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Questions tagged [deployment]

A series of activities that makes a program available for use (usually in test or production environments)

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Deploying express api from monorepo failing on render

I am trying to deploy my express backend on render as a web service from a mono repo (github link of repo : GitHub - kartik-chausali/code-arena-turbo) this backend uses different modules which i ...
Kartik Chausali's user avatar
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How to deploy Databricks Unity Catalog table with CI/CD

Does anyone know how to deploy Databricks schema changes with Azure DevOps CI/CD pipeline? I have created a table in Dev database (in Databricks Unity Catalog) and I want to deploy it to Prod Database ...
Fred's user avatar
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Issues with CORS and HTTP Requests in Vercel Deployment for Node.js and MongoDB Backend

I'm facing issues with CORS and HTTP requests in my project deployed on Vercel. The project involves a Node.js backend ( and a frontend ( I have ...
ShashidharM's user avatar
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Deployment crashes when building with new image

I have an react, typescript and webpack application deployed using cloudflare pages. On the last modification I tried adding a new image on my page but the deployment fails to find that particular ...
William Blanchet Lafrenière's user avatar
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How can I deploy SvelteKit IO app with two ports?

I'm using the SvelteKit IO library for sockets in my SvelteKit application. My main application, when built, runs on port 4173. My socket runs on 3001. Here's the SKIO setup code: I can't change 3001 ...
Safwan Samsudeen's user avatar
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I am experiencing a 404 Not Found error for my new domain in smarter

SmarterASP.NET Generated Domain: [] This domain is working correctly and serving my website as expected. New Domain: [] This domain is currently showing a 404 Not ...
Fatma Alaa's user avatar
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First ruby on rails deploy to Render - mistake appears

Trying to deploy first ROR app to Render. Using following: original manual from official render's site -
Bob Richie's user avatar
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How to pretend to render any Components of root Layout.js to an specific route in Next.js?

I'm working in Next.js, in my root Layout.js file I added some Components, and they are rendering in my all the routes as I expected. But I have a route /mobile, where I want want these Components to ...
Aman Yadav's user avatar
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How to put Servlet classes in a separate JAR for WildFly [duplicate]

I have a large project, let's say "a.jar" which will be deployed to the WildFly (26.1.3). There are also servlets in the project, we want to have the web part separated from the main project....
Riva86's user avatar
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Using Powershell WebAdministration module with limited domain account (not admin user)

I need to deploy a website using PowerShell scripts to stop/start a remote website, copy the items to the remote application folders but using a domain account having limited acces to the remote ...
Lupa's user avatar
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How to capture environment variable passed during run time from Docker in Angular project

In my Docker desktop I want to find some way to capture environment variable passed at run time like in this screenshot: docker-desktop I want to pass multiple variables needed in the project, I can't ...
libyaghoul's user avatar
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Favicon doesn't show on Google Search

So the favicon for my website (a 256x256 .ico file) doesn't show up on Google Search. It shows the vercel logo, but when you click on the website, the correct favicon shows up in the browser tab. Even ...
Ansh Tandon's user avatar
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Error: interpreting cloudbuild.yaml as build config: Invalid base64-encoded string: number of data characters

I'm attempting to submit my cloudbuild.yaml and keep running into this issue. I've attempted using retool to see if I could find the issue but everything comes out with the correct number of ...
StandUpAlonePro's user avatar
-2 votes
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Deployment of Flask backend [closed]

I have an application for resume shortlisting. since it has to take 100s of resume, this backend is not getting deployed on Vercel which is showing "data is too long" as error. also ...
mansh anand's user avatar
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Error "virtual host to handle /favicon.ico has not been defined" When Deploying React App on IBM WebSphere

I am trying to deploy a React application on IBM WebSphere, but I am encountering an issue where the server returns the following error: virtual host to handle /favicon.ico has not been Defined Here ...
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How to Deploy and Distribute Office Add-in (JavaScript) to Multiple Users After Migrating from .NET ADX COM Add-in?

