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Questions tagged [deployment]

A series of activities that makes a program available for use (usually in test or production environments)

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18 votes
1 answer

Web Deploy no longer works

My team uses Web Deploy in order to deploy updates to our website on to our production server. The last few days I've been doing some housekeeping and have changed my password (which I made sure to ...
Yoshi Walsh's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

NextJs export folder "out" doesn't have index.html

I’ve built a Next.js app, and I wanted to use static exporting to host the project on my hosting. The app is simple, so I didn’t use most of the features that Next.js offers. When I run: npm run build ...
khaled sakhai's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Deploy path doesn't work for Git Deploy Method in middleman-deploy

I am using middleman-blog and middleman-deploy. What I would like to do, is within the branch I am deploying to, I want the static files to be deployed to a subfolder within the repo (i.e. not the ...
marcamillion's user avatar
  • 33.6k
15 votes
1 answer

Running a Node script after deployment?

Is there a post-deploy hook or any other way to run a Node script after deployment on Vercel?
bArmageddon's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How can I extend my publish profile to deploy to multiple locations?

The following is the generated publish profile for my dev environment: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- This file is used by the publish/package process of your Web project. You ...
Marcus's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Clickonce deployment equivalent for Dotnet core applications

We have a dotnet core console application which we want to use ClickOnce deployment. Mainly every time the user runs the application, it should check for update and update itself. This was available ...
Baga's user avatar
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13 votes
0 answers

Windeployqt error: Unable to find the platform plugin

I'm trying to deploy a program. At first, I couldn't make the executable work outside of Qt. I put the folder plugins/platform and a bunch of dlls in the release folder where my executable is located, ...
Pedro Estévez's user avatar
12 votes
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Deploy with Rubber to Amazon VPC

I currently use rubber to deploy (create instances, deploy code, run migrations, etc) to EC2 and everything works great. I need to move my servers to Amazon's VPC to open a VPN connection to my web ...
Kevin Bende's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

How to use ClickOnce with the new SDK style .csproj project format?

When creating a "Windows Application" project in the new .NET SDK style project format for .NET 472, there is no "Publish" section in the project properties to configure the ClickOnce deployment. Is ...
thalm's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Pipenv lock: how to cache downloads for transfer to an offline machine

I am looking for a way to create a self-contained archive of all dependencies required to satisfy a Pipfile.lock. One way to achieve this would be to point PIPENV_CACHE_DIR at an empty temporary ...
Amir's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Always publish website with release code?

Is it possible to change some setting so that Visual Studio always use the "release" configuration when publishing? I use debug mode when i develop to clear some caches and stuff like that and i also ...
Olaj's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Receiving "Deployment Role Instances Not In Started State After 30 seconds" Azure PHP

I keep receiving this message when trying to deploy a test php application into my Azure Emulator Using session id 1 Warning : Remapping public port 80 to 81 to avoid conflict during emulation. ...
user1332709's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Advice with the deployment strategy to follow with NextJS

Could you recommend us the best practices to deploy applications in production with nextjs? We are thinking in strategies like: canary deployment, blue/green deployment... We have several doubts to ...
Alberto Delgado Roda's user avatar
10 votes
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ECONNREFUSED error with WSL 2 with Chrome Debugger on VSCode

I'm on a Windows 10 machine, VS Code with WSL 2 (Ubuntu 18.04) trying to use the Chrome debugger extension, but to no avail. The following is my launch.json: { "version": "0.2.0", "...
Khai Yi's user avatar
  • 101
10 votes
1 answer

How to achieve zero downtime deployment to Azure web app with database updates?

