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Questions tagged [deployment]

A series of activities that makes a program available for use (usually in test or production environments)

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92 votes
3 answers

repository element was not specified in the POM inside distributionManagement element or in -DaltDep loymentRepository=id::layout::url parameter

I'm having a problem while deploying and here is the error message I get: [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) @ core --- [INFO] -------------------------------------------...
blodrayne's user avatar
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91 votes
33 answers

HTTP Error 500.30 - ASP.NET Core app failed to start

I deploy a .NET Core app with settings: And the website shows an error: HTTP Error 500.30 - ASP.NET Core app failed to start Common solutions to this issue: The app failed to start The app started ...
Paolo Constantin's user avatar
91 votes
11 answers

Web deployment task failed. (The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentManager' threw an exception.)

I am getting the following error when I use web deploy from visual studio 2010. Web deployment task failed. (The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentManager' threw an exception.) ...
coder's user avatar
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91 votes
34 answers

Web deployment task failed. Could not connect...server did not respond

I've been publishing my Lightswitch app using Visual Studio 2012 RC to my localhost (Win 7, SQL 2008 R2, IIS 7.5) just fine. Now I'm trying to publish to a remote server (Win 2008 R2, SQL 2008 R2, IIS ...
embedded.kyle's user avatar
91 votes
8 answers

How to deploy Node.js application with deep node_modules structure on Windows?

I've run into a curious issue - apparently some Node.js module have so deep folder hierarchies that Windows copy command (or PowerShell's Copy-Item which is what we're actually using) hits the ...
Borek Bernard's user avatar
90 votes
4 answers

For an Amazon S3 bucket deployment from GitHub how do I fix the error AccessControlListNotSupported: The bucket does not allow ACLs?

I have the following access policy set on an IAM user in my AWS account. The policy references the bucket name which is "xo-staging". { "Version": "2012-10-17", &...
Æthelstan's user avatar
90 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between Red/Black deployment and Blue/Green Deployment?

I've heard both used to describe the idea of deploying an update on new machines while keeping old machines active, ready to rollback if an issue occurs. I've also heard it used to describe sharing ...
Erich's user avatar
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90 votes
3 answers

How to configure a Kubernetes Multi-Pod Deployment

I would like to deploy an application cluster by managing my deployment via Kubernetes Deployment object. The documentation has me extremely confused. My basic layout has the following components that ...
Raj's user avatar
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89 votes
3 answers

Curl retry mechanism

I have a script I run to deploy two web services and a front-end application. The script calls a method that checks to see if the two back-end services are up and running. If so, deem the deploy ...
TheCoder's user avatar
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88 votes
14 answers

"Unable to update dependencies of the project" after committing to Subversion

I have a setup project in .NET. When I save the project and the other projects to subversion, the setup project no longer compiles. I get the error "Unable to update dependencies of the project."
Jason N. Gaylord's user avatar
88 votes
21 answers

Collectstatic error while deploying Django app to Heroku

I'm trying to deploy a Django app to Heroku, it starts to build, download and installs everything, but that's what I get when it comes to collecting static files $ python collectstatic --...
Stefano De Rosso's user avatar
88 votes
7 answers

Slow initial server startup when using Phusion Passenger and Rails

To jump on the band-wagon of Phusion Passenger we've setup a staging server for a small rails app to test things out. So far it has been very nice to use, it makes installing/configuring and ...
tsdbrown's user avatar
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88 votes
6 answers

Java Jar file: use resource errors: URI is not hierarchical

I have deployed my app to jar file. When I need to copy data from one file of resource to outside of jar file, I do this code: URL resourceUrl = getClass().getResource("/resource/data.sav"); File src ...
hqt's user avatar
  • 30.1k
87 votes
6 answers

How to package & deploy Node.js + express web application?

I am new to Node.js programming and I have recently created a sample working web application using (express, backbone & other complimentary view technologies, with mongoDB). Now i am at a point ...
KBJ's user avatar
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86 votes
5 answers

Staging instance on Heroku

I'd like to be able to push code to for testing and then to for production use. Is this possible with Heroku?
Tom Lehman's user avatar
  • 88.2k
86 votes
13 answers

How to deploy an Electron app as an executable or installable in Windows?