We have recently migrated our Office add-in application from a .NET ADX COM add-in to a JavaScript-based Office add-in due to Microsoft's discontinuation of support for .NET ADX COM add-ins. Our new ...
Khan Mehnaz's user avatar
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Cannot Access Storage files on c-panel for laravel 10

I am using laravel 10 and php version 8.1, i have deployed my project on c-panel , i have cloned the project successfully , i have moved my files from public to public_html and the remaining files ...
Muhammad Nabeel Siddiqui's user avatar
-1 votes
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Issue using .NET Aspire to automate the pipeline when deploying into container apps [closed]

I want to create a pipeline once the build is done; after that I need to deploy in container apps without a docker script. I followed this documentation but I am Getting an error when I run the ...
Raju Yelamanchili's user avatar
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How to start gunicorn when using a custom Post Deployment Action on Azure App Service

I am trying to use a Post Deployment Action on Azure App Service with a Flask app. I followed this Stack overflow post to accomplish the Post Deployment Action, but this results in the container not ...
Superdooperhero's user avatar
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unable to deploy my deep learning app based on flask [closed]

my ml app based out of flask,it takes pdf as input and lets users ask questions and utilizes BERT model to answer it, so far it is running locally good but no luck in deployment i tried vercel, ...
MOHAMMED's user avatar
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My dockerfile for deploying my angular app doesnt start the app using a web server either nodeJs or nginx

i have finished my work on an angular project and i need to deploy it using docker , i followed the instructions and made sure that the dockerfile is correct using multiple sources . i tried to use ...
Soye Gh's user avatar
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Is there a way to mount only the file from k8s secret to a pod without disturbing the existing files in the location?

I am trying to mount a file secret.txt from the secret to location /opt/tomcat/conf/secret.txt. there are other files at the same location e.g. /opt/tomcat/conf/creds.txt that I want to retain. This ...
Mayank Singh Rathore's user avatar
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AWS Amplify deployment permanent "pending" state

Amplify job is in pending state So GitHub repository and Amplify are connected. When I push anything to the active branches it triggers Amplify (webhook is working correctly), and creates a new ...
Віталій Хоменко's user avatar
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Django Deploy Nginx Bad Gateway no such file or directory

So, I've been struggling for the past week to deploy my Django project on my VPS server ( After all this time, I managed to figure out a few things on my own. My server runs on ...
Marco Fourie's user avatar
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Render not hosting backend client

I was trying to deploy my mern stack website using render . When I was deploying my backend repository , I am facing a port error, I deployed my backend, repo so it gave me the backend link. I ...
Aryan Kapoor's user avatar
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For an ASP.NET WEB FORMS web application, check if the web server has the latest version for any specific aspx/ascx pages on any redundant web server

Our team works in a project where the customer manually deploys (copy/paste) the updated release we provide (ascx, aspx, dll, etc.) for the ASP.NET WEB FORMS web application we are developing. ...
Roger's user avatar
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vercel deploy success but access web error Nextjs 14 undici wrong verssion

Deploy success but access web Application error: a server-side exception has occurred enviroments NEXT_PUBLIC in vercel, node 20.x un build success on local and vercel. But on vercel access page after ...
HKN's user avatar
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Coolify Django Deployment

I'm using Coolify and I want to deploy a Django application. I created an #!/bin/sh set -e echo "Running migrations..." python migrate echo "Collecting static ...
omkobass's user avatar
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problem with envrionment variables when creating docker image in ec2 nestjs

In my local environment i made a .env file and used .env file to store my environment variables for oauth2 login and when i built a docker image with it i used docker-compose.yaml file for env ...
김민겸's user avatar
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Vue.js Vuex State Not Syncing Across Tabs and Direct URL Access

I have a Vue.js application with a login component and a settings page. When I log in and navigate to the settings page via the menu within the login page, the Vuex store updates correctly, and I can ...
Eps's user avatar
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How to use the exported models from YOLO to create an Flask App?

I have trained 2 yolo v5 models ( , 1 for segmentation and 1 for object detection with 2 different datasets,i want to create a egyptian glyph detction system in my pycharm locally, how do i ...
shu's user avatar
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Reactjs getting 401 error only at the first time

I am getting 401 error (mern stack project)only when i tap on the profile icon for the first time, but if i refresh the account page then all the datas are shown correctly. This is the page in which i ...
Alim Bin Yeasin's user avatar
-2 votes
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Need Recommendations for Fine-Tuning LLMs on Azure ML: Best Practices [closed]

Context I am using Azure ML and I want to fine-tune a Large Language Model (LLM) on a dataset. Integration and Deployment Should I commit my code from VS Code to GitHub / Azure DevOps, then retrieve ...
Anas_LA's user avatar
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Vercel Hobby plan timeout at 10 seconds

