export` and `next build` in Next.js?

I have developed a web app that uses Nextjs app for the frontend and a Python (Django) API server as the backend. Most of my front-end pages have API calls to my backend server (in ComponentDidMount ...
GunnerFan's user avatar
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47 votes
2 answers

What flags to set for GFORTRAN compiler to catch faulty code?

I think I won't find that in any textbook, because answering this takes experience. I am currently in the stage of testing/validating my code / hunting bugs to get it into production state and any ...
tarrasch's user avatar
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47 votes
2 answers

Firebase hosting - force browser to reset cache on new deploys?

I have a site built with create-react-app and hosted on Firebase Hosting. What can I do to specify the browser cache needs to be updated after new deploys, and ideally only for pages, assets, and ...
Pat Needham's user avatar
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47 votes
3 answers

How to deploy SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0?

How do i deploy Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0? SQL Server Compact Edition (currently at version 4.0) is: a free, embedded database that software developers can use for building Windows desktop ...
Ian Boyd's user avatar
  • 253k
47 votes
16 answers

Deploying a WAR file gives me a 404 Status Code on Tomcat?

I am fairly new to Tomcat. I just managed to build a project and exported it as a WAR file. I tried manually copying a WAR file to the Tomcat folder then restarting. It created the folder structure ...
Legend's user avatar
  • 116k
47 votes
2 answers

Best practices in building and deploying Clojure applications: good tutorials?

I am new to Clojure, and am beginning to experiment with building an application. So far, everything I've seen about tutorials on compiling Clojure programs involves interactivity. For example, "...
kes's user avatar
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47 votes
4 answers

How to deploy Node.js in cloud for high availability using multi-core, reverse-proxy, and SSL

I have posted this to ServerFault, but the Node.js community seems tiny there, so I'm hoping this bring more exposure. I have a Node.js (0.4.9) application and am researching how to best deploy and ...
Chris F's user avatar
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46 votes
6 answers

Options for deploying R models in production

There doesn't seem to be too many options for deploying predictive models in production which is surprising given the explosion in Big Data. I understand that the open-source PMML can be used to ...
Cybernetic's user avatar
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46 votes
5 answers

How to manually register ClickOnce file associations after installation?

Microsoft's ClickOnce deployment system offers an easy-to-use file association manager which is built into the Visual Studio deployment process. Developers can add up to 8 file associations which will ...
Evan Wondrasek's user avatar
45 votes
27 answers

How to fix ASP.NET error "The file 'nnn.aspx' has not been pre-compiled, and cannot be requested."?

I have a VS 2005 web site that I publish using "Publish Web Site", and I clear all the three checkboxes. I also have a deployment project that picks up the published files and creates an MSI. I then ...
jonsb's user avatar
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45 votes
2 answers

Deploy Create-React-App on Nginx

I'm attempting to deploy my create-react-app SPA on a Digital Ocean droplet with Ubuntu 14.04 and Nginx. Per the static server deployment instructions, I can get it working when I run serve -s build -...
Kwhitejr's user avatar
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45 votes
7 answers

sun.reflect.annotation.TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy error when deploy web-ear

When I try to deploy ejd-ear, web-ear on to glassfish server. I added an ejb client dependency in web project. The ejb-ear deploys successfully. But when I try to deploy web-ear, it throws an ...
Oops's user avatar
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45 votes
6 answers

From virtualenv, pip freeze > requirements.txt give TONES of garbage! How to trim it out?

I'm following this tutorial: At some point I'm suposed to do: pip freeze > requirements.txt (Ofc. from virtualenv created instance of python) And I ...
przemo_li's user avatar
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45 votes
5 answers

How do I include a dependency's test jar into a Maven project's deployment?

I have two projects, foo and foo-web under the com.example group. foo-web depends on foo. To be able to develop the UI part of the application without depending on external services, dummy DAOs were ...
Alex Ciminian's user avatar
45 votes
9 answers

Create Windows Installer for Java Programs [closed]

I'm a Java beginner. I already created a simple GUI application that display will "hello world" label. But, how can I create an installer from .java or .jar for windows. Let's say that I have ...
Hafizul Amri's user avatar
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44 votes
8 answers

Install windows service without InstallUtil.exe

I'm trying to deploy a windows service but not quite sure how to do it right. I built it as a console app to start with, I've now turned it into a windows service project and just call my class from ...
annelie's user avatar
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44 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between Docker Host and Container

I started learning about Docker. But I keep getting confused often, even though I read it in multiple places. Docker Host and Docker Container. Docker Engine is the base Engine that handles the ...
Kevin Rave's user avatar
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44 votes
5 answers

Separate back-end and front-end apps on same domain?

We are building a fully RESTful back-end with the Play Framework. We are also building a separate web front-end with a different technology stack that will call the RESTful API. How do we deploy both ...
Erich's user avatar
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43 votes
21 answers

The type initializer for 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument' threw an exception

I am deploying a desktop application to my clients that uses the Crystal Reports API to display and print forms. I am building my installer using InstallShield 2012. I have also included the .NET 4.0 ...
gwin003's user avatar
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43 votes
2 answers

Advanced tasks using Web.Config transformation

Does anyone know if there is a way to "transform" specific sections of values instead of replacing the whole value or an attribute? For example, I've got several appSettings entries that ...
Diego C.'s user avatar
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43 votes
3 answers

How to disable the "autodeploy" to server feature in an Eclipse web project

I am using Eclipse (J2EE Galileo) and have created a dynamic web project and associated it with a server (JBoss). Now, whenever I make changes to one of my JSP pages, Eclipse will build and ...
Brummo's user avatar
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43 votes
8 answers

How can I detect Heroku's environment?