I'm trying to achieve zero downtime deployments of an Azure web app where database schema updates need to be applied as part of the deployment. I have the following setup: Production web app with ...
Ted Nyberg's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Deploy a Docker image without using a repository

I'm building a Docker image on my build server (using TeamCity). After the build is done I want to take the image and deploy it to some server (staging, production). All tutorials i have found either ...
tillda's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Deploying a web app using Vite, I am unable to deploy the .js file. "<script src="/index.js"> in "/index.html" can't be bundled without type="module"

When Deploying a web app using Vite, I am unable to deploy the .js file. Getting the below issue. $ vite build vite v2.8.6 building for production... **\<script src="/index.js"\> in &...
Joseph's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Pre/Post migrations from EF core migrations to ensure zero downtime

We have a production setup of our solution with 2 webservers, these two webservers are loadbalanced, and connects to the same database. We utilize Octopus deploy, and perform a rolling deploy where ...
Henriksan's user avatar
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9 votes
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Openshift 3 - Build stuck in pending state

I have been using Openshift 3 seamlessly to build and deploy a Node.js application for several months. Since yesterday, new builds of the same app systematically fail because they are stuck forever ...
Ety's user avatar
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9 votes
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Deploy Database Project with MSBuild with CommandLine Parameters fails

I am failing to deploy Database project using command line parameters with msbuild. I would like to: use publish xml profile define connection string as command line parameter but this seems to be ...
Lukas K's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

My program doesn't run on some PCs

I'm working in a project building an application with Computer Vision using C++, OpenCV and Visual Studio. I'm no expert in deploying programs to use them on other PCs. I've made a program which I ...
David Bernal's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How do I convince the Visual Studio Publish Web wizard that my database is Entity Framework CodeFirst?

In VS2015 when I open an existing publish profile in the publish wizard, it immediately decides that my default database is no longer EF CodeFirst and removes the option to Execute Code First ...
David W Gray's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Deploying Ruby on Rails app to Google App Engine

I am attempting to deploy my Rails application to the Google App Engine, but thus far unsuccessfully. I have deployed the Ruby development stack following the instructions but that is where they stop, ...
Sauron's user avatar
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9 votes
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Why am I getting a 401.2/Access is denied error deploying my MVC 3 app under IIS 7.5?

I'm attempting to deploy an ASP.NET MVC 3 application to a Windows 2008 R2 box. I ran the Web Platform Installer to get the MVC 3 bits and basic IIS settings installed. I created a new folder C:\...
Paul Mrozowski's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

firebase deploy is slow and not responding

Running the deploy command to a site just makes the Terminal blink as if it was stuck in some heavy operation. And nothing would happen. I actually didn't try running with the --debug flag. First ...
Mazze's user avatar
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8 votes
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Permanently untick "Manage Version and Build Number" checkbox in Xcode

Background A couple of weeks ago, we hunted down a dependency bug where we had to ask the authors for help. They then investigated and asked us to untick this setting in Xcode, "Manage Version ...
Dohman's user avatar
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8 votes
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Maven deploy error 'Could not find artifact'

I was trying to use the github packages, I followed all the steps in their basic tutorial, but I can't deploy, I already looked on several sites to fix this, but none worked. Error on deploy: Failed ...
Henry Santos's user avatar
8 votes
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Is anyway to deploy airflow on elastic bean stack (separate environments for web server, scheduler and worker)

I am trying to set up airflow on AWS elastic beanstalk. Separate environments for the webserver, scheduler, and workers. So, each of them can be scaled independently. Problem: 1. How do we know the ...
user2883247's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

why I am getting Read only file system error from Nginx?

Dear K8S community Team, I am getting this error message from nginx when I deploy my application pod. My application an angular6 app is hosted inside an nginx server, which is deployed as a docker ...
user6734184's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Rails secrets.yml VS Dotenv VS Figaro with Capistrano on AWS

There are several posts ans Stack Overflow questions about how to manage API tokens on the web, but I see a lot of people repeat what they read somewhere else, often with contradictions... How do you ...
Cyril Duchon-Doris's user avatar
8 votes
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Can't get SQL Server 2012 Express EULA to suppress (despite using /IAcceptSqlServerLicenseTerms) with Visual Studio 2015 prerequisite install

I have a setup project in Visual Studio 2015 for my .NET Windows Forms project that needs SQL Server 2012 Express as a prerequisite. I have successfully created a bootstrapper (located in C:\Program ...
Hershizer33's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Pushing out smallest repo possible, and issues with git subtree on shallow clone

I'm attempting to use git subtree pull --squash to merge another repo as a subdirectory in my repository, called docroot. This is happening in a Jenkins workspace and I am trying to use a shallow ...
Vincent's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Jetty Deployment Order