I have a next.js/trpc project, and have deployed it on vercel and using hobby plan. I integrated openai api, and on deployed website it times out at 10 second saying JUL 05 01:51:56.38 gymgenieai-...
Ash Gharibyan's user avatar
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Astro Deployment Works Locally, Breaks in Vercel

I have a blog-like project in Astro that works perfectly locally. When I deploy it on Vercel, the images under src won't load. My project tree looks as follows: . └── src/ ├── content/ │ ...
Josephine's user avatar
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Deployment in vercel

Error: No Output Directory named "dist" found after the Build completed. You can configure the Output Directory in your Project Settings. but in my frontend folder in dist it is. so why this ...
Sojitra Kartik's user avatar
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Deploy Next JS 14 on Plesk server

I'm trying to deploy a site to a Plesk server and unlike with previous Next JS versions where you had to edit /node_modules/.bin/next file and add start to const defaultCommand. (you can check ...
NumaX's user avatar
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create azure functionapp from docker image via cli

I deployed an azure functionapp with the preview Flex Consumption plan, which doesn't include 'Site.SiteConfig.AlwaysOn' which i do not want. When deploying via CLI like so: az functionapp create --...
alsiesta's user avatar
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AWS CDK Change S3 deployment folder lifecycle time

When using the AWS CDK to deploy to AWS, the CDK uploads all the assets to an S3 bucket first, and then deploys to AWS resources accordingly. That bucket can be seen in S3 (named 'cdk-...') and it has ...
Zigglzworth's user avatar
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Why I am receiving the error: Error: Template file pattern matches a directory instead of a file: /home/vsts/work/1/s in my yaml file pipeline file?

I have checked all the previous questions about this issue but I have not managed to resolve this issue. My YMAL pipeline file is the following: trigger: branches: include: - deploy-dev ...
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Error: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'mode') vercel deployment laravel

I want to deploy using vercel through the CLI and when I run vercel build everything is safe until npm run build then not long ago it appears the error setting 'mode' I don't know where the error is ...
Roihan Adhen's user avatar
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Trouble deploying docker containers with postgresql database, deployment on to AWS ECS stucks on provisioning

I have a simple architecture, where these 3 services have been dockerized: a client (react), a server (nodejs), postgresql database (using docker image). I have a docker compose file that builds the ...
Iamnewtoprogramming's user avatar
-1 votes
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Telegram bot in Python linking GitHub with Heroku

GitHubLink Does anyone know why an error in Heroku Dashboard appears when I deploy branch? The manual deploy by connecting to my Github repo branch works fine and says it deployed successfully, but ...
Ele's user avatar
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How to handle multi-repo cross-cutting concerns

I have an application that is a UI, an API, and a backing db for the API. All three are in different repos. The state of each is (typically) tightly-bound to the others, i.e., if I make a change in ...
Chris B. Behrens's user avatar
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Pdf load correctly in local but not after netlify deployment

when i run my website localy, it works well. But after netlify deployment, it show me "Failed to load PDF file." with a 404 not found in console. But it still works locally.strong text here ...
Nesil's user avatar
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Doubts about Lambda Functions and SAM/CLI on VSCode

My current task is about implementing an automatic deployment of the already existing and manually created Lambda functions from my project. The idea is to use SAM-CLI instead of a github/gitlab repo, ...
bfhpsd2's user avatar
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Skip Azure Pipeline jobs (or the whole pipeline) if change is from a merge from a specific branch

I want to skip pipeline jobs (or the whole pipeline) if triggered from a merge from a specific branch. The source branch is fe-release-inte-package and the merge message is always Merge pull request ...
Horizon's user avatar
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How to Deploy Remix apps with Nx monorepo (2 app in 1 repo)

I am having some problem with deployment technique our old team member is using, the deployment to EC2 with docker is not going well, and we are facing a total dead end! are there any other way to ...
Dazai Osamu's user avatar
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Mongodb query doesn't post or put data in deploy

I'm developing a simple forum website. It has a react frontend + node backend, with mongodb cloud as database and AWS Cognito for signup/ verification/ sign in. When a user signs up: 1. create a user ...
Leah's user avatar
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React routing not working on deployed AWS Elastic Beanstalk instance

I successfully deployed a Spring Boot with React web application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk using a single .war archive for both frontend and backend (I put the React build under target/classes/static). ...
BR4TO92's user avatar
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