I have a Django webapp, and I'd like to check if it's running on the Heroku stack (for conditional enabling of debugging, etc.) Is there any simple way to do this? An environment variable, perhaps? I ...
aviraldg's user avatar
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43 votes
6 answers

How to automatically update an application without ClickOnce?

For the project I am working on, I am not allowed to use ClickOnce. My boss wants the program to look "real" (with an installer, etc). I have installed Visual Studio 2012 Professional, and have been ...
Toadums's user avatar
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43 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between build and dist folder?

As far as I know /dist is for production environments. It contains uglified and similar files. But why do we need a /build folder ?
markjiang's user avatar
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42 votes
8 answers

Ant error when trying to build file, can't find tools.jar?

When I run ant it says: Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\tools.jar Buildfile: build.xml does not exist! Build failed What package can I use to ...
Derek's user avatar
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42 votes
4 answers

When should I deploy my assemblies into the GAC?

I would like to know practically what kind of Assemblies should I deploy in GAC. Case 1: If in my Solution multiple project uses log4net.dll then should it be deployed in GAC? Case 2: If I have ...
Amitabh's user avatar
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42 votes
5 answers

VSO(TFS) - get current date time as variable

How can I get a current date-time and pass it as a variable to some Deployment task?
Skorunka František's user avatar
42 votes
9 answers

How do you deploy your WSGI application? (and why it is the best way)

I am deploying a WSGI application. There are many ways to skin this cat. I am currently using apache2 with mod-wsgi, but I can see some potential problems with this. So how can it be done? Apache Mod-...
Ali Afshar's user avatar
  • 41.4k
42 votes
5 answers

Maven deploy:deploy using -DaltDeploymentRepository

I have maven projects and I want to deploy my artifacts on internal nexus repository which is configured to have my snapshots and releases on two separate places. So I can not use '...
SJunejo's user avatar
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42 votes
7 answers

How should release notes be written?

Is there any sort of guidelines or best practices on how release notes should be written? I guess I am trying to find the proper balance between making the point without being too specific. Also, do ...
DeFiNite's user avatar
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42 votes
1 answer

Override env values defined in container spec

I have a configmap where I have defined the following key-value mapping in the data section: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: namespace: test name: test-config data: TEST: "...
asenovm's user avatar
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42 votes
6 answers

Automatically Deploy From GitHub To Server On Push

We have a VPS on Linode, and code hosted on GitHub. How do we setup so when we push to GitHub, it also pushes automatically to our Linode server. We are using PHP on the Linode server.
Justin's user avatar
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42 votes
4 answers

Heroku + node.js: I have a server which uses multiple ports. How can I get Heroku to allocate them?

Umm I'll try to be more clear.. In an application server I have written in node.js, I have inner-proxy for multiple ports: in my 8080 port I have my rest api. in my 3000 port I have my push server ...
Amit Evron's user avatar
41 votes
8 answers

How to deploy war file to tomcat using command prompt?

I have created a war file and put into tomcat/webapps. How to deploy a war file to tomcat using command prompt?
user3607853's user avatar
41 votes
6 answers

git clone from local to remote

We're in the process of migrating from Mercurial to Git for our workflow and I have two minor issues. First, is it possible to "clone" a local repository directly into an empty remote (ssh) dir? ...
hlidotbe's user avatar
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41 votes
2 answers

Maven: Trying to Deploy with credentials in settings.xml file

This seemed to be working last week and now it doesn't. We use Artifactory as our Maven repository. I am deploying a jar and pom using the deploy:deploy-file goal Our Artifactory repository requires ...
David W.'s user avatar
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41 votes
5 answers

maven profiles or spring profiles?

a lot java applications are build with maven. maven has Profiles concept, it is really handy to build release package for different environments. e.g. dev/test/prod using different path / jndiname / ...
Kent's user avatar
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41 votes
5 answers

After Publish event in Visual Studio

I am trying to invoke simple task after publish event. When I say "publish", I mean publish in Visual Studio, right click on project and pressing "Publish...". I have included (Imported) targets file ...
Andrija's user avatar
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41 votes
9 answers

Automate Deployment for Web Applications? [closed]

My team is currently trying to automate the deployment of our .Net and PHP web applications. We want to streamline deployments, and to avoid the hassle and many of the headaches caused by doing it ...
Sam Wessel's user avatar
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41 votes
5 answers

How to deploy packed python script on Windows?

This might sound like a very open ended question, but I am a python enthusiast, and pretty new to this world of development. I have developed a python script which takes in an input and gives an ...
Kshitij Yadav's user avatar
40 votes
4 answers

How to resolve Error listenerStart when deploying web-app in Tomcat 5.5?

I've deployed an Apache Wicket web-application that uses Spring and Hibernate to my Tomcat 5.5 instance. When I navigate to the Tomcat Manager interface I see that the web-application I deployed is ...
John's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

JBoss AS 7 not accepting remote connections

I am using JBoss AS 7 and trying to connect to my application using the IP (from a computer in the intranet). It is not working. If I test from the computer which has the server I can see the system ...
Tony's user avatar
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40 votes
10 answers

How can I prevent launching my app multiple times?

I deployed my C# WinForms application using ClickOnce installation. Everything works fine with it (after a lot of work) :), but now I'm facing a problem: Whenever I click on the application shortcut ...
Tolga Evcimen's user avatar
40 votes
5 answers

Does an R compiler to C/C++ exist?

I'm wondering about the best way to deploy R. Matlab has the "matlab compiler" (MCR). There has been discussion about something similar in the past for R that would compile R into C or C++. Does ...
Shane's user avatar
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40 votes
3 answers

Website needs force refresh after deploy

After deploying a new version of a website the browser loads everything from its cache from the old webpage until a force refresh is done. Images are old, cookies are old, and some AJAX parts are not ...
Germstorm's user avatar
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