I want to generate a unique .exe file to execute the app or a .msi to install the application. How to do that?
Amirado's user avatar
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85 votes
4 answers

Deploying Django with gunicorn and nginx

This is a broad question but I'd like to get a canonical answer. I have been trying to deploy a site using gunicorn and nginx in Django. After reading tons of tutorials I have been successful but I ...
r_31415's user avatar
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84 votes
2 answers

Best way to deploy Visual Studio application that can run without installing

I wrote a fairly simple application with C#/.NET and can't figure out a good way to publish it. It's a sort of a "tool" that users would only run once, or run every few months. Because of ...
Wilson's user avatar
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83 votes
28 answers

/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

I am attempting to deploy my first development iPhone app, and am running into some problems. I have successfully went though the online Provisioning Assistant, but now I am stuck. No matter what I ...
individualtermite's user avatar
81 votes
5 answers

How to make index.html not to cache when the site contents are changes in AngularJS website?

Normally for .js and .css file we will append a version during build like xx.js?v=123, and then after website deploy, we can get the new version of js and CSS. But I don't see a place talking about ...
Rongyan Xia's user avatar
81 votes
7 answers

Qt static linking and deployment

I am trying to deploy(release to public) a simple qt application I made recently, but got stuck at static linking qt libs. I followed the guide on qt docs to re-build qt and my app statically. But ...
user avatar
81 votes
6 answers

Is virtualenv recommended for django production server? [closed]

I have always been using virtualenv for testing my app in localhost since I have isolated environment and can safely test new release of packages. Now It comes the time when I have to deploy my app ...
w00d's user avatar
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80 votes
11 answers

How do I set up linkage between Docker containers so that restarting won't break it?

I have a few Docker containers running like: Nginx Web app 1 Web app 2 PostgreSQL Since Nginx needs to connect to the web application servers inside web app 1 and 2, and the web apps need to talk to ...
Fang-Pen Lin's user avatar
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77 votes
9 answers

Automated heroku deploy from subfolder

I know you can deploy automatically to heroku from github, but I haven't found a way to only push a subfolder from github to heroku. From the command-line I know it is possible to do this with: git ...
Divino Neto's user avatar
77 votes
17 answers

Web application monitoring best practices [closed]

We are finishing up our web application and planning for deployment. Very important aspect of deployment to production is monitoring the health of the system. Having a small team of developers/support ...
76 votes
6 answers

jQuery - Sticky header that shrinks when scrolling down

I wonder how to make a sticky header shrink(with animation) when you scroll down the page and goes back to normal state when the page is scrolled up to the top. Here are two examples to clearify: ...
user2362529's user avatar
76 votes
10 answers

Capistrano deploy fails after I changed the repository URL

I have a simple deployment via capistrano from a Git repository. At first I was deploying form GitHub, everything worked just fine. But then I moved my repository to BitBucket and now I'm getting ...
Jakub Arnold's user avatar
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76 votes
7 answers

MSBuild target package not found

I want to package my VS2010 web application project ready for deployment with msdeploy. On development machine I can do this using: MSBuild.exe "C:\path\to\WebApp.csproj" /target:package But on my ...
Andrew Davey's user avatar
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76 votes
4 answers

Dll in both the bin and the gac, which one gets used?

We have a web application that's deployed to many websites with only frontend changes, the shared backend portion has it's DLL in the GAC so we only have to update that one dll and all the sites get ...
John Boker's user avatar
  • 83.4k
76 votes
5 answers

How to deploy after a build with TeamCity?

I'm setting up TeamCity as my build server. I have my project set up, it is updating correctly from subversion, and building ok. So what's next? Ideally, I'd like to have it auto deploy to a ...
Neil N's user avatar
  • 25.1k
76 votes
7 answers

What are some good SSH Servers for windows? [closed]

Trying to setup an SSH server on Windows Server 2003. What are some good ones? Preferably open source. I plan on using WinSCP as a client so a server which supports the advanced features implemented ...
Dane O'Connor's user avatar
75 votes
6 answers

Deploying a production Node.js server [closed]

I've written a Node.js app, I'm looking to get it running on one of our production machines. This seems like a pretty common request yet I can't find an adequate solution. Is there not established ...
David Chouinard's user avatar
74 votes
12 answers