I have multiple wars getting deployed in jetty 8.1.4 using ContextAppProvider. we want to specify the order in which war apps are deployed, as we have some wars depend on other wars. So how to set ...
Surya Chaitanya's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Cannot find entry while adding project to assembly deploy

I have three projects in my workspace: xand-cc-conduct-common (1) xand-cc-conduct-client (2) xand-cc-conduct-client-webapp (3) While deploying the project (3) other two (1), (2) must be in WEB-INF/...
Michael's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Best practise/way to deploy Laravel + Vue SPA application to AWS

I have 2 repositories residing in Bitbucket - Backend (Laravel app as the API and entry point) and Frontend (Main application front-end - VueJs app). My goal is to set up continuous deployment so ...
Giedrius's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

ng build --prod --base-href

ng build --prod --base-href /gi-new --deploy-url /gi-new I deployed angular 5 app to shared IIS server on window machine I have uploaded contents of my dist folder to My ...
Sunil K.'s user avatar
7 votes
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How to fix this Firebase Function Deploy Error?

I have an exception when deploying a Firebase function. Has anyone run into this weird error? I am confused by the error message. If so, what is the solution? I am using the below command firebase ...
user633597's user avatar
7 votes
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Google Api Error: Invalid request - The caller does not have permission Fastlane React native

default_platform(:android) def getVersionCode thirtySeptemberTwentyTwenty = 1601480940 / 60 legacyVersionCode = 10902 versionCode = legacyVersionCode + ( / 60) - ...
Rambler's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to deployed micro-frontend architecture when you have multiple app

I have multiples apps on the micro frontend architecture. I have used Lerna for managing multi-package repositories in a single repo. Here is the structure of my app. packages - main-app - feature-...
Asif vora's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to deploy a FastAPI web app on IIS server?

I have a FastAPI web app that I'm trying to deploy on IIS version 10.0.* on Windows server 2019. Right now, I can run the application locally with no issues, you can find the repository here: https://...
Shay Barak's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Auto Scaling activity failed because security group does not exist in VPC

I got the below error when terminating an EC2 instace, expecting another to spawn and replace it. Auto Scaling activity failed 81 seconds ago with error: The security group 'X' does not exist in ...
tim_xyz's user avatar
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7 votes
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Can we deploy python REST API application on Apache tomcat Server

I developed REST API in PYTHON. I want to deploy it on Apache Tomcat Server, Is it possible to deploy it on Tomcat server?
Sanjay's user avatar
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7 votes
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How do I best deploy Entity Framework migrations to a web farm

I have an application that uses Entity Framework code first migrations where the application is deployed on two servers both using the same database. Now I have a simple database update where a table ...
Jojje's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Capistrano for Rails 3.1

I am using Rails 3.1 and Capistrano, I get No such file or directory errors for /public/images, /public/stylesheets, and public/javascripts errors. Searching the Internet, I found a number of ...
Steve Harman's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to get Jenkins to perform deletes on remote server

I am trying to get started with an automated build process using Jenkins. So far i have managed to get Jenkins to build a project from BitBucket, run tests and upload the files to a production ...
Korush Mahdavieh's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Heroku issue with the GitHub token with Github deployment method

Why am I getting this error message for my apps deployed with Github at Heroku? There is an issue with the GitHub token for this app. Disconnect and reconnect to restore functionality
amimaro's user avatar
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6 votes
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How can I dynamically deploy a branch as digitalocean app?

Using a simple gitlab-ci I deploy my python script to digital ocean. The script part from the ci file looks like this: /app/doctl apps create --spec my-app.yml The Yaml file contains the information ...
Nanne's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to deactivate non-compliant app bundles or APK?

From google we have recieved following mail. we tried many times still we are not able to deactivate non compliant bundle/apk.if anybody had faced same challenges kindly help us to resolve this issue. ...
Ajay Prajapati's user avatar
6 votes
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change Elastic Beanstalk docker build timeout option

I am using Elastic Beanstalk with Docker platform. When i deploy to EB, it shows docker build failure log with docker build timeout. i guess my project needs more time to build dockerfile. so i want ...
Jaeho Lee's user avatar
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