ILMerge Best Practices

Do you use ILMerge? Do you use ILMerge to merge multiple assemblies to ease deployment of dll's? Have you found problems with deployment/versioning in production after ILMerging assemblies together? ...
James Pogran's user avatar
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73 votes
4 answers

How to install RVM system requirements without giving sudo access for RVM user

On my Debian server I have a user called "deployer" that does not have sudo access, and has RVM installed. When installing Ruby using "deployer", like 1.9.3, it triggers a task to install ...
Vitaliy Yanchuk's user avatar
71 votes
10 answers

How to debug into my nuget package deployed from TeamCity?

I have put a library that my team uses into a nuget package that is deployed from TeamCity into a network folder. I cannot debug into this code though! SymbolSource is one solution I have read about ...
anthonybell's user avatar
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71 votes
1 answer

How To Compile An Electron Application To A .exe [duplicate]

I've been learning how to create applications in Electron and I need help compiling a simple project to a Windows executable. The program is a clone from this Github repo:
Mitch Mitchell's user avatar
71 votes
13 answers

Embed a JRE in a Windows executable?

Suppose I want to distribute a Java application. Suppose I want to distribute it as a single executable. I could easily build a .jar with both the application and all its external dependencies in a ...
perp's user avatar
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71 votes
5 answers

Secure distribution of NodeJS applications

What: Can NodeJS apps be distributed as binary? ie. you compile the .js app via V8 into its native binary, and distribute the binary to clients? (if you had total access to the NodeJS server)... or is ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
70 votes
11 answers

ExecJS::ProgramError: Unexpected token punc «(», expected punc «:» when running rake assets:precompile on production

When deploying my Rails app I get the following error: rake aborted! ExecJS::ProgramError: Unexpected token punc «(», expected punc «:» (line: 15, col: 14, pos: 265) Error at new ...
orion3's user avatar
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70 votes
6 answers

ssh_init: Network error: Cannot assign requested address

I am trying to set up a connection and transfer files using putty on a windows 10 platform. I have verified that the default port in putty is 22. When I run the command in the command line to ...
user avatar
70 votes
10 answers

How to display ClickOnce Version number on Windows Forms

I have a windows forms application that is deployed to two different locations. Intranet - ClickOnce Internet - Installed on a citrix farm through Windows installer I display ClickOnce version ...
dance2die's user avatar
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69 votes
14 answers

Determine assembly version during a post-build event

Let's say I wanted to create a static text file which ships with each release. I want the file to be updated with the version number of the release (as specified in AssemblyInfo.cs), but I don't want ...
Winston Smith's user avatar
69 votes
4 answers

When to restart and not reload Nginx?

When is it necessary to restart nginx and reload will not suffice? Does it make a difference if an extension like passenger is used? Should the service be restarted if it consumes too much memory. ...
deepak's user avatar
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69 votes
10 answers

How to detect why Ansible playbook hangs during execution

Some of tasks I wrote start and never end. Ansible does not provide any errors or logs that would explain this, even with -vvvv option. Playbook just hangs and passing hours doesn't change anything. ...
dev9's user avatar
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68 votes
3 answers

How to deploy a React + NodeJS Express application to AWS?

I have a React + Webpack/Babel + Node/Express application and I want to deploy it on AWS. Would I have to deploy React and Node/Express separately? Or could they be deployed together at once?
Dan Me's user avatar
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67 votes
16 answers

Treating warnings as errors because process.env.CI = true. Failed to compile

I am working on a react-weather application for self learning purpose. Deployed the same in gh-pages. URL Repo
Davis Raimon's user avatar
67 votes
12 answers

Deploying a Git subdirectory in Capistrano

My master branch layout is like this: / <-- top level /client <-- desktop client source files /server <-- Rails app What I'd like to do is only pull down the /server directory in my ...
Jarin Udom's user avatar
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67 votes
4 answers

What alternatives are there to ClickOnce? [closed]

I've used ClickOnce a lot over the years, but I have run up against a lot of its limitations. What alternatives are there for web deployment? So far the only one I've been able to turn up is ...
ScottB's user avatar
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